Radiotherapy and Oncology
- Salvage brachytherapy for locally-recurrent prostate cancer after radiation therapy: A comparison of efficacy and toxicity outcomes with high-dose rate and low-dose rate brachytherapyPublication date: Available online 27 September 2019Source: Radiotherapy and OncologyAuthor(s): Iván Henríquez López, Carmen González-San Segundo, Jesús Olivera Vegas, Cristina Gutierrez, Asunción Hervas, María Ángeles Cabeza Rodriguez, Jeannette Valero Albarrán, Silvia Rodríguez Villalba, Ana Álvarez Gonzalez, Gemma Sancho Pardo, Almudena Zapatero, Pedro Cuesta ÁlvaroAbstractBackgroundBrachytherapy (BT) is widely used for salvage therapy in pati
- MRI assisted focal boost integrated with HDR monotherapy study in low and intermediate risk prostate cancer (MARS): Results from a phase II clinical trialPublication date: Available online 26 September 2019Source: Radiotherapy and OncologyAuthor(s): Yasir Alayed, Laura D'Alimonte, Joelle Helou, Ananth Ravi, Gerard Morton, Hans T. Chung, Masoom Haider, Merrylee McGuffin, Liying Zhang, Andrew LoblawAbstractPurposeThere is growing concern that single-fraction HDR monotherapy to a dose of 19 Gy is suboptimal for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. We report the results of a phase II prospectiv
- Multiple-CT optimization: An adaptive optimization method to account for anatomical changes in intensity-modulated proton therapy for head and neck cancersPublication date: Available online 26 September 2019Source: Radiotherapy and OncologyAuthor(s): Zhiyong Yang, Xiaodong Zhang, Xianliang Wang, X. Ronald Zhu, Brandon Gunn, Steven J. Frank, Yu Chang, Qin Li, Kunyu Yang, Gang Wu, Li Liao, Yupeng Li, Mei Chen, Heng LiAbstractPurposeWe aimed to determine whether multiple-CT (MCT) optimization of intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) could improve plan robustness to anatomical changes and therefore
- Image registration, contour propagation and dose accumulation of external beam and brachytherapy in gynecological radiotherapyPublication date: Available online 26 September 2019Source: Radiotherapy and OncologyAuthor(s): Jamema Swamidas, Christian Kirisits, Marisol De Brabandere, Taran Paulsen Hellebust, Frank-André Siebert, Kari TanderupAbstractThis review provides an overview of the current status of image registration for image guided gynaecological brachytherapy including combination with external beam radiotherapy. Contour propagation between individual fractions
The Journal of Physiology
- Maternal selenium deficiency during pregnancy in mice increases thyroid hormone concentrations, alters placental function and reduces fetal growthKey points Inappropriate intake of key micronutrients in pregnancy is known to alter maternal endocrine status, impair placental development and induce fetal growth restriction. Selenium is an essential micronutrient required for the function of approximately 25 important proteins. However, the specific effects of selenium deficiency during pregnancy on maternal, placental and fetal outcomes is poorly understood. This study demonstrates that
Journal of Surgical Case Reports - current issue
- Esophageal ‘pyocele’: thoracoscopic managementAbstractMucocele of the native esophagus is a rare complication after esophageal bypass surgery for various indications. Esophageal mucoceles rarely get infected, forming a ‘pyocele’ which becomes symptomatic. Various approaches have been utilized in the management of such pyoceles. We report a similar patient managed successfully in our center utilizing a thoracoscopic deroofing and partial excision of the pyocele.
- Fundamental Voice Frequency: Acoustic, Electroglottographic, and Accelerometer Measurement in Individuals With and Without Vocal AlterationPublication date: Available online 29 September 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Rafaella Cristina Oliveira, Ana C.C. Gama, Max D.C. MagalhãesAbstractObjectiveTo analyze the values of the fundamental frequency obtained through acoustic, electroglottographic, and accelerometer assessments on the skin of the neck in individuals with and without vocal alterations.MethodsThis was an observational cross-sectional study carried out at the Voice a
- Voice Outcome of Total Thyroidectomy in Comparison With Administration of Recombinant Human TSHPublication date: Available online 29 September 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Yong Tae Hong, Seok Tae Lim, Ki Hwan HongSummaryBackground and ObjectivesThe larynx is an end-organ target for hormones, and thyroid hormone may act on the larynx. We objectively compared and analyzed the phonetic characteristics of patients who underwent total thyroidectomy before and after radioiodine therapy (RIT) according to administration of recombinant h
- Laryngeal Solitary Fibrous Tumor: A Case Report and Systematic ReviewPublication date: Available online 26 September 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Jin Yang, Shanalee Tamares, Brianna K. CrawleyAbstractObjectives/HypothesisSolitary fibrous tumors are spindle cell neoplasms of mesenchymal origin that rarely occur in the larynx and may be mistaken for other pathologies. This case presentation and systematic review investigates presentation, treatment modalities, and outcomes of this unusual tumor.Study Desig
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
- Burn wounds after electrical injury in a bathtub: a case reportIncreased smartphone use among minors makes our population more prone to electrical injury. Despite regulations on electrical home safety standards, smartphones and chargers still pose a risk for severe injury...
Journal of Internal Medicine
- Individuals at risk of seropositive rheumatoid arthritis‐ the evolving storyAbstract The etiology of the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis (RA) involves a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors that initiate many years before the onset of clinical symptoms. These interactions likely include both protective and susceptibility factors which together determine the risk of developing RA. More than 100 susceptibility loci have been linked to RA. The strongest association is with HLA‐DRB1 alleles en
Gene Expression Patterns
- The expression of <em>FoxG</em> in the early development of the European river lamprey <em>Lampetra fluviatilis</em> demonstrates significant heterochrony with that in other vertebratesPublication date: Available online 28 September 2019Source: Gene Expression PatternsAuthor(s): Galina V. Ermakova, Alexandr V. Kucheryavyy, Andrey G. Zaraisky, Andrey V. BayramovAbstractFoxG1, a member of the Fox/Forkhead family of winged helix transcription factors, plays key roles in the induction and spatial compartmentalization of the telencephalon in vertebrates. Loss- and gain-of-function experiments have established FoxG1 as a maintenance
- Novel cis-regulatory regions in ecdysone responsive genes are sufficient to promote gene expression in <em>Drosophila</em> ovarian cellsPublication date: Available online 26 September 2019Source: Gene Expression PatternsAuthor(s): Samantha I. McDonald, Allison N. Beachum, Taylor D. Hinnant, Amelia J. Blake, Tierra Bynum, E. Parris Hickman, Joseph Barnes, Kaely L. Churchill, Tamesia S. Roberts, Denise E. Zangwill, Elizabeth T. AblesAbstractThe insect steroid hormone ecdysone is a key regulator of oogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster and many other species. Despite the diversity of
- Actinic cheilitis: Morphometric parameters and its relationship with the degree of epithelial dysplasia.Related ArticlesActinic cheilitis: Morphometric parameters and its relationship with the degree of epithelial dysplasia. Acta Histochem. 2019 Sep 23;:151452 Authors: Gonzaga AKG, Mafra RP, da Silva LP, de Almeida Freitas R, de Souza LB, Pinto LP Abstract Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a potentially malignant lesion caused by chronic sun exposure. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the d
rhinol allergy
- Allergic Rhinitis Is Associated With Loss of Energy and Concentration Difficulty: A Cross-sectional Study.Related ArticlesAllergic Rhinitis Is Associated With Loss of Energy and Concentration Difficulty: A Cross-sectional Study. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2019 Sep 26;:1945892419877554 Authors: Robles-Figueroa M, Bedolla-Barajas M, Morales-Romero J, Pulido-Guillén NA, Bustos-Gutiérrez LRM PMID: 31558036 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
otol rhinol
- Comparing Urban Maxillofacial Trauma Patterns to the National Trauma Data Bank©.Comparing Urban Maxillofacial Trauma Patterns to the National Trauma Data Bank©. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2019 Sep 27;:3489419878457 Authors: Cohn JE, Smith KC, Licata JJ, Michael A, Zwillenberg S, Burroughs T, Arosarena OA Abstract OBJECTIVES: We aimed to determine whether certain maxillofacial fracture patterns and injury mechanisms were more prevalent in an urban environment. In addition, we aime
- The Temporoparietal Fascia Flap is an Effective Strategy for Cochlear Implant Wound Coverage.The Temporoparietal Fascia Flap is an Effective Strategy for Cochlear Implant Wound Coverage. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2019 Sep 27;:3489419877429 Authors: Leonhard L, Roche J, Wieland A, Pyle GM Abstract OBJECTIVE: To report the rate of major soft tissue complications after cochlear implantation and to describe the use of the temporoparietal fascia (TPF) flap for such complications. STUDY D
- Current Opioid Prescribing Patterns after Microdirect Laryngoscopy.Current Opioid Prescribing Patterns after Microdirect Laryngoscopy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2019 Sep 27;:3489419877912 Authors: Huston MN, Kamizi R, Meyer TK, Merati AL, Giliberto JP Abstract BACKGROUND: The prevalence of opioid abuse has become epidemic in the United States. Microdirect laryngoscopy (MDL) is a common otolaryngological procedure, yet prescribing practices for opioids following this
- [Oncoimmunology in old age].Related Articles[Oncoimmunology in old age]. HNO. 2019 Sep 26;: Authors: Wigand MC, Jeske S, Hahn J, Doescher J, Laban S, Hoffmann TK, Schuler PJ Abstract Physiological aging processes of the immune system are associated with an increased susceptibility to infectious, autoimmune and tumor diseases. In accordance with the general demographic development the number of tumor patients in advanced age als
- [Festschrift for Roland Laszig].Related Articles[Festschrift for Roland Laszig]. HNO. 2019 Oct;67(10):734-735 Authors: Aschendorff A, Arndt S PMID: 31559455 [PubMed - in process]
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- [Current aspects of vertigo and dizziness in advanced age].Related Articles[Current aspects of vertigo and dizziness in advanced age]. HNO. 2019 Sep 25;: Authors: Walther LE, Blödow A Abstract Vertigo and dizziness in advanced age are common complaints in daily clinical practice. The otorhinolaryngologist holds a central position in the differential diagnostic clarification. Age-related disorders (e.g. benign positional vertigo, presbyvestibulopathy, otholit
cortical auditory
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Academic Radiology
- Flipping the Classroom: An Alternative Approach to Radiology Resident EducationPublication date: Available online 27 September 2019Source: Academic RadiologyAuthor(s): Madeleine Sertic, Laila Alshafai, Luis Guimaraes, Linda Probyn, Nasir Jaffer
Sleep Medicine
- Relationship of substantia nigra hyperechogenicity to risk of Lewy body disease in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder patients: a longitudinal studyPublication date: Available online 26 September 2019Source: Sleep MedicineAuthor(s): Masayuki Miyamoto, Tomoyuki MiyamotoAbstractBackgroundWe examined the relationship between baseline substantia nigra (SN) echogenicity on transcranial sonography (TCS) images and medium-to long-term developments of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) in idiopathic RBD (IRBD) patients.MethodsFrom 2007-2009, TCS and odor identification test
Hearing Research
- Synchrotron Radiation Imaging Revealing the Sub-micron Structure of the Auditory OssiclesPublication date: Available online 27 September 2019Source: Hearing ResearchAuthor(s): Lukas Anschuetz, MD; Marco Demattè, MD; Alessia Pica, MD; Wilhelm Wimmer, PhD; Marco Caversaccio, MD; Anne BonninAbstractPurposeSynchrotron-based X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging (SR X-PCI) allows, thanks to a highly coherent and powerful X-ray beam, the imaging of surface and cross-sectional tissue properties with high absorption-contrast. The objective of this st
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International journal of basic and clinical endocrinology
- Perfluoroalkyl substances and bone health in young men: a pilot studyAbstract Purpose Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Toxicological studies indicate that PFAS accumulate in bone tissue and could cause alterations in bone metabolism. The primary objective of this study was to examine the association between PFAS exposure and bone status in a cohort of young men resident in a well-defined area with high PFAS
- Prospective comparison of whole-body MRI with diffusion-weighted and conventional imaging for the follow-up of neuroendocrine tumorsAbstract Aim To determine whether whole-body magnetic resonance imaging is valuable in staging of neuroendocrine tumors by comparison with the conventional imaging defined by the combination of computed tomography and somatostatin receptor scintigraphy. Methods This study concerned the patients included i
- A transgenic mouse that spontaneously develops pathogenic TSH receptor antibodies will facilitate study of antigen-specific immunotherapy for human Graves’ diseaseAbstract Graves’ hyperthyroidism can be treated but not cured. Antigen-specific immunotherapy would accomplish this goal, for which purpose an animal model is an invaluable tool. Two types of animal models are available. First, pathogenic TSHR antibodies (TSHRAb) can be induced by injecting mice with fibroblasts co-expressing the human TSHR (hTSHR) and MHC class II, or in mammals using plasmid or adenovirus vectors encoding the
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
- Inhibition of autophagy enhances the anticancer effect of enzalutamide on bladder cancerPublication date: December 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 120Author(s): Yongjun Quan, Hongen Lei, Wasilijiang Wahafu, Yuexin Liu, Hao Ping, Xiaodong ZhangAbstractBackgroundEmerging preclinical evidence suggests a critical role for androgen-mediated androgen receptor (AR) signaling in bladder cancer progression. However, researchers have not determined whether autophagy modulates the efficacy of an enzalutamide (ENZ) treatment i
- Ferulic acid increases intestinal Lactobacillus and improves cardiac function in TAC micePublication date: December 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 120Author(s): Zuheng Liu, Zhuang Ma, Hao Zhang, Baswin Seel Summah, Haiyue Liu, Dongqi An, Qiong Zhan, Wenyan Lai, Qingchun Zeng, Hao Ren, Dingli XuAbstractFerulic acid, a main ingredient of Ligusticum, exhibits anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation effects in heart diseases. Some studies indicate that gut microbiome is associated with the generation of ferulic acid. Whethe
- Revolution in biomedicine using emerging of picomaterials: A breakthrough on the future of medical diagnosis and therapyPublication date: December 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 120Author(s): Paria Pashazadeh-Panahi, Mohammad HasanzadehAbstractBiomedicine is inseparable part of medicine that play vital role in modern medical progress. Bioimaging, smart drug delivery, safe cancer therapy and personalized medicine are some important properties of this science. Pico technology as a next frontier in a scientific filed will revolutionized the scienti
- Pantoprazole pretreatment elevates sensitivity to vincristine in drug-resistant oral epidermoid carcinoma <em>in vitro</em> and <em>in vivo</em>Publication date: December 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 120Author(s): Zhen-Ning Lu, Zhao-Yu Shi, Yi-Fan Dang, Yan-Na Cheng, Yan-Hui Guan, Zhao-Jun Hao, Bing Tian, Hong-Wei He, Xiu-Li GuoAbstractResistance to chemotherapeutic agents is a major cause of treatment failure in patients with oral cancer. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), essentially H+-K+-ATPase inhibitors which are currently used in the treatment of acid related dise
- Systematic screening of protein-coding gene expression identified <em>HMMR</em> as a potential independent indicator of unfavorable survival in patients with papillary muscle-invasive bladder cancerPublication date: December 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 120Author(s): Dong Yang, Yan Ma, Pengcheng Zhao, Jing Ma, Chaohong HeAbstractPapillary and non-papillary are two histological patterns of bladder carcinogenesis and are considered as dual-track oncogenic pathways, which have different genetic alterations. The TCGA-bladder cancer (BLCA) database contains clinicopathological, genomic and survival data from over 400 muscle-
- A combined molecular biology and network pharmacology approach to investigate the multi-target mechanisms of Chaihu Shugan San on Alzheimer’s diseasePublication date: December 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 120Author(s): Qiang Zeng, Longfei Li, Wingsum Siu, Yu Jin, Meiqun Cao, Weifeng Li, Jian Chen, Weihong Cong, Min Ma, Keji Chen, Zhengzhi WuAbstractChaihu Shugan San (CSS) is a well-known herbal formula used to nourish liver and blood, promote blood circulation and Qi flow in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Modern pharmacological studies and clinical uses showed that CSS cou
- High iodine effects on the proliferation, apoptosis, and migration of papillary thyroid carcinoma cells as a result of autophagy induced by BRAF kinasePublication date: December 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 120Author(s): Dexin Zhang, Xiaona Xu, Jingjing Li, Xu Yang, Jingxue Sun, Yanmeizhi Wu, Hong QiaoAbstractPapillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is a common endocrine tumor. This study found that different iodine concentrations affected the proliferation, apoptosis, and migration of PTC. For this study, we collected clinical information from PTC patients and monitored the level
- The role of seed implantation in patients with unresectable pancreatic carcinoma after relief of obstructive jaundice using ERCPPublication date: Available online 26 September 2019Source: BrachytherapyAuthor(s): Wen Li, Xiangdong Wang, Zikai Wang, Tiantian Zhang, Fengchun Cai, Ping Tang, Jiangyun Meng, Hong Du, Hongbin Wang, Mingyang Li, Shuling LiAbstractPurposeThe purpose of the study was to investigate the role of iodine-125 seed implantation, guided by endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and/or percutanous ultrasound, in patients with unresectable pancreatic carcinoma after r
BMC Research Notes
- Occupational stress and its related demographic factors among Iranian CCU nurses: a cross-sectional studyOccupational stress can have an adverse effect on mental and physical health and performance of nurses. The aim of this study was to investigate the occupational stress of Iranian critical care unit (CCU) nurs...
- Risky sexual behaviors of schizophrenic patients: a single center study in Ethiopia, 2018Identify factors related to risky sexual behavior can facilitate health care providers to approach programs that improve quality of services provided to the patient service. The aim of study to assess the prev...
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
- Cerebrovascular Pulsatility During Rest and Exercise Reflects Hemodynamic Impairment in Stroke and Cerebral Small Vessel DiseasePublication date: Available online 28 September 2019Source: Ultrasound in Medicine & BiologyAuthor(s): Andrew D. Robertson, Sarah Atwi, Kyriaki Kostoglou, Nicolaas Paul L.G. Verhoeff, Paul I. Oh, Georgios D. Mitsis, Susan Marzolini, Bradley J. MacIntoshAbstractAlthough aerobic exercise is recommended as a core component of stroke rehabilitation, knowledge of acute cerebrovascular responses in patients is limited. This study tested the hypothesis
- CalendarPublication date: November 2019Source: Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, Volume 45, Issue 11Author(s):
- ContentsPublication date: November 2019Source: Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, Volume 45, Issue 11Author(s):
- Editorial Advisory BoardPublication date: November 2019Source: Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, Volume 45, Issue 11Author(s):
- MastheadPublication date: November 2019Source: Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, Volume 45, Issue 11Author(s):
- Reproducibility of Natural Shear Wave Elastography MeasurementsPublication date: Available online 26 September 2019Source: Ultrasound in Medicine & BiologyAuthor(s): Lana B.H. Keijzer, Mihai Strachinaru, Dan J. Bowen, Marcel L. Geleijnse, Antonius F.W. van der Steen, Johan G. Bosch, Nico de Jong, Hendrik J. VosAbstractFor the quantification of myocardial function, myocardial stiffness can potentially be measured non-invasively using shear wave elastography. Clinical diagnosis requires high precision. In 10 h
Journal of the American College of Surgeons
- Intraoperative Tumor Assessment Using Real-Time Molecular Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer PatientsPublication date: Available online 27 September 2019Source: Journal of the American College of SurgeonsAuthor(s): Stan van Keulen, Naoki Nishio, Shayan Fakurnejad, Nynke S. van den Berg, Guolan Lu, Andrew Birkeland, Brock A. Martin, Tymour Forouzanfar, A. Dimitrios Colevas, Eben L. RosenthalAbstractBackgroundIn head and neck cancer, surgical resection using primarily visual and tactile feedback is considered gold standard for solid tumors. Due to
Clinical Imaging
- ContentsPublication date: September–October 2019Source: Clinical Imaging, Volume 57Author(s):
Brain and Language
- White noise facilitates new-word learning from contextPublication date: December 2019Source: Brain and Language, Volume 199Author(s): Anthony J. Angwin, Wayne J. Wilson, Pablo Ripollés, Antoni Rodriguez-Fornells, Wendy L. Arnott, Robert J. Barry, Bonnie B.Y. Cheng, Kimberley Garden, David A. CoplandAbstractListening to white noise may facilitate cognitive performance, including new word learning, for some individuals. This study investigated whether auditory white noise facilitates the learning of n
- Editorial BoardPublication date: November 2019Source: Brain and Language, Volume 198Author(s):
Clinical Neurophysiology
- Saccular function is associated with both angular and distance errors on the triangle completion testPublication date: November 2019Source: Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 130, Issue 11Author(s): E.R. Anson, M.R. Ehrenburg, E.X. Wei, D. Bakar, E. Simonsick, Y. AgrawalAbstractObjectiveThe present study was designed to determine whether healthy older adults with age-related vestibular loss have deficits in spatial navigation.Methods154 adults participating in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging were tested for semicircular canal, saccular,
- Prospective observational study: Fast ripple localization delineates the epileptogenic zonePublication date: November 2019Source: Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 130, Issue 11Author(s): Hiroki Nariai, Shaun A. Hussain, Danilo Bernardo, Aria Fallah, Kristina K. Murata, Jimmy C. Nguyen, Rajsekar R. Rajaraman, Lekha M. Rao, Joyce H. Matsumoto, Jason T. Lerner, Noriko Salamon, David Elashoff, Raman Sankar, Joyce Y. WuAbstractObjectiveTo investigate spatial correlation between interictal HFOs and neuroimaging abnormalities, and to determin
- Photosensitive epilepsy and long QT: expanding Timothy syndrome phenotypePublication date: November 2019Source: Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 130, Issue 11Author(s): Chiara Po', Roberta Zordan, Marilena Vecchi, Alessia Cerutti, Stefano Sartori, Eva Trevisson, Kathrin Ludwig, Biagio Castaldi, Leonardo Salviati, Loira Leoni, Irene Toldo
- What are you looking at? Unrippling terminology for high frequency activityPublication date: November 2019Source: Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 130, Issue 11Author(s): Lotte Noorlag, Nicole van Klink, Geertjan Huiskamp, Maeike Zijlmans
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
Κυριακή 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019
Radiotherapy and Oncology
The Journal of Physiology
Journal of Surgical Case Reports - current issue
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Journal of Internal Medicine
Gene Expression Patterns
rhinol allergy
otol rhinol
cortical auditory
Academic Radiology
Sleep Medicine
Hearing Research
International journal of basic and clinical endocrinology
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
BMC Research Notes
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Clinical Imaging
Brain and Language
Clinical Neurophysiology
Αναρτήθηκε από
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
3:27 π.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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- Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5...
- Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5...
- Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5...
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