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Πέμπτη 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Rehabilitation of anterior maxilla with a novel hyperbolic profile transmucosal implant in elderly patients.

Rehabilitation of anterior maxilla with a novel hyperbolic profile transmucosal implant in elderly patients.:
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Rehabilitation of anterior maxilla with a novel hyperbolic profile transmucosal implant in elderly patients.
Minerva Stomatol. 2019 Oct;68(5):249-258
Authors: Zamparini F, Pirani C, Chavarria-Bolanos D, Gandolfi MG, Prati C
BACKGROUND: This study aims to evaluate soft and hard tissues response of a two-piece implant placed nonsubmerged in elderly patients' anterior maxilla. Marginal bone level and Pink Esthetic Score (PES) were evaluated up to 24 months.
METHODS: Twelve healthy consecutive patients (mean age 65.8±5 years; 65.5 median) were included in the study. Implants were inserted with flapless technique after 3 months or immediately after extraction. The smooth machined neck of the implant was characterized by a hyperbolic neck which follows biologically oriented preparation technique (BOPT) principles. A customized abutment and a provisional resin crown was positioned with care to avoid excessive soft tissue compression after 3 months, according with BOPT technique. A definitive ceramic crown was positioned after approx. 4 months.
RESULTS: After 24 months all implants were stable and osseointegrated. PES improved at 6 and 12 months recalls, remaining stable at 24 months, indicating a healthy soft and hard tissue response. No complications were observed. Impression procedures and provisional/definitive crown cementation resulted simple and free from complications. The hyperbolic profile allowed the preparation of prosthetic crown free from any gingival tissue pressure to create the adequate soft tissue contour.
CONCLUSIONS: The use of hyperbolic profile implant associated with the transmucosal (not-submerged) technique is a safe procedure that allow the preservation of soft and hard tissue also in elderly patients.
PMID: 31822049 [PubMed - in process]

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