The role of emotional eating in the links between racial discrimination and physical and mental healthAbstract
The environmental affordances (EA) model posits that maladaptive self-regulatory strategies (e.g., emotional eating) directly and indirectly heighten African Americans’ risk for downstream medical morbidities while also potentially mitigating the psychological impact of stressors. We empirically tested the full EA model. In doing so, we investigated the associations among racial discrimination, depressive symptomatology, and physical health proxies as well as the intervening role of emotional eating in these associations among 150 African Americans aged 18–27. The increased frequency of experiencing racial discrimination was significantly associated with poorer self-reported health, greater depressive symptomatology, and more emotional eating. There was no significant association between emotional eating and physical health and emotional eating did not mediate the relation between racial discrimination and physical health. Finally, racial discrimination was associated with depressive symptomatology, but only among African Americans with mean or high levels of emotional eating.
Adapting a self-affirmation intervention for use in a mobile application for smokersAbstract
Self-affirmation interventions can reduce defensive responses to threats to the self, but have had limited reach to the general population. We sought to create an effective and feasible version of the Kindness Questionnaire self-affirmation intervention for use on a mobile device outside the traditional university laboratory setting and by non-student participants. In an online experiment, 603 cigarette smokers (Mage= 37.5 years, SD = 10.2) were randomly assigned to one of six conditions in a 2 (Self-Affirmation: Self-Affirmation, No Self-Affirmation Control) × 3 (Example Type: Written, Imagined, No Examples) fully-crossed design. Participants read a message about the health harms of smoking. None of the self-affirmation variations were effective or feasible: the self-affirmation showed null effects on the primary outcomes of message acceptance, perceived message effectiveness, and reactance. It also backfired by reducing intentions to quit smoking and risk perceptions. Participants spent little time reading the health message, and those in the written self-affirmation condition infrequently provided detailed responses. Translating interventions developed and tested for efficacy in laboratory settings to “real-world” settings is necessary but challenging.
A web-based physical activity intervention benefits persons with low self-efficacy in COPD: results from a randomized controlled trialAbstract
Promoting physical activity (PA) is of top priority in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This study examines the influence of an internet-delivered intervention on the relationship between exercise self-efficacy and changes in PA, physical health, and exercise capacity in COPD. 112 U.S. Veterans with COPD were randomized to either a comparison (pedometer alone) or an intervention group (pedometer plus access to an internet-mediated PA intervention). There was a significant interaction between baseline exercise self-efficacy and randomization group on change in PA. In the comparison group, there was a significant relationship between higher baseline exercise self-efficacy and greater change in PA, whereas in the intervention group, improvements in PA were independent of level of baseline self-efficacy. Similar patterns were found with physical health and exercise capacity as outcomes. The use of an internet-mediated intervention significantly benefited persons with COPD who had low baseline self-efficacy to increase PA and physical health.
Clinical trial registration The randomized clinical trial was registered on (NCT01772082).
Promoting physical activity through a psychological group intervention in cardiac rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trialAbstract
We examined the long-term effectiveness of a group-based psychological intervention (“MoVo-LISA”) to promote physical activity in patients with coronary heart disease. In this randomized controlled trial, N = 202 inactive patients with coronary heart disease were assigned to the control group (n = 102; treatment as usual) or the intervention group (n = 100; treatment as usual plus MoVo-LISA). Physical activity was assessed at baseline, 6 weeks (post-treatment), 6 months, and 12 months after discharge. ANCOVA for repeated measures revealed a significant interaction effect [p < .001; η p 2 = .214] indicating a large effect [d = 1.03] of the intervention on behavior change post-treatment. At 12-month follow-up, the level of physical activity in the intervention group was still 94 min per week higher than in the control group (p < .001; d = 0.57). Results of this RCT indicate that the MoVo-LISA intervention substantially improves the level of physical activity among initially inactive patients with coronary heart disease up to 1 year after the intervention.
Self-report versus objective measurement of weight history: implications for pre-treatment weight gainAbstract
There is increasing concern that patients gain considerable weight in the year prior to treatment and that outcomes may not reflect true treatment losses. To date, we know little about the accuracy of self-reported weight change prior to treatment. To investigate weight gain, and accuracy of self-reported recent weight history, Veterans (n = 126) reported their current weight and one-year weight history prior to entering treatment. These weights were compared to electronic medical record weights. Patients gained an average of 2.03 kg (4.5 lbs) in the year prior to treatment. Self-report and objective weight assessments showed high concurrent validity at the group level. However, standard deviations for the absolute difference scores revealed high individual variability in historical reporting, suggesting that weight loss seeking patients are inaccurate reporters of recent weight. Our findings have implications for the emerging area of pre-treatment weight gain research and processes for clinical care.
Cardiovascular disease risk factors are elevated among a cohort of young sexual and gender minorities in ChicagoAbstract
To date, little research has examined cardiovascular (CVD) risk among young sexual and gender minorities, a population which behavioral research has suggested may be at unique risk of poor CVD outcomes. We assessed behavioral risk factors and biomarkers of CVD risk among young sexual and gender minorities (YSGM) aged 16–29 in Chicago who are participants in the RADAR cohort (analytic N = 936). Multiplex cytokine and inflammatory biomarker assays were run on plasma from all HIV+ participants and demographically-matched HIV- participants (n = 237). Geographic data were used to assess mean C-reactive protein (CRP) level per community area of residence in Chicago. YSGM in this cohort exhibited lower rates of obesity (19.2% in RADAR vs. 35.7% in earlier studies of heterosexual youth) and comparable rates of past 30-day tobacco use (37.9 vs. 38.1%). Conversely, higher rates were observed among several other risk factors including C-reactive protein (mean = 6.9 mg/L vs. 2.1 mg/L), marijuana use (72.5 vs. 45.3%), perceived stress (mean = 15.5 vs. 14.2), and HIV (20.0 vs. < 1% nationally). Finally, we observed geographic heterogeneity in mean CRP values by community area across the Chicago region with the highest and lowest values both found in neighborhoods on the North side of the city. In sum, these analyses demonstrate that YSGM may be at increased risk of CVD beginning from an early age. Future research should assess whether sexual minority-related stressors increase long-term CVD risk and should also longitudinally study the role of multiple risk factors on CVD morbidity and mortality among YSGM.
Glucocorticoid–immune response to acute stress in women and men living with HIVAbstract
Despite high risk for serious non-AIDS events (SNAEs) and accelerated age-related increases in inflammatory markers relative to HIV+ men, HIV+ women have been understudied, particularly in terms of stress impacts on immune parameters. The purpose of this study was to examine sex differences in glucocorticoid–immune stress response in mid-life HIV+ individuals, as poor glucocorticoid control of stress-induced inflammation may contribute to health risk in HIV+ women. Male and female participants completed a threat of shock laboratory stressor. Serum cortisol and cytokines [interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-1β, C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interferon (IFN)-γ] were assessed at six timepoints prior to and in response to the stressor. Participants included 8 HIV− controls (n = 5 female) and 9 HIV+ (n = 5 female) who were virally suppressed. Repeated measures mixed models revealed a significant sex by HIV status by time interaction for IL-10, IL-1β, TNF-α, and cortisol. IL-10 response, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, was larger in males than females, regardless of HIV status. TNF-α response was blunted in HIV+ individuals compared with HIV−, and specifically in HIV+ women, IL-1β and cortisol response were blunted. Individuals living with HIV may have impaired coordination between the immune system and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. HIV+ women in particular exhibited dysregulated IL-1β and cortisol response to acute stress. Future work should focus on relationships among proinflammatory cytokines, stress, and SNAEs in HIV, with attention to sex as a biological variable.
Pilot randomised controlled trial of a brief mindfulness-based intervention for those with persistent painAbstract
A pilot-randomised controlled trial (RCT) examined the effects of a brief mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) on persistent pain patients and assessed the feasibility of conducting a definitive RCT. A brief (15 min) mindfulness body-scan audio was compared with an active control administered in a clinic and then used independently over 1 month. Immediate effects of the intervention were assessed with brief measures of pain severity, distraction and distress. Assessments at baseline, 1 week and 1 month included pain severity and interference, mood, pain-catastrophizing, mindfulness, self-efficacy, quality of life and intervention acceptability. Of 220 referred patients, 147 were randomised and 71 completed all assessments. There were no significant immediate intervention effects. There were significant positive effects for ratings of intervention ‘usefulness’ at 1 week (p = 0.044), and pain self-efficacy at 1 month (p = 0.039) for the MBI group compared with control. Evidently, it is feasible to recruit persistent pain patients to a brief MBI study. Strategies are needed to maximise retention of participants.
Trial registration Current controlled trials ISRCTN61538090. Registered 20 April 2015.
Lay beliefs about risk: relation to risk behaviors and to probabilistic risk perceptionsAbstract
Lay illness risk beliefs are commonly held philosophies about how risk works. These include beliefs that one’s personal illness risk is unknowable and beliefs that thinking about one’s risk can actually increase that risk. Beliefs about risk may impact risk behaviors and thereby subsequent health status. However, limited research examines the relation between lay risk beliefs and health behavior. This paper explores this possible relation. A nationally representative sample of adults (N = 1005) recruited from an internet panel were surveyed about lay risk beliefs and risk perceptions regarding diabetes and colorectal cancer, psychosocial factors (i.e., health literacy, need for cognition, locus of control), demographics, and current health behaviors (i.e., cigarette smoking, red meat intake, physical activity). In separate sets of regressions controlling for either demographics, psychosocial factors, or risk perceptions, lay risk beliefs remained significantly related to health behaviors. It may be important to consider how to address lay risk beliefs in intervention content and targeting in order to increase adaptive health behaviors and thereby prevent chronic disease.
Computerized neurocognitive training for improving dietary health and facilitating weight lossAbstract
Nearly 70% of Americans are overweight, in large part because of overconsumption of high-calorie foods such as sweets. Reducing sweets is difficult because powerful drives toward reward overwhelm inhibitory control (i.e., the ability to withhold a prepotent response) capacities. Computerized inhibitory control trainings (ICTs) have shown positive outcomes, but impact on real-world health behavior has been variable, potentially because of limitations inherent in existing paradigms, e.g., low in frequency, intrinsic enjoyment, personalization, and ability to adapt to increasing ability. The present study aimed to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a gamified and non-gamified, daily, personalized, and adaptive ICT designed to facilitate weight loss by targeting consumption of sweets. Participants (N = 106) were randomized to one of four conditions in a 2 (gamified vs. non-gamified) by 2 (ICT vs. sham) factorial design. Participants were prescribed a no-added-sugar diet and completed 42 daily, at-home trainings, followed by two weekly booster trainings. Results indicated that the ICTs were feasible and acceptable. Surprisingly, compliance to the 44 trainings was excellent (88.8%) and equivalent across both gamified and non-gamified conditions. As hypothesized, the impact of ICT on weight loss was moderated by implicit preference for sweet foods [F(1,95) = 6.17, p = .02] such that only those with higher-than-average implicit preference benefited (8-week weight losses for ICT were 3.1% vs. 2.2% for sham). A marginally significant effect was observed for gamification to reduce the impact of ICT. Implications of findings for continued development of ICTs to impact health behavior are discussed.
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
Δευτέρα 4 Νοεμβρίου 2019
Αναρτήθηκε από
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
10:32 μ.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193
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