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Τρίτη 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

TCT-790 Forearm Radial Artery Occlusion Following Distal Radial Artery Approach
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Kazuki Tobita, Shigeru Saito, Koki Shishido
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-789 Comparison of Radial With Femoral Access Coronary Angiography in Patients With Previous Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Amir Orlev, Amna Abdel-Gadir, Graeme Tait, Jonathan P. Bestwick, Yaron Almagor, David Wald
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-788 Integrative Approach Following Transradial Access for Coronary Angiography Yields Heparin Avoidance, Ultrafast Hemostasis and Absolute Radial Artery Patency
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Gregory Sgueglia, Francesco Summaria, Gaetano Gioffrè, Fabrizio D’Errico, Maria Benedetta Giannico, Fabiana Piccioni, Achille Gaspardone
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-787 Transradial Versus Transfemoral Access for Cardiac Catheterization: A Nationwide Survey of Training Preferences, Expertise, and Comfort Among Cardiovascular Fellows and Teaching Faculty
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Mubbasher Syed, Khalid Hamid Changal, Ealla Atari, Ehab Eltahawy
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-786 Examination of the Appropriate Hemostatic Time for Cardiac Catheterization in the Distal Radial Artery Approach
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Yukio Mizuguchi
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-785 Outcomes of Distal Versus Proximal Trans-Radial Approach for Coronary Angiogram and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Marwan Saad, Mohanad Hamandi, Rimsha Hasan, Michael Megaly, Srini Potluri, Molly Szerlip, J. Dawn Abbott, Amir Lotfi, Ferdinand Kiemeneij, Karim Al-Azizi
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-784 Comparison of Simultaneous Radial Artery With Upper Extremity Venous Access and Femoral Artery With Femoral Vein Access in Patients Undergoing Bilateral Heart Catheterization: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Ahmed Alabbady, Nath Limpruttidham, Tanawan Riangwiwat, Hadi Mahmaljy, Gregory Yost
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-783 Feasibility of Using Radial Access and 4Fr Catheters for Coronary Pressure Wire Measurements
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Asma Mursleen, Jacqueline Morris
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-782 Slender Distal Transradial Access for Complex Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Case-Matched Comparison With Classical Radial Approach
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Gregory Sgueglia, Francesco Summaria, Gaetano Gioffrè, Fabiana Piccioni, Fabrizio D’Errico, Maria Benedetta Giannico, Achille Gaspardone
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-781 The Quest for a Radial Lounge: StatSeal™ Reduces Transradial Coronary Angiography Turn-Around Time and Cost
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Victor Galusko, Majd Protty, Apurva Bharucha, James Cullen
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-780 Randomized Comparison of Hemostasis Times Following Transradial Access With a Kaolin-Based Hemostatic Pad (QuikClot<sup>®</sup> Radial<sup>®</sup>) vs. Mechanical Compression (TR Band<sup>®</sup>)
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Jonathan Roberts, Jianli Niu, Sunay Shah, Eduardo Cianferra, Juan Pastor-Cervantes
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-779 An Updated Meta-Analysis of Radial Versus Femoral Access for Percutaneous Intervention in the Context of Aggressive Bleeding Avoidance Strategies
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Kirstin Hesterberg, Aranyak Rawal, Khalid Najib, Babar Khan, Samuel Latham, Rahman Shah
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-778 Evaluation of Railway Sheathless Access System for Transradial Coronary and Peripheral Intervention
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Kintur Sanghvi, Courtney Krathen
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-777 Prevention of Radial Artery Occlusion: Comparison of 3 Hemostatic Methods in Transradial Intervention
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Guering Eid-Lidt, Jesus Reyes, Agustin Rivera, Cesar Limon, Maria Soto, Jorge Gaspar
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-776 Secondary Prevention of Ischemic Stroke Following Cryptogenic Stroke in Patients With Patent Foramen Ovale: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Babikir Kheiri, Harsh Golwala, Mohammed Osman, Qais Radaideh, Khidir Dalouk, Eric Stecker, Firas Zahr, Babak Nazer, Hind Rahmouni
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-775 Validation Study of Intra-Cardiac Echocardiography in Trans-Catheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Hironaga Yoshimoto, Kenji Suda, Yasuto Maeda, Hiroyuki Kagiyama
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-774 Percutaneous Closure of Septum Secundum ASD
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Mohammad Mehdi Ansari, Daniel Garcia
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-772 Lack of Thrombosis and Other Stitch-Related Complication After Percutaneous Suture-Mediated Closure of Patent Foramen Ovale: A 120,000 Patient-Days Follow Study
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Achille Gaspardone, Gaetano Gioffrè, Emanuela D’Ascoli, Maria Iamele, Fabiana Piccioni, Antonella De Santis, Alessio Stanzione, Maria Benedetta Giannico, Mauro Polzoni, Fabrizio D’Errico, Francesco Summaria, Gregory Sgueglia
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-771 Percutaneous Device Closure of Ruptured Sinus of Valsalva: Feasibility of Transthoracic Echocardiography-Assisted Procedure
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Dinkar Bhasin, Arvind Balaji, Sivasubramanian Ramakrishnan, Saurabh Gupta, Shyam Kothari, Anita Saxena, Rakesh Yadav, Vinay Bahl
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-770 Outcomes After Endograft Facilitated Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement for Failed Repair: Surgical vs. Transcatheter Procedures
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Norihiko Kamioka, John Lisko, Samuel Maidman, Dennis Kim, Anurag Sahu, Andy Dong, Subhadra Shashidharan, Maan Jokhadar, Fred Rodriguez, Wendy Book, Patrick Gleason, Peter Block, Vasilis Babaliaros
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-769 Aortic Remodeling in Patients Treated With Intravascular Stent Therapy for Coarctation: A Long-Term Follow-Up Single Centre Experience
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Louise Pei, Annam Muthu, Ricardo Gorocica Romero, Jaime Sklar, Eric Horlick
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-768 Suture-Mediated Patent Foramen Ovale Closure With NobleStitch: Efficacy at 3 Months Transesophageal Follow-Up
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Marco Ancona, Francesco Moroni, Alessandro Beneduce, Abdallah Abba Aji, Barbara Bellini, Luca Ferri, Cristina Capogrosso, Francesco Ancona, Alaide Chieffo, Eustachio Agricola, Matteo Montorfano
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
TCT-767 Safety and Feasibility of Same Day Discharge Using the Vancouver PFO/ASD Clinical Pathway
Publication date: 1 October 2019Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 74, Issue 13, SupplementAuthor(s): Madeleine Barker, Janarthanan Sathananthan, Jacqueline Saw, Sandra Lauck, Philip Teal, Peter Fahmy, Thomas Gilhofer, Ashkan Parsa, Ali Alsulaimi, Mark Hensey, Abdullah Alkhodair, Uri Landes, John Webb, David Wood
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Bacterial stress defense: the crucial role of ribosome speed
Abstract In nature, bacteria are constantly adapting to various stressful conditions. Timely activation of stress response programs is crucial for bacteria to smoothly survive under stressful conditions. Stress response, demanding the de novo synthesis of many defense proteins, is generally activated at the transcriptional level by specific regulators. However, the effect of the global protein translational status on stress response has been largely overlooked. The translational...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Targeting Hsp70 facilitated protein quality control for treatment of polyglutamine diseases
Abstract The polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases are a group of nine fatal, adult-onset neurodegenerative disorders characterized by the misfolding and aggregation of mutant proteins containing toxic expansions of CAG/polyQ tracts. The heat shock protein 90 and 70 (Hsp90/Hsp70) chaperone machinery is a key component of cellular protein quality control, playing a role in the regulation of folding, aggregation, and degradation of polyQ proteins. The ability of Hsp70 to facilitate disaggregation...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Exploring the Mechanism behind Improved Osteointegration of Phosphorylated Titanium Implants with Hierarchically Structured Topography
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Colloids and Surfaces B: BiointerfacesAuthor(s): Nan Jiang, Zhijun Guo, Dan Sun, Birol Ay, Yubao Li, Yutao Yang, Peijie Tan, Li Zhang, Songsong ZhuAbstractTitanium (Ti) and its alloys have been frequently used in dental and orthopedic implants, but the undesired oxide layer easily formed on the surface tends to be the cause of implant failure for Ti-based implants. To address this problem, we herein prepared a phosphorylated Ti coating (TiP-Ti)...
Colloid & interphases B
The Development of an Online Standalone Cognitive Hazard Training for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Feasibility Study
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Journal of Surgical EducationAuthor(s): Siddek Isreb, Stephen Attwood, Hannah Hesselgreaves, John McLachlan, Jan IllingIntroductionIn the UK, surgical training is under pressure due to reductions in training time and training opportunities, which pose patient safety risks. Cognitive, nontechnical, training has been suggested as a possible solution inspired by the identified benefits in aviation industry. A recent review article highlighted...
Journal of Surgical Education
Making the Jump: A Qualitative Analysis on the Transition From Bedside Assistant to Console Surgeon in Robotic Surgery Training
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Journal of Surgical EducationAuthor(s): Beiqun Zhao, Hannah M. Hollandsworth, Arielle M. Lee, Jenny Lam, Nicole E. Lopez, Benjamin Abbadessa, Samuel Eisenstein, Bard C. Cosman, Sonia L. Ramamoorthy, Lisa A. ParryObjectiveTo determine barriers associated with the transition from bedside assistant to console surgeon for general surgery residents in the era of robotic surgery in general surgery training.DesignQualitative thematic analysis using...
Journal of Surgical Education
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Reduces Seizure Frequency in Patients with Refractory Focal Epilepsy: A Randomized, Double-blind, Sham-controlled, and Three-arm Parallel Multicenter Study
Publication date: Available online 24 September 2019Source: Brain StimulationAuthor(s): Dongju Yang, Qun Wang, Cuiping Xu, Fang Fang, Jingjing Fan, Liping Li, Qiaoyi Du, Ruihua Zhang, Ye Wang, Yicong Lin, Zhaoyang Huang, Hongmei Wang, Chunhong Chen, Qinlan Xu, Yue Wang, Yi Zhang, Zhang Zhang, Xin Zhao, Xuan Zhao, Ting LiAbstractBackgroundTranscranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been explored in epilepsy with limited samples, varied parameters, and inconclusive results. We aimed to study...
Neurosensory effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation.
Reversible Neuroinhibition Does Not Require a Thermal Mechanism
Publication date: Available online 24 September 2019Source: Brain StimulationAuthor(s): Norman M. Spivak, Mark E. Schafer, Alexander Bystritsky
Neurosensory effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation.
Comment on: “Patient Registries: An Underused Resource for Medicines Evaluation: Operational Proposals for Increasing the Use of Patient Registries in Regulatory Assessments”
Latest Results for Drug Safety
Authors’ Reply to Ravi Jandhyala’s Comment on “Patient Registries: An Underused Resource for Medicines Evaluation: Operational Proposals for Increasing the Use of Patient Registries in Regulatory Assessments”
Latest Results for Drug Safety
Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Direct Oral Anticoagulants: Overview of Systematic Reviews
Abstract Direct oral anticoagulants are now recommended by major guidelines as first-choice agents for both stroke prevention in non-valvular atrial fibrillation and treatment/prevention of venous thromboembolism in non-cancer patients. Although there are no published head-to-head trials comparing different direct oral anticoagulants, a growing body of evidence from indirect comparisons and observational studies is suggesting that each direct oral anticoagulant may have a specific...
Latest Results for Drug Safety
Heterodimerizing helices as tools for nanoscale control of the organization of protein-protein and protein-quantum dots
Publication date: Available online 24 September 2019Source: BiochimieAuthor(s): Olga Sztatelman, Katarzyna Kopeć, Marta Pędziwiatr, Martyna Trojnar, Remigiusz Worch, Beata Wielgus-Kutrowska, Małgorzata Jemioła-Rzemińska, Agnieszka Bzowska, Joanna GrzybAbstractIn this study, we tested the possibility of creating complexes of two proteins by fusing them with heterodimerizing helices. We used the fluorescent proteins GFP and mCHERRY expressed with a His-tag as our model system. We added heterodimer-forming...
ScienceDirect Publication: Biochimie
Protocatechuic acid exhibits hepatoprotective, vasculoprotective, antioxidant and insulin-like effects in dexamethasone-induced insulin-resistant rats
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: BiochimieAuthor(s): Yomna A. El-Sonbaty, Ghada M. Suddek, Nirmeen Megahed, Nariman M. GameilAbstractProtocatechuic acid (PCA), the natural phenolic antioxidant, reportedly exhibited hypoglycemic and insulin-like effects. Recent studies have reported its cardioprotective effect in glucocorticoid (GC)-induced hypertensive rats. Nevertheless, its beneficial role has not been investigated in the setting of GCs excess-induced insulin resistance....
ScienceDirect Publication: Biochimie
Extracorporeal therapy for amlodipine poisoning
Abstract A young male presented in refractory shock from amlodipine poisoning despite vasopressors, insulin-normoglycemia therapy, calcium gluconate and glucagon. He needed venoarterial ECMO for hemodynamic support and TPE to remove protein-bound amlodipine. The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for cardiotoxic poisoning and Total Plasma Exchange (TPE) in removing drugs has been described in the literature. We report a rare case where both lifesaving extracorporeal...
Latest Results for Journal of Artificial Organs
Working Together from Both Sides of the Curtain
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North AmericaAuthor(s): Sujana S. Chandrasekhar
ScienceDirect Publication Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Therapeutic effects of modafinil in ischemic stroke; possible role of NF-κB downregulation.
Related ArticlesTherapeutic effects of modafinil in ischemic stroke; possible role of NF-κB downregulation. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2019 Sep 23;:1-7 Authors: Yousefi-Manesh H, Rashidian A, Hemmati S, Shirooie S, Sadeghi MA, Zarei N, Dehpour AR Abstract Background: The phenomenon of ischemic stroke receives maximal attention nowadays. Many studies are designed to discover new therapies for reducing debilitating consequences of this disorder. Development...
Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology

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