
Πέμπτη 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Odontogenic phlegmons and abscesses in relation to the financial situation

Odontogenic phlegmons and abscesses in relation to the financial situation of Italian families.:
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Odontogenic phlegmons and abscesses in relation to the financial situation of Italian families.
Minerva Stomatol. 2019 Oct;68(5):236-241
Authors: Fusconi M, Greco A, Galli M, Polimeni A, Yusef M, Di Cianni S, De Soccio G, Federici Stanganelli FR, Lombardi R, de Vincentiis M
BACKGROUND: In recent years, we have recorded an increase in the number of hospital admissions due to odontogenic abscesses and neck phlegmons requiring surgery. We believe that the cause may be related both to the rationalization of funding allocation procedures in public health service making access to public dental healthcare more difficult, and the financial situation of Italian families.
METHODS: Fifty-five patients admitted between January 2013 and November 2017 with a diagnosis of "neck abscess" and/or "neck phlegmon" and/or "neck infection" were enrolled in this longitudinal retrospective study.
RESULTS: The results of this study showed that the number of cases of abscesses and neck phlegmons with an odontogenic origin have quadrupled, with reference to gender was 31 males (56%) and 24 females (44%). The average age was 46 and most cases involved patients between 30 and 50. Eighteen patients (33%) were not EU citizens and had been living in Italy for over 5 years. These data indicate an increase in the incidence of odontogenic neck infections. The data gathered by ISTAT (Istituto Nazionale di Statistica), Eurostat Data Explorer, Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vittorio and Tecnè revealed that these outcomes are directly related to the financial difficulties Italian families are experiencing. The exclusion of essential dental assistance from public healthcare forced Italians to consult expensive private facilities that not everyone can afford.
CONCLUSIONS: Connections were found between odontogenic neck infection complications and the financial difficulties Italian families are suffering from; Italians are reducing their budget for dental healthcare becoming exposed to serious neck pathologies.
PMID: 31822047 [PubMed - in process]

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