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Πέμπτη 21 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Introduction to the special section on urothelial imaging

SAR DFP on pelvic floor dysfunction: annual report

Annual short report of the society of abdominal radiology prostate cancer disease-focused panel

Report from the pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma disease focused panel

Society of abdominal radiology disease-focused panel (DFP) on rectal and anal cancer: annual short report

DFP endometriosis roster

SAR GI Bleeding DFP Annual Report

Society of Abdominal Radiology, Disease Focused Panel: Hepatocellular Carcinoma Diagnosis

Advanced urothelial cancer: a radiology update


The recent genomic characterization of urothelial carcinoma by the Cancer Genome Atlas Project, made possible by the introduction of high throughput, reduced cost, and sequence analysis, has shed new insights on the biology of advanced disease. In addition, studies on imaging of advanced urothelial carcinoma have widened the knowledge on disease presentation and on pattern of metastatic spread and their correlation with the underlying biology of urothelial carcinoma. The wide range of treatments for advanced urothelial cancer, including combined chemotherapy regimens and immune checkpoint inhibitors, each result in treatment class-specific patterns of response and adverse events. Results of studies point to the need for a reliable biomarker, perhaps with imaging, that predicts prognosis and treatment response to systemic treatment, and can be used to select the most effective treatment while minimizing toxicity. This review of advanced urothelial cancer introduces the latest advances in genetic profiling, the current role of imaging, the radiographic appearance of treatment response and their toxicities, and details potential future areas of imaging research.

Effects of gadoxetic acid on image quality of arterial multiphase magnetic resonance imaging of liver: comparison study with gadoteric acid-enhanced MRI



To compare the effects of gadoxetic acid and gadoteric acid on the image quality of single-breath-hold, triple (first, second, and third) arterial hepatic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


Two hundred and eleven patients were divided into two groups according to the contrast materials used (gadoxetic acid, 108 patients and gadoteric acid, 103 patients). All 3.0-T MR examinations included triple arterial phase acquisition using the 4D enhanced T1-weighted high-resolution isotropic volume examination (eTHRIVE) keyhole technique. The image qualities of the pre-contrast and triple arterial phases were assessed in terms of image artifacts, sharpness of the intrahepatic vessel and liver edge, and overall image quality with a 5-point scale for qualitative analysis.


The image quality of gadoxetic acid-enhanced liver MRI in the triple arterial phases was significantly degraded compared with that of gadoteric acid-enhanced liver MRI, although better image scores were observed in the pre-contrast images in the gadoxetic acid group (P < 0.001). The overall image quality gradually improved from the first to the third arterial phases in both groups (P < 0.003).


Intravenous gadoxetic acid could have a detrimental effect on image quality of triple arterial phase MRI with the 4D eTHRIVE Keyhole technique. The third arterial phase images had the best image qualities; thus, they could be used as key scans.

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