
Κυριακή 19 Μαΐου 2019

Health Economics

The economics of antibiotic resistance: a claim for personalised treatments

Patient responsiveness to a differential deductible: empirical results from The Netherlands


Health insurers may use financial incentives to encourage their enrollees to choose preferred providers for medical treatment. Empirical evidence whether differences in cost-sharing rates across providers affects patient choice behavior is, especially from Europe, limited. This paper examines the effect of a differential deductible to steer patient provider choice in a Dutch regional market for varicose veins treatment. Using individual patients' choice data and information about their out-of-pocket payments covering the year of the experiment and 1 year before, we estimate a conditional logit model that explicitly controls for pre-existing patient preferences. Our results suggest that in this natural experiment designating preferred providers and waiving the deductible for enrollees using these providers significantly influenced patient choice. The average cross-price elasticity of demand is found to be 0.02, indicating that patient responsiveness to the cost-sharing differential itself was low. Unlike fixed cost-sharing differences, the deductible exemption was conditional on the patient's other medical expenses occurring in the policy year. The differential deductible did, therefore, not result in a financial benefit for patients with annual costs exceeding their total deductible.

Including intangible costs into the cost-of-illness approach: a method refinement illustrated based on the PM 2.5 economic burden in China


The concentrations of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) and 10 µm (PM10) is a widespread concern and has been demonstrated for 103 countries. During the past few years, the exposure–response function (ERf) has been widely used to estimate the health effects of air pollution. However, past studies are either based on the cost-of-illness or the willingness-to-pay approach, and therefore, either do not cover intangible costs or costs due to the absence of work. To address this limitation, a hybrid health effect and economic loss model is developed in this study. This novel approach is applied to a sample of environmental and cost data in China. First, the ERf is used to link PM2.5 concentrations to health endpoints of chronic mortality, acute mortality, respiratory hospital admission, cardiovascular hospital admission, outpatient visits—internal medicine, outpatient visits—pediatrics, asthma attack, acute bronchitis, and chronic bronchitis. Second, the health effect of PM2.5 is monetized into the economic loss. The mean economic loss due to PM2.5was much heavier in the North than the South of China. Furthermore, the empirical results from 76 cities in China show that the health effects and economic losses were over 4.98 million cases and 382.30 billion-yuan in 2014 and decreased dramatically compared with those in 2013.

Unemployment and suicide in Italy: evidence of a long-run association mitigated by public unemployment spending


From the mid-1990s on, the suicide rate in Italy declined steadily, then apparently rose again after the onset of the Great Recession, along with a sharp increase in unemployment. The aim of this study is to test the association between the suicide rate and unemployment (i.e., the unemployment rate for males and females in the period 1977–2015, and the long-term unemployment rate in the period 1983–2012) in Italy, by means of cointegration techniques. The analysis was adjusted for public unemployment spending (referring to the period 1980–2012). The study identified a long-run relationship between the suicide rate and long-term unemployment. On the other hand, an association between suicide and unemployment rate emerged, though statistically weaker. A 1% increase in long-term unemployment increases the suicide rate by 0.83%, with a long-term effect lasting up to 18 years. Public unemployment spending (as percentage of the Italian gross domestic product) may mitigate this association: when its annual growth rate is higher than 0.18%, no impact of unemployment on suicide in detectable. A decrease in the suicide rate is expected for higher amounts of social spending, which may be able to compensate for the reduced level of social integration resulting from unemployment, helping the individual to continue to integrate into society. A corollary of this is that austerity in times of economic recession may exacerbate the impact of the economic downturn on mental health. However, a specific "flexicurity" system (intended as a combination of high employment protection, job satisfaction and labour-market policies) may have a positive impact on health.

Income distribution and health: can polarization explain health outcomes better than inequality?


Utilizing data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) from 1991 to 2011, we aim to analyze the effects of income distribution on two risks for chronic diseases: body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure. Unlike the previous studies, we consider two different kinds of indicators of income distribution: inequality and polarization. Different from relative inequality indicators such as the Gini index, which measure income gaps only, the recently developed polarization indicator captures group clustering and social alienation, in addition to income gaps. Our empirical results demonstrate that both BMI and blood pressure are positively correlated with income polarization, while inequality is a weaker predictor of these health outcomes. Thus, polarization, rather than inequality, should be used when analyzing the relationship between health outcomes and income distribution. We also examine the polarization-to-health transmission mechanism using mediation and moderation analytic frameworks. The results suggest that social networks mediate the effect of polarization on BMI and neutralize the effect on blood pressure.

Co-ordination of health care: the case of hospital emergency admissions


The recognition that chronic care delivery is suboptimal has led many health authorities around the world to redesign it. In Norway, the Department of Health and Care Services implemented the Coordination Reform in January 2012. One policy instrument was to build emergency bed capacity (EBC) as an integrated part of primary care service provided by municipalities. The explicit aim was to reduce the rate of avoidable admissions to state-owned hospitals. Using five different sources of register data and a quasi-experimental framework—the "difference-in-differences" regression approach—we estimated the association between changes in EBC on changes in aggregate emergency hospital admissions for eight ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC). The results show that EBC is negatively associated with changes in aggregate ACSC emergency admissions. The associations are largely consistent with alternative model specifications. We also estimated the relationship between changes in EBC on changes in each ACSC condition separately. Our results are mixed. EBC is negatively associated with emergency hospital admissions for asthma, angina and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease but not congestive heart failure and diabetes. The main implication of the study is that EBC within primary care is potentially a sensible way of redesigning chronic care.

Impact of early primary care follow-up after discharge on hospital readmissions


Reducing repeated hospitalizations of patients with chronic conditions is a policy objective for improving system efficiency. We test the hypothesis that the risk of readmission is associated with the timing and intensity of primary care follow-up after discharge, focusing on patients hospitalized for heart failure in France. We propose a discrete-time model which takes into account that primary care treatments have a lagged and cumulative effect on readmission risk, and an instrumental variable approach, exploiting geographical differences in availability of generalists. We show that the early consultations with a GP after discharge can reduce the 28-day readmission risk by almost 50%, and that patients with higher ambulatory care utilization have smaller odds of readmission. Furthermore, geographical disparities in primary care affect indirectly the readmission risk. These results suggest that interventions which strengthen communication between hospitals and generalists are elemental for reducing readmissions and for developing effective strategies at the hospital level, it is also necessary to consider primary care resources that are available to patients.

The Great Recession, financial strain and self-assessed health in Ireland


In this paper, we study the effects of the 2008 economic crisis on general health in one of the most severely affected EU economies—Ireland. We examine the relationship between compositional changes in demographic and socio-economic factors, such as education, income, and financial strain, and changes in the prevalence of poor self-assessed health over a 5-year period (2008–2013). We apply a generalised Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition approach for non-linear regression models proposed by Fairlie (1999, 2005). Results show that the increased financial strain explained the largest part of the increase in poor health in the Irish population and different sub-groups. Changes in the economic activity status and population structure also had a significant positive effect. The expansion of education had a significant negative effect, preventing further increases in poor health. Wealthier and better educated individuals experienced larger relative increases in poor health, which led to reduced socio-economic health inequalities.

An evaluation of the 1987 French Disabled Workers Act: better paying than hiring


This paper presents the first evaluation of the French Disabled Workers Act of 1987, which aimed to promote the employment of disabled people in the private sector. We use a panel data set, which includes both the health and the labour market histories of workers. We account both for unobserved heterogeneity and for the change in the disabled population over time. We find that the law had a negative impact on the employment of disabled workers in the private sector. This counterproductive effect likely comes from the possibility to pay a fine instead of hiring disabled workers.

Denosumab versus bisphosphonates for the treatment of bone metastases from solid tumors: a systematic review



Bone metastases are highly prevalent in breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers. Their symptoms negatively affect quality of life and functionality and optimal management can mitigate these problems. There are two different targeted agents to treat them: bisphosphonates (pamidronate and zoledronic acid) and the monoclonal antibody denosumab. Estimates of cost-effectiveness are still mixed.


To conduct a systematic review of economic studies that compares these two options.


Literature search comprised eight databases and keywords for bone metastases, bisphosphonates, denosumab, and economic studies were used. Data were extracted regarding their methodologic characteristics and cost-effectiveness analyses. All studies were evaluated regarding to its methodological quality.


A total of 263 unique studies were retrieved and six met inclusion criteria. All studies were based on clinical trials and other existing literature data, and they had high methodological quality. Most found unfavorable cost-effectiveness for denosumab compared with zoledronic acid, with adjusted ICERS that ranged from $4638–87,354 per SRE avoided and from US$57,274–4.81 M. per QALY gained, which varied widely according to type of tumor, time horizon, among others. Results were sensitive to drug costs, time to first skeletal-related event (SRE), time horizon, and utility.


Denosumab had unfavorable cost-effectiveness compared with zoledronic acid in most of the included studies. New economic studies based on real-world data and longer time horizons comparing these therapeutic options are needed.

Alexandros Sfakianakis
Anapafseos 5 . Agios Nikolaos

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