Resistance is futile: RNA-sequencing reveals differing responses to bat fungal pathogen in Nearctic Myotis lucifugus and Palearctic Myotis myotisAbstract
Resistance and tolerance allow organisms to cope with potentially life-threatening pathogens. Recently introduced pathogens initially induce resistance responses, but natural selection favors the development of tolerance, allowing for a commensal relationship to evolve. Mycosis by Pseudogymnoascus destructans, causing white-nose syndrome (WNS) in Nearctic hibernating bats, has resulted in population declines since 2006. The pathogen, which spread from Europe, has infected species of Palearctic Myotis for a longer period. We compared ecologically relevant responses to the fungal infection in the susceptible Nearctic M. lucifugus and less susceptible Palearctic M. myotis, to uncover factors contributing to survival differences in the two species. Samples were collected from euthermic bats during arousal from hibernation, a naturally occurring phenomenon, during which transcriptional responses are activated. We compared the whole-transcriptome responses in wild bats infected with P. destructans hibernating in their natural habitat. Our results show dramatically different local transcriptional responses to the pathogen between uninfected and infected samples from the two species. Whereas we found 1526 significantly upregulated or downregulated transcripts in infected M. lucifugus, only one transcript was downregulated in M. myotis. The upregulated response pathways in M. lucifugus include immune cell activation and migration, and inflammatory pathways, indicative of an unsuccessful attempt to resist the infection. In contrast, M. myotis appears to tolerate P. destructans infection by not activating a transcriptional response. These host-microbe interactions determine pathology, contributing to WNS susceptibility, or commensalism, promoting tolerance to fungal colonization during hibernation that favors survival.
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Free-living parasite infectious stages promote zooplankton abundance under the risk of predationAbstract
Free-living parasite infectious stages, such as the cercariae of trematodes (flatworms), can represent substantial biomass in aquatic ecosystems, yet their interactions with other planktonic fauna are poorly understood. Given that cercariae are consumed by various aquatic predators, sometimes even preferentially over zooplankton, their presence may decrease predation pressure on free-living organisms within similar trophic niches by serving as alternate prey. Here, we experimentally examined how the presence of cercariae (Plagiorchis sp.) affected the population dynamics of common freshwater zooplankton (Daphnia sp.) in the presence of a predator (the larval dragonfly, Leucorrhinia intacta) known to consume both. After seeding 48 mesocosms with starting populations of Daphnia, we used four treatments (12 replicates each) representing a factorial combination of the absence/presence of both cercariae and dragonfly larvae and tracked Daphnia populations over 4 weeks. We found a significant interaction between the presence of cercariae and predators on Daphnia population size. When faced with predation pressure, Daphnia reached ~ 50% higher numbers when accompanied by cercariae than without, suggesting a “protective” effect of the latter by acting as substitute prey. Within aquatic ecosystems, an abundance of trematodes may prove advantageous for zooplankton communities that share common predators, but further studies will be needed to determine how this varies depending on the predator, trematode, and zooplankton taxa involved.
Response of a coastal Baltic Sea diatom-dominated phytoplankton community to experimental heat shock and changing salinityAbstract
Climate change has been altering the ocean environment, affecting as a consequence the biological communities including microorganisms. We performed a mesocosm experiment to test whether biodiversity loss caused by one stressor would influence plankton community sensitivity to a subsequent stressor, as envisioned in Vinebrooke’s multiple stressor concept. A natural Baltic Sea diatom-dominated phytoplankton assemblage was used as a model system where we examined whether a preceding heat shock would affect the community’s response to changing salinity. Initially, the community was treated by a short-term temperature increase of 6 °C, which resulted in a loss of species compared to the control. Thereafter, the control and the heat-shocked communities were subject to a salinity change (− 5 psu, control, + 5 psu). The species Skeletonema dohrnii, Thalassiosira anguste-lineata, Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii, Chaetoceros socialis and Ditylum brightwellii were major components of the control and heat-shocked assemblages (> 80% of the total biomass). We examined the effect on species composition and biodiversity (morphospecies and operational taxonomic units (OTUs) related to phytoplankton) and on phytoplankton biomass. In addition, we explored the single species response of five dominant diatoms on these environmental perturbations. Our results showed that increased salinity significantly reduced the OTUs richness both in the control and the less diverse heated community as well as the phytoplankton biomass in the heated community. On the other hand, decreased salinity significantly increased species richness and phytoplankton biomass in both communities and OTUs richness in the control community. The five dominant diatoms reached their highest biomass under decreased salinity and responded negatively to increased salinity (lower biomass than ambient salinity). Contrary to Vinebrooke’s multiple stressor concept, there was no indication that the heat treatment had altered the community’s sensitivity to the salinity stress in our study system.
Intensity-dependent energetic costs in a reciprocal parasitic relationshipAbstract
Parasitic infections elicit host defences that pose energetic trade-offs with other fitness-related traits. Bitterling fishes and unionid mussels are involved in a two-way parasitic interaction. Bitterling exploit mussels by ovipositing into their gills. In turn, mussel larvae (glochidia) develop on the epidermis and gills of fish. Hosts have evolved behavioural responses to reduce parasite load, suggesting that glochidia and bitterling parasitism are costly. We examined the energetic cost of parasitism on both sides of this relationship. We used intermittent flow-through respirometry to measure (1) standard metabolic rate (SMR) of individual duck mussels Anodonta anatina (a common bitterling host) before and during infection by embryos of the European bitterling Rhodeus amarus, and (2) SMR and maximum oxygen uptake (MO2max) of individual R. amarus before and during infection with glochidia of the Chinese pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (a mussel species that successfully infects bitterling). As predicted, we observed an increase in mussel SMR when infected by bitterling embryos and an increased SMR in glochidia-infected bitterling, though this was significantly mediated by the time post-infection. Contrary to our predictions, glochidia infection did not impair MO2max and the number of glochidia attached to gills positively (rather than negatively) correlated with MO2max. The results suggest that tolerance is the prevailing coping mechanism for both fish and mussels when infected, while resistance mechanisms appear to be confined to the behavioural level.
Environmental gradients influence differences in leaf functional traits between native and non-native plantsAbstract
Determining the characteristics of non-native plants that can successfully establish and spread is central to pressing questions in invasion ecology. Evidence suggests that some non-native species establish and spread in new environments because they possess characteristics (functional traits) that allow them to either successfully compete with native residents or fill previously unfilled niches. However, the relative importance of out-competing native species vs. filling empty niche space as potential mechanisms of invasion may depend on environmental characteristics. Here, we measured plant functional traits, proxies indicative of competitive and establishment strategies, to determine if these traits vary among native and invasive species and if their prevalence is dependent on environmental conditions. Using a natural environmental gradient in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, we evaluated how functional traits differ between native and non-native plant communities and if these differences change along an environmental gradient from hot, dry to cool, wet conditions. Functional trait differences suggested that both competition and open niche space may be important for invasion. Non-native communities tended to have traits associated with faster growth strategies such as higher specific leaf area and lower leaf thickness. However, native and non-native community traits became more dissimilar along the gradient, suggesting that non-native species may be occupying previously unfilled niche space at the hot, dry end of the gradient. We also found that most of the variation in functional trait values amongst plots was due to species turnover rather than intraspecific variation. These results highlight the role of environmental context when considering invasion mechanisms.
Demographic benefits of early season resources for bumble bee ( B. vosnesenskii ) coloniesAbstract
The temporal distribution of resources is an important aspect of habitat quality that can substantially impact population success. Although it is widely accepted that floral resources directly influence wild bee population sizes, we lack experimental data evaluating how resource availability affects colony growth via demographic mechanisms. To achieve this, we tracked marked individuals in bumble bee (Bombus vosnesenskii) colonies to evaluate whether worker survival and reproduction responded to experimentally elevated forage early in colony development. Specifically, we assessed the effect of early resource environment on worker and sexual offspring production, and the survival and body size of individual workers. We also assessed whether responses of colonies differed when exposed to higher or lower resource environments at a relatively smaller (~ 10 workers) or larger (~ 20 workers) size. Resource supplementation always resulted in greater total offspring and male production; however, the influence of supplementation on worker production and quality depended on colony size at the start of supplementation. Among colonies that were initially smaller, colonies that were supplemented produced fewer but larger bodied and longer lived workers compared to control counterparts. Among colonies that were initially larger, colonies that were supplemented produced more workers than corresponding controls, but without changes to worker quality. Collectively, these results provide clear experimental evidence that greater resource availability early in colony development increases overall productivity, and indicate that colonies may pursue different allocation strategies in response to the resource environment, investing in more or better workers.
Foraging consistency of coral reef fishes across environmental gradients in the central PacificAbstract
We take advantage of a natural gradient of human exploitation and oceanic primary production across five central Pacific coral reefs to examine foraging patterns in common coral reef fishes. Using stomach content and stable isotope (δ15N and δ13C) analyses, we examined consistency across islands in estimated foraging patterns. Surprisingly, species within the piscivore–invertivore group exhibited the clearest pattern of foraging consistency across all five islands despite there being a considerable difference in mean body mass (14 g–1.4 kg) and prey size (0.03–3.8 g). In contrast, the diets and isotopic values of the grazer–detritivores varied considerably and exhibited no consistent patterns across islands. When examining foraging patterns across environmental contexts, we found that δ15N values of species of piscivore–invertivore and planktivore closely tracked gradients in oceanic primary production; again, no comparable patterns existed for the grazer–detritivores. The inter-island consistency in foraging patterns within the species of piscivore–invertivore and planktivore and the lack of consistency among species of grazer–detritivores suggests a linkage to different sources of primary production among reef fish functional groups. Our findings suggest that piscivore–invertivores and planktivores are likely linked to well-mixed and isotopically constrained allochthonous oceanic primary production, while grazer–detritivores are likely linked to sources of benthic primary production and autochthonous recycling. Further, our findings suggest that species of piscivore–invertivore, independent of body size, converge toward consuming low trophic level prey, with a hypothesized result of reducing the number of steps between trophic levels and increasing the trophic efficiency at a community level.
The impact of secondary forest regeneration on ground-dwelling ant communities in the Tropical AndesAbstract
Natural regeneration of abandoned farmland provides an important opportunity to contribute to global reforestation targets, including the Bonn Challenge. Of particular importance are the montane tropics, where a long history of farming, frequently on marginal soils, has rendered many ecosystems highly degraded and hotspots of extinction risk. Ants play crucial roles in ecosystem functioning, and a key question is how time since abandonment and elevation (and inherent temperature gradients therein) affect patterns of ant recovery within secondary forest systems. Focusing on the Colombian Andes across a 1300 m altitudinal gradient and secondary forest (2–30 years) recovering on abandoned cattle pastures, we find that over time ant community composition and species richness recovered towards that of primary forest. However, these relationships are strongly dependent on elevation with the more open and warmer pasturelands supporting more ants than either primary or secondary forest at a particular elevation. The loss of species richness and change in species composition with elevation is less severe in pasture than forests, suggesting that conditions within pasture and its remaining scattered trees, hedgerows and forest fragments, are more favourable for some species, which are likely in or near thermal debt. Promoting and protecting natural regenerating forests over the long term in the montane tropics will likely offer significant potential for returning ant communities towards primary forest levels.
Does differential iron supply to algae affect Daphnia life history? An ionome-wide studyAbstract
The availability of iron (Fe) varies considerably among diet items, as well as ecosystems. Availability of Fe has also changed due to anthropogenic environmental changes in oceanic as well as inland ecosystems. We know little about its role in the nutrition of ecologically important consumers, particularly in inland ecosystems. Physiological studies in several taxa indicate marked effects of dietary Fe on oogenesis. We predicted that differential Fe supply to algae will impact algal Fe concentration with consequences on the life history of the freshwater grazer, Daphnia magna. We found that algal Fe concentration increased with Fe supply, but did not affect algal growth, indicating that the majority of experimental Fe additions were likely adsorbed to, or stored in algal cells. Regardless, data indicate that algal Fe impacted the reproductive traits (age and size at maturity) but not juvenile growth rate of Daphnia. A subsequent experiment revealed that Fe concentration in eggs was significantly higher than the rest of Daphnia. These results indicate that the concentration of Fe in or on algal cells may vary considerably among ecosystems overlying distinct geological formations differing in Fe, possibly with important implications for zooplankton life histories. Understanding the mechanisms underlying this response is unlikely to be accomplished by a strict focus on Fe because we found correlated shifts in the algal ionome, with concomitant ionome-wide adjustments in Daphnia. Information on ionome-wide responses may be useful in better understanding the responses of biota to changes in the supply of any one element.
Avian and rodent responses to the olfactory landscape in a Mediterranean cavity communityAbstract
Animals rely on cues informing about future predation risk when selecting habitats to breed in. Olfactory information may play a fundamental role in the assessment of predation threats, because predators produce characteristic body odours, but the role of odours in habitat selection has seldom been considered. Here, we test whether fear of predation induced by odour cues may affect the settlement pattern of a Mediterranean cavity-dependent community of rodents and non-excavator hole-nesting birds. To test this hypothesis, we experimentally manipulated the perception of predation risk on a scale of patch by applying either odours of a carnivore predator (risky odour treatment), lemon essence (non-risky odour treatment) and a control non-odorous treatment and studied bird and rodent settlement patterns. Nest-box occupation probability differed across treatments so that species in the community settled in more numbers in control than in non-risky and than in risky odour-treated nest boxes. Concerning settlement patterns, control nest boxes were occupied more rapidly than nest boxes with odour information. Birds and rodents settled earlier in control than in risky odour-treated nest boxes, but their settlement pattern did not significantly vary between risky odour and non-risky odour-treated nest boxes. Our findings demonstrate that olfactory cues may be used to assess habitat quality by settling species in this community, but we cannot pinpoint the exact mechanism that has given rise to the pattern of preference by nest boxes.
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
Τετάρτη 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
10:16 μ.μ.


Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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