
Τρίτη 5 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 221: Non-Specific Lipid Transfer Proteins in Triticum kiharae Dorof. et Migush.: Identification, Characterization and Expression Profiling in Response to Pathogens and Resistance Inducers
Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 221: Non-Specific Lipid Transfer Proteins in Triticum kiharae Dorof. et Migush.: Identification, Characterization and Expression Profiling in Response to Pathogens and Resistance Inducers Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens8040221 Authors: Odintsova Slezina Istomina Korostyleva Kovtun Kasianov Shcherbakova Kudryavtsev Non-specific lipid-transfer proteins (nsLTPs) represent a family of plant antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) implicated in...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 220: Peptide Epitope Hot Spots of CD4 T Cell Recognition Within Influenza Hemagglutinin During the Primary Response to Infection
Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 220: Peptide Epitope Hot Spots of CD4 T Cell Recognition Within Influenza Hemagglutinin During the Primary Response to Infection Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens8040220 Authors: Zackery A. G. Knowlden Katherine A. Richards Savannah A. Moritzky Andrea J. Sant Antibodies specific for the hemagglutinin (HA) protein of influenza virus are critical for protective immunity to infection. Our studies show that CD4 T cells specific for epitopes derived from HA...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 219: Clinical Course of Opportunistic Infections—Toxoplasmosis and Cytomegalovirus Infection in HIV-Infected Patients in Slovakia
Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 219: Clinical Course of Opportunistic Infections—Toxoplasmosis and Cytomegalovirus Infection in HIV-Infected Patients in Slovakia Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens8040219 Authors: Šimeková Nováková Rosoľanka Masná Antolová : The HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) pandemic has affected the health status of the population in many countries. Early symptomatic HIV infection includes persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL), which can...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 218: The Combined Effect of pH and Temperature on the Survival of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium and Implications for the Preparation of Raw Egg Mayonnaise
Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 218: The Combined Effect of pH and Temperature on the Survival of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium and Implications for the Preparation of Raw Egg Mayonnaise Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens8040218 Authors: Thilini Piushani Keerthirathne Kirstin Ross Howard Fallowfield Harriet Whiley Raw egg products are often associated with salmonellosis. The Australian guidelines recommend raw egg mayonnaise to be prepared and stored under 5 °C and...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Pharmaceuticals, Vol. 12, Pages 164: Folate-Targeted mRNA Delivery Using Chitosan-Functionalized Selenium Nanoparticles: Potential in Cancer Immunotherapy
Pharmaceuticals, Vol. 12, Pages 164: Folate-Targeted mRNA Delivery Using Chitosan-Functionalized Selenium Nanoparticles: Potential in Cancer Immunotherapy Pharmaceuticals doi: 10.3390/ph12040164 Authors: Maiyo Singh Systemic messenger RNA (mRNA) delivery, although still in its infancy, holds immense potential for application in cancer vaccination and immunotherapy. Its advantages over DNA transfection make it attractive in applications where transient expression is desired. However,...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 579: Micelle-Forming Block Copolymers Tailored for Inhibition of P-gp-Mediated Multidrug Resistance: Structure to Activity Relationship
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 579: Micelle-Forming Block Copolymers Tailored for Inhibition of P-gp-Mediated Multidrug Resistance: Structure to Activity Relationship Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110579 Authors: Braunová Kaňa Kudláčová Kostka Bouček Betka Šírová Etrych Multidrug resistance (MDR) is often caused by the overexpression of efflux pumps, such as ABC transporters, in particular, P-glycoprotein (P-gp). Here, we investigate the di- and...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 578: Development and Evaluation of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Drug–Disease Models for Predicting Rifampicin Exposure in Tuberculosis and Cirrhosis Populations
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 578: Development and Evaluation of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Drug–Disease Models for Predicting Rifampicin Exposure in Tuberculosis and Cirrhosis Populations Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110578 Authors: Muhammad F. Rasool Sundus Khalid Abdul Majeed Hamid Saeed Imran Imran Mohamed Mohany Salim S. Al-Rejaie Faleh Alqahtani The physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) approach facilitates the construction of...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 576: Effect of Lactose Pseudopolymorphic Transition on the Aerosolization Performance of Drug/Carrier Mixtures
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 576: Effect of Lactose Pseudopolymorphic Transition on the Aerosolization Performance of Drug/Carrier Mixtures Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110576 Authors: Andrea Della Bella Michele Müller Andrea Danani Luciano Soldati Ruggero Bettini Physico-chemical properties of lactose are key factors in adhesive mixtures used as dry powder inhaler (DPI). Despite the abundant literature on this topic, the effect of the polymorphism and pseudo-polymorphism...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 577: Opportunities for Successful Stabilization of Poor Glass-Forming Drugs: A Stability-Based Comparison of Mesoporous Silica Versus Hot Melt Extrusion Technologies
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 577: Opportunities for Successful Stabilization of Poor Glass-Forming Drugs: A Stability-Based Comparison of Mesoporous Silica Versus Hot Melt Extrusion Technologies Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110577 Authors: Felix Ditzinger Daniel J. Price Anita Nair Johanna Becker-Baldus Clemens Glaubitz Jennifer B. Dressman Christoph Saal Martin Kuentz Amorphous formulation technologies to improve oral absorption of poorly soluble active...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 574: Gemcitabine Combination Nano Therapies for Pancreatic Cancer
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 574: Gemcitabine Combination Nano Therapies for Pancreatic Cancer Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110574 Authors: Kamalika Samanta Saini Setua Sonam Kumari Meena Jaggi Murali M. Yallapu Subhash C. Chauhan Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest causes of cancer-related death in the United States, with a 5-year overall survival rate of 6 to 8%. These statistics suggest that immediate medical attention is needed. Gemcitabine (GEM)...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 575: Synthesis, Characterization, and Three-Dimensional Structure Generation of Zinc Oxide-Based Nanomedicine for Biomedical Applications
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 575: Synthesis, Characterization, and Three-Dimensional Structure Generation of Zinc Oxide-Based Nanomedicine for Biomedical Applications Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110575 Authors: Su-Eon Jin Hyo-Eon Jin Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles have been studied as metal-based drugs that may be used for biomedical applications due to the fact of their biocompatibility. Their physicochemical properties, which depend on synthesis techniques involving...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Pharmacy, Vol. 7, Pages 148: A Stepwise Pharmacist-Led Medication Review Service in Interdisciplinary Teams in Rural Nursing Homes
Pharmacy, Vol. 7, Pages 148: A Stepwise Pharmacist-Led Medication Review Service in Interdisciplinary Teams in Rural Nursing Homes Pharmacy doi: 10.3390/pharmacy7040148 Authors: Kjell H. Halvorsen Torunn Stadeløkken Beate H. Garcia Background: The provision of responsible medication therapy to old nursing home residents with comorbidities is a difficult task and requires extensive knowledge about optimal pharmacotherapy for different conditions. We describe a stepwise pharmacist-led...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Pharmacy, Vol. 7, Pages 147: The Value and Potential Integration of Pharmacy Technician National Certification into Processes That Help Assure a Competent Workforce
Pharmacy, Vol. 7, Pages 147: The Value and Potential Integration of Pharmacy Technician National Certification into Processes That Help Assure a Competent Workforce Pharmacy doi: 10.3390/pharmacy7040147 Authors: Shane P. Desselle Kenneth C. Hohmeier Kimberly C. McKeirnan The purposes of this study were: (1) to determine pharmacists’ perceptions of the impact of certification on competence in specific job skills, its impact in combination with job experience, and its impact...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Pharmacy, Vol. 7, Pages 146: Competency (and Beyond): Think Patient. Collaborate. Develop. Evaluate. Improve. Repeat.
Pharmacy, Vol. 7, Pages 146: Competency (and Beyond): Think Patient. Collaborate. Develop. Evaluate. Improve. Repeat. Pharmacy doi: 10.3390/pharmacy7040146 Authors: Bruno-Tomé Hadžiabdić Mucalo Rennie The global workforce needs to be competent, flexible, adaptable, sustainable, and patient-focused. A competency approach towards education, development, and professional practice strengthens services and increases better health outcomes. This paper will provide a global perspective...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Plants, Vol. 8, Pages 472: Identification of Superior Alleles for Seedling Stage Salt Tolerance in the USDA Rice Mini-Core Collection
Plants, Vol. 8, Pages 472: Identification of Superior Alleles for Seedling Stage Salt Tolerance in the USDA Rice Mini-Core Collection Plants doi: 10.3390/plants8110472 Authors: Jai S. Rohila Jeremy D. Edwards Gioi D. Tran Aaron K. Jackson Anna M. McClung Salt stress is a major constraint to rice acreage and production worldwide. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the natural genetic variation available in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) rice mini-core...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Recycling, Vol. 4, Pages 43: Contactless Resonant Cavity Dielectric Spectroscopic Studies of Recycled Office Papers
Recycling, Vol. 4, Pages 43: Contactless Resonant Cavity Dielectric Spectroscopic Studies of Recycled Office Papers Recycling doi: 10.3390/recycling4040043 Authors: Mary Kombolias Jan Obrzut Michael T. Postek Dianne L. Poster Yaw S. Obeng Current product composition and quality test methods for the paper and pulp industries are rooted in wet-bench chemistry techniques which cannot be used to distinguish between virgin and secondary fibers. We have recently demonstrated the...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 613: Multidimensionality of Spirituality: A Qualitative Study among Secular Individuals
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 613: Multidimensionality of Spirituality: A Qualitative Study among Secular Individuals Religions doi: 10.3390/rel10110613 Authors: Sarah Demmrich Stefan Huber This study examines the multidimensionality of spirituality by comparing the applicability of two models—the five-dimensional model of religiosity by Huber that we have extended with a sixth dimension of ethics and the three-dimensional spirituality model by Bucher. This qualitative study...
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 611: “When You Live Here, That’s What You Get”: Other-, Ex-, and Non-Religious Outsiders in the Norwegian Bible Belt
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 611: “When You Live Here, That’s What You Get”: Other-, Ex-, and Non-Religious Outsiders in the Norwegian Bible Belt Religions doi: 10.3390/rel10110611 Authors: Stefan Fisher-Høyrem David Herbert This article presents data from our investigations in Kristiansand, the largest city in Southern Norway, an area sometimes called Norway’s ‘Bible belt’. We investigate how social media is reshaping social relations in the city, looking...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 612: Giovan Battista Codronchi’s De morbis Veneficis ac Veneficiis (1595). Medicine, Exorcism and Inquisition in Counter-Reformation Italy
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 612: Giovan Battista Codronchi’s De morbis Veneficis ac Veneficiis (1595). Medicine, Exorcism and Inquisition in Counter-Reformation Italy Religions doi: 10.3390/rel10110612 Authors: Fabiana Ambrosi The physician Giovan Battista Codronchi (1547–1628) is a key figure of sixteenth-century medicine. A study of his main work De morbis veneficis ac veneficiis (1595) and his letters sent to the Congregation of the Index in Rome (1597) can teach us much about...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 610: Religion in Coalition: Balancing Moderate and Progressive Politics in the Sydney Alliance
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 610: Religion in Coalition: Balancing Moderate and Progressive Politics in the Sydney Alliance Religions doi: 10.3390/rel10110610 Authors: Rosemary Hancock This article examines how the engagement of diverse religious organisations and individuals in grassroots politics impacts the nature of politics and coalition building through a case study of an urban grassroots political coalition in Australia: the Sydney Alliance. Based on eight-months of exploratory ethnographic...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Resources, Vol. 8, Pages 171: Assessment of Household Solid Waste Generation and Composition by Building Type in Da Nang, Vietnam
Resources, Vol. 8, Pages 171: Assessment of Household Solid Waste Generation and Composition by Building Type in Da Nang, Vietnam Resources doi: 10.3390/resources8040171 Authors: Jannik Vetter-Gindele Andreas Braun Gebhard Warth Tram Thi Quynh Bui Felix Bachofer Ludger Eltrop This study assesses the quantity and composition of household solid waste (HSW) in the City of Da Nang and proposes a transparent and standardised method for its assessment through a combination of...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Risks, Vol. 7, Pages 113: Conditional Variance Forecasts for Long-Term Stock Returns
Risks, Vol. 7, Pages 113: Conditional Variance Forecasts for Long-Term Stock Returns Risks doi: 10.3390/risks7040113 Authors: Enno Mammen Jens Perch Nielsen Michael Scholz Stefan Sperlich In this paper, we apply machine learning to forecast the conditional variance of long-term stock returns measured in excess of different benchmarks, considering the short- and long-term interest rate, the earnings-by-price ratio, and the inflation rate. In particular, we apply in a two-step...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Risks, Vol. 7, Pages 112: Market Risk Analysis of Energy in Vietnam
Risks, Vol. 7, Pages 112: Market Risk Analysis of Energy in Vietnam Risks doi: 10.3390/risks7040112 Authors: Ngoc Phu Tran Thang Cong Nguyen Duc Hong Vo Michael McAleer The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and estimate market risk for the ten major industries in Vietnam. The focus of the empirical analysis is on the energy sector, which has been designated as one of the four key industries, together with services, food, and telecommunications, targeted for economic development...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Smart Cities, Vol. 2, Pages 471-495: Estimation of Energy Activity and Flexibility Range in Smart Active Residential Building
Smart Cities, Vol. 2, Pages 471-495: Estimation of Energy Activity and Flexibility Range in Smart Active Residential Building Smart Cities doi: 10.3390/smartcities2040029 Authors: Viktor Stepaniuk Jayakrishnan Pillai Birgitte Bak-Jensen Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban The smart active residential buildings play a vital role to realize intelligent energy systems by harnessing energy flexibility from loads and storage units. This is imperative to integrate higher proportions of variable...
Smart Cities
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Social Sciences, Vol. 8, Pages 305: Cross-National Attunement to Popular Songs across Time and Place: A Sociology of Popular Music in the United States, Germany, Thailand, and Tanzania
Social Sciences, Vol. 8, Pages 305: Cross-National Attunement to Popular Songs across Time and Place: A Sociology of Popular Music in the United States, Germany, Thailand, and Tanzania Social Sciences doi: 10.3390/socsci8110305 Authors: Tony Waters David Philhour This paper explores empirically Edward T. Hall’s assertion about the role of musical elements, including rhythm recognition and what are called “ear worms” in popular culture. To test Hall’s...
Social Sciences
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Societies, Vol. 9, Pages 74: HabITec: A Sociotechnical Space for Promoting the Application of Technology to Rehabilitation
Societies, Vol. 9, Pages 74: HabITec: A Sociotechnical Space for Promoting the Application of Technology to Rehabilitation Societies doi: 10.3390/soc9040074 Authors: Elizabeth Kendall Soo Oh Delena Amsters Mary Whitehead Justin Hua Paul Robinson Dinesh Palipana Andrew Gall Ming Cheung Leigh Ellen Potter Derek Smith Brett Lightfoot Society is currently facing unprecedented technological advances that simultaneously create opportunities and risks. Technology...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 644: Deoxynivalenol Affects Proliferation and Expression of Activation-Related Molecules in Major Porcine T-Cell Subsets
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 644: Deoxynivalenol Affects Proliferation and Expression of Activation-Related Molecules in Major Porcine T-Cell Subsets Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11110644 Authors: Vatzia Pierron Saalmüller Mayer Gerner The Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) contaminates animal feed worldwide. In vivo, DON modifies the cellular protein synthesis, thereby also affecting the immune system. However, the functional consequences of this are still ill-defined....
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 643: A Review of the Effect of Trace Metals on Freshwater Cyanobacterial Growth and Toxin Production
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 643: A Review of the Effect of Trace Metals on Freshwater Cyanobacterial Growth and Toxin Production Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11110643 Authors: Jordan A. Facey Simon C. Apte Simon M. Mitrovic Cyanobacterial blooms are becoming more common in freshwater systems, causing ecological degradation and human health risks through exposure to cyanotoxins. The role of phosphorus and nitrogen in cyanobacterial bloom formation is well documented and these are regularly...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 642: Investigation of the In-Vivo Cytotoxicity and the In Silico-Prediction of MDM2-p53 Inhibitor Potential of Euphorbia peplus Methanolic Extract in Rats
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 642: Investigation of the In-Vivo Cytotoxicity and the In Silico-Prediction of MDM2-p53 Inhibitor Potential of Euphorbia peplus Methanolic Extract in Rats Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11110642 Authors: Yasmina M. Abd-Elhakim Mohamed Abdo Nassan Gamal A. Salem Abdelkarim Sasi Adil Aldhahrani Khaled Ben Issa Amany Abdel-Rahman Mohamed This study explored the probable in vivo cardiac and renal toxicities together with in silico approaches for predicting...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Vaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 176: A Marker-Free Bordetella bronchiseptica aroA/bscN Double Deleted Mutant Confers Protection Against Lethal Challenge
Vaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 176: A Marker-Free Bordetella bronchiseptica aroA/bscN Double Deleted Mutant Confers Protection Against Lethal Challenge Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines7040176 Authors: Ai Peng Wang Zhang Xie Liang Hua Wang Chen Wu Bordetella bronchiseptica is a leading cause of swine respiratory disorders which depict a great threat to well-flourished porcine industry. Vaccination remains an effective way for the prevention of B. bronchiseptica...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1030: The Porcine Deltacoronavirus Replication Organelle Comprises Double-Membrane Vesicles and Zippered Endoplasmic Reticulum with Double-Membrane Spherules
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1030: The Porcine Deltacoronavirus Replication Organelle Comprises Double-Membrane Vesicles and Zippered Endoplasmic Reticulum with Double-Membrane Spherules Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111030 Authors: Nicole Doyle Philippa C. Hawes Jennifer Simpson Lorin H. Adams Helena J. Maier Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) was first identified in Hong Kong in 2012 from samples taken from pigs in 2009. PDCoV was subsequently identified in the USA in 2014 in pigs with...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1029: Silent Circulation of the Saint Louis Encephalitis Virus among Humans and Equids, Southeast Brazil
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1029: Silent Circulation of the Saint Louis Encephalitis Virus among Humans and Equids, Southeast Brazil Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111029 Authors: Galileu Barbosa Costa Paula Eillany Silva Marinho Ana Paula Pessoa Vilela Ana Teresa Saraiva-Silva Ana Paula Correia Crispim Iara Apolinário Borges Ana Gabriella Stoffella Dutra Zélia Inês Portela Lobato Jenner Karlison Pimenta dos Reis Danilo Bretas de Oliveira Betania Paiva Drumond Erna Geessien...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1028: Aptamer Profiling of A549 Cells Infected with Low-Pathogenicity and High-Pathogenicity Influenza Viruses
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1028: Aptamer Profiling of A549 Cells Infected with Low-Pathogenicity and High-Pathogenicity Influenza Viruses Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111028 Authors: Kevin M. Coombs Philippe F. Simon Nigel J. McLeish Ali Zahedi-Amiri Darwyn Kobasa Influenza A viruses (IAVs) are important animal and human emerging and re-emerging pathogens that are responsible for yearly seasonal epidemics and sporadic pandemics. IAVs cause a wide range of clinical illnesses, from...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1027: Viromics Reveal a Number of Novel RNA Viruses in Swedish Mosquitoes
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1027: Viromics Reveal a Number of Novel RNA Viruses in Swedish Mosquitoes Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111027 Authors: Pontus Öhlund Juliette Hayer Hanna Lundén Jenny C. Hesson Anne-Lie Blomström Metagenomic studies of mosquitoes have revealed that their virome is far more diverse and includes many more viruses than just the pathogenic arboviruses vectored by mosquitoes. In this study, the virome of 953 female mosquitoes collected in the summer of 2017,...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1025: MicroRNA Expression Profile in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Sheep Vaccinated with Nigeria 75/1 Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1025: MicroRNA Expression Profile in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Sheep Vaccinated with Nigeria 75/1 Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111025 Authors: Yang Yang Xiaodong Qin Xuelian Meng Xueliang Zhu Xiangle Zhang Yanmin Li Zhidong Zhang Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is one of the highly contagious transboundary viral diseases of small ruminants. Host microRNA (miRNA) expression patterns may change in response to...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1026: A Fosmid-Based System for the Generation of Recombinant Cercopithecine Alphaherpesvirus 2 Encoding Reporter Genes
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1026: A Fosmid-Based System for the Generation of Recombinant Cercopithecine Alphaherpesvirus 2 Encoding Reporter Genes Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111026 Authors: Ekaterina Chukhno Sabine Gärtner Abdul Rahman Siregar Alexander Mehr Marie Wende Stoyan Petkov Jasper Götting Akshay Dhingra Thomas Schulz Stefan Pöhlmann Michael Winkler The transmission of Macacine alphaherpesvirus 1 (McHV-1) from macaques, the natural host, to humans causes...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1024: Zika Virus Non-Structural Protein NS5 Inhibits the RIG-I Pathway and Interferon Lambda 1 Promoter Activation by Targeting IKK Epsilon
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1024: Zika Virus Non-Structural Protein NS5 Inhibits the RIG-I Pathway and Interferon Lambda 1 Promoter Activation by Targeting IKK Epsilon Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111024 Authors: Lundberg Melén Westenius Jiang Österlund Khan Vapalahti Julkunen Kakkola The Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the Flaviviridae family and an important human pathogen. Most pathogenic viruses encode proteins that interfere with the activation of host innate...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1022: Single-Stranded DNA Viruses in Antarctic Cryoconite Holes
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1022: Single-Stranded DNA Viruses in Antarctic Cryoconite Holes Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111022 Authors: Pacifica Sommers Rafaela S. Fontenele Tayele Kringen Simona Kraberger Dorota L. Porazinska John L. Darcy Steven K. Schmidt Arvind Varsani Antarctic cryoconite holes, or small melt-holes in the surfaces of glaciers, create habitable oases for isolated microbial communities with tightly linked microbial population structures. Viruses may influence...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1023: Investigating the Cellular Transcriptomic Response Induced by the Makona Variant of Ebola Virus in Differentiated THP-1 Cells
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1023: Investigating the Cellular Transcriptomic Response Induced by the Makona Variant of Ebola Virus in Differentiated THP-1 Cells Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111023 Authors: Andrew Bosworth Stuart D. Dowall Stuart Armstrong Xuan Liu Xiaofeng Dong Christine B. Bruce Lisa F. P. Ng Miles W. Carroll Roger Hewson Julian A. Hiscox Recent studies have shown that transcriptomic analysis of blood samples taken from patients with acute Ebola virus...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00

Vision, Vol. 3, Pages 59: Effect of Visual Feedback on the Eye Position Stability of Patients with AMD
Vision, Vol. 3, Pages 59: Effect of Visual Feedback on the Eye Position Stability of Patients with AMD Vision doi: 10.3390/vision3040059 Authors: González Mandelcorn Mandelcorn Tarita-Nistor The sources of the reduced fixation stability exhibited by patients with central vision loss in the light are relatively well understood, but we have no information on how they control eye position in complete darkness, in the absence of visual error signals. We therefore explored the...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2314: Numerical Simulation of Non-Homogeneous Viscous Debris-Flows Based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2314: Numerical Simulation of Non-Homogeneous Viscous Debris-Flows Based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method Water doi: 10.3390/w11112314 Authors: Shu Wang Anping Shu Matteo Rubinato Mengyao Wang Jiping Qin Non-homogeneous viscous debris flows are characterized by high density, impact force and destructiveness, and the complexity of the materials they are made of. This has always made these flows challenging to simulate numerically, and...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2313: Wave Forecasting in Shallow Water: A New Set of Growth Curves Depending on Bed Roughness
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2313: Wave Forecasting in Shallow Water: A New Set of Growth Curves Depending on Bed Roughness Water doi: 10.3390/w11112313 Authors: Sara Pascolo Marco Petti Silvia Bosa Forecasting relationships have been recognized as an important tool to be applied together, or not, with complete numerical modelling in order to reconstruct the wave field in coastal areas properly when the available wave data is limited. In recent years, the literature has offered several...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2312: Streambed Flux Measurement Informed by Distributed Temperature Sensing Leads to a Significantly Different Characterization of Groundwater Discharge
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2312: Streambed Flux Measurement Informed by Distributed Temperature Sensing Leads to a Significantly Different Characterization of Groundwater Discharge Water doi: 10.3390/w11112312 Authors: Troy E. Gilmore Mason Johnson Jesse Korus Aaron Mittelstet Marty A. Briggs Vitaly Zlotnik Sydney Corcoran Groundwater discharge though streambeds is often focused toward discrete zones, indicating that preliminary reconnaissance may be useful for capturing...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2311: Analysis of the Saltwater Wedge in a Coastal Karst Aquifer with a Double Conduit Network, Numerical Simulations and Sensitivity Analysis
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2311: Analysis of the Saltwater Wedge in a Coastal Karst Aquifer with a Double Conduit Network, Numerical Simulations and Sensitivity Analysis Water doi: 10.3390/w11112311 Authors: Alessandra Feo Andrea Zanini Emma Petrella Rebeca Hernàndez-Diaz Fulvio Celico We investigate the long-distance salinity in a dual permeability coastal karst aquifer with a double conduit network using a three-dimensional variable-density groundwater flow and multispecies...
Tue Nov 05, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2310: Analysis of 15N-NO3− Via Anoxic Slurries Coupled to MIMS Analysis: An Application to Estimate Nitrification by Burrowing Macrofauna
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2310: Analysis of 15N-NO3− Via Anoxic Slurries Coupled to MIMS Analysis: An Application to Estimate Nitrification by Burrowing Macrofauna Water doi: 10.3390/w11112310 Authors: Carpintero Moraes Arroyave Gòmez Vincenzi Castaldelli Fano Bartoli Benelli The increasing use of the stable isotope 15N-NO3− for the quantification of ecological processes requires analytical approaches able to distinguish between labelled and unlabeled N...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2308: Evaluation of Various Precipitation Products Using Ground-Based Discharge Observation at the Nujiang River Basin, China
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2308: Evaluation of Various Precipitation Products Using Ground-Based Discharge Observation at the Nujiang River Basin, China Water doi: 10.3390/w11112308 Authors: Renjie Mao Lei Wang Jing Zhou Xiuping Li Jia Qi Xiaotao Zhang Precipitation observation and prediction is difficult in many high elevation regions due to the complex terrain and the lack of in situ observations for comparison. The Nujiang River (upper and middle Salween River) basin in...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2309: Geomechanical and Acoustic Properties of Intact Granite Subjected to Freeze–Thaw Cycles during Water-Ice Phase Transformation in Beizhan’s Open Pit Mine Slope, Xinjiang, China
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2309: Geomechanical and Acoustic Properties of Intact Granite Subjected to Freeze–Thaw Cycles during Water-Ice Phase Transformation in Beizhan’s Open Pit Mine Slope, Xinjiang, China Water doi: 10.3390/w11112309 Authors: Yu Wang Wenkai Feng Huajian Wang Jianqiang Han Changhong Li The deterioration of rock geomechanical behaviors subjected to freeze–thaw (F–T) action is a determining factor for rock engineering and rock structures in...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2307: Aligning the Freshwater Health Index Indicator System against the Transboundary Water Governance Framework of Southeast Asia’s Sesan, Srepok, and Sekong River Basin
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2307: Aligning the Freshwater Health Index Indicator System against the Transboundary Water Governance Framework of Southeast Asia’s Sesan, Srepok, and Sekong River Basin Water doi: 10.3390/w11112307 Authors: Xiaofeng Liu Nicholas J. Souter Raymond Yu Wang Derek Vollmer Indicator systems can improve water governance by integrating and simplifying data on water resources. However, to our knowledge, no indicator systems have been comprehensively assessed...
Mon Nov 04, 2019 02:00

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