The Impact of Adaptive Functioning and Oral Hygiene Practices on Observed Tooth-Brushing Performance Among Preschool Children with Special Health Care NeedsAbstractObjectives
To investigate the impact of adaptive functioning and oral hygiene practices on tooth-brushing performance among preschool children with special health care needs (SHCN).
A cross-sectional study was conducted in Special Child Care Centers. Children’s tooth-brushing performance was assessed by a standardized 13-step pro forma. Information regarding children’s socio-economic status, adaptive skills, and oral hygiene practices were collected. Bivariate analysis and ANCOVA were used to explore the potential factors which might be associated with children’s tooth-brushing performance.
The tooth-brushing assessment was provided to 379 children with SHCN. Approximately 3% of the recruited children performed the whole tooth-brushing procedure independently. The number of tooth-brushing steps practiced by those children was 4.47 ± 3.56. Children who had established tooth-brushing habit before age one practiced more tooth-brushing steps than children who brushed their teeth after age one (p = 0.029). When children’s age, gender, and socio-economic status were adjusted, children who had established regular tooth-brushing habit or children who had high levels of adaptive skills showed better tooth-brushing performance than their peers. Children who used gauze, cotton swab, or dental floss to clean their teeth practiced fewer key tooth-brushing steps than their peers who had never used additional cleaning approaches (p = 0.038).
Conclusions for Practice
Children’s tooth-brushing performance was associated with adaptive skills and oral hygiene practices. Tooth-brushing training should be provided to children with SHCN in early childhood. For children who had limitations in adaptive functioning, parental assistance or supervision is recommended to guarantee the efficacy and safety of daily tooth brushing.
Mother–Infant Bonding and Emotional Availability at 12-Months of Age: The Role of Early Postnatal Bonding, Maternal Substance Use and Mental HealthAbstractIntroduction
The quality of the mother–child relationship in the first year of life has far reaching implications across the life course (Bornstein in Annu Rev Psychol 65:121–158, 2014). Yet little is known about predictors of maternal bonding and emotional availability in early infancy. In this study we examined the extent to which postnatal bonding, maternal mental health, and substance use at 8-weeks postpartum predicted mother–infant bonding (self-report) and mother emotional availability (observational) at 12-months of age.
Data were obtained from an Australian longitudinal cohort study of pregnancy (n = 308). Data were collected during pregnancy, at birth, and postnatally at 8-weeks and 12-months.
The results show strong continuity between postnatal bonding at 8-weeks and 12-months. Early postpartum stress and depression were associated with bonding at 12-months; however, the effect did not persist after adjustment for bonding at 8-weeks. Tobacco use at 8-weeks, but no other indicators of mental health, predicted lower emotional availability scores at 12-months.
Results suggest that the mother’s felt bond to her child is stable across the first year of life and that early bonding is a more robust indicator of bonding at 12-months than a mother’s mental health or substance use. These findings point to the importance of clinical and public health investments in establishing a strong bond between mother and child in the early postpartum period.
Early and Late Preterm Birth Rates Among US-Born Urban Women: The Effect of Men’s Lifelong Class StatusAbstractObjective
To ascertain the relation of men’s lifelong class status (as measured by neighborhood income) to the rates of early (< 34 weeks) and late (34–36 weeks) preterm birth (PTB).
Stratified and multilevel, multivariable binomial regression analyses were computed on the Illinois transgenerational birth-file of infants (born 1989–1991) and their parents (born 1956–1976) with appended U.S. census income information. The median family income of men’s census tract residence at two-time periods were utilized to assess lifelong class status (defined by residence in either the lower or upper half of neighborhood income distribution).
In Cook County Illinois, the preterm rate for births (n = 8115) to men with a lifelong lower class status was twice that of births (n = 10,330) to men with a lifelong upper class status: 13% versus 6.0%, RR = 2.2 (2.0, 2.4). This differential was greatest in early PTB rates: 3.9% versus 1.4%, RR = 3.0 (2.5, 3.7). The relation of men’s lifelong class status to both PTB components persisted among non-teens, married, college-educated, and non-Latina White women, respectively. The adjusted (controlling for maternal demographic characteristics) RR of early and late PTB for men with a lifelong lower (versus upper) class status were 1.4 (1.1, 1.9) and 1.2 (1.0, 1.4), respectively. The population attributable risk of early PTB for men’s lifelong lower class status equaled 16%.
Men’s lifelong lower (versus upper) class status is a novel risk factor for early preterm birth regardless of maternal demographic characteristics. This intriguing finding has public health relevance.
Intimate Partner Violence Around the Time of Pregnancy and Utilization of WIC ServicesAbstractObjectives
Intimate partner violence (IPV) around the time of pregnancy is a risk factor for adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes. The supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children (WIC), available to low income pregnant women, may provide an opportunity to identify victims of IPV and refer them to services. This cross-sectional study aims to determine whether WIC participants are more likely than non-WIC participants to have reported IPV before or during pregnancy in the United States.
The 2004–2011 National Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) survey (n = 319,689) was analyzed in 2015. Self-reported WIC participation, pre-pregnancy IPV, and IPV during pregnancy were examined. The associations between IPV and WIC participation were analyzed using multiple logistic regression and adjusted odds ratios with corresponding 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Subpopulation analysis was conducted, stratified by race/ethnicity.
Nearly half of the study sample received WIC (48.1%), approximately 4% of women reported physical abuse 12 months before their most recent pregnancy, and 3% reported abuse during pregnancy. After adjusting for confounders, women who reported IPV before and during pregnancy had significantly higher odds of WIC utilization compared to women who did not report IPV. However, when stratified by race, the association was only significant for non-Hispanic White women (pre-pregnancy AOR 1.47, 95% CI [1.17, 1.85]; during pregnancy AOR 1.47, 95% CI [1.14, 1.88]).
Conclusions for Practice
There is an association between IPV before and during pregnancy and utilization of WIC. Public health professionals and policy makers should be aware of this association and use this opportunity to screen and address the needs of WIC recipients.
Understanding the Social Environmental Influences on Pregnancy and Planning for Pregnancy for Young Women in Harare, ZimbabweAbstractObjectives
Social environmental influences on pregnancy-related practices and outcomes have been studied, yet few studies explore these influences qualitatively from the perspectives of women’s personal social networks and the larger social networks that exist within their communities. This study sought to understand and describe the social environment related to pregnancy and planning for pregnancy in Harare, Zimbabwe from the perspectives of women’s social networks, and its influence on pregnancy-related decisions and practices.
Semi-structured, in-depth, qualitative interviews were conducted in both Shona and English with 24 key community stakeholders (6 healthcare workers, 6 school teachers, 6 family members of females aged 14–24 years, and 6 community leaders) who lived or worked in 2 low-income, high-density communities in Harare. Data were analyzed thematically using NVivo 10 software.
The social environment related to pregnancy and planning for pregnancy described by participants was deeply rooted in culture and cultural practices and centered on four themes: (1) pregnancy importance to the role of a woman in the community and the fulfillment of marriage, (2) pregnancy silence to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes and adolescent and out of wedlock pregnancies, (3) patriarchal pregnancy culture, and (4) community support during pregnancy.
Conclusions for Practice
Maternal health efforts in Zimbabwe should acknowledge cultural influences on pregnancy and address pregnancy silence to improve reproductive health communication, empower women to be partners in the pregnancy decision-making process, and include women’s social networks.
Accidental Infant Suffocation and Strangulation in Bed: Disparities and OpportunitiesAbstract
Objectives (a) Update previous descriptions of trends in ASSB; (b) determine if factors previously associated with ASSB are replicated by updated data; and (c) generate new hypotheses about the occurrence of ASSB and racial inequalities in ASSB mortality. Methods National Center for Health Statistics files (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Edition) Code W75 to describe race–ethnicity-specific ASSB occurrence. Results (a) ASSB mortality continues to increase significantly; for 1999–2016, 4.4-fold for NHB girls (45.8 per 100,000 in 2016), 3.5-fold for NHB boys (53.8), 2.7-fold for NHW girls (15.8) and 4.0-fold for NHW boys (25.9); (b) F actors previously associated with ASSB (unmarried mothers and mothers with low educational attainment, low infant birth weight, low gestational age, lack of prenatal care, male infant, multiple birth, high birth order) continue to be associated with both overall ASSB and inequalities adversely affecting NHB; (c) (1) geographic differences and similarities in ASSB occurrence support hypotheses related to positive deviance; (2) lower ASSB mortality for births attended by midwives as contrasted to physicians generate hypotheses related to both medical infrastructure and maternal engagement; (3) high rates of ASSB among infants born to teenage mothers generate hypotheses related to the possibility that poor maternal health may be a barrier to ASSB prevention based on education, culture and tradition. Conclusions for Practice These descriptive data may generate new hypotheses and targets for interventions for reducing both ASSB mortality and racial inequalities. Analytic epidemiologic studies designed a priori to do so are required to address these hypotheses.
Pilot Study Exploring Migration Experiences and Perinatal Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Immigrant LatinasAbstractIntroduction
Migration-related experiences can increase Latinas’ risk of perinatal depression and anxiety. Few studies have investigated these associations among Latinas due to a lack of survey instruments explicitly assessing migration experiences. This study assessed the feasibility and acceptability of the Migration Experiences Survey (MES), a newly-developed measure of migration and deportation fears and explored associations between those experiences and mental health in a sample of immigrant Latinas in the perinatal period.
This cross-sectional study recruited women from community health clinics in Chapel Hill, NC between July 2013 and 2014. Twenty-five immigrant women were enrolled in the study during their third trimester of pregnancy. Women were interviewed in English or Spanish during pregnancy and at 8 weeks postpartum. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was used to assess depressive symptoms and the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used to determine anxiety symptoms. The MES was administered at 8 weeks postpartum. Nonparametric tests were conducted to determine associations between deportation fears and maternal mood.
Results show that the MES is acceptable for collecting data on migration experiences and assessing deportation fears among immigrant Latinas, regardless of depressive or anxiety symptoms. More than 40% had migration safety concerns and fears of deportation. Self or family-related fears of deportation were significantly associated with prenatal state anxiety and trait anxiety (p < .05). No significant associations between deportation fears and depressive symptoms were observed.
The MES is a useful tool for gathering information about migration experiences associated with perinatal anxiety.
The Impact of an mHealth Voice Message Service (mMitra) on Infant Care Knowledge, and Practices Among Low-Income Women in India: Findings from a Pseudo-Randomized Controlled TrialAbstract
Objectives mHealth interventions for MNCH have been shown to improve uptake of antenatal and neonatal services in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, little systematic analysis is available about their impact on infant health outcomes, such as reducing low birth weight or malnutrition among children under the age of five. The objective of this study is to determine if an age- and stage-based mobile phone voice messaging initiative for women, during pregnancy and up to 1 year after delivery, can reduce low birth weight and child malnutrition and improve women’s infant care knowledge and practices. Methods We conducted a pseudo-randomized controlled trial among pregnant women from urban slums and low-income areas in Mumbai, India. Pregnant women, 18 years and older, speaking Hindi or Marathi were enrolled and assigned to receive mMitra messages (intervention group N = 1516) or not (Control group N = 500). Women in the intervention group received mMitra voice messages two times per week throughout their pregnancy and until their infant turned 1 year of age. Infant’s birth weight, anthropometric data at 1 year of age, and status of immunization were obtained from Maternal Child Health (MCH) cards to assess impact on primary infant health outcomes. Women’s infant health care practices and knowledge were assessed through interviews administered immediately after women enrolled in the study (Time 1), after they delivered their babies (Time 2), and after their babies turned 1 year old (Time 3). 15 infant care practices self-reported by women (Time 3) and knowledge on ten infant care topics (Time 2) were also compared between intervention and control arms. Results We observed a trend for increased odds of a baby being born at or above the ideal birth weight of 2.5 kg in the intervention group compared to controls (odds ratio (OR) 1.334, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.983–1.839, p = 0.064). The intervention group performed significantly better on two infant care practice indicators: giving the infant supplementary feeding at 6 months of age (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.08–1.82, p = 0.009) and fully immunizing the infant as prescribed under the Government of India’s child immunization program (OR 1.531, 95% CI 1.141–2.055, p = 0.005). Women in the intervention group had increased odds of knowing that the baby should be given solid food by 6 months (OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.371–2.605, p < 0.01), that the baby needs to be given vaccines (OR 1.567, 95% CI 1.047–2.345, p = 0.028), and that the ideal birth weight is > 2.5 kg (OR 2.279, 95% CI 1.617–3.213, p < 0.01). Conclusions for Practice This study provides robust evidence that tailored mobile voice messages can significantly improve infant care practices and maternal knowledge that can positively impact infant child health. Furthermore, this is the first prospective study of a voice-based mHealth intervention to demonstrate a positive impact on infant birth weight, a health outcome of public health importance in many LMICs.
The Feasibility and Efficacy of a Behavioral Intervention to Promote Appropriate Gestational Weight GainAbstractIntroduction
Nearly half of all women gain above gestational weight gain (GWG) recommendations. This study assessed the feasibility and efficacy of a pilot behavioral intervention on GWG and physical activity behaviors.
Women (n = 45) 14–20 weeks gestation enrolled in a behavioral intervention. Physicians ‘prescribed’ the intervention to low risk patients. The intervention included self-monitoring, support, and optional walking groups. Process evaluation measures regarding usage and acceptability of study components were obtained. Physical activity was objectively measured at baseline and 35 weeks. The percentage of participants with appropriate GWG was calculated. Control data was obtained from the same clinic where participants were recruited.
Overall, the intervention was acceptable to participants; attrition was low (6.7%), weekly contact was high (87%), and self-monitoring was high (Fitbit worn on 82% of intervention weeks; weekly weighing on 81%). Facebook (40% of weeks) and study website use (19%) was low, as was walking group attendance (7% attended a single group). Participants reported a lack of discussions about the study with their physician. Results showed no significant difference between intervention and control participants in the percentage who gained excess weight (p = 0.37). There was a significant decrease in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in intervention participants (p < 0.0001).
Continued efforts for promoting physical activity and appropriate GWG are needed. Although acceptable, the intervention was not efficacious. Trainings for, or input from prenatal healthcare providers on how to best encourage and support patients’ engagement in healthy behaviors, such as PA, are warranted.
Immediate Postpartum Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Programs in Texas Hospitals Following Changes to Medicaid Reimbursement PolicyAbstractObjectives
Provision of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) after delivery and prior to discharge is safe and advantageous, yet few Texas hospitals offer this service. Our study describes experiences of Texas hospitals that implemented immediate postpartum LARC (IPLARC) programs, in order to inform the development of other IPLARC programs and guide future research on system-level barriers to broader adoption.
Eight Texas hospitals that had implemented an IPLARC program were identified, and six agreed to participate in the study. Interviews with 19 key hospital staff covered (1) factors that led the development of an IPLARC program; (2) billing, pharmacy, and administrative operations related to implementation; (3) patient demand and readiness; (4) the consent process; (5) staff training; and (6) hospital plans for monitoring and evaluation of IPLARC services.
Most hospitals in this study primarily served Medicaid and un- or under-insured populations. Participants from all six hospitals perceived high levels of patient demand for IPLARC and provider interest in providing this service. The major challenges were related to financing IPLARC programs. Participants from half of the hospitals reported that leadership had concerns about financial viability of providing IPLARC. The hospitals with the longest-running IPLARC programs were safety net hospitals with family planning training programs.
Conclusions for Practice
We found that hospitals with IPLARC programs all had strong support from both providers and hospital leadership and had funding sources to offset costs that were not reimbursed. Strategies to reduce the financial risks related to IPLARC provision could provide the impetus for new programs to launch and support their sustainability.
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
Κυριακή 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
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