Examining outcome expectancies for smoking vs. abstinence among adult daily smokers Publication date: March 2020 Source: Addictive Behaviors, Volume 102 Author(s): Amanda Kaufmann, Elizabeth J. Malloy, David A.F. Haaga Abstract
In a motivational interviewing (MI) framework of decision-making, we consider potential outcomes for both a primary choice and an alternative choice (DiClemente & Velazquez, 2002). Thus, we would expect that motivation to quit smoking is related to expectancies for quitting smoking and expectancies for continuing to smoke. While smoking expectancies have been frequently studied, less attention has been paid to abstinence expectancies. The present study sought to clarify the predictive utility of smoking and abstinence expectancies together for smoking motivation and behavior, versus measuring smoking expectancies alone. Expectancies were measured at baseline; outcomes were measured at baseline and one-month follow-up. Smoking expectancies were assessed via the Smoking Consequences Questionnaire-Adult (Copeland, Brandon, & Quinn, 1995), and abstinence expectancies were assessed via the Perceived Risks and Benefits of Quitting scale (McKee, O’Malley, Salovey, Krishnan-Sarin, & Mazure, 2005). Outcomes included motivation to quit (Contemplation Ladder, Biener & Abrams, 1991; Stage of Change, DiClemente et al., 1991), and average daily smoking rate. Data was analyzed for 183 smokers at baseline and 166 at follow-up. Baseline smoking expectancies and abstinence expectancies were each uniquely associated with concurrent motivation to quit, but not concurrent smoking rate. Abstinence expectancies uniquely predicted changes in smoking rate over time. Smoking and abstinence outcome expectancies may relate differently to smoking behavior, motivation to quit, and changes in these constructs over time.
The interplay between neuroticism, extraversion, and social media addiction in young adult Facebook users: Testing the mediating role of online activity using objective data Publication date: March 2020 Source: Addictive Behaviors, Volume 102 Author(s): Davide Marengo, Ilaria Poletti, Michele Settanni Abstract
Studies indicate neuroticism and extraversion as factors explaining individual differences in online activity, and social media addiction. The present study investigates the hypothesis that extraversion and neuroticism may be linked with social media addiction because of their association with higher online posting activity. Further, we test the additional hypothesis that the level of positive social feedback received online (i.e., number of Likes) could play a role in mediating this effect, i.e., a serial mediation effect. Sample consisted of 1094 Facebook users, 72% females, aged 18–35. Social media activity was assessed collecting Facebook passive data consisting of the number of status updates, and Likes received during the last 12 months. Personality and social media addiction were assessed via self-report measures. Results showed neuroticism had a direct positive association with addictive social media use, while extraversion did not. Further, frequency of status updates mediated of the link between each personality trait and addictive social media use. Received Likes mediated the link between extraversion and addictive social media use, while no effect emerged for neuroticism. Finally, we found support for the hypothesis of a serial mediation effect linking personality, number of status updates, received Likes, and social media addiction. For both extroverts and neurotics, receiving positive feedback because of increased activity was linked to an increase in the risk for social media addiction. These results highlight the existence of different patterns of associations linking these personality traits, online activity, and social media addiction.
Use of tobacco products/devices for marijuana consumption and association with substance use problems among U.S. young adults (2015–2016) Publication date: March 2020 Source: Addictive Behaviors, Volume 102 Author(s): Elizabeth L. Seaman, Cassandra A. Stanton, Kathryn C. Edwards, Michael J. Halenar AbstractIntroductionGiven the increased availability of tobacco products and devices, rising trends of vaping, and changing marijuana policies in the United States (U.S.), this study reports the prevalence of U.S. young adults using tobacco products/devices for marijuana consumption and associations with substance use problems.MethodsU.S. nationally representative data from Wave 3 (2015–2016) of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study were used to assess young adults’ (18–24 years old, unweighted sample = 8453) ever marijuana use and ever use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), hookah, or cigars for marijuana consumption. A multinomial logistic regression predicted the Substance Use Problem subscale of the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs inventory categorized into low (0–1), moderate (2–3) and high (4 or more) symptoms.ResultsWeighted analyses indicated about half of young adults (52.1%) had ever used marijuana. Of this group, the majority (80.1%) ever used any tobacco product/device for marijuana use including: ENDS (24.5%), hookah (25.2%), or cigar (74.0%). Ever use of tobacco products/devices for marijuana significantly predicted moderate (RRR = 1.70, p < 0.01) and high (RRR = 4.67, p < 0.01) substance use problems controlling for sex, race, employment, education, and past 30-day cigarette, cigar, ENDS, hookah, marijuana and alcohol use.ConclusionsUse of tobacco products/devices for marijuana consumption is common among U.S. young adults and it is associated with substance use problems. A better understanding of how tobacco devices are being used to support use of both substances and the outcomes of co-use are needed to inform policy and public health interventions. |
The time-varying effect of alcohol use on cigarette smoking relapse risk Publication date: March 2020 Source: Addictive Behaviors, Volume 102 Author(s): Sarah S. Dermody, Saul Shiffman AbstractBackgroundAlcohol consumption promotes lapses to smoking among smokers trying to quit, perhaps particularly among smokers with lower dependence. We assessed how the role of alcohol in lapses varies over time.MethodsThis is a secondary analysis of ecological momentary assessment data collected from 159 daily smokers (mean age = 43.90 (SD = 10.41), 56.60% female) who drink alcohol. During the 4 weeks following initial cessation (quit >24 h), a logistic time-varying effect model (TVEM) modeled momentary assessments of lapses and temptations to smoke compared to randomly-selected moments as a function of concurrently-assessed recent alcohol use (past 15 min). Time was examined continuously.ResultsRecent alcohol use was associated with smoking lapses, particularly for less nicotine dependent individuals, and the association varied across time. For individuals who did not smoke within 5 min of waking, alcohol use became a significant predictor of lapse on Day 1 post-quit, increased in strength until Day 7, then decreased such that alcohol use was no longer associated with lapse by Day 25. For this subgroup, the associations between alcohol use and temptations were relatively stable and significant from Day 1 to 22 post-quit. Results were similar when dependence was assessed by the Nicotine Dependence Symptom Scale.ConclusionsThe association between drinking and smoking lapse and temptations varies over time, peaking early in smoking abstinence and declining thereafter. This could reflect progressive relapse of most vulnerable individuals or habituation to alcohol as a smoking cue. Interventions to prevent alcohol-related lapses are essential early in the quit period. |
A randomized pilot program to reduce opioid use following dental surgery and increase safe medication return Publication date: March 2020 Source: Addictive Behaviors, Volume 102 Author(s): Karen J. Derefinko, Francisco I. Salgado García, Karen C. Johnson, Sarah Hand, James G. Murphy, Meghan McDevitt-Murphy, Katie J. Suda, Frank Andrasik, Zoran Bursac, Chi-Yang Chiu, Kevin Talley, Jeffrey H. Brooks Abstract
Research indicates that increased cumulative exposure (duration of administration and strength of dose) is associated with long-term opioid use. Because dentists represent some of the highest opioid prescribing medical professionals in the US, dental practices offer a critical site for intervention. The current study used a randomized clinical trial design to examine the efficacy of an opioid misuse prevention program (OMPP), presented as a brief intervention immediately prior to dental extraction surgery. The OMPP provided educational counseling about risks and appropriate use of opioid medication, as well as 28 tablets of ibuprofen (200 mg) and 28 tablets of acetaminophen (500 mg) for weaning off opioid medication. This was compared with a Treatment as Usual (TAU) control condition. Participants were individuals presenting for surgery who were eligible for opioid medication (N = 76). Follow up assessment was conducted at 1 week following surgery, with 4 individuals refusing follow up or not prescribed opioid. Intent to treat analysis indicated a non-significant treatment group effect (N = 72, Beta = 0.16, p = .0835), such that the OMPP group self-reported less opioid use (in morphine milligram equivalents, MMEs) than the TAU group (37.94 vs. 47.79, effect size d = 0.42). Sensitivity analysis, excluding individuals with complications following surgery (n = 6) indicated a significant treatment group effect (N = 66, Beta = 0.24, p = .0259), such that the OMPP group self-reported significantly less MMEs than the TAU group (29.74 vs. 43.59, effect size d = 0.56). Results indicate that a 10-minute intervention and provision of non-narcotic pain medications may reduce the amount of self-administered opioid medication following dental surgery.
Motives Matter: Cannabis use motives moderate the associations between stress and negative affect Publication date: March 2020 Source: Addictive Behaviors, Volume 102 Author(s): Nicholas C. Glodosky, Carrie Cuttler Abstract
Young adults in the U.S. report high levels of stress which are known to contribute to depression and anxiety. Regular cannabis users frequently cite coping with stress as their primary motivation for use. However, research indicates that coping motives are associated with potentially negative outcomes, including cannabis-related problems and negative affect. Therefore, the theoretical rationale for the present study is that using cannabis to cope with stress may be maladaptive as it may exacerbate the same problems users are trying to ameliorate. That is, using cannabis to cope may potentiate links between stress and negative affect. We therefore sought to investigate whether cannabis use motives moderate the associations between stress and negative affect. A sample of 988 cannabis using college students completed an anonymous online survey containing measures of cannabis use, cannabis use motives, stress, depression, and anxiety. Correlation analyses revealed significant positive relationships between these variables. Moderation analyses indicated that coping motives was a significant moderator of the relationship between stress and depression, controlling for anxiety. In contrast, expansion and conformity motives were significant moderators of the relationship between stress and anxiety, controlling for depression. While cannabis may provide temporary relief from symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety, using cannabis to cope may be related to higher levels of depression, and use of cannabis for expansion and conformity may be related to higher levels of anxiety. These findings have practical implications and contribute to emerging evidence demonstrating that motives for cannabis use may predict differential mental health outcomes.
Nicotine and marijuana attitudes among flavor-only vaping youth: New evidence from Monitoring the Future Publication date: March 2020 Source: Addictive Behaviors, Volume 102 Author(s): Cashen M. Boccio, Dylan B. Jackson, Wanda E. Leal AbstractBackgroundVaping has become increasingly popular among youth and young adults in the last decade. At present, very little research has examined how vaping is associated with attitudes concerning the disapproval and perceived risk of using other substances. This paper examines the association between flavor-only vaping and attitudes concerning nicotine and marijuana use in a sample of high school students with no history of nicotine or marijuana use.MethodsWe employed negative binomial regression and logistic regression techniques to examine the associations between flavor-only vaping activity and attitudes concerning the risk and disapproval of nicotine and marijuana use utilizing data from the 2017 cohort of Monitoring the Future (MTF).ResultsThe results suggest that, net of covariates, flavor-only vaping is not significantly associated with attitudes concerning traditional forms of nicotine use. However, flavor-only vaping does appear to be positively and significantly associated with the failure to disapprove and/or perceive the risk of vaping nicotine and regular marijuana use.ConclusionsFlavor-only vaping is positively and significantly associated with the failure to disapprove and/or perceive the risk of vaping nicotine and regular marijuana use. |
Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Italian version of the fear of missing out scale in emerging adults and adolescents Publication date: March 2020 Source: Addictive Behaviors, Volume 102 Author(s): Silvia Casale, Giulia Fioravanti Abstract
Fear of missing out (FoMO) has been linked to problematic social media use and negative health outcomes among adolescents and emerging adults. The 10-item Fear of Missing Out Scale (FoMO) is the most used instrument to measure FoMO levels and, for this reason, it seems relevant to evaluate its psychometric properties across various cultures. In Study 1, exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the scale items using a sample of 436 college students [F = 51.1%; M (SD) = 22.13 (2.78) years old]. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted in order to determine whether the results of Study 1 could be confirmed with another sample of college students [n = 239; F = 61.1%; M (SD) = 23.02(2.64) years old] and adolescents [n = 178; M = 57.3%; M (SD) = 16.2 (1.48) years old]. The model was also tested for measurement invariance by sex and age (collegiate versus high school students). Full scalar invariance of the FoMO across sex and age was supported and adequate internal consistency was found. Convergent validity was also demonstrated. As a result, we concluded that the FoMO might be used in clinical settings as a means of screening people who show potentially high behavioral engagement with social media. The FoMO can also help identify specific maladaptive cognitions and ruminative thoughts that maintain FoMO.
Factors associated with chronic pain and non-medical opioid use among people who inject drugs Publication date: March 2020 Source: Addictive Behaviors, Volume 102 Author(s): Mark C. Bicket, Ju Nyeong Park, Arissa Torrie, Sean T. Allen, Brian W. Weir, Susan G. Sherman AbstractIntroductionDespite rising morbidity and mortality from the opioid epidemic and other addictions, people who inject drugs (PWID) remain understudied regarding pain outcomes. Data among PWID regarding chronic pain and drug use, including non-medical use of opioids, is largely unknown. We examined the prevalence of chronic pain and drug use for pain in this population.MethodsStandardized surveys captured self-report of demographics, chronic pain, and non-prescription drug use in 203 PWID in an urban syringe services program between April and November 2016. Chronic pain was defined as self-report of chronic pain diagnosis or persistent pains over the past 6 months.ResultsOverall, 47% (95% CI, 40%–54%) of PWID reported chronic pain, while 35% (95% CI, 29%–42%) reported non-prescription drug use of any type for pain. Among those with chronic pain, drug use to treat pain was commonly reported (76%; 95% CI, 66%–83%). Non-medical opioid use did not differ among PWID with or without chronic pain or drug use for pain. A multivariable logistic regression model showed chronic pain was more likely among non-Hispanic whites and those with arthritis, older age, and homelessness.ConclusionsChronic pain serves as an important factor in the persistence of drug use in more than one-third of PWID in this sample. The high prevalence of chronic pain with drug use for pain suggests that proper pain management is likely to be an essential component of preventing or regressing injection drug use in PWID, with data needed on effective interventions for this population. |
Sex differences in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and opioid misuse among adults with chronic pain Publication date: March 2020 Source: Addictive Behaviors, Volume 102 Author(s): Andrew H. Rogers, Kara Manning, Lorra Garey, Tanya Smit, Michael J. Zvolensky Abstract
The opioid epidemic is a significant public health concern linked to chronic pain. Despite efforts to change opioid prescribing practices for chronic pain, opioid-involved overdoses remain at an all-time high. Research focused on identifying individual difference factors for problematic opioid misuse in the context of chronic pain have identified certain psychological variables that may confer heightened risk for opioid-related problems. Anxiety sensitivity, or fear of anxiety-related physical sensations, has been linked to opioid-related problems among adults with chronic pain. Yet, it is possible that these relations may not be distributed equally in society, and sex differences may be one avenue by which these relations differ. Therefore, the current study examined the moderating role of sex on the relation between anxiety sensitivity, current opioid misuse, and severity of opioid dependence among 428 adults (74.9% female, Mage = 38.28 years, SD = 11.06) with chronic pain. Results indicated that the relation between anxiety sensitivity and current opioid misuse (ΔR2 = 0.005, B = 0.12, SE = 0.06, p = 0.04), and opioid dependence (ΔR2 = 0.01, B = 0.04, SE = 0.02, p = 0.007) was stronger for males compared to females. These results suggest that anxiety sensitivity may be associated with opioid-related problems to a greater extent for males than females. Continued research is needed to examine how these sex differences may impact clinical treatment for opioid-related problems.
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
Τετάρτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
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