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Τρίτη 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Immune Mediated Degeneration and Possible Protection in Glaucoma.
Related ArticlesImmune Mediated Degeneration and Possible Protection in Glaucoma. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:931 Authors: Tsai T, Reinehr S, Maliha AM, Joachim SC Abstract The underlying pathomechanisms for glaucoma, one of the most common causes of blindness worldwide, are still not identified. In addition to increased intraocular pressure (IOP), oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, and immunological processes seem to play a role. Several pharmacological...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
FAM19A5 Expression During Embryogenesis and in the Adult Traumatic Brain of FAM19A5-LacZ Knock-in Mice.
Related ArticlesFAM19A5 Expression During Embryogenesis and in the Adult Traumatic Brain of FAM19A5-LacZ Knock-in Mice. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:917 Authors: Shahapal A, Cho EB, Yong HJ, Jeong I, Kwak H, Lee JK, Kim W, Kim B, Park HC, Lee WS, Kim H, Hwang JI, Seong JY Abstract FAM19A5 is a secretory protein that is predominantly expressed in the brain. Although the FAM19A5 gene has been found to be associated with neurological and/or psychiatric diseases,...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Rightward Tympanic Membrane Temperature Bias During Acute Restraint-Isolation Stress in Marmoset Monkeys.
Related ArticlesRightward Tympanic Membrane Temperature Bias During Acute Restraint-Isolation Stress in Marmoset Monkeys. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:913 Authors: Pereira LC, Maior RS, Barros M Abstract Restraint is widely used to experimentally assess stress-induced effects. Surprisingly, little is known on how marmosets - an increasingly used small primate - process and respond to restraint stress. Here, we assessed blood cortisol concentration and tympanic...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Involvement of Epigenetic Mechanisms and Non-coding RNAs in Blood-Brain Barrier and Neurovascular Unit Injury and Recovery After Stroke.
Related ArticlesInvolvement of Epigenetic Mechanisms and Non-coding RNAs in Blood-Brain Barrier and Neurovascular Unit Injury and Recovery After Stroke. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:864 Authors: Stamatovic SM, Phillips CM, Martinez-Revollar G, Keep RF, Andjelkovic AV Abstract Cessation of blood flow leads to a complex cascade of pathophysiological events at the blood-vascular-parenchymal interface which evolves over time and space, and results in damage to...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
CAR-T Engineering: Optimizing Signal Transduction and Effector Mechanisms
Abstract The adoptive transfer of genetically engineered T cells expressing a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) has shown remarkable results against B cell malignancies. This immunotherapeutic approach has advanced and expanded rapidly from preclinical models to the recent approval of CAR-T cells to treat lymphomas and leukemia by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ongoing research efforts are focused on employing CAR-T cells as a therapy for other cancers, and enhancing their...
Latest Results for BioDrugs
Sigmoid endometriosis diagnosed preoperatively using endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration
Abstract We report a case of sigmoid endometriosis diagnosed preoperatively based on endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) findings. A 42-year-old female came to us with left lower abdominal pain and bloating that had started 3 months prior. CT and MRI results showed wall thickening of the sigmoid colon. A colonoscopy procedure could not be completed because passage through the sigmoid colon was blocked due to severe stenosis, while mucosal biopsy samples...
Latest Results for Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology
Diagnosis of intrapancreatic accessory spleen by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration mimicking a pancreatic neoplasm: a case report and review of literature
Abstract Accessory spleen (AS) is a benign condition, where ectopic spleen tissue can be found elsewhere in the abdomen and pelvis, with approximately 20% of cases located at or in the tail of the pancreas. When discovered on imaging, it can be mistaken for conditions that do require surgical removal, including neuroendocrine tumor, and so accurate diagnosis of AS can prevent unnecessary surgery. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is a commonly performed...
Latest Results for Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology
Pseudodiverticulosis: a rare presentation of eosinophilic esophagitis
Abstract Esophageal pseudodiverticulosis is a rare endoscopic finding in eosinophilic esophagitis. We report a case of a 32-year-old male who presented with dysphagia and gastroesophageal reflux disease and was found to have esophageal pseudodiveritcula along with esophageal rings. The patient was subsequently treated with endoscopic balloon dilation and a diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) with pseudodiverticulosis was made based upon the endoscopic and biopsy findings....
Latest Results for Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology
Endoscopic resection of gangliocytic paraganglioma of the duodenum: a case report
Abstract Duodenal gangliocytic paragangliomas are extremely rare. A 79-year-old woman underwent gastrointestinal endoscopy for screening prior to resection of gallbladder carcinoma. Gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed a 5-mm submucosal tumor in the second portion of the duodenum. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed no tumor or metastasis. Endoscopic ultrasonography revealed low echo pattern of the tumor. Histopathological examination of the biopsy specimen revealed proliferation...
Latest Results for Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology
Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome secondary to intravesical instillation of mitomycin-C
Abstract Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) is a life-threatening complication with high mortality rate. Even if it is more commonly described after hematopoietic stem-cell transplant, hepatic-SOS may occur following the use of certain chemotherapeutic agents. Mitomycin-C has been previously identified as a causal agent when administered intravenously at high doses. We report herein the first case of hepatic-SOS due to intravesical instillation of mitomycin-C, after...
Latest Results for Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 560: Ultrasonographic and Three-Dimensional Analyses at the Glabella and Radix of the Nose for Botulinum Neurotoxin Injection Procedures into the Procerus Muscle
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 560: Ultrasonographic and Three-Dimensional Analyses at the Glabella and Radix of the Nose for Botulinum Neurotoxin Injection Procedures into the Procerus Muscle Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11100560 Authors: Younghoon Cho Hyung-Jin Lee Kang-Woo Lee Kyu-Lim Lee Jae Seung Kang Hee-Jin Kim Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) injections are widely used for facial rejuvenation procedures, and the procerus muscle is a major target in cases of glabellar transverse...
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 559: Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Antimicrobial α-Helical Peptides Found in Solitary Wasp Venoms and Their Interactions with Model Membranes
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 559: Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Antimicrobial α-Helical Peptides Found in Solitary Wasp Venoms and Their Interactions with Model Membranes Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11100559 Authors: Marcia Perez dos Santos Cabrera Marisa Rangel João Ruggiero Neto Katsuhiro Konno Solitary wasps use their stinging venoms for paralyzing insect or spider prey and feeding them to their larvae. We have surveyed bioactive substances in solitary wasp venoms, and...
Risk factors of post-surgery complications in children with thyroid cancer.
Related ArticlesRisk factors of post-surgery complications in children with thyroid cancer. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Sep 10;127:109673 Authors: Babala J, Zahradníková P, Béder I, Fedorová L, Lindák M, Košťálová Ľ, Pribilincová Z, Staník J, Králik R Abstract INTRODUCTION: Thyroid cancer in children is a hot topic because of the large clinical heterogeneity and the risk of severe complications. We aimed to study 1. The frequency, 2. Etiology,...
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology,http://goo.gl/4YdRhz
Comprehensive management of infected preauricular sinuses/cysts.
Related ArticlesComprehensive management of infected preauricular sinuses/cysts. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Sep 17;127:109682 Authors: Isaacson G Abstract OBJECTIVE: To review a single-surgeon, 16-year experience with the management of infected preauricular sinuses/cysts. METHODS: Computerized search of all office notes and operative reports during the years 2002-2018. SETTING: Academic medical center and suburban office practice....
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology,http://goo.gl/4YdRhz
Influenza With Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Pneumonia.
Related ArticlesInfluenza With Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Pneumonia. Am J Med Sci. 2019 Oct;358(4):289-293 Authors: Liu CW, Lin SP, Wang WY, Huang YH Abstract Patients with community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) pneumonia have poor clinical outcomes and high frequency of mortality, especially in patents with postinfluenza infection. Herein, we report a case of community-acquired...
pubmed: flu treatment
[Pathogenic characteristics of hospitalized severe acute respiratory infections in Shanghai, China, 2015-2017].
Related Articles[Pathogenic characteristics of hospitalized severe acute respiratory infections in Shanghai, China, 2015-2017]. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi. 2019 Aug 10;40(8):911-916 Authors: Zheng YX, Chen J, Kong DC, Pan H, Zhou YQ, Chen ML, Teng Z, Wu HY, Yuan ZA Abstract Objective: To understand the epidemiological and pathogenic characteristics of hospitalized severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) in Shanghai, China. Methods: From 2015...
pubmed: flu treatment
[Etiologic and epidemiologic features of acute respiratory infections in adults from Shanghai, during 2015-2017].
Related Articles[Etiologic and epidemiologic features of acute respiratory infections in adults from Shanghai, during 2015-2017]. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi. 2019 Aug 10;40(8):904-910 Authors: Kong DC, Wu HY, Zheng YX, Pan H, Jiang CY, Zhang X, Chen J, Wu F Abstract Objective: To analyze the etiologic and epidemiological characteristics of adult acute respiratory infections in Shanghai during 2015-2017. Methods: Data was collected from outpatients...
pubmed: flu treatment
Coverage and determinants of influenza vaccine among pregnant women: a cross-sectional study.
Related ArticlesCoverage and determinants of influenza vaccine among pregnant women: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2019 Jul 05;19(1):890 Authors: Offeddu V, Tam CC, Yong TT, Tan LK, Thoon KC, Lee N, Tan TC, Yeo GSH, Yung CF Abstract BACKGROUND: Pregnant women are at increased risk of influenza-related complications. The World Health Organisation recommends influenza vaccination to this high-risk population as highest priority. However,...
pubmed: flu treatment
Influenza vaccination effectiveness for people aged under 65 years in Japan, 2013/2014 season: application of a doubly robust method to a large-scale, real-world dataset.
Related ArticlesInfluenza vaccination effectiveness for people aged under 65 years in Japan, 2013/2014 season: application of a doubly robust method to a large-scale, real-world dataset. BMC Infect Dis. 2019 Jul 05;19(1):586 Authors: Shibata N, Kimura S, Hoshino T, Urushihara H Abstract BACKGROUND: Influenza vaccination is recognized as a primary public health intervention which prevents the illness of patients and relieves the societal burdens of...
pubmed: flu treatment
Functional immune response to influenza H1N1 in children and adults after live attenuated influenza virus vaccination.
Related ArticlesFunctional immune response to influenza H1N1 in children and adults after live attenuated influenza virus vaccination. Scand J Immunol. 2019 Oct;90(4):e12801 Authors: Islam S, Zhou F, Lartey S, Mohn KGI, Krammer F, Cox RJ, Brokstad KA Abstract Influenza virus is a major respiratory pathogen, and vaccination is the main method of prophylaxis. In 2012, the trivalent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) was licensed in Europe for use...
pubmed: flu treatment
Elicitation of Broadly Protective Antibodies following Infection with Influenza Viruses Expressing H1N1 Computationally Optimized Broadly Reactive Hemagglutinin Antigens.
Related ArticlesElicitation of Broadly Protective Antibodies following Infection with Influenza Viruses Expressing H1N1 Computationally Optimized Broadly Reactive Hemagglutinin Antigens. Immunohorizons. 2018 08 27;2(7):226-237 Authors: Sautto GA, Kirchenbaum GA, Ecker JW, Bebin-Blackwell AG, Pierce SR, Ross TM Abstract Influenza viruses represent a threat to the world population. The currently available standard of care influenza vaccines are offered...
pubmed: flu treatment
Public health applications of CRISPR: How children's health can benefit.
Related ArticlesPublic health applications of CRISPR: How children's health can benefit. Semin Perinatol. 2018 12;42(8):531-536 Authors: Vigliotti VS, Martinez I Abstract Children under the age of five years old face significant mortality risks around the world. Public health innovations, particularly gene-editing technologies such as clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) could help to reduce the risk of death in children...
pubmed: flu treatment
Increasing Protection of Dialysis Patients against Influenza.
Related ArticlesIncreasing Protection of Dialysis Patients against Influenza. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 11 07;13(11):1624-1626 Authors: Lindley MC, Kim DK PMID: 30352786 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: flu treatment
Psychiatric adverse events in oseltamivir prophylaxis trials: Novel comparative analysis using data obtained from clinical study reports.
Related ArticlesPsychiatric adverse events in oseltamivir prophylaxis trials: Novel comparative analysis using data obtained from clinical study reports. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2018 11;27(11):1217-1222 Authors: Jones M, Tett SE, Del Mar C Abstract PURPOSE: Estimating the rate of adverse events (AEs) caused by a treatment in clinical trials typically involves comparing the proportions of patients experiencing AEs in intervention and control groups....
pubmed: flu treatment
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation of influenza-contaminated N95 filtering facepiece respirators.
Related ArticlesUltraviolet germicidal irradiation of influenza-contaminated N95 filtering facepiece respirators. Am J Infect Control. 2018 07;46(7):e49-e55 Authors: Mills D, Harnish DA, Lawrence C, Sandoval-Powers M, Heimbuch BK Abstract BACKGROUND: Safe and effective decontamination and reuse of N95 filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) has the potential to significantly extend FFR holdings, mitigating a potential shortage due to an influenza pandemic...
pubmed: flu treatment
Intranasal Nanovaccine Confers Homo- and Hetero-Subtypic Influenza Protection.
Related ArticlesIntranasal Nanovaccine Confers Homo- and Hetero-Subtypic Influenza Protection. Small. 2018 03;14(13):e1703207 Authors: Qi M, Zhang XE, Sun X, Zhang X, Yao Y, Liu S, Chen Z, Li W, Zhang Z, Chen J, Cui Z Abstract Cross-protective and non-invasively administered vaccines are attractive and highly desired for the control of influenza. Self-assembling nanotechnology provides an opportunity for the development of vaccines with superior performance....
pubmed: flu treatment
The Burden of Viruses in Pneumonia Associated With Acute Respiratory Failure: An Underappreciated Issue.
Related ArticlesThe Burden of Viruses in Pneumonia Associated With Acute Respiratory Failure: An Underappreciated Issue. Chest. 2018 07;154(1):84-90 Authors: Shorr AF, Fisher K, Micek ST, Kollef MH Abstract BACKGROUND: Pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation (MV) results in substantial mortality and represents a leading reason for the use of antibiotics. The role of viruses in this setting is unclear. Identifying a viral cause in such instances...
pubmed: flu treatment
Poor outcomes among elderly patients hospitalized for influenza-like illness.
Related ArticlesPoor outcomes among elderly patients hospitalized for influenza-like illness. Curr Med Res Opin. 2018 07;34(7):1201-1207 Authors: Tanriover MD, Bagci Bosi T, Ozisik L, Bilgin E, Güzel Tunçcan Ö, Özgen Ö, Tülek N, Özsoy M, Tezer H, Bedir Demirdağ T, Kara A, Basaranoglu ST, Aykac K, Ozkaya-Parlakay A, Gulhan B, Unal S Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network is a worldwide initiative that aims to...
pubmed: flu treatment
Serratus anterior muscle flap as a salvage procedure in exposed implant-based breast reconstruction.
Related ArticlesSerratus anterior muscle flap as a salvage procedure in exposed implant-based breast reconstruction. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Sep 13;63:31-35 Authors: Montag E, Okada A, Arruda EGP, Munhoz AM, Busnardo FF, Gemperli R Abstract BACKGROUND: Implant-based breast reconstruction (IBR) is the most common approach to reconstruct mastectomy deffects. Infection following breast reconstruction can be devastating and lead to loss of the reconstruction...
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Commentary on: "Risk Factors for Recurrence after anal fistula surgery: A meta-analysis", Int J Surg 2019;69:153-164.
Related ArticlesCommentary on: "Risk Factors for Recurrence after anal fistula surgery: A meta-analysis", Int J Surg 2019;69:153-164. Int J Surg. 2019 Sep 20;: Authors: Karimian F PMID: 31546034 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
International Journal of Surgery
Intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma versus pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Related ArticlesIntraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma versus pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Surg. 2019 Sep 20;: Authors: Aronsson L, Bengtsson A, Torén W, Andersson R, Ansari D Abstract BACKGROUND: Previous studies have indicated that there may be a difference in tumor biology between intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma (IPMC) and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). However, the data are still...
International Journal of Surgery
A Commentary on "Gender representation in leadership roles in UK surgical societies" (Int J Surg 2019;67:32-6).
Related ArticlesA Commentary on "Gender representation in leadership roles in UK surgical societies" (Int J Surg 2019;67:32-6). Int J Surg. 2019 Sep 20;: Authors: Kusu-Orkar TE, Hegazy F PMID: 31546032 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
International Journal of Surgery
Challenges Encountered in the Management of Gall Stones Induced Pancreatitis in Pregnancy (Review Article).
Related ArticlesChallenges Encountered in the Management of Gall Stones Induced Pancreatitis in Pregnancy (Review Article). Int J Surg. 2019 Sep 20;: Authors: Al Samaraee A, Bhattacharya V Abstract BACKGROUND: Though uncommon, acute biliary pancreatitis in pregnancy carries a potential of serious and life threatening complications to mother and foetus. The management of acute pancreatitis in pregnancy is challenging due to the complexity of physiological...
International Journal of Surgery
Translating Mesothelioma Molecular Genomics and Dependencies into Precision Oncology-Based Therapies.
Related ArticlesTranslating Mesothelioma Molecular Genomics and Dependencies into Precision Oncology-Based Therapies. Semin Cancer Biol. 2019 Sep 20;: Authors: Hinz TK, Heasley LE Abstract Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare, yet lethal asbestos-induced cancer and despite marked efforts to reduce occupational exposure, the incidence has not yet significantly declined. Since 2003, combined treatment with a platinum-based agent and pemetrexed...
Rare Cancers
Radiation-Induced Chromosomal Breaks may be DNA Repair Fragile Sites with Larger-scale Correlations to Eight Double-Strand-Break Related Data Sets over the Huyman Genome.
Related ArticlesRadiation-Induced Chromosomal Breaks may be DNA Repair Fragile Sites with Larger-scale Correlations to Eight Double-Strand-Break Related Data Sets over the Huyman Genome. Radiat Res. 2019 Sep 23;: Authors: Brahme A, Hultén M, Bengtsson C, Hultgren A, Zetterberg A Abstract In this work, we compared the genomic distribution of common radiation-induced chromosomal breaks to eight different data sets covering the whole human genome. Sites...
Rare Cancers
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome in dermatology.
Related ArticlesPeutz-Jeghers syndrome in dermatology. Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Pannonica Adriat. 2019 Sep;28(3):135-137 Authors: Nevozinskaya Z, Korsunskaya I, Sakaniya L, Perlamutrov Y, Sobolev V Abstract Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disorder. Approximately 1:25,000 to 1:280,000 cases are registered annually. The pathogenesis of the disease is based on the mutation of the STK 11 gene on chromosome 19. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is...
Rare Cancers
Liver Metastasis in a Young Female Secondary to Breast Cancer: A Case Report.
Related ArticlesLiver Metastasis in a Young Female Secondary to Breast Cancer: A Case Report. Saudi J Med Med Sci. 2019 Sep-Dec;7(3):190-194 Authors: Al Qahtani SY, Al Argan RJ Abstract Breast cancer is common among females worldwide and is most commonly reported in women aged 30-40 years and less commonly in those aged <30 years. Presentation with liver metastasis is rare in breast cancer at all ages. Lactic acidosis in association with metastatic...
Rare Cancers
Therapeutic landscape of metaplastic breast cancer.
Related ArticlesTherapeutic landscape of metaplastic breast cancer. Cancer Treat Rev. 2019 Sep;79:101888 Authors: Tray N, Taff J, Adams S Abstract Metaplastic breast carcinomas (MPBC) are rare, aggressive and relatively chemorefractory tumors with a high unmet need. While most are "triple negative" and lack expression of estrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptors, MPBC are associated with worse outcomes compared to conventional triple negative invasive...
Rare Cancers
Collecting ducts carcinoma: An orphan disease. Literature overview and future perspectives.
Related ArticlesCollecting ducts carcinoma: An orphan disease. Literature overview and future perspectives. Cancer Treat Rev. 2019 Sep;79:101891 Authors: Pagani F, Colecchia M, Sepe P, Apollonio G, Claps M, Verzoni E, de Braud F, Procopio G Abstract Collecting ducts carcinoma (CDC) is a rare and aggressive histological subtype of renal cancer accounting for only 1% of renal tumors. Usually patients present in bad clinical conditions due to a symptomatic...
Rare Cancers

[Waldenström macroglobulinaemia].
Related Articles[Waldenström macroglobulinaemia]. Presse Med. 2019 Jul - Aug;48(7-8 Pt 1):832-841 Authors: Tomowiak C, Poulain S, Debiais C, Guidez S, Leleu X Abstract Lymphoplasmocytic lymphona with monoclonal lgM, rare. Median age at diagnosis 70 years old, frail population. Heterogenous clinic presentation. Molecular diagnosis with MYD88. Treatment required for symptomatic WM patients only. 1st line therapy: DRC. Input of targeted therapies (ibrutinib)...
Rare Cancers
Histocompatibility locus antigens regions contribute to the ethnicity bias of Epstein-Barr virus-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma in higher-incidence populations.
Related ArticlesHistocompatibility locus antigens regions contribute to the ethnicity bias of Epstein-Barr virus-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma in higher-incidence populations. Scand J Immunol. 2019 Oct;90(4):e12796 Authors: Roy Chattopadhyay N, Chakrabarti S, Chatterjee K, Deb Roy S, Kumar Sahu S, Reddy RR, Das P, Bijay Kanrar B, Kumar Das A, Tsering S, Puii Z, Zomawia E, Singh YI, Suryawanshi A, Choudhuri T Abstract Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)...
Rare Cancers
Candidiasis Causing Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Review of Clinical and Pathological Results of 289 Cases With Vocal Fold Leukoplakia.
Related ArticlesCandidiasis Causing Vocal Fold Leukoplakia: Review of Clinical and Pathological Results of 289 Cases With Vocal Fold Leukoplakia. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2019 Oct;128(10):903-910 Authors: Gumussoy M, Kucuk U Abstract OBJECTIVE: In laryngology practice, vocal fold leukoplakia is frequently evaluated by suspension laryngoscopy and biopsy examination upon the patient's complaints of hoarseness and dysphonia. The purpose of the present...
Rare Cancers
Primary Esophageal Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: A Comparative Review of 15 Cases.
Related ArticlesPrimary Esophageal Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: A Comparative Review of 15 Cases. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2018 Jan-Dec;6:2324709618820887 Authors: Inayat F, Munir A, Wahab A, Younus F, Zafar F, Ullah W Abstract Primary esophageal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is an extremely rare clinicopathologic entity. We report one case from our clinical experience and undertake a review of the previously published cases....
Rare Cancers
An Unusual Case of Tertiary Syphilis Behaving Like Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Related ArticlesAn Unusual Case of Tertiary Syphilis Behaving Like Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2018 Jan-Dec;6:2324709618820355 Authors: Solis RN, Kuhn BT, Farwell DG Abstract Syphilis may present with a myriad of oral manifestations in the primary, secondary, and tertiary stages, and may be confused with malignancy. Despite a rise in the incidence of syphilis, tertiary syphilis is exceedingly rare. Tertiary...
Rare Cancers
Small bowel adenocarcinoma in a patient with a 5-year history of untreated Crohn's disease: a case report.
Related ArticlesSmall bowel adenocarcinoma in a patient with a 5-year history of untreated Crohn's disease: a case report. G Chir. 2018 Nov-Dec;39(6):383-387 Authors: Fedele S, Delvecchio A, De Giorgi C, Duda L, Guglielmi A, Martines G Abstract AIM: Complication of Crohn's disease (CD) of the small intestine is small bowel adenocarcinoma (SBA). A lot of studies on Crohn's disease have estimated the increased relative risk of small bowel carcinoma compared...
Rare Cancers
Intraoperative Facial Nerve Monitoring Revealed the Origin of Rapidly Progressing Schwannoma in the Cerebellopontine Angle: A Case of Large Intermediate Nerve Schwannoma.
Related ArticlesIntraoperative Facial Nerve Monitoring Revealed the Origin of Rapidly Progressing Schwannoma in the Cerebellopontine Angle: A Case of Large Intermediate Nerve Schwannoma. J Int Adv Otol. 2018 Dec;14(3):488-492 Authors: Hosoya M, Oishi N, Noguchi M, Kasuya K, Nishiyama T, Ishikawa T, Kasahara K, Miyazaki H, Ogawa K Abstract Schwannoma arising from the intermediate nerve is very rare, with only a few cases reported in the literature....
Rare Cancers
Pheochromocytoma - An incidental finding in a child with acute appendicitis.
Related ArticlesPheochromocytoma - An incidental finding in a child with acute appendicitis. J Pak Med Assoc. 2018 Dec;68(12):1854-1858 Authors: Tariq SM, Haider SA, Siddiqui AT, Hasan M Abstract Pheochromocytoma, a rare tumour, arises mainly in the adrenal gland. It consists of chromaffin cells or sympathetic para-ganglia if extra-adrenal. It is an occurrence of rare nature with an incidence of two to eight cases per million annually. Incidence of paediatric...
Rare Cancers
Role of stereotactic radiosurgery in the treatment of acromegaly.
Related ArticlesRole of stereotactic radiosurgery in the treatment of acromegaly. J Pak Med Assoc. 2018 Dec;68(12):1843-1845 Authors: Naeem K, Darbar A, Shamim MS Abstract Acromegaly is a rare, indolent disease due to overproduction of growth hormone. Surgery is identified as primary treatment, but has its limitation, thus frequently requiring alternate treatment options as adjunct to surgery. Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) has been used as adjuvant...
Rare Cancers
Hemorrhagic Cystitis: Treatment With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
Related ArticlesHemorrhagic Cystitis: Treatment With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2018 12 01;22(6):E146-E151 Authors: Botta LM, Botta GP Abstract BACKGROUND: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a rare treatment modality for hemorrhagic cystitis (HC) following BK virus reactivation in the immunosuppressed population. Clinicians need to be aware of the etiology, preventive measures, complications,...
Rare Cancers
Middle Ear Osteoma Causing Mixed Hearing Loss: A Case Report.
Related ArticlesMiddle Ear Osteoma Causing Mixed Hearing Loss: A Case Report. J Int Adv Otol. 2018 Dec;14(3):493-496 Authors: Molher J, Pujol EMD, Zounon ADS, Darrouzet V, Bonnard D Abstract Osteomas of the middle ear are rare benign tumors. Their consequences and symptoms are due to their specific location, such as the promontory or the epitympanum and their contact with the facial nerve, the semicircular canal, the ossicles, and the oval or round...
Rare Cancers
Xeroderma Pigmentosum - Cockayne Syndrome Complex (XP-CS) - Another case.
Related ArticlesXeroderma Pigmentosum - Cockayne Syndrome Complex (XP-CS) - Another case. J Pak Med Assoc. 2018 Oct;68(10):1531-1534 Authors: Metlo A, Rehan A, Akmal M, Iqbal U, Jamali M Abstract We present the case of a 3-year old girl with clinical manifestations typical of XP-CS, an extremely rare combination of Xeroderma Pigmentosum and Cockayne Syndrome. She had a swelling above the upper lip and multiple brown spots on her face, neck, arms and...
Rare Cancers
Calcifying fibrous pseudotumour of maxilla: A rare entity mimicking malignancy: A case report.
Related ArticlesCalcifying fibrous pseudotumour of maxilla: A rare entity mimicking malignancy: A case report. J Pak Med Assoc. 2018 Oct;68(10):1521-1524 Authors: Qureshi TA, Akhtar S, Abid M Abstract Occurrence of inflammatory pseudotumour in head and neck region or nose and paranasal sinuses is rare. However, when they do occur, they could be quite aggressive. Etiologically, they are believed to be reactive than neoplastic, and calcification may suggest...
Rare Cancers
An assessment of Ultrasound screening for soft tissue lumps referred from primary care.
Related ArticlesAn assessment of Ultrasound screening for soft tissue lumps referred from primary care. Clin Radiol. 2018 12;73(12):1025-1032 Authors: Charnock M, Kotnis N, Fernando M, Wilkinson V Abstract AIMS: To assess the efficacy of ultrasound as a screening tool in the assessment of soft-tissue masses referred from primary care and to investigate the incidence of malignancy in this population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective analysis...
Rare Cancers
ACOG Committee Opinion No. 747 Summary: Gynecologic Issues in Children and Adolescent Cancer Patients and Survivors.
Related ArticlesACOG Committee Opinion No. 747 Summary: Gynecologic Issues in Children and Adolescent Cancer Patients and Survivors. Obstet Gynecol. 2018 08;132(2):535-536 Authors: Abstract The diagnosis of cancer in females younger than 20 years is rare, with the incidence of 17 cases per 100,000 individuals per year in the United States. Although advancements in cancer therapy have dramatically improved childhood cancer survival, gynecologists should...
Rare Cancers
Long term outcome of skull-base chondrosarcoma patients treated with high-dose proton therapy with or without conventional radiation therapy.
Related ArticlesLong term outcome of skull-base chondrosarcoma patients treated with high-dose proton therapy with or without conventional radiation therapy. Radiother Oncol. 2018 12;129(3):520-526 Authors: Weber DC, Murray F, Combescure C, Calugaru V, Alapetite C, Albertini F, Bolle S, Goudjil F, Pica A, Walser M, Mammar H, Bachtiary B, Lomax T, Noël G, Dendale R, Feuvret L Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Skull-base chondrosarcoma (ChSa) is a rare...
Rare Cancers
Tumor Spread Through Air Spaces Identifies a Distinct Subgroup With Poor Prognosis in Surgically Resected Lung Pleomorphic Carcinoma.
Related ArticlesTumor Spread Through Air Spaces Identifies a Distinct Subgroup With Poor Prognosis in Surgically Resected Lung Pleomorphic Carcinoma. Chest. 2018 10;154(4):838-847 Authors: Yokoyama S, Murakami T, Tao H, Onoda H, Hara A, Miyazaki R, Furukawa M, Hayashi M, Inokawa H, Okabe K, Akagi Y Abstract BACKGROUND: Tumor spread through air spaces (STAS) has recently been reported as a novel form of lung adenocarcinoma invasion that can negatively...
Rare Cancers
Surgical treatment of cervical subaxial intraspinal extradural cysts using a full-endoscopic uniportal posterior approach.
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Rare Cancers
The role of enhancer of zeste homolog 2: From viral epigenetics to the carcinogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma.
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Rare Cancers
Application of in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy and ex vivo fluorescence confocal microscopy in the most common subtypes of basal cell carcinoma and correlation with histopathology.
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Efficacy of anti-programmed cell death-1 immunotherapy for skin carcinomas and melanoma metastases in a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum.
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Clinical features and surgical outcomes of pulmonary artery sarcoma.
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A Population Based Analysis of Melanoma of the External Ear.
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Rare Cancers
[Primary mixed adeno-neuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC) of the urinary bladder: a rare entity].
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Rare Cancers

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