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Τρίτη 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Sandoz Inc. Issues Voluntary Recall of Ranitidine Hydrochloride Capsules 150mg and 300mg Due to an Elevated Amount of Unexpected Impurity, N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in the Product
Audience: Consumer, Health Professional, Pharmacy September 23, 2019 -- Sandoz Inc. is voluntarily recalling all quantities and lots within expiry of Ranitidine Hydrochloride Capsules in the US to the consumer level because of confirmed...
Drugs.com - FDA MedWatch Alerts
Sandoz Inc. Issues Voluntary Recall of Ranitidine Hydrochloride Capsules 150mg and 300mg Due to An Elevated Amount of Unexpected Impurity, N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), in the Product
Audience: Consumer, Health Professional, Pharmacy September 23, 2019 -- Sandoz Inc. is voluntarily recalling all quantities and lots within expiry of Ranitidine Hydrochloride Capsules in the US to the consumer level because of confirmed...
Drugs.com - FDA MedWatch Alerts
Experience With Store-and-Forward Consultations in Providing Access to Pediatric Endocrine Consultations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Pediatric specialists are often unavailable in low- and middle-income countries. As part of multiple professional associations' efforts to improve access to endocrine expertise globally, a pediatric endocrine teleconsultation network was established on a store-and-forward teleconsultation platform to facilitate focused, language-appropriate advice that can be kept for future reference while bypassing real-time video-conferencing, and obviating the need for a scheduled appointment. User information...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Decay of Enterococcus faecalis, Vibrio cholerae and MS2 Coliphage in a Laboratory Mesocosm Under Brackish Beach Conditions
Enterococci are fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) used for monitoring the microbial quality of bathing water. However, the reliability of health protection by monitoring FIB is questioned. This study evaluated the decay pattern of Enterococcus faecalis in beach environment and compared it with decay patterns of the pathogen Vibrio cholerae and the virus indicator MS2 coliphage. Tests were done in an experimental mesocosm simulating natural Nordic summer daylight conditions with and without the aquatic...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Enumeration And Characterization Of Circulating Tumor Cells And Its Application In Advanced Gastric Cancer
OncoTargets and Therapy
GSE120382 smRNA sequencing of MCF10A cells after H2O2 stress
Contributors : Doowon Huh ; Sohail F TavazoieSeries Type : Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensWe report the changes in tRNA fragment abundance as measured by small RNA sequencing after cells have been exposed to oxidative stress by H2O2.
New GEO Series
GSE137958 Transcriptional silencers in Drosophila serve a dual role as transcriptional enhancers in alternate cellular contexts
Series Type : OtherOrganism : Drosophila melanogasterThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
New GEO Series
GSE130270 Chromatin Loop Extrusion Plays a Fundamental Mechanistic Role in Antibody Class Switching
Series Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Genome variation profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing ; OtherOrganism : Mus musculusThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
New GEO Series
GSE137955 Transcriptional silencers in Drosophila serve a dual role as transcriptional enhancers in alternate cellular contexts [Hi-C]
Contributors : Stephen S Gisselbrecht ; Alexandre Palagi ; Jesse V Kurland ; Julia M Rogers ; Hakan Ozadam ; Ye Zhan ; Job Dekker ; Martha L BulykSeries Type : OtherOrganism : Drosophila melanogasterWe generated HiC data from sorted mesodermal and non-mesodermal cells from stage 11-12 Drosophila embryos to explore the distribution of genomic contacts of silencers and non-silencers (identified elsewhere in the manuscript).
New GEO Series
GSE137961 Identification of a LIF-responsive replication-competent human β cell
Contributors : Edwin A Rosado-Oliveri ; Idil I Aigha ; Jennifer H Kenty ; Dani Swain ; José Rivera-Feliciano ; Douglas A MeltonSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensThe beta (β) cell mass formed during embryogenesis is amplified by cell replication that occurs primarily during fetal and early postnatal development. Thereafter, β cells become functionally mature and their mass is maintained by a very low rate of replication. For those few β cells...
New GEO Series
GSE137954 Gene Expression Profiling of siRNA Knockdown and overexpression of SMYD3 in C2C12
Contributors : Souhila Medjkane ; Roberta CodatoSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusMembers of the SMYD family of Histone Lysine Methyltransferases, including SMYD3, were shown to be involved in both cardiac and skeletal myogenesis. Currently, very little is known about their mechanisms of action and their potential target genes. To study the cellular and molecular function of SMYD3 in skeletal muscle differentiation, we used loss and gain of function...
New GEO Series
GSE130263 Chromatin Loop Extrusion Plays a Fundamental Mechanistic Role in Antibody Class Switching [3C-HTGTS]
Contributors : Xuefei Zhang ; Frederick W AltSeries Type : Genome variation profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusIn a B lymphocyte immunoglobulin heavy chain locus (IgH), a developmentally assembled V(D)J exon encoding an antibody variable region lies upstream of exons encoding a m constant region (Cm), allowing generation of mIgH chain transcripts and IgM-class antibodies1. Mouse IgH class switch recombination (CSR) replaces Cmwith one of 6 sets of constant region exons...
New GEO Series
GSE137952 A vasodilator Oxyfedrine Inhibits Aldehyde Metabolism and thereby Sensitizes Cancer Cells to Glutathione Depleting Agents
Contributors : Yuji Otsuki ; Juntaro Yamasaki ; Kentaro Suina ; Shogo Okazaki ; Naoyoshi Koike ; Hideyuki Saya ; Osamu NaganoSeries Type : Expression profiling by arrayOrganism : Homo sapiensThe major antioxidant glutathione (GSH) protects cancer cells from oxidative damage leading to ferroptosis, an iron-dependent cell death. Therapy-resistant cancer cells often manifest high expression of the cystine-glutamate antiporter subunit xCT which enhances cystine uptake leading to GSH synthesis...
New GEO Series
GSE104201 mRNA and miRNA expression of HeLa cancer stem cells and non-cancer stem cells
Series Type : Expression profiling by array ; Non-coding RNA profiling by arrayOrganism : Homo sapiensThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
New GEO Series
GSE137949 Transcriptional silencers in Drosophila serve a dual role as transcriptional enhancers in alternate cellular contexts [HiChIP]
Contributors : Stephen S Gisselbrecht ; Alexandre Palagi ; Jesse V Kurland ; Julia M Rogers ; Hakan Ozadam ; Ye Zhan ; Job Dekker ; Martha L BulykSeries Type : OtherOrganism : Drosophila melanogasterSilencers active in the Drosophila embryonic mesoderm were identified by reporter assays in dissociated embryonic cells. We find that, despite the presence of ChIP peaks for known transcriptional corepressors and marks of repressed chromatin, the only significantly enriched source of mesodermal silencers...
New GEO Series
GSE137841 The PedBE clock accurately estimates DNA methylation age in pediatric buccal cells [dataset 11,UCI]
Contributors : Lisa M McEwen ; Kieran J O’Donnell ; Megan G McGill ; Rachel D Edgar ; Meaghan J Jones ; Julia L MacIsaac ; David T Lin ; Katia Ramadori ; Alexander Morin ; Nicole Gladish ; Elika Garg ; Eva Unternaehrer ; Irina Pokhvisneva ; Neerja Karnani ; Michelle Z Kee ; Torsten Klengel ; Nancy E Adler ; Ronald G Barr ; Nicole Letourneau ; Gerald F Giesbrecht ; James N Reynolds ; Darina Czamara ; Jeffrey M Armstrong ; Marilyn J Essex ; Carolina de Weerth ; Roseriet Beijers ; Marieke...
New GEO Series
GSE137945 Next Generation Sequencing of PKD2 mutant mice
Contributors : Ronak Lakhia ; Vishal PatelSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusPurpose: Determine the differential gene expression pattern between wildtype, Pkd2-KO and Pkd2-miR-214 KO miceMethods: kidney mRNA profiles of Pkd2-KO and Pkd2-mir-214-KO mice was sequenced with N of 3 in each groupResults: 972 differentially expressed transcripts were identified between Pkd2-KO kidneys and Pkd2-miR-214-KO kidneysConclusion: Deletion of miR-214 promotes...
New GEO Series
GSE130265 Chromatin Loop Extrusion Plays a Fundamental Mechanistic Role in Antibody Class Switching [CSR-HTGTS-Seq]
Contributors : Xuefei Zhang ; Frederick W AltSeries Type : Genome variation profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusIn a B lymphocyte immunoglobulin heavy chain locus (IgH), a developmentally assembled V(D)J exon encoding an antibody variable region lies upstream of exons encoding a  constant region (C), allowing generation of IgH chain transcripts and IgM-class antibodies1. Mouse IgH class switch recombination (CSR) replaces Cwith one of 6 sets of constant region exons...
New GEO Series
GSE137942 Genome-wide maps of chromatin state in 5-HT6R knock out mice.
Contributors : Bingjie Wang ; Zehui SunSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusPurpose:The primary cilia play central roles in transducing or regulating various signaling pathways during brain development. However, the function of primary cilia in mature nerve system is currently largely unknown.We aimed to identify transcriptional changes resulting from depletion of ciliary GPCR 5-HT6R.Methods: We performed RNA sequencing in the hippocampal tissues...
New GEO Series
GSE120384 HITS-CLIP of SSB from MDA-231 cells
Contributors : Doowon Huh ; Sohail F TavazoieSeries Type : Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensWe report the CLIP binding interactions from the RNA binding protein SSB
New GEO Series
GSE137937 Transcriptome profiles in the catkins of two Castanea mollissima cultivars for dissecting the mechanisms of Shorter Catkins Mutation.
Contributors : Guanglong Hu ; Weitao MaoSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Castanea mollissimaChinese Chestnut (Castanea mollissima BL.) has high nutritional and ecological value, so it is widely planted.However, the number of male flowers far exceeds the number of female flowers is an important factor limiting the yield of Chinese chestnut.A naturally occurring mutation in male catkin has been found on a Chinese chestnut tree in the mountains of Beijing,...
New GEO Series
GSE120285 Exploring heterogeneity of alveolar type 1 cells
Contributors : Masafumi Horie ; Fan Li ; Beiyun Zhou ; Zea BorokSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculussingle cell RNA-sequencing of alveolar type 1 cells
New GEO Series
GSE137933 Characterization of novel STY1099 protein involved in the peroxide stress response of Salmonella Enteritidis
Contributors : Sinisa Vidovic ; Juan E AbrahanteSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar EnteritidisWe report our results of RNA-seq analysis on the wild type Salmonella Enteritidis and its yccT (i.e., yccT encodes STY1099 protein) mutant with and without H2O2 treatment
New GEO Series
GSE104199 mRNA expression of HeLa cancer stem cells and non-cancer stem cells
Contributors : Keisuke Tamari ; Hideshi IshiiSeries Type : Expression profiling by arrayOrganism : Homo sapiensmiRNA and mRNA expression of HeLa cancer stem cells and non-cancer stem cells
New GEO Series
GSE137932 Role of CpxR in biofilm development: expression of key fimbrial, O-antigen and virulence operons of Salmonella Enteritidis
Contributors : Sinisa Vidovic ; Juan E AbrahanteSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar EnteritidisWe report our results of RNA-seq analysis on Salmonella Enteritidis biofilms and planktonic cells of the wild type and its cpxR mutant
New GEO Series
GSE137865 miRNA expression data from oral squamous cell carcinoma patients
Contributors : Hao Pan ; Yuhong Wang ; Zhangui TangSeries Type : Non-coding RNA profiling by arrayOrganism : Homo sapiens ; synthetic constructOral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) accounts for the high mortality rate and morbidity in head and neck cancer. Data for analysis were obtained from the microarray data of 6 OSCC tissues, tissues adjacent to cancer, and contralateral normal tissues.We used the affy package under the R environment to preprocess and normalize the original gene chip data.
New GEO Series
GSE137930 Methylome sequencing of Burkholderia pseudomallei D286, H10, PMC2000, R15 and 982
Contributors : Hirzahida Mohd Padil ; Kok-Gan Chan ; Mohd-Firdaus Mohd-Raih ; Sheila NathanSeries Type : Methylation profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Burkholderia pseudomalleiWe report the methylome sequencing and annotation of Burkholderia pseudomallei D286 based on high-throughput profiling using PacBio SMRT technology
New GEO Series
GSE137488 Conjoint analysis of RNA-seq and Solexa sequencing data of bovine mammary epithelial cells isolated from Chinese Holstein cows with high and low milk fat percentages
Contributors : Lixin Xia ; Zhihui ZhaoSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Bos taurusFor RNA-seq, the sequencing library of each RNA sample was prepared by using Ion Total RNA-Seq Kit v2. For Solexa suquencing, we download the data obtained by a previous study in our laboratory. Genes and miRNAs were considered differentially expressed according to log2FC >1 or log2FC
New GEO Series
GSE137928 Transcriptome changes of epithelial buds of mouse submandibular gland upon blebbistatin treatment
Contributor : Jin M KimSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusWe performed RNA-seq for profiling genetic changes in mouse embryonic submandibular glands upon blebbistatin treatment.
New GEO Series
GSE130266 Chromatin Loop Extrusion Plays a Fundamental Mechanistic Role in Antibody Class Switching [GRO-Seq]
Contributors : Xuefei Zhang ; Frederick W AltSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing ; OtherOrganism : Mus musculusIn a B lymphocyte immunoglobulin heavy chain locus (IgH), a developmentally assembled V(D)J exon encoding an antibody variable region lies upstream of exons encoding a m constant region (Cm), allowing generation of mIgH chain transcripts and IgM-class antibodies1. Mouse IgH class switch recombination (CSR) replaces Cmwith one of 6 sets of constant region...
New GEO Series
GSE137927 Single-cell mRNA analysis of colon phagocyte heterogeneity identifies two major macrophage developmental pathways
Contributors : Byunghyun Kang ; Luigi J Alvarado ; Andre Larochelle ; Brian KelsallSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusTissue macrophages (MPs) develop distinctive functions due to unique transcriptional programs driven by local environmental ques. In the intestine, it is known that MPs are heterogeneous cells that differentiate from blood monocytes and embryonic precursors, and are essential for homeostasis with the vast microbiome through their...
New GEO Series
GSE130264 Chromatin Loop Extrusion Plays a Fundamental Mechanistic Role in Antibody Class Switching [ChIP-Seq]
Contributors : Xuefei Zhang ; Frederick W AltSeries Type : Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusIn a B lymphocyte immunoglobulin heavy chain locus (IgH), a developmentally assembled V(D)J exon encoding an antibody variable region lies upstream of exons encoding a  constant region (C), allowing generation of IgH chain transcripts and IgM-class antibodies1. Mouse IgH class switch recombination (CSR) replaces Cwith one of 6 sets of constant region...
New GEO Series
GSE137922 Multiplexed dissection of a model human transcription factor binding site architecture
Contributors : J E Davis ; K D Insigne ; E M Jones ; Q B Hastings ; W B Boldridge ; S KosuriSeries Type : OtherOrganism : Escherichia coli ; Homo sapiensWe designed and assayed 24,531 synthetic regulatory elements varying c-amp response element number, affinity, distance to the promoter, spacing between multiple CREs, and surrounding sequence content. Using 5 massively-parallel reporter assays, we measure the expression driven by these sequences when placed upstream of a minimal promoter using next-generation...
New GEO Series
GSE120385 An adaptive stress-induced tRNA depletion response mediates codon-based gene repression and growth suppression
Series Type : Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Other ; Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
New GEO Series
GSE137916 The role of CRYBB2 in breast cancer
Contributors : Vanessa Merino ; Soonweng ChoSeries Type : Expression profiling by arrayOrganism : Homo sapiensTo study the function of CRYBB2, we overexpressed CRYBB2 in breast cancer cell lines using lentiviral vectors and investigated transcriptomic changes using Agilent 4x44K microarrays.
New GEO Series
GSE120383 Ribosome profiling of MCF10A cells with tRNA-Tyr-GUA depletion by shRNA relative to shControl cells
Contributors : Doowon Huh ; Sohail F TavazoieSeries Type : OtherOrganism : Homo sapiensWe report the changes in ribosome protected fragments as measured by ribosome profiling in cells with or without depletion of tRNA-Tyr-GUA
New GEO Series
GSE137911 Genome sequence of the Eastern woodchuck (Marmota monax) – a preclinical animal model for chronic hepatitis B
Contributors : Tyler S Alioto ; Fernando Cruz ; Jèssica Gómez-Garrido ; Miriam Triyatni ; Marta Gut ; Leonor Frias ; Anna Esteve-Codina ; Stephan Menne ; Anna Kiialainen ; Nadine Kumpesa ; Fabian Birzele ; Roland Schmucki ; Ivo G Gut ; Olivia SpleissSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Marmota monaxGene expression profiling by RNAseq of lung, thymus, heart, pancreas, kidney, spleen and liver tissues from woodchuck as a preclinical animal model for...
New GEO Series
GSE120381 tRNA profiling of MCF10A cells after H2O2 stress
Contributors : Doowon Huh ; Sohail F TavazoieSeries Type : Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensWe report the changes in tRNA abundance as measured by tRNA profiling after cells have been exposed to oxidative stress by H2O2.
New GEO Series
GSE137898 The PedBE clock estimates DNA methylation age in pediatric buccal cells [dataset 10, MAVAN II]
Contributors : Lisa M McEwen ; Kieran J O’Donnell ; Megan G McGill ; Rachel D Edgar ; Meaghan J Jones ; Julia L MacIsaac ; David T Lin ; Katia Ramadori ; Alexander Morin ; Nicole Gladish ; Elika Garg ; Eva Unternaehrer ; Irina Pokhvisneva ; Neerja Karnani ; Michelle Z Kee ; Torsten Klengel ; Nancy E Adler ; Ronald G Barr ; Nicole Letourneau ; Gerald F Giesbrecht ; James N Reynolds ; Darina Czamara ; Jeffrey M Armstrong ; Marilyn J Essex ; Carolina de Weerth ; Roseriet Beijers ; Marieke...
New GEO Series

GSE104272 Combination effect of G-TPP and LXR623 on stem cell like glioma cells
Contributors : Chiaki Ishida ; Markus SiegelinSeries Type : Expression profiling by arrayOrganism : Homo sapiensWe performed microarray analysis in order to evaluate the combination effect of the mitochondrial matrix chaperone inhibitor gamitrinib-triphenylphosphonium (G-TPP) and Liver X receptor agonist LXR623 on gene expression in stem cell like glioma cells (NCH644).
New GEO Series
GSE137894 The PedBE clock accurately estimates DNA methylation age in pediatric buccal cells [dataset 5, MAVAN I]
Contributors : Lisa M McEwen ; Kieran J O’Donnell ; Megan G McGill ; Rachel D Edgar ; Meaghan J Jones ; Julia L MacIsaac ; David T Lin ; Katia Ramadori ; Alexander Morin ; Nicole Gladish ; Elika Garg ; Eva Unternaehrer ; Irina Pokhvisneva ; Neerja Karnani ; Michelle Z Kee ; Torsten Klengel ; Nancy E Adler ; Ronald G Barr ; Nicole Letourneau ; Gerald F Giesbrecht ; James N Reynolds ; Darina Czamara ; Jeffrey M Armstrong ; Marilyn J Essex ; Carolina de Weerth ; Roseriet Beijers ; Marieke...
New GEO Series
GSE104200 miRNA expression of HeLa cancer stem cells and non-cancer stem cells
Contributors : Keisuke Tamari ; Hideshi IshiiSeries Type : Non-coding RNA profiling by arrayOrganism : Homo sapiensmiRNA and mRNA expression of HeLa cancer stem cells and non-cancer stem cells
New GEO Series
GSE137884 The PedBE clock estimates DNA methylation age in pediatric buccal cells [dataset 2, C3ARE]
Contributors : Lisa M McEwen ; Kieran J O’Donnell ; Megan G McGill ; Rachel D Edgar ; Meaghan J Jones ; Julia L MacIsaac ; David T Lin ; Katia Ramadori ; Alexander Morin ; Nicole Gladish ; Elika Garg ; Eva Unternaehrer ; Irina Pokhvisneva ; Neerja Karnani ; Michelle Z Kee ; Torsten Klengel ; Nancy E Adler ; Ronald G Barr ; Nicole Letourneau ; Gerald F Giesbrecht ; James N Reynolds ; Darina Czamara ; Jeffrey M Armstrong ; Marilyn J Essex ; Carolina de Weerth ; Roseriet Beijers ; Marieke...
New GEO Series
GSE103993 Effects of pioglitazone and beta-naphtoflavone on human primary trophoblasts
Contributors : Jaana Rysä ; Markku Pasanen ; Pasi HuuskonenSeries Type : Expression profiling by arrayOrganism : Homo sapiensEffects of pioglitazone and beta-naphtoflavone treatmend for 72 hours on human primary trophoblasts were investigated. 0.25% DMSO was a control.
New GEO Series
GSE129004 Gene expression data from human breast cancer MCF-7 cells treated with siRNAs targeting long non-coding RNA TMPO-AS1
Contributors : Yuichi Mitobe ; Kazuhiro Ikeda ; Kuniko Horie-Inoue ; Satoshi InoueSeries Type : Expression profiling by arrayOrganism : Homo sapiensTo examine the role of long non-coding RNA TMPO-AS1 in breast cancer, MCF-7 cells were treated with siRNAs targeting TMPO-AS1 (siTMPO-AS1) or control siRNA (siControl). TMPO-AS1 was shown to closely associate with estrogen signaling pathway.
New GEO Series
GSE123598 Gene expression pattern comparison depend on morphological change in rat pXEN cells
Contributors : Minjae Kim ; Yixiang Zhong ; Kyoung H Jung ; Young G ChaiSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Rattus norvegicuspXEN cells have intrinsic property for vacuolation generally and in proper condition, vacuolated cells contribute to cavitation, so call vesiculation, via merge together. So, we want to find meaning of morphogenesis and connection with in vivo gastrulation stage.
New GEO Series
GSE109281 Subclonal cooperation drives metastasis through modulating local and systemic immune microenvironments
Contributors : Michalina Janiszewska ; Doris P Tabassum ; Zafira Castrano ; Simona Cristea ; Kimiyo N Yamamoto ; Natalie L Kingston ; Katherine C Murphy ; Shaokun Shu ; Nicholas W Harper ; Carlos Gil Del Alcazar ; Maša Alečković ; Muhammad Ekram ; Ofir Cohen ; Minsuk Kwak ; Yuanbo Qin ; Tyler Laszewski ; Adrienne Luoma ; Andriy Marusyk ; Kai W Wucherpfennig ; Nikhil Wagle ; Rong Fan ; Franziska Michor ; Sandra McAllister ; Kornelia PolyakSeries Type : Expression profiling by high...
New GEO Series
GSE120524 Copper Regulation of HIF-1 Transcription Activity [ChIP-seq]
Contributors : Zhijuan Wu ; Wenjing ZhangSeries Type : Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensCopper (Cu) regulates hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) transcription activity by affecting the selectivity of HIF-1α targeting to the promoters of the affected genes. Here, we made an effort to provide a comprehensive understanding of Cu regulation of the selectivity of HIF-1α targeting across genome. We used tetraethylenepentamine (TEPA), a Cu selective...
New GEO Series
GSE120527 Copper Regulation of HIF-1 Transcription Activity
Series Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
New GEO Series
GSE120523 Copper Regulation of HIF-1 Transcription Activity [RNA-seq]
Contributors : Zhijuan Wu ; Wenjing ZhangSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensCopper (Cu) regulates hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) transcription activity by affecting the selectivity of HIF-1α targeting to the promoters of the affected genes. Here, we made an effort to provide a comprehensive understanding of Cu regulation of the selectivity of HIF-1α targeting across genome. We used tetraethylenepentamine (TEPA), a Cu selective chelator, to...
New GEO Series
GSE126865 Gene expression in skeletal muscle in older individuals subject to ten days of complete bed rest.
Contributors : Rick B Vega ; Michelle B Trevino ; Xiaolei Zhang ; Robert A Standley ; Bret H Goodpaster ; Daniel P Kelly ; Paul M CoenSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensOlder individuals were subjected to complete bed rest for 10 days. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis were obtained immediately prior and at the conclusion of the bed rest. RNA-sequencing was performed to determine the gene expression changes associated with bed rest. Marked...
New GEO Series
GSE131505 Sustained reprioritization of metabolic pathways is associated with persistence and biofilm formation in non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae
Contributors : Alistair Harrison ; Rachael L Hardison ; Rachel M Wallace ; James Fitch ; Derek R Heimlich ; Megan O'Bryan ; Robert P Sebra ; Laura Dubois ; Lisa St. John-Williams ; Peter White ; M. Arthur Mosely ; J. Will Thompson ; Sheryl S Justice ; Kevin M MasonSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Haemophilus influenzaeWe used an in vitro evolved strain of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) to examine the metabolic contributions to persistence...
New GEO Series
GSE120916 NanoCAGE in ERα knockdown BM67 cells
Contributors : Julie Lorent ; Eric Kusnadi ; Vincent van Hoef ; Richard J Rebello ; Matthew Leibovitch ; Johannes Ristau ; Shan Chen ; Mitchell G Lawrence ; Krzysztof J Szkop ; Baila Samreen ; Preetika Balanathan ; Francesca Rapino ; Pierre Close ; Patricia Bukczynska ; Karin Scharmann ; Itsuhiro Takizawa ; Gail P Risbridger ; Luke A Selth ; Sebastian A Leidel ; Qishan Lin ; Ivan Topisirovic ; Ola Larsson ; Luc FuricSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing...
New GEO Series
GSE120535 Polysome profiling quantified by DNA-microarrays in ERα knockdown and control BM67 cells
Contributors : Julie Lorent ; Eric Kusnadi ; Vincent van Hoef ; Richard J Rebello ; Matthew Leibovitch ; Johannes Ristau ; Shan Chen ; Mitchell G Lawrence ; Krzysztof J Szkop ; Baila Samreen ; Preetika Balanathan ; Francesca Rapino ; Pierre Close ; Patricia Bukczynska ; Karin Scharmann ; Itsuhiro Takizawa ; Gail P Risbridger ; Luke A Selth ; Sebastian A Leidel ; Qishan Lin ; Ivan Topisirovic ; Ola Larsson ; Luc FuricSeries Type : Expression profiling by arrayOrganism : Mus musculusEstrogen...
New GEO Series
GSE110495 Therapeutic targeting of the pre-metastatic stage in human brain metastasis
Contributors : Mohini Singh ; Chitra Venugopal ; Minomi Subapanditha ; Maleeha Qazi ; David Bakhshinyan ; Parvez Vora ; Naresh Murty ; Sheila K . Singh ; Tomas Tokar ; Igor JurisicaSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensWe have used our established brain metastasis initiating cell (BMIC) models and gene expression analyses to characterize pre-metastasis in human lung-to-brain metastases.
New GEO Series
GSE120914 Small RNA sequencing in ERα knockdown and control BM67 cells
Contributors : Julie Lorent ; Eric Kusnadi ; Vincent van Hoef ; Richard J Rebello ; Matthew Leibovitch ; Johannes Ristau ; Shan Chen ; Mitchell G Lawrence ; Krzysztof J Szkop ; Baila Samreen ; Preetika Balanathan ; Francesca Rapino ; Pierre Close ; Patricia Bukczynska ; Karin Scharmann ; Itsuhiro Takizawa ; Gail P Risbridger ; Luke A Selth ; Sebastian A Leidel ; Qishan Lin ; Ivan Topisirovic ; Ola Larsson ; Luc FuricSeries Type : Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism...
New GEO Series
GSE134606 Polysome profiling quantified by RNA sequencing in ERα knockdown and control BM67 cells
Contributors : Julie Lorent ; Eric Kusnadi ; Vincent van Hoef ; Richard J Rebello ; Matthew Leibovitch ; Johannes Ristau ; Shan Chen ; Mitchell G Lawrence ; Krzysztof J Szkop ; Baila Samreen ; Preetika Balanathan ; Francesca Rapino ; Pierre Close ; Patricia Bukczynska ; Karin Scharmann ; Itsuhiro Takizawa ; Gail P Risbridger ; Luke A Selth ; Sebastian A Leidel ; Qishan Lin ; Ivan Topisirovic ; Ola Larsson ; Luc FuricSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing...
New GEO Series
GSE120917 Translational offsetting as a mode of estrogen receptor alpha-dependent regulation of gene expression
Series Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Other ; Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Expression profiling by arrayOrganism : Mus musculusThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
New GEO Series
GSE133940 Blast preconditioning protects retinal ganglion cells and reveals targets for prevention of neurodegeneration following blast-mediated TBI
Contributors : Matthew Harper ; Lucy EvansSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusPurpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect blast preconditioning on the structure and function of retinal ganglion cells (RGC), and to identify molecular pathways that contribute to RGC loss.Methods: To examine the effect of blast-preconditioning three groups of mice were analyzed, including those 1) subjected to sham injury followed by one single 20...
New GEO Series

GSE131289 Effects of social isolation stress on miRNA expression in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) in male and female rats
Contributors : Maria Mavrikaki ; Lorena Pantano ; David Potter ; Max Rogers-Grazado ; Sami Amr ; Elena ChartoffSeries Type : Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Rattus norvegicusPurpose: This study assessed putative sex differences in miRNA expression in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST)—a sexually dimorphic brain region implicated in anxiety—of adult male and female rats that had been exposed throughout adolescence to social isolation (SI) stress.Methods:...
New GEO Series
GSE134997 Stag1 and Stag2 regulate cell fate decisions in hematopoiesis through non-redundant topological control [II]
Contributors : Aaron Viny ; Vincent-Philippe Lavallée ; Ross L LevineSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusTranscriptional regulators, including the cohesin complex member STAG2, are recurrently mutated in cancer. The role of STAG2 in gene regulation, hematopoiesis, and tumor suppression remains unresolved. We show Stag2 deletion in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC) results in altered hematopoietic function, increased self-renewal, and impaired...
New GEO Series
GSE135031 Stag1 and Stag2 regulate cell fate decisions in hematopoiesis through non-redundant topological control
Series Type : Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
New GEO Series
GSE123365 Evolution of a Reverse Transcriptase to Map N1-Methyladenosine in Human mRNA
Contributors : Huiqing Zhou ; Bryan C Dickinson ; Chuan HeSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing ; OtherOrganism : Homo sapiensChemical modifications on mRNA are increasingly recognized as a critical regulatory layer of the flow of genetic information, but quantitative tools to monitor RNA modifications in a whole-transcriptome and site-specific manner are lacking. Here we describe a versatile directed evolution platform that rapidly selects for reverse transcriptases...
New GEO Series
GSE117841 Differential expression of microRNAs and their target genes in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Contributor : Guangyong HuangSeries Type : Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensWe aimed to identify aberrantly expressed microRNA and mRNA expression profiles of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and explore their potential functions, 10 DCM blood samples and paired healthy control blood samples underwent RNA-sequence.
New GEO Series
GSE115153 Biological effect of chronic mistranslation in mammalian cells
Contributors : Dimitri Scherbakov ; Erik C BöttgerSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensAnalysis of HEK293 cells lines expressing mutant ribosomal protein RPS2 (human A226Y). RPS2 A226Y mutation has been shown to cause misreading and readthrough. Results provide insight into the response to chronic mistranslation in mammalian cells.
New GEO Series
GSE133259 RNAseq data from mtDNA mutator induced pluripotent stem cells
Contributors : Anu Suomalainen ; Riikka H HämäläinenSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusRNAsequencing data from POLG D257A mutant mouse iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells. These mice accumulate random point mutations in their mitochondrial genome and manifest progeric features. The reprogramming and phenotype of the cells is described in Hämäläinen et al. 2015, Cell reports, mtDNA Mutagenesis Disrupts Pluripotent Stem Cell Function by Altering...
New GEO Series
GSE128947 Developmental changes of rRNA ribose methylations in the mouse
Contributors : Hebras Jade ; Nicolai Krogh ; Marty Virginie ; Henrik Nielsen ; Jérôme CavailléSeries Type : OtherOrganism : Mus musculusA sequencing-based profiling method (RiboMeth-seq) for ribose methylations was used to study methylation patterns in mouse adult tissues and during development. In contrast to previous reports based on studies of human cancer cell lines, almost all methylation sites were close to fully methylated in adult tissues. A subset of sites was differentially modified...
New GEO Series
GSE72555 MEK and GSK3β inhibition drives ES cells into a naive pluripotent state irrespective of their global methylation status 
Contributors : John P Thomson ; Ruchi Shukla ; Heidi Mjoseng ; Angie Fawkes ; Richard Clark ; Lee Murphy ; Richard R MeehanSeries Type : Methylation profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusWe carry out methyl DNA immunoprecipitation (meDIP), hydroxymethyl DNA immunoprecipitaion (hmeDIP) and H3K27me3 chromatin imminoprecipitation (ChIP) prior to sequencing on the Ion Proton semiconductor sequencing platform...
New GEO Series
GSE104727 Distinct populations of embryonic epithelial progenitors generate Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells
Contributor : Natalia SoshnikovaSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusTo follow the changes in the transcriptional programs accompanying the specification of the embryonic Lgr5+ cells we sequenced whole transcriptomes of embryonic intestinal epithelium progenitors (at E13.5 and E15.5). EpCAM positive embryonic gut epithelium was isolated from dissected small intestines using fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS). Lgr5+ progenitors were purified...
New GEO Series
GSE104675 Role for the Transcriptional Activator ZRF1 in Breast Cancer Progression and Endocrine Resistance
Contributors : Richly Holger ; Kaymak AysegulSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensRNAseq analysis upon KD of ZRF1 to prove that depletion of ZRF1 results in the acquisition of metastatic behavior and drug resistance via misregulation of cell death and cell survival related pathways in MCF7 cells.
New GEO Series
GSE132045 Single cell RNA-seq Analysis of Wild Type(WT), Dux knockout(KO) and Dux overexpression(OE) embryos
Contributors : Mingyue Guo ; Yanping Zhang ; Yixuan WangSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Mus musculusWe tested the transcriptome of embryos from WT and Dux KO mice including zygotes (hCG 28h), early 2-cell (hCG 31-32h), middle 2-cell(hCG 41-42h), late 2-cell(hCG 47-48h) and, Dux mRNA injected embryos including zygote(5h after injection, hCG 28h), early 4-cell(6h after injection, hCG 54h) and late 4-cell (17h after injection, hCG 65h) using the Covaris...
New GEO Series
GSE132066 MicroRNA Dynamics and Functions During Arabidopsis Embryogenesis
Contributor : Michael NodineSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing ; Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Arabidopsis thalianaMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs that mediate the repression of target transcripts in plants and animals. Although miRNAs are required throughout plant development, relatively little is known regarding their embryonic functions. To systematically characterize embryonic miRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana, we developed...
New GEO Series

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