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Κυριακή 17 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Time to be inspired by our LGBT+ award winners
If it’s the UNISON LGBT+ conference, then it must be time for the annual UNISON LGBT+ recruitment awards! Sure enough, in Bournemouth this morning, Josie Bird, the union’s president, was on hand to pass out this year’s coveted trophies. “The presidential team continue to be amazed at how many weekends our LGBT+ members are out and about at Pride and other community events – not only at the huge prides in big cities across our nations that get media coverage, but at local grass root prides in local...
MedWorm: Food Science
Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:53
‘ The sooner we can kick them out, the better! ’
“Boris Johnson as Prime Minister – honestly, who’d have thought it possible? Clearly not his own family, given that his own brother so publicly and so quickly abandoned him!” Addressing the union’s LGBT+ conference in Bournemouth this morning, UNISON president Josie Bird was clear that, even in such busy times for activists, the coming general election had to be a priority. “We really are living in unprecedented times.  After all, we have a prime minister who does not respect democracy and thinks...
MedWorm: Food Science
Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:19
Making sure there are no outsiders
“Parents cannot opt out of knowing that I exist.” That was one of the comments as UNISON’s LGBT conference discussed inclusive education and it was met with loud applause. Speaker James Anthony is from the West Midlands, where protests outside Parkfield Primary School in Birmingham, against the teaching of the No Outsiders scheme, have made national headlines. The protests at Parkfield have been primarily among Muslim parents, who have been misled about the nature of the teaching. No Outsiders...
MedWorm: Food Science
Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:38
At-Risk Individuals Need Surveillance for Familial Pancreatic Cancer At-Risk Individuals Need Surveillance for Familial Pancreatic Cancer
Individuals who have multiple close relatives with pancreatic cancer should undergo surveillance for pancreatic cancer, according to updated recommendations from the International Cancer of the Pancreas Screening (CAPS) Consortium.Reuters Health Information (Source: Medscape General Surgery Headlines)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Sun Nov 17, 2019 22:20
Hibiscus flowers are a "death sentence" for breast cancer cells, says research
(Natural News) Researchers from the University of Windsor in Canada revealed that the extracts from the Chinese hibiscus flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinesis) have potent anti-cancer properties. The study, published in BMC Contemporary and Alternative Medicine, found that the extracts not only induce cell death in breast cancer cells – it does so without harming non-cancerous cells. The team also... (Source: NaturalNews.com)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:45
Some European doctors think Chinese medicine should come with a health warning
Herbs to increase breast milk supply and heal the spleen. Traditional remedies which promise to cure insomnia and acne. Secret cancer treatments that have been ignored or suppressed by Western medicine. (Source: CNN.com - Health)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Sun Nov 17, 2019 02:53
Better outcome for parotid versus neck metastasis of head and neck cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: a new report on reemerging data
ConclusionHead and neck cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma with parotid lymph node metastasis demonstrated better outcomes than cases with neck metastasis.ResumoIntroduçãoAs metástases regionais do carcinoma espinocelular cutâneo de cabeça e pescoço ocorrem em aproximadamente 5% dos casos, sendo o fator prognóstico mais importante, atualmente sem distinção entre metástases de parótida e cervicais.ObjetivoO objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as características prognósticas em pacientes com carcinoma...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sun Nov 17, 2019 04:14
Association of interleukin 22 receptor subunit alpha 1 gene polymorphisms with chronic rhinosinusitis: [[pt]]Associação dos polimorfismos do gene do receptor subunidade alfa 1 da interleucina 22 com rinossinusite crônica
ConclusionsAlthough no direct causal relationship could be established between IL22RA1 gene polymorphisms and the pathophysiology of chronic rhinosinusitis, genetic variations such as c.113_114insA and c.435A > C may be involved in the susceptibility to or protection against the chronic rhinosinusitis phenotype, respectively. Testing this hypothesis will require studies with larger cohorts.ResumoIntroduçãoA rinossinusite crônica é uma doença multifatorial cuja patogênese, influenciada por fatores...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sun Nov 17, 2019 04:14
Dysphagia in patients with moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea
ConclusionsThe presence of dysphagia in patients with moderate to severe apnea is frequent and subclinical, reinforcing the need to investigate this symptom in this group of patients. However, the presence of dysphagia did not result in worsening in patients' quality of life, suggesting that, although frequent, its effect is mild. There was no relevance regarding the association of clinical and polysomnographic parameters with the presence of dysphagia.ResumoIntroduçãoExistem evidências de que o...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sun Nov 17, 2019 04:14
Does evaluation of tumor volume or/both origination site better guide to optimal surgery for inverted papilloma?
ConclusionTumor origin site, tumor stage and surgery types show an impact on recurrence. Despite the fact that tumor origin site singly could lead to appropriate selection of the surgery type in most cases, tumor stage carries substantial importance in selection of surgery type for sinonasal-inverted papilloma. An operation plan regarding both tumor volume and tumor origin site may aid surgeons in selecting optimal endoscopic surgical method to avoid recurrence or excessive surgeries.ResumoIntroduçãoO...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sun Nov 17, 2019 04:14
RUI P. FERNANDES, MD, DMD, FACS, FRCS(Ed) (Source: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sun Nov 17, 2019 04:14
Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontics
Complications in orthognathic surgery are commonly a result of inadequate preoperative planning and communication between the surgeon and orthodontist. Unfavorable outcomes can often be avoided when overall treatment goals along with a surgical and orthodontic plan are developed and agreed upon by the orthodontist, surgeon, and patient before the start of active tooth movement or any surgical procedures. Continuous evaluation of the patient ’s progress throughout treatment and subsequent communication...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sun Nov 17, 2019 04:14
Michael R. Markiewicz, Veerasathpurush Allareddy, and Michael Miloro (Source: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics)MedWorm Message: If you are looking to buy something in the January Sales please visit TheJanuarySales.com for a directory of all the best sales in the UK. Any income gained via affiliate links keeps MedWorm running.
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sun Nov 17, 2019 04:14
ELSEVIER (Source: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sun Nov 17, 2019 04:14
Forthcoming Issues
Orthodontics for the Craniofacial Surgery Patient (Source: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sun Nov 17, 2019 04:14
Orthodontics for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patient
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sun Nov 17, 2019 04:14
The prognostic significance of the lymph node ratio in oral cancer differs for anatomical subsites
The aim of this study was to validate the prognostic significance of the lymph node ratio (LNR) in patients suffering from oral squamous cell carcinoma in regard to different anatomical subsites. A cohort of 430 patients was investigated to determine the rates of primary metastasis and local and regional disease recurrence. Correlation analysis of the LNR with relevant clinical and pathological parameters was performed. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was conducted to evaluate...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sat Nov 16, 2019 00:00
Intraligamentary anaesthesia as a possible anaesthetic option in oral implantology: a retrospective analysis
This investigation was conducted to analyse the usefulness of intraligamentary anaesthesia (ILA) as an alternative anaesthetic procedure in oral implantology. Forty consecutive patients with single-tooth gaps in the posterior mandible were included in the analysis. Implant insertion was performed after ILA of the gap-delimiting teeth (two injections distal to the mesial tooth, two injections mesial to the distal tooth). Implant surgery was performed successfully under ILA of the gap-delimiting teeth...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sat Nov 16, 2019 00:00
LGBT+ delegates debate a packed agenda
A busy day at UNISON’s LGBT+ conference saw delegates discuss a number of major issues. Mental health was high on the agenda, with Alan Williams for the union’s North West LGBT group saying that there was a “concerningly high rate of suicide attempts by LGBT+ members” and called for more training for reps on the issues. Hannah Stephenson urged delegates to return to their branches and ask their employers for mental ill health training, while a speaker from the North West talked of how “one person...
MedWorm: Food Science
Sat Nov 16, 2019 18:13
[The contribution of an ethical concertation group in nephrology validated by a research protocol].
Authors: Maurizi-Balzan J, Fourneret É, Cimar L, Noble J, Naciri-Bennani H, Tetaz R, Rostaing L Abstract For more than 10 years, nephrologists in the Grenoble-region have sought advice from the Ethical Concertation Unit in Nephrology with regards to whether to stop or continue dialysis for patients under palliative care. This process deserves a multidisciplinary debate between health professionals and qualified non-health professionals. Thus, we organized a qualitative research protocol...
MedWorm Palliative Care Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00

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