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Τρίτη 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Concurrent Hirschsprung’s disease and anorectal malformation: a systematic review
Abstract Background/purpose Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) and anorectal malformation (ARM) are often associated with other congenital malformations, but the association of each other is rare. Some studies have reported the incidence of HSCR associated with ARM ranging from 2.0 to 3.4%. The purpose of this study was to update the current epidemiological and therapeutic features of this rare congenital association. ...
Latest Results for Pediatric Surgery International
Therapeutic potential of spheroids of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth for chronic liver fibrosis and hemophilia A
Abstract Purpose Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-based cell therapies have emerged as a promising treatment option for various diseases. Due to the superior survival and higher differentiation efficiency, three-dimensional spheroid culture systems have been an important topic of MSC research. Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) have been considered an ideal source of MSCs for regenerative medicine. Thus, in the present...
Latest Results for Pediatric Surgery International
Safety and efficacy of mucous fistula refeeding in low-birth-weight infants with enterostomies
Abstract Purpose To investigate the safety and efficacy of mucous fistula refeeding (MFR) in low-birth-weight infants. Methods Between December 2006 and December 2018, medical records of low-birth-weight infants who underwent small bowel enterostomy formation in the neonatal period and subsequent stoma closure at our institution were retrospectively...
Latest Results for Pediatric Surgery International
Connectional gradients underlie functional transitions in monkey pre-supplementary motor area
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Progress in NeurobiologyAuthor(s): Davide Albertini, Marzio Gerbella, Marco Lanzilotto, Alessandro Livi, Monica Maranesi, Carolina Giulia Ferroni, Luca BoniniAbstractThe pre-supplementary motor area F6 is involved in a variety of functions in multiple domains, from planning/withholding goal-directed actions in space to rule-based cognitive processes and social interactions. Yet, the neural machinery underlying this functional heterogeneity...
ScienceDirect Publication: Progress in Neurobiology
Metabolomics Reveals Highly Regional Specificity of Cerebral Sexual Dimorphism in Mice
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Progress in NeurobiologyAuthor(s): Floris Chabrun, Xavier Dieu, Guillaume Rousseau, Stéphanie Chupin, Franck Letournel, Vincent Procaccio, Dominique Bonneau, Guy Lenaers, Gilles Simard, Delphine Mirebeau-Prunier, Juan Manuel Chao de la Barca, Pascal ReynierAbstractThe development of personalized medicine according to gender calls for the integration of sexual dimorphism in pre-clinical models of diseases. Although sexual dimorphism in the...
ScienceDirect Publication: Progress in Neurobiology
Validity and Reliability of the Dynamic Gait Index in Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Ayca Evkaya, Evrim Karadag-Saygi, Duygu Karali Bingul, Esra GirayAbstractBackgroundDynamic Gait Index (DGI) is a performance-based tool can be applied in a short time and evaluates dynamic balance and gait ability.Research questionIs the DGI valid and reliable for assessing gait and balance disorders in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP)?MethodsSixteen children with hemiplegic CP (5 females, 11 males;...
Gait & Posture
Judging heel height: a new test for proprioception while standing reveals that young hypermobile children perform better than controls
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Ituen Oluwakemi Adebukola, Bouwien Smits-Engelsman, Gillian Ferguson, Jacques Duysens
Gait & Posture
Effects of medially wedged insoles on the biomechanics of the lower limbs of runners with excessive foot pronation and foot varus alignment
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Uiara M. Braga, Luciana D. Mendonça, Rodrigo O. Mascarenhas, Carolina O.A. Alves, Renato G.T. Filho, Renan A. ResendeAbstractBackgroundExcessive foot pronation during running in individuals with foot varus alignment may be reduced by medially wedged insoles.Research questionThis study investigated the effects of a medially wedged insole at the forefoot and at the rearfoot on the lower limbs angles and internal...
Gait & Posture
HCN3 has minimal involvement in the sensation of acute, inflammatory, and neuropathic pain
The Journal of Physiology
Title: Moving beyond an empiric trial to using combined physiology and anatomy to predict success of oral appliances in obstructive sleep apnea
The Journal of Physiology
Relation between activity‐induced intracellular sodium transients and ATP dynamics in mouse hippocampal neurons
Key points •Employing quantitative Na+‐imaging and FRET‐based imaging with ATeam1.03YEMK (ATeam), we studied the relation between activity‐induced Na+ influx and intracellular ATP in CA1 pyramidal neurons of the mouse hippocampus. •Calibration of ATeam in situ enabled a quantitative estimate of changes in intracellular ATP concentrations. •Different paradigms of stimulation that induced global Na+ influx into the entire neuron resulted in decreases in [ATP] in the range of 0.1‐0.6 mM in somata...
The Journal of Physiology
Otorhinolaryngology litigations in Japan
ConclusionThese data may aid in the design of risk-prevention strategies to be used by otorhinolaryngologists. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Decentralized virtual reality mastoidectomy simulation training: a prospective, mixed-methods study
ConclusionsDecentralized VR training using a freeware, high-fidelity mastoidectomy simulator is feasible but did not lead to a high training volume or truly distributed practice. Evidence for training was found motivational. Access to training, educational designs, and the role of testing are important for participant motivation and require further evaluation. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Systemic immune response in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: a comparative concordance index analysis
ConclusionThe LMR, PLR, and NLR were not associated with OS, but were associated with EFS in HNSCC. These markers are easily obtainable, and in the age of individualized patient care and precision medicine, they might represent further risk stratification tools for HNSCC patients. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Differing characteristics of cartilaginous lesions  of the larynx
ConclusionWhen true laryngeal sarcomas do exist, they may prove to be challenging lesions both for the pathologist and the treating clinician. The diagnostic problems are mainly a result of the infrequent exposure of clinicians and diagnosticians to these lesions. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Radiological evaluation of inner ear trauma after cochlear implant surgery by cone beam CT(CBCT)
ConclusionRadiological evaluation for electrode position should extend to involve assessment of inner ear trauma using relation of the implant to cochlear internal structures which could be performed by CBCT with high resolution and least metallic artifacts. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Influence of olfactory dysfunction on the perception of food
ConclusionsChanges in the perception of odors may change the perception of food with specific effects on food liking. Olfactory dysfunction affects gustatory function, indicating the central-nervous interaction between taste and smell. Still, olfactory dysfunction did not appear to affect patients ’ salivary flow. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Dysphagia following uncomplicated thyroidectomy: a systematic review
ConclusionsDysphagia after uncomplicated thyroidectomy can arise early in the postoperative period resolving spontaneously in the first year. Diagnostic methods failed to identify the physio pathological mechanism of swallow alteration leaving this condition still unclear. Since these symptoms can reduce patient ’s quality of life, we suggest an appropriate education before thyroid surgery. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
The role of fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) in Warthin tumour diagnosis and management
ConclusionUltrasound-guided FNAB is a safe, accurate and important method in WT diagnosis. The therapeutic approach can be chosen based on FNAB results correlated with other clinical findings. We propose that when WT is suspected, follow-up or enucleation of the tumour are appropriate treatments. Patient preferences should be also considered. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Transnasal endoscopic repair of adult spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea with assistance of computer-assisted navigation system: an analysis of 21 cases
ConclusionThe transnasal endoscopic approach with assistance of computer-assisted navigation system is a safe and effective procedure for the repair of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Evaluation of wireless Bluetooth devices to improve recognition of speech and sentences when using a mobile phone in bone conduction device recipients
ConclusionWBDs improve word and sentence recognition in adult BCD bone recipients when they use mobile phones. WBD use provides additional benefits in “BCD with HA” patients in a bimodal situation. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
The surgical treatment of unilateral vocal cord paralysis (UVCP): qualitative review analysis and meta-analysis study
ConclusionsThe two types of techniques lead to an improvement in terms of vocal outcomes emphasizing that from the examined literature an indication emerges to perform an early injection because this could reduce the possible need for a more invasive intervention of permanent medialization in the future. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Lymph node yield and lymph node density for elective level II –IV neck dissections in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma patients
ConclusionsThe results revealed no minimum number of lymph nodes that could reliably detect metastatic lymph nodes in LSCC patients. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Application of high expansion degradable cotton in nasal bleeding model of dog
ConclusionHEDC could be used as new choice for hemostasis after nasal endoscopic surgery, which could reduce nasal epithelialization time, and protect wound edge cilia. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Endoscopic butterfly inlay myringoplasty for large perforations
ConclusionsEndoscopic inlay butterfly myringoplasty is a safe surgical technique and has satisfactory anatomic and audiological outcomes in large tympanic perforations. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Classification and volumetric study of the sphenoid sinus on MDCT images
ConclusionThe morphology and morphometry of the SS show individual differences. These anatomic variations are important for decision making and application for surgical interventions (especially transsphenoidal surgery). (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Utility of a smartphone-enabled otoscope in the instruction of otoscopy and middle ear anatomy
ConclusionThe smartphone-enabled otoscope serves as a valuable teaching tool for pre-clinical otoscopy education. After using the device, pre-clinical students were more confident in performing a middle ear examination and in identifying important anatomical landmarks of the middle ear. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Otosclerosis revision surgery in Sweden: hearing outcome, predictive factors and complications
ConclusionsThe hearing results after revision surgery in Sweden is somewhat inferior to those of previously published results involving large centers. Postoperative deafness may be as much as fivefold more common after revision surgery than after primary surgery. Meticulous reading of previous charts and honest counseling regarding the risks and expectations is mandatory before planning revision surgery for otosclerosis. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Suzanne Eaton (1959–2019)
Publication date: 23 September 2019Source: Developmental Cell, Volume 50, Issue 6Author(s): Natalie A. Dye, Ali Mahmoud, K. Venkatesan Iyer, Ivona Mateska, Suhrid Ghosh, Ioannis Nellas, Romina Piscitello-Gómez, Salma Ahmed Zeidan, Jana Fuhrmann, Allison Lewis, Abhijeet Krishna
ScienceDirect Publication: Developmental Cell
CENP-A Ubiquitylation Is Indispensable to Cell Viability
Publication date: 23 September 2019Source: Developmental Cell, Volume 50, Issue 6Author(s): Yohei Niikura, Risa Kitagawa, Lei Fang, Katsumi KitagawaSummaryCENP-A is a centromere-specific histone H3 variant that epigenetically determines centromere identity, but how CENP-A is deposited at the centromere remains obscure. We previously reported that CENP-A K124 ubiquitylation, mediated by the CUL4A-RBX1-COPS8 complex, is essential for CENP-A deposition at the centromere. However, a recent report stated...
ScienceDirect Publication: Developmental Cell
Defend Thyself and Thy Offspring
Publication date: 23 September 2019Source: Developmental Cell, Volume 50, Issue 6Author(s): Anisha Pal, Vivek Nilesh Shah, Martin J. SimardThree recent studies (Dodson and Kennedy, 2019, Lev et al., 2019, Ouyang et al., 2019) reveal that germ granule formation is necessary to protect germline-expressed genes from improper small RNA-mediated silencing. Loss of this protection leads to accumulation of small RNAs, impacting gene expression in multiple subsequent generations.
ScienceDirect Publication: Developmental Cell
Canonical Wnt Signaling Sets the Pace
Publication date: 23 September 2019Source: Developmental Cell, Volume 50, Issue 6Author(s): C. Geoffrey Burns, Caroline E. BurnsIn this issue of Developmental Cell, Ren et al. (2019) identify the embryonic origin of cardiac pacemaker cells in zebrafish and implicate Wnt5b in promoting their differentiation. Furthermore, canonical Wnt activation in human stem cell-derived cardiac progenitors produces functional pacemaker cells in vitro, advancing the therapeutic potential of biological pacemakers.
ScienceDirect Publication: Developmental Cell
Sensory Organ Size Evolution: A View from <em>Drosophila</em>
Publication date: 23 September 2019Source: Developmental Cell, Volume 50, Issue 6Author(s): Isabel Almudi, Alistair P. McGregorIn this issue of Developmental Cell, Ramaekers et al. (2019) show that changes in eyeless/Pax6 expression cause differences in compound eye size within and between Drosophila species. These findings reveal how changes in the underlying gene regulatory network facilitate eye size evolution and provide insights into organ size regulation.
ScienceDirect Publication: Developmental Cell
Clinical Effects and Outcomes After Polymyxin B–Immobilized Fiber Column Direct Hemoperfusion Treatment for Septic Shock in Preterm Neonates
Objectives: To compare the effectiveness and mortality of early-onset sepsis or late-onset sepsis treatments with polymyxin B–immobilized fiber column direct hemoperfusion in terms of effectiveness and mortality in preterm infants with septic shock. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting: Neonatal ICU within a tertiary care hospital. Patients: Of 1,115 patients, 49 had blood culture–proven sepsis between January 2013 and December 2018; six and five patients with septic shock...
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine - Published Ahead-of-Print
Prevalence and outcome of central airway obstruction in patients with lung cancer
IntroductionCentral airway obstruction (CAO) is a life-threatening complication of lung cancer. The prevalence of CAO in lung cancer patients is unknown. We audited CAO burden to inform our local cancer service. MethodsThis is a cohort review of all new lung cancer diagnoses between 1 November 2014 and 30 November 2015. CAO was defined by CT appearance. CT scans and routine patient records were followed up to 30 November 2018 to determine the prevalence of CAO at diagnosis; the characteristics...
BMJ Open Respiratory Research current issue
Biological effect of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and DNase intrapleural delivery in pleural infection patients
BackgroundPleural infection (PI) is a major global disease with an increasing incidence, and pleural fluid (PF) drainage is essential for the successful treatment. The MIST2 study demonstrated that intrapleural administration of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and DNase, or t-PA alone increased the volume of drained PF. Mouse model studies have suggested that the volume increase is due to the interaction of the pleura with the t-PA via the monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) pathway. We...
BMJ Open Respiratory Research current issue
Formulation of survival acceptor medium able to maintain the viability of skin explants over in vitro dermal experiments
Abstract Objective In vitro assessments of skin absorption of xenobiotics are essential for toxicological evaluations and bioavailability studies of cosmetic and pharmaceutical ingredients. Since skin metabolism can greatly contribute to xenobiotic absorption, experiments need to be performed with skin explants kept viable in suitable survival media. Existing protocols for non‐viable skin are modified to consider those conditions. The objective was to design a survival medium used as an acceptor...
International Journal of Cosmetic Science
Povidone-Iodine versus Antibiotic Irrigation in Breast Implant Surgery: Revival of the Ideal Solution
Publication date: Available online 24 September 2019Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic SurgeryAuthor(s): Tru Dang, Nicholas Yim, Sailesh Tummala, Alan A. Parsa, Fereydoun Don ParsaSUMMARYThe use of povidone-iodine alone has been advocated by several authors who continued to utilize it for pocket irrigation despite the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s prohibition of 2000. However, in 2017, the FDA removed the ban against povidone-iodine use in breast augmentation.In...
British Association of Plastic Surgeons
Anatomical Study of the Extraocular Check Ligament System
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic SurgeryAuthor(s): Wei Zhuang, Shuo Fang, Hao Fan, Weiye Zhu, Yong Chen, Weiya Tang, Chengling Liu, Liu Xingchen, Zhen Zhang, Xin Xing, Chao YangAbstractAimTo clarify the gross anatomy structure of the check ligament of the palpebra superior in relation to congenital blepharoptosis operation.MethodSeven fixed and three fresh cadavers of Chinese adults (between 53 and 76 years old; 5 males...
British Association of Plastic Surgeons

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