Cyberbullying: Concepts, theories, and correlates informing evidence-based best practices for prevention Publication date: January–February 2020 Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior, Volume 50 Author(s): Nadia S. Ansary Abstract
Emerging evidence has revealed that many characteristics of cyberbullying—its definition, prevalence rates, risk and protective factors, outcomes, and prevention strategies—are related and yet somewhat unique from traditional bullying. The ubiquity of technology in the lives of youth presents an opportunity for individuals to intentionally and repetitively harm others, 24 h per day, sometimes with complete anonymity, and often without consequence. This is concerning given the high rates of psychopathology associated with cybervictimization, over and above, traditional bullying. Given the current state of the field, this literature review provides a critical synthesis of the extant knowledge concerning (1) a definition of cyberbullying; (2) theories explaining cyberbullying; (3) prevalence rates; (4) a brief developmentally-focused overview of adolescents and their online use; (5) risk and protective factors; (6) negative psycho-social outcomes, over and above traditional bullying; and (7) a brief overview of prevention and intervention programming with information for key stakeholders. Implications and future directions are discussed.
Omega-3 fatty acids in cause, prevention and management of violence in schizophrenia: Conceptualization and application Publication date: January–February 2020 Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior, Volume 50 Author(s): Wen-Chen Ouyang, Gwo-Ching Sun, Mei-Chi Hsu Abstract
Schizophrenia is a disabling neurological disorder. Patients with this disease are at higher risk to violence. This paper reviewed the recent literatures with respect to the heterogeneous nature of the abnormalities and pathophysiological and biological risk markers that link to violent behavior in patients with schizophrenia with a particular interest in lipid metabolism. We have focused on altered lipid profile including polyunsaturated fatty acids, which may have attributed to the development of aggressive behavior in patients with schizophrenia. We addressed questions on how aberrant lipid metabolism affects brain structure and function, and how lipids modulate neurotransmission activity during progression of this devastating disease. Many clinical studies have demonstrated that omega-3 fatty acids may reduce transition rate to psychosis and serve as additive to reduce the violence. We postulate that the beneficial effect of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on violence may act through modulating neuronal membrane lipid structure and neurotransmission. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms how these pathways modulate aggression may facilitate development of strategies to prevent, ameliorate or reduce the manifestation of violence.
Time's up: Recognising sexual violence as a public policy issue: A qualitative content analysis of sexual violence cases and the media Publication date: January–February 2020 Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior, Volume 50 Author(s): Camille Aroustamian Abstract
Using framing theory and research on sexual violence and the media, this study looks at media representations of three “high profile” sexual violence cases in two popular American newspapers. It explores key words, frames, and whether or not there have been any changes from 2014 to 2018. While laws exist in the U.S. to prevent sexual violence (e.g. Violence Against Women Act of 1994), sexual violence is a major public health issue in the U.S. According to the CDC, every 98 seconds someone is sexually assaulted; more than 570 people experience sexual violence in the country every day. In 2017, the #MeToo movement brought sexual violence to the limelight. The media plays an important role in practice, policy, and public perception of sexual violence; it is suggested that policies are influenced by public opinion. A qualitative content analysis was conducted on articles between 2014 and 2018 about Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and Brock Turner published in the Washington Post and New York Times. While Cosby and Turner's cases are officially closed, Weinstein is awaiting trial. In total, 195 articles were coded. The results are supported by previous theories and studies. The analysis shows that articles about sexual assault often still use euphemisms, portray stereotypes, favour the perpetrator, show scepticism towards the survivors, and unnecessarily sensationalise the crimes. However, there seems to be a slight change after the Weinstein case and #MeToo. Articles from 2017 to 2018 employed the social science frame more. Additionally, thematic news framing was prevalent. This study ultimately aims to introduce a theory: that current media representations of sexual violence are inappropriate and may affect public opinion, thus playing a role in impeding policy change.
Risk factors for elder abuse and neglect: A review of the literature Publication date: January–February 2020 Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior, Volume 50 Author(s): Jennifer E. Storey Abstract
Elder abuse is a global problem gaining recognition due to its severe impact on victims and the ageing population. Increased recognition has led to the investigation of perpetrator and victim characteristics that increase the risk of elder abuse. The identification of such risk factors can assist practitioners in preventing abuse, determining the risk of continued elder abuse and, where factors are dynamic, can be targets for risk management. This literature review identifies and describes perpetrator and victim risk factors for elder abuse with the goal of informing professional practice and providing the basis for an empirically derived risk assessment instrument for elder abuse. Electronic searches identified 198 studies that met the eligibility criteria. The studies reviewed provide evidence supporting eight risk factors related to the perpetrator that increase their risk of continued elder abuse and eight victim vulnerability factors that place the victim at heightened risk of elder abuse. Hypotheses raised by researchers to account for the associations are outlined. The practical utility of the risk and vulnerability factors are described. The need for and approach to developing a structured method to assess and manage elder abuse risk based on the empirically supported risk and vulnerability factors is discussed.
Public significance statementEmpirically supported dynamic risk factors for elder abuse are identifiable for perpetrators and victims of abuse in the existing research literature. These risk factors can be utilised by professionals to inform their practice and target risk management efforts. |
The association between psychopathy and delinquency in juveniles: A three-level meta-analysis Publication date: Available online 15 November 2019 Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior Author(s): Yoni Geerlings, Jessica J. Asscher, Geert-Jan J.M. Stams, Mark Assink AbstractBackgroundPsychopathy has repeatedly been linked with delinquency and criminal recidivism of adults. With the increase of studies examining psychopathic traits in juveniles, it is important to also study this association in juveniles to increase the effectiveness of preventive interventions for juvenile delinquency.PurposeThe primary aim of the present meta-analysis was to examine the association between psychopathic traits and delinquency in juveniles. The second aim was to examine which factors (i.e., type of delinquency, type of psychopathic trait, and other study- and participant characteristics) moderate the association between psychopathy and juvenile delinquent behavior.MethodThe data were analyzed in three-level meta-analytic models.ResultsIn total, 87 studies were included, which used 74 independent samples and reported on 358 effect sizes. Psychopathy was moderately and positively associated with juvenile delinquency (r = 0.24, p < .0001). This overall association was not influenced by type of delinquency. However, stronger effect sizes were found for impulsivity traits than for callous unemotional traits.ConclusionPsychopathy in juveniles is associated with current and future offense behavior. Therefore, assessing psychopathy in juveniles is important for strengthening intervention efforts targeting juvenile delinquency. |
Life course persistent antisocial behavior silver anniversary Publication date: Available online 12 November 2019 Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior Author(s): Robert Eme Abstract
In 1993 Terrie Moffitt published a paper that proposed a dual developmental taxonomy of antisocial behavior. The paper triggered a cascade of research on types of criminal offending, thereby making it one of the most researched and most influential of all developmental theories of antisocial behavior. The silver anniversary of the paper's publication seems a fitting time to review the status of the life-course-persistent (LCP) group who Moffitt suggested would enable researchers to learn more about the etiology of severe, persistent antisocial behavior from studying this group than from studying the group that had its onset of antisocial behavior in adolescence. The LCP group was hypothesized to consist of a relatively few males whose early-onset of severe antisocial behavior would persist into adulthood and had its origins in neurodevelopmental deficits interacting with various environmental risk factors. This review assessed the evidence supporting these hypotheses and reviewed the findings for early identification of the LCP group—a topic that was only modestly addressed in 1993. Lastly, the paper discussed what is one of most significant impacts of the 1993 article, providing impetus to the early-years crime prevention movement.
Why we cannot explain cross-cultural differences in risk assessment Publication date: Available online 30 October 2019 Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior Author(s): Stefanie Schmidt, Roxanne Heffernan, Tony Ward Abstract
The prediction and explanation of crime currently relies predominantly upon the concept of dynamic risk factors (DRF). Evidence suggests that DRF vary across cultures with respect to their prevalence and their predictive validity (e.g., Olver, Stockdale, & Wormith, 2014). What remains unclear is whether the observed differences can be explained by real cultural differences in the causes of crime; and if this is the case, how does culture influence this? We suggest that confusion arises due to conceptual problems with DRF and their measurement. Because DRF are vague, composite, and value-laden constructs researchers are unable to minimize or control for the occurrence of construct or item bias when scores on risk measures are compared across cultures. This makes any further interpretation and adjustment to assessment or intervention unwarranted. If we do not know whether or how DRF cause violence within the cultural context of their development, we cannot possibly hope to explain this relationship in another culture. We suggest that there is a pressing need to provide coherent theories for research, risk assessment and treatment in the future. We will discuss possible ways forward in this paper.
Improving approaches in psychotherapy and domestic violence interventions for perpetrators from marginalized ethnic groups Publication date: Available online 24 October 2019 Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior Author(s): Zeynep Turhan Abstract
The major goal of this paper is to review the existing therapeutic approaches in domestic violence perpetrator interventions by illustrating their effectiveness in reducing and ending the violent behaviour of men from marginalized ethnic groups. The paper aims to discuss how services can efficiently respond to historically marginalized ethnic perpetrators' needs and circumstances based on their social and cultural contexts. This article reviews literature about the success of domestic violence intervention approaches among marginalized ethnic group perpetrators. While each intervention approach highlights key practices for revealing violent behaviour, the combination of integrative approaches and culturally-sensitive strategies appear to be more effective for perpetrators from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. This article contributes to debates about culturally-sensitive approaches by discussing the importance of professionals' skills for enhancing marginalized ethnic perpetrators' motivations to remain engaged in the intervention process. It recommends a number of key culturally-specific strategies for this purpose.
Racial and ethnic differences in bullying: Review and implications for intervention Publication date: Available online 18 October 2019 Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior Author(s): Mariah Xu, Natalia Macrynikola, Muhammad Waseem, Regina Miranda Abstract
Despite increased research on bullying over the past few decades, researchers still have little understanding of how bullying differentially affects racial and ethnic minority and immigrant youth. To facilitate efforts to better evaluate the impact of bullying among racial and ethnic minority youth and improve interventions, we integrated research from multiple disciplines and conducted a systematic search to review relevant cross-cultural research on the prevalence of bullying, risk and protective factors, and differences in behaviors and outcomes associated with bullying in these populations. Studies measuring differences in bullying prevalence by racial and ethnic groups are inconclusive, and discrepancies in findings may be explained by differences in how bullying is measured and the impact of school and social environments. Racial and ethnic minorities and immigrants are disproportionately affected by contextual-level risk factors associated with bullying (e.g., adverse community, home, and school environments), which may moderate the effects of individual-level predictors of bullying victimization or perpetration (e.g., depressive symptoms, empathy, hostility, etc.) on involvement and outcomes. Minority youth may be more likely to perpetrate bullying, and are at much higher risk for poor health and behavioral outcomes as a result of bias-based bullying. At the same time, racial and ethnic minorities and immigrants may be protected against bullying involvement and its negative consequences as a result of strong ethnic identity, positive cultural and family values, and other resilience factors. Considering these findings, we evaluate existing bullying interventions and prevention programs and propose directions for future research.
Correlates of youth violence in low- and middle-income countries: A meta-analysis Publication date: Available online 2 September 2019 Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior Author(s): Olga Sánchez de Ribera, Nicolás Trajtenberg, Yulia Shenderovich, Joseph Murray Abstract
The highest rates of serious interpersonal violence occur in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs) especially in Latin America, the Caribbean, and sub–Saharan Africa. However, previous reviews of risk factors for youth violence focused almost entirely on studies from high-income countries (HICs). Rigorous synthesis of evidence is needed for LMICs. We conducted a meta-analysis of studies of youth violence in LMICs, identified by extensive searches in seven languages. Studies reporting correlates of violence perpetration in samples of 100 or more 10–29 year-olds from the general population in LMICs were included in the review. Eighty-six studies including 480,898 individuals from 60 countries were eligible for meta-analysis. Violent outcomes included fighting, carrying a weapon and other interpersonal violent behaviors (e.g. assault). The strongest correlates of youth violence (OR ≥ 2.5) were: male sex, impulsivity, conduct problems, sexual intercourse at an early age, smoking, alcohol use, using illicit drugs, being bullied, suffering criminal victimization, having deviant/delinquent peers, and watching violent television. We conclude that many correlates of youth violence in LMICs are similar to those that have been identified in HICs, but other biological, psychological, and cultural predictors remain to be tested in LMICs. Implications for research and policy are discussed.
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
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