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Τρίτη 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Energy Transfer Mediated White Light Emission from Nile Red Doped 9,10-diphenylanthracene Nanoaggregate upon Excitation with Near UV-Light
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9PP00272C, PaperBiswajit Manna, Amitabha Nandi, Rajib GhoshLow cost, ease of preparation, colour tunability and wide application range garnered huge research interest on organic light emitting diode materials (OLED). Development of white light emitting organic diode materials...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
RSC - Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. latest articles
Differential Expression of TOM34, AL1A1, PADI2 and KLRBA in NNK Induced Lung Cancer in Wistar Rats and their Implications.
Related ArticlesDifferential Expression of TOM34, AL1A1, PADI2 and KLRBA in NNK Induced Lung Cancer in Wistar Rats and their Implications. Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2019 Jul 17;: Authors: Asad M, Wajid S, Katare DP, Mani RJ, Jain SK Abstract BACKGROUND: Lung cancer is the most common cancer with a high mortality rate. The diagnosis only at advanced stages and lack of effective treatment are the main factors responsible for high mortality. Tobacco smoke...
Current Cancer Drug Targets,http://goo.gl/gS0SK0
Prise de poids chez l’enfant : quels risques respiratoires ?
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Revue des Maladies RespiratoiresAuthor(s): J. Taytard, B. Dubern, G. AubertinRésuméLa surcharge pondérale chez l’enfant et l’adolescent se définit par un indice de masse corporelle (IMC) supérieur au 97e percentile pour l’âge et le sexe selon des courbes établies par l’International Obesity Task Force (IOTF). On estime qu’en France, elle toucherait 25 % des moins de 18 ans. Elle est d’origine multifactorielle, avec une influence importante...
Revue des Maladies Respiratoires
Rapid and reagentless detection of thrombin in clinic samples via microfluidic aptasensors with multiple target-binding sites
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Biosensors and BioelectronicsAuthor(s): Neng Yu, Jianmin WuAbstractA reusable and straightforward aptasensor with the implementation of open-ended porous silicon (OEPSi) membranes was introduced for thrombin detection. When passing through the nanochannels of OEPSi integrated in a microfluidic cell, thrombin in sample solution could be captured by thrombin-binding aptamers (TBA) immobilized along the inner walls. The formation of thrombin-aptamer...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics
Identification and Characterization of a Distinct Strain of Beak and Feather Disease Virus in Southeast China
Abstract Beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) is an infectious agent responsible for feather degeneration and beak deformation in birds. In March 2017, an epidemic of psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) struck a farm in Fuzhou in the Fujian Province of southeast China, resulting in the death of 51 parrots. In this study, the disease was diagnosed and the pathogen was identified by PCR and whole genome sequencing. A distinct BFDV strain was identified and named as the FZ...
Latest Results for Virologica Sinica
Development and Evaluation of a Universal and Supersensitive NS1-Based Luciferase Immunosorbent Assay to Detect Zika Virus-Specific IgG
Abstract Zika virus (ZIKV) causes rash, moderate fever, conjunctivitis, and arthralgia, and has serious connection with neurological complications; therefore, it is a major threat to public health. A rapid and supersensitive method for detecting anti-ZIKV antibodies in humans and animals is thus urgently required. Here, we report an NS1-based luciferase immunosorbent assay (LISA), developed to detect ZIKV-specific IgG. Fusion proteins including a reporter Nano-luciferase (NLuc)...
Latest Results for Virologica Sinica
Novel Primate Bocaparvovirus Species 3 Identified in Wild Macaca Mulatta in China
Abstract Primate bocaparvovirus (BOV) is a possible cause of respiratory disorders and gastroenteritis in humans. However, the diversity and evolution of these viruses remain largely unknown, despite the identification of a growing number of BOVs in non-human primates (NHPs). Here, we report the identification of a novel BOV (provisionally named Macaca mulatta bocaparvovirus [MmBOV]) in the feces of wild Macaca mulatta in China by viral metagenomic analysis. Seven of 400 fecal...
Latest Results for Virologica Sinica
Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the Fonseca anamnestic index for temporomandibular disorders
Abstract Background The Fonseca anamnestic index (FAI) offers a simple, low‐cost, patient‐reported method for screening Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs). Objectives This study described the development of the Chinese version of the FAI (FAI‐C) and examined its reliability and validity when compared to the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD). Methods The FAI‐C was created by translation and cross‐cultural adaptation of the English instrument following international...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Properties of hyoid muscle contraction during tongue lift measurement
Abstract Background Tongue lift movement (TLM) task is considered a treatment strategy in dysphagic patients. However, there is no evidence of effect of sustained tongue movements on the related muscle contraction. Objectives The present study aimed to characterize the properties and time‐dependent changes of the electromyographic (EMG) features of supra hyoid muscles during TLM. Methods Twenty young healthy volunteers were instructed to perform TLM at maximum effort in either the...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Patient satisfaction with ball and Equator attachments for single‐implant mandibular overdentures: a short‐term randomized crossover clinical trial
Abstract Background Retention and stabilization of a single‐implant mandibular overdenture (SIMO) are influenced by the biomechanical properties and clinical performance of the attachment system. Purpose To compare clinical and patient‐reported outcomes following the use of two retention systems, a ball and a stud‐type Equator attachment, used for SIMO. Material and Methods 18 fully edentulous participants were treated with a SIMO opposing to a maxillary complete denture. They received...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Plasma tryptophan and kynurenine in females with temporomandibular disorders and fibromyalgia – An exploratory pilot study
Abstract Background Both temporomandibular disorders myalgia (TMDM) and fibromyalgia (FM) have been linked to central and peripheral changes in serotonin availability. The precursor of serotonin, tryptophan (TRP), is mainly catabolized via another pathway to produce kynurenine (KYN), but whether changes of this pathway are present in TMDM and FM are still unclear. Objective The aim was to explore blood plasma concentrations of TRP and KYN in TMDM and FM in an attempt to identify novel associations...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Azole resistance in Aspergillus species in Southern Taiwan: an epidemiological surveillance study
Abstract Background and Objectives Poor clinical outcomes for invasive aspergillosis are associated with antifungal resistance. Performing antifungal susceptibility tests on clinically relevant Aspergillus isolates from patients and environmental regions with known azole resistance is recommended. The aim of the study was to assess the presence of azole‐resistance in clinical Aspergillus spp. isolates and those from hospital environments and farmlands within a 40 km radius of the hospital. ...
Self-pressurized air-Q® intubating laryngeal airway versus the LMA® Classic™: a randomized clinical trial.
Related ArticlesSelf-pressurized air-Q® intubating laryngeal airway versus the LMA® Classic™: a randomized clinical trial. Can J Anaesth. 2018 05;65(5):543-550 Authors: Ha SH, Kim MS, Suh J, Lee JS Abstract PURPOSE: The self-pressurized air-Q® (air-Q SP) intubating laryngeal airway is a relatively new supraglottic airway (SGA) device. The intracuff pressure of air-Q dynamically equilibrates with the airway pressure and adjusts to the patient's pharyngeal...
Practice patterns among early-career primary care (ECPC) physicians and workforce planning implications: protocol for a mixed methods study
IntroductionCanadians report persistent problems accessing primary care despite an increasing per-capita supply of primary care physicians (PCPs). There is speculation that PCPs, especially those early in their careers, may now be working less and/or choosing to practice in focused clinical areas rather than comprehensive family medicine, but little evidence to support or refute this. The goal of this study is to inform primary care planning by: (1) identifying values and preferences shaping the...
BMJ Open recent issues
Can earlier BCG vaccination reduce early infant mortality? Study protocol for a cluster randomised trial in Guinea-Bissau
IntroductionThe BCG vaccine is designed to protect against tuberculosis, but the vaccine may have broader effects. In 2014, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization reviewed the literature on non-specific effects of BCG, and concluded that the evidence was consistent with beneficial non-specific effects and requested further randomised trials. Methods and analysesWithin the Bandim Health Project’s urban and rural health and demographic surveillance systems, we will conduct a cluster-randomised...
BMJ Open recent issues
Developing assistive robots for people with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia: a qualitative study with older adults and experts in aged care
ObjectivesThis research is part of an international project to design and test a home-based healthcare robot to help older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or early dementia. The aim was to investigate the perceived usefulness of different daily-care activities for the robot, developed from previous research on needs. DesignQualitative descriptive analysis using semistructured interviews. Two studies were conducted. In the first study, participants watched videos of a prototype robot...
BMJ Open recent issues
Risk of myocardial infarction among people living with HIV: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis
ObjectiveCardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading non-AIDS-defining causes of death among HIV-positive (HIV+) individuals. However, the evidence surrounding specific components of CVD risk remains inconclusive. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to synthesise the available evidence and establish the risk of myocardial infarction (MI) among HIV+ compared with uninfected individuals. We also examined MI risk within subgroups of HIV+ individuals according to exposure to combination...
BMJ Open recent issues
What are the patient factors that impact on decisions to progress to total knee replacement? A qualitative study involving patients with knee osteoarthritis
ObjectivesGeneral practitioners (GPs) are often the first health professionals to assess patients with osteoarthritis (OA). Despite clinical guideline recommendations for non-surgical intervention as first-line therapies, the most frequent referral from a GP for a person with knee OA is to an orthopaedic surgeon. The aim of our study was to explore patient factors that impact on the decision to progress to total knee replacement (TKR), including the experience of patients in general practice, their...
BMJ Open recent issues
An observational study to examine how cumulative impact zones influence alcohol availability from different types of licensed outlets in an inner London Borough
ObjectivesCumulative impact zones (CIZs) are a widely implemented local policy intended to restrict alcohol availability in areas proliferated with licensed outlets. Limited previous research has questioned their effectiveness and suggested they may play a more nuanced role in shaping local alcohol environments. This study evaluates the association between CIZ implementation and the number of licence applications made, and the number issued, relative to a control region. DesignA quantitative observational...
BMJ Open recent issues
Surgeon perceived most important factors to achieve the best hospital performance on colorectal cancer surgery: a Dutch modified Delphi method
ObjectivesHospital variation in risk-adjusted outcomes after colorectal cancer surgery has been shown. However, explanatory factors are not sufficiently clear. The objective of this study was to identify factors perceived by gastrointestinal surgeons as important to achieve excellent casemix-adjusted outcomes after colorectal cancer surgery. DesignBased on literature and experts’ opinion, 86 factors associated with serious complications, failure to rescue and mortality were listed. These were presented...
BMJ Open recent issues
Prospective longitudinal study of tobacco company adaptation to standardised packaging in the UK: identifying circumventions and closing loopholes
ObjectivesUK standardised packaging legislation was introduced alongside pack size and product descriptor restrictions of the European Union Tobacco Products Directive to end tobacco marketing and misinformation via the pack. This paper aims to assess compliance with the restrictions and identify attempts to continue to market tobacco products and perpetuate misperceptions of harm post legislation. Design, setting and interventionA prospective study of the introduction of standardised packaging...
BMJ Open recent issues
A cross-sectional study investigating the associations of person-organisation and person-group fit with staff outcomes in mental healthcare
ObjectivesOrganisational and workplace cultures are fundamental determinants of health systems performance; through better understanding of the dimensions of culture there is the potential to influence them, and subsequently improve safety and quality of care, as well as the experiences of both patients and staff. One promising conceptual framework for studying culture in healthcare is person-environment (P-E) fit. Comprising person-organisational (P-O) and person-group (P-G) components, P-E fit...
BMJ Open recent issues
Qualitative study exploring patients experiences of being diagnosed and living with primary bone cancer in the UK
ObjectiveThe aim of this study is to explore the experiences of patients with primary bone cancer. DesignQualitative study design using semistructured interviews and focus groups. SettingHospitals across the UK and recruitment through UK sarcoma charities and support groups. MethodsSemistructured telephone/face-to-face interviews and focus groups with a purposive sample of 26 participants. Data were analysed using Framework Analysis. ParticipantsPatients (n=26) with primary bone cancer aged 13–77...
BMJ Open recent issues
Cohort profile: the clinical 'Psoriasis in Adolescents (PIA) cohort in Denmark
PurposePsoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that frequently debuts in childhood and adolescence. We wished to determine environmental and genetic risk factors for the development of psoriasis in children and adolescents, as well as to investigate debut type, trigger factors, course of disease, nature and influence of stress related to both child and family and risk factors for comorbidity. The ‘Psoriasis in Adolescents’ (PIA) cohort will provide data on the relationship between psoriasis...
BMJ Open recent issues
Effect of reimbursement restriction policy on the use of benzodiazepines in the Netherlands: an interrupted time series analysis
ObjectivesUse of benzodiazepines has health risks. Reimbursement was restricted in the Netherlands from January 2009 onwards with the goal to reduce chronic use and healthcare expenditures. The aim of this study is to assess the initial and long-term effects of this policy on benzodiazepine use. DesignInterrupted time series analysis, segmented regression models, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Cox proportional hazards analysis. SettingA 10% random sample of benzodiazepine dispensings by outpatient...
BMJ Open recent issues
Body mass index variation over time and associated factors among HIV-positive adults on second-line ART in north-west Ethiopia: a retrospective follow-up study
ObjectivesThis study aimed to assess the evolution of body mass index (BMI) of HIV-positive adults on second-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) over time and factors affecting it in north-west Ethiopia. DesignAn institution-based retrospective follow-up study was conducted using data extracted from 1016 patient cards from February 2008 to February 2016. SettingEight referral hospitals from Amhara region, Ethiopia were included. ParticipantsHIV patients who started second-line ART. Outcome measuresChange...
BMJ Open recent issues
Evaluating the population impact of hepatitis C direct acting antiviral treatment as prevention for people who inject drugs (EPIToPe) - a natural experiment (protocol)
IntroductionHepatitis C virus (HCV) is the second largest contributor to liver disease in the UK, with injecting drug use as the main risk factor among the estimated 200 000 people currently infected. Despite effective prevention interventions, chronic HCV prevalence remains around 40% among people who inject drugs (PWID). New direct-acting antiviral (DAA) HCV therapies combine high cure rates (>90%) and short treatment duration (8 to 12 weeks). Theoretical mathematical modelling evidence suggests...
BMJ Open recent issues
Assessing non-conveyed patients in the ambulance service: a phenomenological interview study with Swedish ambulance clinicians
ObjectivesTo combat overcrowding in emergency departments, ambulance clinicians (ACs) are being encouraged to make on-site assessments regarding patients’ need for conveyance to hospital, and this is creating new and challenging demands for ACs. This study aimed to describe ACs’ experiences of assessing non-conveyed patients. DesignA phenomenological interview study based on a reflective lifeworld research approach. SettingThe target area for the study was Stockholm, Sweden, which has a population...
BMJ Open recent issues
Measuring precarious employment in Sweden: translation, adaptation and psychometric properties of the Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES)
ObjectivesPrecarious employment (PE) is a determinant of poor health and health inequality. However, the evidence of health consequences and mechanisms underlying the associations, are still limited due to a lack of a comprehensive multidimensional definition and measurement instrument. The Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES) is a Spanish, multidimensional scale, developed to measure degree of PE. The aim of this study was to translate the EPRES-2010 into Swedish, adapt it to the Swedish context...
BMJ Open recent issues
SToP (See, Treat, Prevent) skin sores and scabies trial: study protocol for a cluster randomised, stepped-wedge trial for skin disease control in remote Western Australia
IntroductionSkin is important in Australian Aboriginal culture informing kinship and identity. In many remote Aboriginal communities, scabies and impetigo are very common. Untreated skin infections are painful, itchy and frequently go untreated due to under-recognition and lack of awareness of their potential serious complications. We hypothesise that the skin infection burden in remote Aboriginal communities can be reduced by implementing streamlined training and treatment pathways integrated with...
BMJ Open recent issues
Counselling for physical activity, life-space mobility and falls prevention in old age (COSMOS): protocol of a randomised controlled trial
IntroductionThe most promising way to promote active life years in old age is to promote regular participation in physical activity (PA). Maintaining lower extremity muscle function with good balance has been associated with fewer falls and the need of help from others. This article describes the design and intervention of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) investigating the effectiveness of a health and PA counselling programme on life-space mobility and falls rates in community-dwelling older...
BMJ Open recent issues
Rationale and population-based prospective cohort protocol for the disadvantaged populations at risk of decline in eGFR (CO-DEGREE)
IntroductionA recently recognised form of chronic kidney disease (CKD) of unknown origin (CKDu) is afflicting communities, mostly in rural areas in several regions of the world. Prevalence studies are being conducted in a number of countries, using a standardised protocol, to estimate the distribution of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and thus identify communities with a high prevalence of reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In this paper, we propose a standardised minimum protocol...
BMJ Open recent issues
Associations between occupational relative aerobic workload and resting blood pressure among different age groups: a cross-sectional analysis in the DPhacto study
ObjectiveHigh levels of occupational physical activity (OPA) increase heart rate, blood pressure (BP) and the risk of hypertension. Older workers may be more vulnerable to high levels of OPA due to age-related degeneration of the cardiovascular system and cardiorespiratory fitness. This study investigates the association of relative aerobic workload (RAW) with resting BP and examines if this relation is moderated by age. DesignCross-sectional epidemiological study. SettingData were collected among...
BMJ Open recent issues
Qualitative exploration of emotional and social changes from diagnosis to bereavement for spousal caregivers of persons with dementia
ObjectivesTo understand how bereaved spousal caregivers of persons with dementia perceive and respond to changes over the course of their spouse’s disease, from diagnosis into bereavement. DesignQualitative interview study with convenience sampling and thematic analysis approach. ParticipantsParticipants included eight women and two men (n=10) who had been spousal caregivers for a person with dementia prior to his/her death. Participants were older adults who self-reported good health and were...
BMJ Open recent issues
Psychosocial problems in women attending French, German and Spanish genetics clinics before and after targeted or multigene testing results: an observational prospective study
Objectives and settingAdvances in multigene panel testing for cancer susceptibility has increased the complexity of counselling, requiring particular attention to counselees’ psychosocial needs. Changes in psychosocial problems before and after genetic testing were prospectively compared between genetic test results in women tested for breast or ovarian cancer genetic susceptibility in French, German and Spanish clinics. Participants and measuresAmong 752 counselees consecutively approached, 646...
BMJ Open recent issues
Extending the RIGHT statement for reporting adapted practice guidelines in healthcare: the RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist protocol
IntroductionThe adaptation of guidelines is an increasingly used methodology for the efficient development of contextualised recommendations. Nevertheless, there is no specific reporting guidance. The essential Reporting Items of Practice Guidelines in Healthcare (RIGHT) statement could be useful for reporting adapted guidelines, but it does not address all the important aspects of the adaptation process. The objective of our project is to develop an extension of the RIGHT statement for the reporting...
BMJ Open recent issues
Experience of living with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review of qualitative studies
ObjectivesSystematically review the qualitative literature on living with knee osteoarthritis from patient and carer perspectives. DesignSystematic review of qualitative studies. Five electronic databases (CINAHL, Embase, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus) were searched from inception until October 2018. Data were synthesised using thematic and content analysis. ParticipantsStudies exploring the experiences of people living with knee osteoarthritis, and their carers were included. Studies exploring...
BMJ Open recent issues
Effects of accelerated versus standard care surgery on the risk of acute kidney injury in patients with a hip fracture: a substudy protocol of the hip fracture Accelerated surgical TreaTment And Care tracK (HIP ATTACK) international randomised controlled trial
IntroductionInflammation, dehydration, hypotension and bleeding may all contribute to the development of acute kidney injury (AKI). Accelerated surgery after a hip fracture can decrease the exposure time to such contributors and may reduce the risk of AKI. Methods and analysisHip fracture Accelerated surgical TreaTment And Care tracK (HIP ATTACK) is a multicentre, international, parallel-group randomised controlled trial (RCT). Patients who suffer a hip fracture are randomly allocated to either...
BMJ Open recent issues
How European primary care practitioners think the timeliness of cancer diagnosis can be improved: a thematic analysis
BackgroundNational European cancer survival rates vary widely. Prolonged diagnostic intervals are thought to be a key factor in explaining these variations. Primary care practitioners (PCPs) frequently play a crucial role during initial cancer diagnosis; their knowledge could be used to improve the planning of more effective approaches to earlier cancer diagnosis. ObjectivesThis study sought the views of PCPs from across Europe on how they thought the timeliness of cancer diagnosis could be improved....
BMJ Open recent issues

Correction: Development and validation protocol for an instrument to measure household water insecurity across cultures and ecologies: the Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale
Young SL, Collins SM, Boateng GO, et al. Development and validation protocol for an instrument to measure household water insecurity across cultures and ecologies: the Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale. BMJ Open 2019;9:e023558. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023558 This article was previously published with an error. Four names were missed in the collaborators list. The names are Jonathan Maupin, Monet Niesluchowski, Asiki Gershim, and Divya Krishnakumar.
BMJ Open recent issues

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