Publication date: Available online 14 May 2019
Source: Annals of Diagnostic Pathology
Author(s): Brandon Scott, Jon Cottreau, Angelica Oviedo, Thomas Arnason
An index case of ciliated columnar epithelium in a gastroesophageal (GE) junction biopsy identified in routine surgical pathology practice struck us as highly unusual. However, pathology literature, mainly from Asian populations, reports ciliated columnar epithelium in up to 40% of tissue samples from the upper GI tract. This was inconsistent with our pathology practice experience, so we initiated a local review of cases at our Canadian centre. 1048 consecutive tissue samples from the esophagus and GE junction were reviewed retrospectively and no ciliated epithelium was identified. This review included 1000× oil immersion microscopy of 22 cases with “multilayered epithelium”. In 971 cases verified in prospective surgical pathology practice following identification of the index case, 3 additional cases of ciliated columnar epithelium were identified. The index case had ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium, resembling respiratory epithelium, and had strong, diffuse expression of TTF-1 by immunohistochemistry. In the other 3 cases, the cilia were located on the surface of a pseudostratified columnar epithelium, a multilayered epithelium, or a low columnar epithelium, all TTF-1 negative. Over a year later, the index case proved to have arisen from a bronchial-esophageal fistula. The other cases were not associated with a fistula. Our conclusion is that ciliated columnar epithelium is rare in Canadian adults (<0.5% of patients). Ciliated epithelial epithelium due to a bronchial-esophageal fistula is exceptional, but something to consider if there is a suspicious clinical picture and TTF-1 expression. Other cases might represent a rare metaplastic phenomenon or remnant from fetal development.
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