
Τετάρτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Operating Room Culture and Interprofessional Relations: Impact on Nurse's Retention
imageThe purpose of this article is to describe interprofessional relations in order to better understand their impact on nurse retention, while considering the operating room culture and its specific context. A focused ethnography was performed between September and October 2017 at a university hospital in an urban center in the province of Quebec, Canada. This was a secondary analysis of 11 nurses' semistructured one-on-one interviews. Additional data were collected through 6 days of observations, informal conversations, field notes, and a journal. A thematic analysis followed. Interprofessional relations and the need for recognition are important for nurse retention. In addition, a nurse's personality appears to be an important aspect in the complex and specific context of the operating room. Nurse retention in the operating room is multifactoral, and like the need for recognition, interprofessional relations are important issues. Interventions to improve working relationships, recognition of nurses, and consideration of a nurse's personality during hiring appear to be promising avenues for improving retention in the operating room.
Prenatal Opioid Maintenance in the United States and Its Effect on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: The Case of West Virginia’s Opioid Epidemic: Erratum.
No abstract available
The 340b Program, Contract Pharmacies, Hospitals, and Patients: An Evolving Relationship Impacting Health Care Delivery
imageThe 340B Drug Pricing Program, created by Congress in 1992 through the Veterans Health Care Act, has provided discounted drug prices to hospitals and other health care organizations serving a wide population of low-income patients. Some 340B programs use contract pharmacies, an arrangement whereby the hospital or health care organization signs a contract directly with a pharmacy to provide covered pharmacy services at discounted prices. The federal 340B Drug Pricing Program has provided access to reduced price prescription drugs to more than 35 000 individual health care facilities and sites certified by the US Department of Health and Human Services, and clinics have served more than 10 million people in all 50 states, plus commonwealths and US territories. The 340B program has increased profits for hospitals through contract pharmacies because they have still received the same reimbursement but acquired drugs at a lower rate.
Managing Security Risk: Modeling the Root Causes of Data Breaches
imageHealth care data breaches are occurring at unprecedented rates, but breach causes are challenging to identify. The purpose of this exploratory study was to identify potential root causes associated with health care data breaches and to create a model of potential data breach factors to inform risk assessment and future predictive analysis. We considered organizational factors, business processes, and technological tools that may be associated with health care data breach occurrences. Using legal requirements, security industry frameworks, and health care standards, we developed a testable health care data breach model. This security model can inform managers who are working to conduct risk assessments, allocate resources, and minimize security risks.
To Catch a Thief: Protecting Proprietary Information Including Trade Secrets From Corporate Espionage
Corporate espionage is a multifaceted problem causing hundreds of billions of dollars in losses to businesses each year. Health care managers have a wide variety of options available to prevent theft of their organizations’ trade secrets and other proprietary information. Organizations should protect their confidential and trade secret information by taking various security measures to limit access to protected material and by using appropriate types of restrictive covenants such as nondisclosure, noncompetition, and nonsolicitation agreements. This article provides helpful guidance for managers to maximize protection against theft of proprietary information.

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