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Τρίτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Retention systems used in maxillofacial prostheses: A review
AA Diken Türksayar, SA Saglam, AC Bulut

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2019 22(12):1629-1634

Defects in the face area caused by trauma, accident, tumor or congenital defects are treated with special facial prostheses. Besides esthetics, the most common problem with these prostheses is the retention of prostheses. In the present article review, the methods used for the retention of prostheses from past to present were researched, and the advantages of adhesives and implants, which are the most commonly used current methods, were evaluated. Current techniques, new materials, treatment options, and implementation procedures are described. The success of maxillofacial prostheses in meeting the expectations of patients and dentist doctors is increasing day by day with the development of adhesive material science, the emergence of technical knowledge, and the development of implant technology. Increasing the retention provides both ease of use and acceptance by the patient. Therefore, the chosen method for retention has great importance in the long-term prognosis of the prosthesis.

Predictors of prenatal distress and fear of childbirth among nulliparous and parous women
C Kabukcu, C Sert, C Gunes, HH Akyol, M Tipirdamaz

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2019 22(12):1635-1643

Background: Prenatal distress and fear of childbirth negatively affect the health of the mother and the fetus. Sociodemographic and pregnancy related characteristics may influence prenatal distress and fear of childbirth. Aim: This study aimed to explore the relationship between fear of childbirth and prenatal distress levels with accompanying factors. Subjects and Methods: The study was designed as a cross-sectional survey study and conducted in the outpatient clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Pamukkale University Hospital, Denizli, Turkey, between April 2017 and January 2018. Survey data were collected from 103 third-trimester pregnant women who had admitted to the hospital for routine prenatal examination. Sociodemographic Information Form, the Revised Prenatal Distress Questionnaire (NUPDQ), and the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) were used to collect data. Sociodemographics, obstetrics, and other variables were summarized by descriptive statistics. Mann-Whitney U-test, Chi-squared test, and Fisher's exact test were used for comparison of data between groups. Results: The mean score of NUPDQ was 7.58 (SD 4.09) in the nulliparous group and 8.17 (SD 5.16) in the multiparous group (P = 0.68). The mean W-DEQ score was 40.46 (SD 21.80) in nulliparous women and 45.55 (SD 26.72) in multiparous women (P = 0.38). The W-DEQ and NUPDQ scores were moderately correlated with a Spearman correlation co-efficient of 0.58 (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The results of this study revealed that fear of childbirth and prenatal distress were moderately and positively correlated. NUPDQ and W-DEQ can be used during pregnancy to understand if pregnant women have fear or distress. This could help to give a better support to pregnant women.

Distortion and magnification of four digital cephalometric units
GY Song, G Li, WH Lu, B Han, TM Xu

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2019 22(12):1644-1653

Objectives: To assess the validity of using the calibration ruler for correcting magnification of linear measurements and to explore and compare the vertical and horizontal magnification of four digital cephalometric units. Methods: An acrylic box was imaged at seven sagittal positions using four digital cephalometric units: Orthopantomograph OC100, Orthopantomograph OC200, Sirona Orthophos CD, and Sirona Orthophos DS. The true linear lengths of the phantom, corrected, and uncorrected linear lengths on the images were measured and compared. The validity of measurements using the calibration ruler was assessed. The magnification values and distortion indices were calculated and compared among the four cephalometric units. Results: For linear measurements on the mid-sagittal plane and averaged linear measurements on bilateral symmetric sagittal planes, the bias 1.96 STD of the calibration ruler ranged from 1% to 2% for the four cephalometric testing units. For linear measurements on the single lateral sagittal plane, the bias 1.96 STD ranged from 3% to 6%. The vertical scanning charge-coupled device cephalometric unit produced the greatest distortion, ranging from 1.029 to 0.964. Conclusion: The metal millimeter calibration ruler is an accurate reference for linear measurement magnification correction. Because of unpredictability and machine specificity, the magnification and distortion of a cephalometric unit should be calibrated for the estimation of cephalometric measurement error.

Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (light source; methylene blue; titanium dioxide): Bactericidal effects analysis on oral plaque bacteria: An in vitro study
MA Javali, NA AlQahtani, I Ahmad, I Ahmad

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2019 22(12):1654-1661

Background: Incomplete eradication of plaque bacteria from the plaque retentive sites and the emerging problem of antibiotic resistance led the scientific community to explore new antimicrobial strategies for improved results and shun antibiotic resistance. Objective: The purpose of this in-vitro study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of a novel light based therapy and to assess the susceptibility of oral plaque bacteria to light based technologies with and without photosensitizers. Materials and Methods: Four oral plaque bacterial strains were isolated from the dental plaque sample collected from the patients and exposed to various light based technologies and photodynamic therapy (PDT) with and without photosensitizers. The cultures were analysed for viable colony forming unit (CFU) counts. One-way analysis of variance was used to statistically analyse differences and the Student-Newman-Keuls method to perform multiple comparison procedures. Results: All groups showed remarkable reduction in the CFUs as compared to control group with use of light based technologies and PDT in this study. The difference of antimicrobial effect between all tested groups either with light based technologies and PDT with control group showed significant reduction in CFUs. Conclusions: From the results of this study, we concluded that light based technologies and PDT could be a valuable alternative therapy to mechanical debridement in the prevention of growth and recolonisation of oral plaque bacteria.

The effect of maternal fatigue on breastfeeding
DK Senol, M Yurdakul, SA Ozkan

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2019 22(12):1662-1668

Background: Postpartum fatigue means tiredness, sense of suffocation, and decreased physical and mental capacity. Fatigue reduces postpartum women's ability of concentrate, which may increase the frequency of postpartum depression, and their babies and cause babies' weaning off breastmilk earlier. Aim: Postpartum fatigue reduces the ability of mothers to concentrate and has a negative effect on communication between mothers and their babies. This study was performed to determine the effect of fatigue on breastfeeding and breastfeeding behaviors in postpartum women. Subjects and Methods: The study had a descriptive desing and was carreid out in a postpartum clinic of a maternal, obstetric, and pediatric diseases hospital. It included 374 women giving normal vaginal birth. Data were gathered with a socio-demographic features form and Visual Analogue Scale for Fatigue. Results: The mean score was 6,91 ± 2,25 for the subscale fatigue and 2,38 ± 0,91 for the subscale energy. The women reporting that it was not difficult to give birth and that they had little or some fatigue had significantly higher scores for energy (P = 0.001). The women starting to breastfeed in the hour of giving birth (P = 0.003) and the women breastfeeding at 1-hour intervals (P = 0.100) had a lower score for fatigue. The women not needing help while breastfeeding had a significantly lower score for fatigue (P = 0.001), while those reporting to give additional food had a significantly higher score for fatigue (P = 0.014). Conclusion: Women feel tired in the early postpartum period due to giving birth and their tiredness is increased by breastfeeding and infant care.

A musical perception test for people with hearing loss: Turkish adaptation and normalization of the Music Perception Test (MPT)
AS Sahli, E Belgin, M Uys

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2019 22(12):1669-1674

Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop a Turkish musical perception test that provide the opportunity to measure music performance of people with hearing loss. Subjects and Methods: In the study, the Music Perception Test (MPT), which was translated and adapted into Turkish, was applied randomly to 100 individuals aged between 18–40 years. The test was applied with computers and professional head phones to 20 individuals chosen as a pilot study. Data obtained after the pilot study were evaluated and the application to the other 80 participants were completed. In order to obtain validity and credibility data, 20 randomly chosen participants were retested. Results: The average total score of the MPT of the participants was 97.5 ± 12.2 (Min: 69, Max: 120). As the total score of the MPT has been examined, low value for ± 1SD was 85.3/top value was 109.7; low value for ± 2SS was 73.1/top value was 121.9; low value for ± 3SS was 60.9/top value was 134.1. In our study, the value of internal consistency of the Turkish MPT was 0.898. This value indicates that the test was reliable. In a similar manner, considering the correlation of test-retest parameters, both subtests and total score results showed the results were reliable. With the examination of the results there were no relation between the total scores of the MPT and age (r:0.176, p: 0.080) but the interest in music (r: 0.641, P < 0.001) and the frequency of listening to music (r:0.479, P < 0.001) had an important effect on the total scores of musical perception. The difference in the total scores of the MPT between female and male participants were found to be statistically significant (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Results of this study show that the Turkish MPT is a valid and reliable musical perception test for the Turkish people who have normal hearing and hearing loss.

Efficiency of self-adhering flowable resin composite and different surface treatments in composite repair using a universal adhesive
S Sismanoglu

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2019 22(12):1675-1679

Aims: The aim of this in vitro investigation was to evaluate the efficiency of self-adhering flowable resin composite (Vertise Flow, Kerr, Orange, CA, USA) and different surface treatments in the repair microtensile bond strength (μTBS) of aged nanofill resin composites using a universal adhesive. Materials and Methods: Aged substrates (×5000 thermocycling) were prepared using a nanofill (Filtek Ultimate; 3M ESPE) resin composite and randomly assigned to different surface treatments: (1) no treatment (control), (2) acid etching with 37% phosphoric acid, (3) Al2O3sandblasting, and (4) sandblasting with CoJet (3M ESPE). After surface treatment, specimens were further divided into two groups: no universal adhesive application and universal adhesive application. Vertise Flow was added to the substrates at 2-mm layer increments to a height of 5 mm and light cured. Restored specimens were sectioned to obtain 1.0-mm2 beams for μTBS testing. Data were analyzed with two-way analysis of variance and Tukey's honest significant difference tests (P < 0.05). Results: The lowest μTBS values were recorded in the control and acid etching groups with no universal adhesive application (P < 0.05). Universal adhesive application significantly increased the repair μTBS values of all surface treatments (P < 0.05), except CoJet treatment. There were no significant differences between Al2O3sandblasting, CoJet application, and acid etching groups with the universal adhesive application (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Vertise Flow can be used effectively in the repair of old nanofill resin composites. The usage of universal adhesive with prior acid etching to obtain acceptable repair performance would be the practical choice under clinical conditions.

Investigation the relaxant effects of proton pump ınhibitors and their relaxation mechanism on sheep sphincter of Oddi
S Soylu, B Sarac, A Kurt, A Altun, E Cakmak, HH Pence, YE Kahramanoglu, I Bagcivan

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2019 22(12):1680-1684

Background: Using a relaxant agent before an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) might reduce complications. Study Aims: We aimed to investigate the relaxant effects of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) on sheep sphincter of Oddi (SO) and the mechanisms that might take part in this relaxant effect. Patients and Methods: The sheep SO was mounted in an organ bath filled with Krebs–Ringer bicarbonate solution under 1.5 g tension and the relaxant effects of PPIs were evaluated in the tissues precontracted by carbachol (10−6 mol/l). The relaxant responses to the PPIs were tested in the presence of various blockers to enlighten the underlying mechanism by the PPIs. Results: The PPIs exerted relaxant responses in a concentration-dependent manner in the sheep SO (P < 0.05). Esomeprazole produced the strongest relaxation. The administration of atropine, indomethacin, L-NAME, methylene blue, clotrimazole, glibenclamide, and 4-aminopyridine into the organ baths did not change the relaxations induced by PPIs in vitro (P> 0.05). On the other hand, Ca+2-activated potassium channel blocker tetraethylammonium (TEA) reduced the relaxation responses created by PPIs (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The present study suggests that PPIs create relaxation on SO partially via Ca+2-activated potassium channels. PPIs, especially esomeprazole, may be beneficial during the ERCP procedure. Further clinical studies are needed to confirm our results.

The prevalence of obesıty and related factors among prımary and secondary school students
S Deniz, AF Oguzoncul

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2019 22(12):1685-1692

Objectives: Obesity was previously seen as a problem in high-income countries. It is also a problem in low and middle-income countries today. The sedentary lifestyle has made this situation more pronounced. Childhood obesity continues in adulthood. Adequate and balanced nutrition and mobile lifestyle have a great role in the prevention and treatment of obesity. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of obesity among primary and secondary school students and related factors. Methods: The sample size was calculated as 1278 (213 × 6) for the gender distribution to be appropriate and for the primary and secondary school students to be included in the district center and villages. Considering 15% of the students' non-response rate, the number of students planned to be reached is 1500. Selection was made after the students were ranked by class, gender and place of residence. Of the 1500 students who were sampled, 1298 (86.53%) were evaluated. Results: There was no difference in body mass index between gender and place of residence. The prevalence of being overweight or obesity among secondary school students (25.2%) was significantly higher than primary school students (20.5%).Conclusion: In the childhood age group; sedentary lifestyle, having breakfast and obesity in parents had a significant effect on obesity. It is considered important for children and family members to have proper nutrition and mobile life behaviors.

Blood culture results at a research and training hospital and the importance of training
FM Sezgin, UT Babaoglu

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2019 22(12):1693-1697

Objectives: This study aims to measure the level of knowledge of the nurses who collect blood cultures at our hospital, and after providing the necessary training, evaluate the distribution of microbial growth and rate of contamination in blood cultures that are referred to our laboratory during a 1-year term. Methods and Materials: A survey was conducted to assess the level of knowledge regarding blood culture acquisition with the participation of 99 nurses at our hospital in October 2017. Blood cultures sent to our laboratory during 2017 May-October were retrospectively evaluated in terms of their results, contamination rates, and number of bottles. Taking survey results into account, monthly trainings were provided to the nurses for 6 months starting from October 2017, and blood culture results and error rates were investigated prospectively. Results: It was determined from the survey results that the level of knowledge regarding the need to wipe the rubber septum of the blood culture bottle with alcohol prior to adding the blood sample (23.2%) and definition of a blood culture set (25.3%) were quite low. It was found that while the contamination rate prior to training was 6.4%, it fell to 3.7% after training, and although the rate of single-bottle cultures was 6.3% before training, it decreased by 2.0%. Conclusions: Standardizing blood culture acquisition with the provided training will produce maximal benefit for every laboratory in terms of cost and workload.

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