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Παρασκευή 7 Ιουνίου 2019

Comparative evaluation of the effect of three polishing agents on staining characteristics of provisional restorative material: An in vitro study
Seema Sathe, Sneha Karva, Anjali Borle, Mithilesh Dhamande, Tanvi Jaiswal, Sharayu Nimonkar

Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry 2019 9(3):250-255

Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of three various polishing agents on provisional restorative material on immersion in a staining solutions. Objectives: The objective of the study is (1) To evaluate the effect of pumice on staining characteristics of provisional restorative material before and after immersion in chlorhexidine. (2) To evaluate the effect of aluminum oxide paste on staining characteristics of provisional restorative material before and after immersion in chlorhexidine. (3) To evaluate the effect of diamond paste on staining characteristics of provisional restorative material before and after immersion in chlorhexidine. (4) To compare and assess the outcome of three polishing agents on staining characteristics of provisional restorative material. Materials and Methods: Sixty samples (10 mm × 2 mm) were fabricated of bis-acryl composites (Protemp™ 4) by utilizing a metal mold. The samples were grouped into three groups (n = 20), and various polishing agents were used, including pumice, aluminum oxide paste, and diamond polishing paste. The samples that were not exposed to any polishing agent served as the control group. The samples were kept in a water bath for a day at 37°C and were stained with chlorhexidine mouthwash. The color of all specimens was measured with a spectrophotometer before and after polishing, and color changes (ΔE) were calculated. Results: By using one-way ANOVA, significant difference was found in mean color change in three polishing materials (F = 4.44, P = 0.016). By using Tukey test, statistically significant difference was found among pumice and aluminum oxide paste (P = 0.027), among pumice and diamond paste (P = 0.041) and no significant difference was found among aluminum oxide paste and diamond paste (P = 0.985). Conclusion: Pumice exhibited less staining which was statistically significant when compared with aluminum oxide paste and diamond paste. Hence, it can be considered the most efficient polishing agent. 

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