
Τετάρτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Fostering Best Practices for Reducing Opioid-Induced Constipation Using Technology
imageNo abstract available
Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics 2019 Healthcare Informatics: Catalyst for Value-Driven Care Transitions
No abstract available
Web-Based Tailored Nursing Intervention to Support Medication Self-management: A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Kidney Transplant Recipients
imageOptimal adherence to immunosuppressive medication is essential to kidney graft success. A Web-based tailored virtual nursing intervention was developed to promote medication adherence and support self-management among kidney transplant recipients. A qualitative study was undertaken in a hospital setting in Montreal (Canada) to document how users experience the intervention and to explore medication intake self-management behaviors. To participate, transplant recipients had to be at least 18 years old and had to have completed at least one computer session of the intervention. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 10 participants (two women, eight men) with a mean age of 47.8 years. They reported receiving their latest renal transplant on average 10.6 years prior. Content analysis of the interview transcripts yielded five major themes: (1) kidney transplant is a gift from life; (2) routinization of medication intake; (3) intervention is a new and positive experience; (4) using the intervention offers many benefits; and (5) individual relevance of the intervention. Patient experience shows the intervention is acceptable and can help better manage medication intake. Results also underscore the importance of offering the intervention early in the care trajectory of transplant recipients. Web-based tailored virtual nursing interventions could constitute an easily available adjunct to existing specialized services.
Evaluation of Electronic Health Records on the Nursing Process and Patient Outcomes Regarding Fall and Pressure Injuries
imageDigitalizing the nursing process has become a trend in medical care. The purpose of this study was to evaluate implementation of the Standardized Computerized Nursing Process Documentation System and patient outcomes. We analyzed hospitalized patients' electronic health record database with a total of 19 659 patients in 2015. The analysis focused on nurses' selection of nursing care plans for patients with a high risk of falls or pressure injuries through admission assessments. The effectiveness of implemented nursing care plans following falls or pressure injuries was explored. The results reveal that 55% of the hospitalized patients had a risk of falling, and 27.85% of patients were at risk of pressure injuries. Patients receiving nursing care plan who experienced falls or pressure injuries were significantly higher than those without a nursing care plan (P < .001). This study could not provide direct evidence for the effect of nursing care plans on reducing the incidence of falls and pressure injuries, which may be attributable to patient characteristics. Furthermore, an analysis on data from 2007 to 2017 using a run chart revealed that the mean incidence rate for pressure injuries decreased, whereas that for falls remained stable. The results indicate that the system did not increase the occurrence of such incidences.
NimbleMiner: An Open-Source Nursing-Sensitive Natural Language Processing System Based on Word Embedding
imageThis study develops and evaluates an open-source software (called NimbleMiner) that allows clinicians to interact with word embedding models with a goal of creating lexicons of similar terms. As a case study, the system was used to identify similar terms for patient fall history from homecare visit notes (N = 1 149 586) extracted from a large US homecare agency. Several experiments with parameters of word embedding models were conducted to identify the most time-effective and high-quality model. Models with larger word window width sizes (n = 10) that present users with about 50 top potentially similar terms for each (true) term validated by the user were most effective. NimbleMiner can assist in building a thorough vocabulary of fall history terms in about 2 hours. For domains like nursing, this approach could offer a valuable tool for rapid lexicon enrichment and discovery.
Perceptions and Experiences of Hospital Nurses During Transition to an Electronic Handover Informatics System
imageAn effective patient transfer, or handover, among healthcare professionals can help prevent communication-related medical errors, and a reliable electronic handover informatics system can standardize the handoff process. Adapting to a new handover system may cause stress for nurses. This descriptive qualitative study aimed to explore the perceptions and transition experiences of hospital nurses in adopting and adapting to a new handover informatics system. Thirty-eight nurses at a medical center in Taiwan participated in the study from December 2016 to January 2017. The researcher conducted five focus group interviews and analyzed all responses using content analysis. Results showed three major themes: “Perceptions of challenges and barriers related to the transition to a new handover informatics system,” “Perceptions of benefits and strategies to the transition to a new handover informatics system,” and “Suggestions for successful implementation of a new handover informatics system.” Five subthemes emerged from the first theme, and six subthemes emerged from the second theme. The results of this study could enhance our understanding of nurses' perceptions and experiences with transition to a new handover informatics system and could provide a reference for hospitals to develop individualized strategies to facilitate the implementation of a handover informatics system.
Development and Evaluation of a Quick Response Code–Based Nursing Education Program for Operating and Recovery Room Nurses
imageThe purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a quick response code–based nursing education program to improve the competence of operation and recovery room nurses. An experimental methodological design was used to develop a quick response code–based nursing educational program and analyze its effects and nurses' satisfaction with its use. The quick response code–based nursing education program was developed in five steps based on the ADDIE model: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The program was built on smartphones, and a Web site was linked to it. After testing the program for 40 days, nurses' attitudes toward various medical devices were significantly less negative. Nurses were able to use a large number of medical devices and were highly satisfied and willing to engage with the quick response code–based nursing educational program. In the context of nursing education, introducing educational content using quick response codes helps to improve nurses' knowledge and competence in providing high-quality nursing care and medical services.
Evaluation of Electronic Health Records on the Nursing Process and Patient Outcomes Regarding Fall and Pressure Injuries
No abstract available

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