Development of an Innovative Nonanimal Training Model for Infant Pleural Effusion Drainage via Pigtail Catheter Placement Background: Chest tube placement is an important skill for providers and bedside nurses caring for critically ill infants, allowing for the evacuation of pleural fluid and pneumothoraces. No realistic simulation models are commercially available for trainees to practice and learn this skill on infants. Purpose: Our objective was to develop an inexpensive and reproducible model for percutaneous pleural pigtail placement for pleural fluid removal via the Seldinger technique. Methods: The model was developed using hardware material and a discarded infant resuscitation manikin. The rib cage was constructed using electrical cable wires. Discarded and expired 250-mL bags of intravenous fluids were placed inside the chest cavity to simulate pleural fluid. Shelf liner was wrapped around the chest and abdomen of the infant model to simulate the skin layer. Pediatric critical care faculty performed the procedure on the final model and scored it for realism and utility for teaching. Without including the discarded manikin and fluid bags, the cost of the materials for the model was less than $20. Results: Eight pediatric critical care faculty tested the pleural pigtail placement model. All faculty agreed the model provides a realistic simulated reproduction of placing a pleural pigtail, felt the model was simple to use, and indicated they would use it as a teaching tool in the future. Implications for Practice: An effective model for pleural pigtail placement can be inexpensively constructed using discarded bags of intravenous fluid and easy-to-find hardware materials. Implications for Research: Future studies are needed to assess whether this model helps providers and nurses develop and maintain the clinical skills for successful percutaneous pleural pigtail catheter placement. Video Abstract available at Correspondence: Adrian D. Zurca, MD, Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital, 500 University Dr, Mail Code H085, PO Box 850, Hershey, PA 17033 ( The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal's Web site ( © 2019 by The National Association of Neonatal Nurses |
Promoting Parent Partnership in Developmentally Supportive Care for Infants in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Background: Limited opportunities for parents to care for their critically ill infant after cardiac surgery can lead to parental unpreparedness and distress. Purpose: This project aimed to create and test a bedside visual tool to increase parent partnership in developmentally supportive infant care after cardiac surgery. Methods: The Care Partnership Pyramid was created by a multidisciplinary team and incorporated feedback from nurses and parents. Three Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles tested its impact on parent partnership in care. Information about developmentally supportive care provided by parents during each 12-hour shift was extracted from nursing documentation. A staff survey evaluated perceptions of the tool and informed modifications. Results: Changes in parent partnership during PDSA 1 did not reach statistical significance. Staff perceived that the tool was generally useful for the patient/family but was sometimes overlooked, prompting its inclusion in the daily goals checklist. For PDSA 2 and 3, parents were more often observed participating in rounds, asking appropriate questions, providing environmental comfort, assisting with the daily care routine, and changing diapers. Implications for Practice: Use of a bedside visual tool may lead to increased parent partnership in care for infants after cardiac surgery. Implications for Research: Future projects are needed to examine the impact of bedside care partnership interventions on parent preparedness, family well-being, and infant outcomes. Correspondence: Erica Sood, PhD, Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, 1600 Rockland Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803 ( The authors declare no conflicts of interest. © 2019 by The National Association of Neonatal Nurses |
Noteworthy Professional News No abstract available |
Healthcare Satisfaction and Unmet Needs Among Bereaved Parents in the NICU Background: Learning directly from bereaved parents about their experiences in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can improve services at end-of-life (EOL) care. Parents who perceive that their infant suffered may report less satisfaction with care and may be at greater risk for distress after the death. Despite calls to improve EOL care for children, limited research has examined the EOL experiences of families in the NICU. Purpose: We examined parent perceptions of their infant's EOL experience (eg, symptom burden and suffering) and satisfaction with care in the NICU. Methods/Search Strategy: Forty-two mothers and 27 fathers (representing 42 infants) participated in a mixed-methods study between 3 months and 5 years after their infant's death (mean = 39.45 months, SD = 17.19). Parents reported on healthcare satisfaction, unmet needs, and infant symptoms and suffering in the final week of life. Findings/Results: Parents reported high levels of healthcare satisfaction, with relative strengths in providers' technical skills and inclusion of the family. Greater perceived infant suffering was associated with lower healthcare satisfaction and fewer well-met needs at EOL. Parents' understanding of their infant's condition, emotional support, communication, symptom management, and bereavement care were identified as areas for improvement. Implications for Practice: Parents value comprehensive, family-centered care in the NICU. Additionally, monitoring and alleviating infant symptoms contribute to greater parental satisfaction with care. Improving staff knowledge about EOL care and developing structured bereavement follow-up programs may enhance healthcare satisfaction and family outcomes. Implications for Research: Prospective studies are needed to better understand parental perceptions of EOL care and the influence on later parental adjustment. Correspondence: Amy E. Baughcum, PhD, Nationwide Children's Hospital, 700 Children's Dr, Columbus, OH 43205 ( This research was supported by a grant from the Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital (grant number 20051014). The study was conducted through Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. A portion of this work was presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, March 2017. The authors would like to thank the families who generously participated in this work. Dr. Fortney, who is a Guest Editor for Advances in Neonatal Care and the coauthor and mentor to the primary author, was not involved in the editorial review or decision to publish this article. The entire process from submission, referee assignment, and editorial decisions was handled by other members of the editorial team for the journal. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. © 2019 by The National Association of Neonatal Nurses |
Implementation of the Neonatal Sepsis Calculator in Early-Onset Sepsis and Maternal Chorioamnionitis Background: Utilization of the neonatal sepsis calculator published by Kaiser Permanente is rapidly increasing. This freely available online tool can be used in assessment of early-onset sepsis (EOS) in newborns 34 weeks' gestation or more based on maternal risk factors and neonatal examination. However, many hospitals lack standard guidelines for its use, leading to provider discomfort with practice change. Purpose: The goal of this project was to study the antibiotic use rate for EOS at a level III neonatal intensive care unit and create standardized guidelines and staff education for using the sepsis calculator. Our ultimate goal was to decrease antibiotic use for EOS in newborns 34 weeks' gestation or more. Methods: A standard quality improvement Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model was utilized with a plan to study the problem, implement the intervention, and test again for improvement. The primary outcome of interest was a decrease in the use of antibiotics for EOS in neonates 34 weeks' gestation or more. Results: Over a 4-month period, prior to sepsis calculator implementation, antibiotic use for suspected EOS was 11% and blood culture was done on 14.8% of live births. After implementation of the sepsis calculator and completion of the PDSA cycle, sepsis calculator use was greater than 95%, antibiotic use dropped significantly to 5% (P = .00069), and blood culture use dropped to 7.6% (P = .00046). Implications for Practice: Staff education and systematic intervention using a PDSA model can significantly impact patient care, decreasing the administration of antibiotics to infants at risk for sepsis. Implications for Research: Future research is needed to decrease antibiotic use in premature infants less than 34 weeks' gestation with similar risk factors and clinical features. Video Abstract available at Correspondence: Gangaram Akangire, MD, MS, FAAP, Section of Neonatology, Children's Mercy Kansas City, University of Missouri–Kansas City, 2401 Gillham Rd, Kansas City, MO 64108 ( The authors thank pediatric nurse practitioners Kristie Hobbs, APRN, and Heather Williams, APRN, and neonatal nurse practitioners Jean Bohning, APRN, and Pamala Moor, APRN, for their help with data abstraction. The authors also thank Medical Writing Center at Children's Mercy for their help in editing and proof reading the manuscript. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal's Web site ( © 2019 by The National Association of Neonatal Nurses |
An Ethnography of Parents' Perceptions of Patient Safety in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Background: Parents of neonates are integral components of patient safety in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), yet their views are often not considered. By understanding how parents perceive patient safety in the NICU, clinicians can identify appropriate parent-centered strategies to involve them in promoting safe care for their infants. Purpose: To determine how parents of neonates conceptualize patient safety in the NICU. Methods: We conducted qualitative interviews with 22 English-speaking parents of neonates from the NICU and observations of various parent interactions within the NICU over several months. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. Findings were critically reviewed through peer debriefing. Findings: Parents perceived safe care through their observations of clinicians being present, intentional, and respectful when adhering to safety practices, interacting with their infant, and communicating with parents in the NICU. They described partnering with clinicians to promote safe care for their infants and factors impacting that partnership. We cultivated a conceptual model highlighting how parent-clinician partnerships can be a core element to promoting NICU patient safety. Implications for Practice: Parents' observations of clinician behavior affect their perceptions of safe care for their infants. Assessing what parents observe can be essential to building a partnership of trust between clinicians and parents and promoting safer care in the NICU. Implications for Research: Uncertainty remains about how to measure parent perceptions of safe care, the level at which the clinician-parent partnership affects patient safety, and whether parents' presence and involvement with their infants in the NICU improve patient safety. Correspondence: Madelene J. Ottosen, PhD, MSN, RN, Cizik School of Nursing, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 6901 Bertner Ave, Ste #567E, Houston, TX 77030 ( This research was supported in part through a grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, R03HS022944, Parent perceptions in NICU safety culture: Parent-Centered Safety Culture Tool, and a grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 1P30HS024459-01, caregiver innovations to reduce harm in neonatal intensive care. No conflicts of interest exist for any of the coauthors. Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citation appears in the printed text and is provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal's Web site ( © 2019 by The National Association of Neonatal Nurses |
Mothers' Experiences in the NICU Before Family-Centered Care and in NICUs Where It Is the Standard of Care Background: Family-centered care (FCC) in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) was initiated in 1992 to promote a respectful response to individual family needs and support parental participation in care and decision-making for their infants. Although benefits of FCC have been reported, changes in the maternal experience in the NICU are unknown. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare mothers' experiences in NICUs where FCC is the standard of care and to compare these with the experiences of mothers 2 decades ago. Methods: In this qualitative descriptive design, mothers of infants born under 32 weeks postconceptional age were asked to describe their experiences with their infant's birth and hospitalization. Open-ended probing questions clarified maternal responses. Saturation was reached after 14 interviews. Iterative coding and thematic grouping was used for analysis. Results: Common themes that emerged were: (1) visiting; (2) general caregiving; (3) holding; (4) feeding; and (5) maternal ideas for improvement. Findings indicated important improvements in privacy, mother–nurse relationship, ease of visiting, and maternal knowledge and participation in infant caregiving. Implications for Practice: Mothers suggested improvements such as additional comforts in private rooms, areas in the NICU where they can meet other mothers, and early information on back-transport. Better recognition and response for mothers without adequate social support would provide much needed emotional assistance. Implications for Research: Future research addressing benefits of webcams, wireless monitors, back-transport, maternity leave, and accommodations for extended visiting for siblings would address other needs mentioned by mothers. Correspondence: Madalynn Neu, PhD, RN, FAAN, College of Nursing, University of Colorado, 13120 E. 19th Ave, Aurora, CO 80045 ( This work was supported in part by grants from the University of Denver Center for Community Engagement to Advance Scholarship and Learning, the PROF Fund at the University of Denver, and Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Kappa Chapter-at-Large. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. © 2019 by The National Association of Neonatal Nurses |
The Beneficence of Cuddle Therapy in Hyperekplexia: A Case Report Background: Benevolent injustice occurs when well-intentioned treatment efforts produce an outcome that limits the potential of a patient. The unintended harm can result in significant moral distress for the family and the healthcare team. Clinical Findings: We discussed an ethical dilemma regarding a neonate who had suspected seizure and hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy after home birth delivery. The healthcare team experienced moral distress about the mother's desire to not use anti-seizure medications and instead trial other interventions such as cuddling. Subsequently, clinical analysis ruled out a seizure disorder. Genetic studies on this neonate confirmed hereditary hyperekplexia, which presented as exaggerated Moro reflex and apnea that mimicked seizure. Intervention: We discussed how applying any one of the 4 basic ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, or justice could counteract benevolent injustice and moral distress. Outcomes: Discussions with the patient's mother and nurse allowed the team to overcome their reluctance to try the mother's treatment recommendations. This resulted in adopting the seemingly counterintuitive intervention of cuddling that turned out to be effective for this neonate with hereditary hyperekplexia. Practice Recommendations: The moral distress associated with benevolent injustice should be identified early to minimize long-term consequences to the patient, family, and healthcare team. Healthcare teams should learn to apply ethical principles when discussing patient care concerns in an unbiased manner. Guided ethical discussions allow us to be more efficient in providing family-centered care that aligns with the patient's best interest. Correspondence: Belinda Chan, MD, Division of Neonatology, University of Utah, 295 Chipeta Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108 ( The authors declare no conflicts of interest. © 2019 by The National Association of Neonatal Nurses |
The Role of the NICU in Father Involvement, Beliefs, and Confidence: A Follow-up Qualitative Study Background: Fathers are important to infant outcomes. Infants of involved fathers have improved weight gain, sleep, and psychosocial behaviors. Father involvement with neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) infants reduces the length of stay. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore and describe involvement, confidence, and beliefs of fathers of infants who were hospitalized in the NICU and discharged home in order to begin to investigate NICU father involvement from a longitudinal perspective. Methods: This exploratory qualitative study was conducted 4 to 5 years after the initial NICU stay using telephone interviews. Fathers who participated in this study were selected from participants of a previous NICU study. Qualitative analysis was conducted using standard procedures for grounded theory. Results: Nineteen fathers participated in the study. The major themes were “It was scary,” “Just be there,” “It was rough,” “It's not about yourself,” “A special bond,” and “Almost a treat.” The fathers reported that the NICU providers, nurses, and staff helped them to overcome uncertainty and lack of knowledge, which helped them improve their confidence and involvement during the NICU stay. Implications for Practice: Fathers see nurses as a source of support. Nurses can encourage fathers to visit regularly and participate in infant care activities. NICU presence aids fathers in developing confidence and knowledge in parenting during their child's infancy, which can set the stage for ongoing involvement. Implications for Research: Future work should continue to focus on longitudinal studies of fathering and the role of the NICU in encouraging involvement and parenting readiness. Correspondence: Gina Clarkson, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC, College of Nursing, Idaho State University, 921 S, 8th Ave, Stop 8101, Pocatello, ID 83209 ( Supported by ISU Seed Grant (internally funded) in the amount of $12,771 from May 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. © 2019 by The National Association of Neonatal Nurses |
Giving Voice to Parents in the Development of the Preemie Prep for Parents (P3) Mobile App Background: Parents at risk for preterm birth frequently receive prematurity education when the mother is hospitalized for premature labor. Parental ability to learn and consider the information is limited because of the stress of the hospitalization. A promising approach is dissemination of information to at-risk parents before the birth hospitalization. Purpose: This article describes formative research used to develop smartphone-based prematurity education app for parents at-risk for preterm birth. Methods: Stakeholders were parents with a prior preterm birth. Using stakeholder meeting transcripts, constant comparative analysis was used to reflect upon the parental voice. Results: The parents named the app, Preemie Prep for Parents (P3). Parent perspectives revealed desire for information in the following 5 categories. (1) Power in knowledge and control: parents want autonomy when learning information that may influence medical decision-making. (2) Content and framing of information: they desire information from a trusted resource that helps promote prenatal health and provides neonatal intensive care information. (3) Displaying content: parents want personalization, push notifications, photographs displaying fetal development, and easy-to-understand statistics. (4) Providing information without causing harm: they desire non–value-laden information, and they do not support “gamifying” the app to enhance utilization. (5) Decision making: parents want information that would benefit their decision making without assuming that parents have a certain outlook on life or particular values. Implications for Practice: These findings support the need for the P3 App to aid in decision making when parents experience preterm birth. Implications for Research: The findings highlight the need to study the effects of smartphone-based prematurity education on medical decision-making. Correspondence: Mir A. Basir, MD, MS, Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Ste CCC-410, 8701 Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53226 ( This project was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health (NIH) (grant no. UL1TR001436). Its content is solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIH. The authors have no conflict of interest relevant to this article to disclose. © 2019 by The National Association of Neonatal Nurses |
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
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