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Πέμπτη 18 Ιουλίου 2019

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,

Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasms of the Pancreas: Clinicopathologic and Radiologic Features According...
Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasms of the Pancreas: Clinicopathologic and Radiologic Features According to SizeRiccardo De Robertis1, Giovanni Marchegiani2, Matteo Catania3, Maria Chiara Ambrosetti3, Paola Capelli4, Roberto Salvia2 and Mirko D'Onofrio3 Show lessShare Share+ Affiliations:Citation: American Journal of Roentgenology: 1-8. 10.2214/AJR.18.20715AbstractFull TextReferencesPDFPDF PlusAdd to FavoritesPermissionsDownload CitationABSTRACT :OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to retrospectively...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Frontal Occipital and Frontal Temporal Horn Ratios: Comparison and Validation of Head Ultrasound-Derived...
Frontal Occipital and Frontal Temporal Horn Ratios: Comparison and Validation of Head Ultrasound-Derived Indexes With MRI and Ventricular Volumes in Infantile VentriculomegalyRupa Radhakrishnan1,2, Brandon Patrick Brown1,2, Stephen F. Kralik3, Danielle Bain2, Scott Persohn2, Paul R. Territo2, Andrew Jea4, Boaz Karmazyn1,2, Show lessShare Share+ Affiliations:Citation: American Journal of Roentgenology: 1-7. 10.2214/AJR.19.21261AbstractFull TextReferencesPDFPDF PlusAdd to FavoritesPermissionsDownload...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Percutaneous Image-Guided Cryoablation of Osteoblastoma Roberto Luigi Cazzato1, Pierre Auloge1, Danoob...
Percutaneous Image-Guided Cryoablation of OsteoblastomaRoberto Luigi Cazzato1, Pierre Auloge1, Danoob Dalili2,3, Pierre De Marini1, Antonio Di Marco4, Julien Garnon1 and Afshin Gangi1 Show lessShare Share+ Affiliations:Citation: American Journal of Roentgenology: 1-6. 10.2214/AJR.19.21390AbstractFull TextReferencesPDFPDF PlusAdd to FavoritesPermissionsDownload CitationABSTRACT :OBJECTIVE. The aim of this observational study was to assess safety and clinical outcomes of percutaneous image-guided cryoablation...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Long-term Follow-up of Severe Eosinophilic Hepatitis: A Rare Presentation of Hypereosinophilic Syndrome...
Long-term Follow-up of Severe Eosinophilic Hepatitis: A Rare Presentation of Hypereosinophilic SyndromeHalim Awadie, Johad Khoury, Yaniv Zohar, Afif Yaccob, Ella Veitsman, and Tarek SaadiAbstractIdiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) is a rare, heterogeneous disorder characterized by a strikingly high eosinophil count (>1,500 cells/µL), over a long period of time (>6 months), with end organ damage. We present a 60-year-old patient with idiopathic HES with isolated liver involvement, a...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Vape Gods and Judaism—E-cigarettes and Jewish Law, Sharon GalperAbstract Objective: To review current...
Vape Gods and Judaism—E-cigarettes and Jewish Law,Sharon GalperAbstractObjective: To review current medical literature on the risks and potential benefits of e-cigarette use and its permissibility under Jewish law. Methods: A survey of current medical literature about the risks and potential benefits of e-cigarette use, and a review of existing rabbinic literature regarding both combustible and e-cigarette products. Results: E-cigarettes contain fewer harmful materials than do combustible cigarettes....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
A Comparison of Manual versus Electric Bicycle Injuries Presenting to a Pediatric Emergency Department...
A Comparison of Manual versus Electric Bicycle Injuries Presenting to a Pediatric Emergency DepartmentTali Capua, Miguel Glatstein, Karin Hermon, Oren Tavor, Dennis Scolnik, Veronika Kusaev, and Ayelet RimonAbstractBackground: The use of electric bicycles (E-bikes) has dramatically increased over the last decade. E-bikes offer an inexpensive, alternative form of transport, but also pose a new public health challenge in terms of safety and injury prevention. Objective: The aim of this study was to...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Something Must Be Wrong with the Implementation of Cancer-pain Treatment Guidelines. A Lesson from...
Something Must Be Wrong with the Implementation of Cancer-pain Treatment Guidelines. A Lesson from Referrals to a Pain ClinicGil Samuelly-Leichtag, Tsiki Adler, and Elon EisenbergAbstractObjective: The World Health Organization's (WHO) guidelines for cancer pain management were intentionally made simple in order to be widely implemented by all physicians treating cancer patients. Referrals to pain specialists are advised if pain does not improve within a short time. The present study examined whether...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Morphological Analysis of Elastic Fibers in Various Grades of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Epithelial...
Morphological Analysis of Elastic Fibers in Various Grades of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Epithelial Dysplasia Using Verhoeff–Van Gieson StainJanardhanam Dineshshankar, Nalliappan Ganapathy, Thuckanaickenpalayam Ragunathan Yoithapprabhunath, Jeyaraman Swathiraman, Thangadurai Maheswaran, and Vadivel IlayarajaAbstractBackground: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the sixth most common malignancy in India. The aggressiveness of OSCC is analyzed not only based on the dysplastic features and...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Rational Use of Medicine in Children—The Conflict of Interests Story. A Review Klaus Rose, David Neubauer,...
Rational Use of Medicine in Children—The Conflict of Interests Story. A ReviewKlaus Rose, David Neubauer, and Jane M. Grant-KelsAbstractBackground: United States (US) and European Union (EU) legislation attempts to counterbalance the presumed discrimination in pediatric drug treatment and development. Methods: We analyzed the history of drug development, US/EU pediatric laws, and pediatric studies required by US/EU regulatory authorities and reviewed relevant literature. Results: The US and EU definitions...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Trends of Mortality in Greece Prior to and During its Current Financial Crisis (2009–2015), Konstantinos...
Trends of Mortality in Greece Prior to and During its Current Financial Crisis (2009–2015),Konstantinos Z. Vardakas, Katerina N. Apiranthiti, Spiridoula E. Almpani, Dominiki Heliou, Dimitra Stratigopoulou, Eleni Giourmetaki, Dimitra Lamprou, Georgia Binou, Elena Mpaltzoglou, Margarita Kyriakidou, and Matthew E. FalagasAbstractObjectives: To study mortality changes in Greece prior to and during the financial crisis. Study design: Analysis of data by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (1955–2013)....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal
Original ResearchMorphological Analysis of Elastic Fibers in Various Grades of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Epithelial Dysplasia Using Verhoeff–Van Gieson StainJanardhanam Dineshshankar, Nalliappan Ganapathy, Thuckanaickenpalayam Ragunathan Yoithapprabhunath, Jeyaraman Swathiraman, Thangadurai Maheswaran, and Vadivel IlayarajaTrends of Mortality in Greece Prior to and During its Current Financial Crisis (2009–2015)Konstantinos Z. Vardakas, Katerina N. Apiranthiti, Spiridoula E. Almpani, Dominiki...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Assessment of myocardial viability by myocardial contrast echocardiography: current perspectives Purpose...
Assessment of myocardial viability by myocardial contrast echocardiography: current perspectivesPurpose of review The current guidelines recommend the use of myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) to assess myocardial viability. There are two clinical scenarios where detection of myocardial viability has clinical significance: in ischemic cardiomyopathy and following acute myocardial infarction with significant left ventricular dysfunction. Myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE), which utilizes...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Surgical Oncology
EDITORIALSentinel node biopsy for cancer of the oral cavityJames X. Wu MD  Martin Hanson MD  Ashok R. ShahaPages: 99-100  First Published: 16 May 2019Full text  PDF  ReferencesRequest permissionsRESEARCH ARTICLESSentinel lymph node biopsy for management of the N0 neck in oral cavity squamous cell carcinomaJohn T. Loree BA  Saurin R. Popat MD  Mark S. Burke MD  Jennifer Frustino DDS, PhDJeewanjot S. Grewal BA  Thom R. Loree MDPages: 101-108  First Published: 16 May 2019Abstract  Full text  PDF  ReferencesRequest...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Sentinel lymph node biopsy for management of the N0 neck in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma, John...
Sentinel lymph node biopsy for management of the N0 neck in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma,John T. Loree BA  Saurin R. Popat MD  Mark S. Burke MD  Jennifer Frustino DDS, PhD  Jeewanjot S. Grewal BA  Thom R. Loree MDFirst published: 16 May 2019 https://doi.org/10.1002/jso.25494 Cited by: 1Read the full textePDFPDFTOOLS SHAREAbstractBackground and ObjectivesThe management of the clinically N0 (cN0) neck is controversial for early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity (OSCC). This paper...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Sarcomas of the mandible, Ivana Petrovic DMD  Zain U. Ahmed  Ashley Hay MBChB, MRCS, DOHNS, FRCS ...
Sarcomas of the mandible,Ivana Petrovic DMD  Zain U. Ahmed  Ashley Hay MBChB, MRCS, DOHNS, FRCS  Evan B. Rosen DMD, MPH  Chuanyong Lu MD  Meera Hameed MD  Jatin P. Shah MD, PhD, DSc, FRCS(Hon)First published: 16 April 2019 https://doi.org/10.1002/jso.25477Read the full textePDFPDFTOOLS SHAREAbstractIntroductionSarcomas of the mandible are extremely rare tumors, with osteosarcoma being the most common, followed by Ewing's sarcomaMaterials and methodsA retrospective review of the clinical records,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Traditional sugar-sweetened beverages, sweetened teas, and blended milk-based beverages (e.g., milkshakes) were significantly higher in calories from 2012 to 2017 for newly introduced beverages (p-value for trend 0.004). For all newly introduced sweetened beverages, sugar increased significantly (2015, +7.9 g; 2016, +8.2 g; p0.004) whereas saturated fat declined (2016, −2.3 g; 2017, −1.6 g; p0.004). For beverages on menus in all years, saturated fat declined significantly (p0.001), whereas mean calories and sugar remained relatively constant. Significant declines were observed for sweetened coffees (−10 kcal, −0.5 g saturated fat, p0.001), teas (−2.6 g sugar, p=0.001), and blended milk-based beverages (−28 kcal, −4.2 g sugar, −0.8 g saturated fat, p0.001). From 2012 to 2017, the total number of beverage offerings increased by 155%, with 82% of this change driven by sweetened beverages.
Trends in Calories and Nutrients of Beverages in U.S. Chain Restaurants, 2012–2017Publication date: August 2019Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 57, Issue 2Author(s): Johannah M. Frelier, Alyssa J. Moran, Kelsey A. Vercammen, Marian P. Jarlenski, Sara N. BleichIntroductionAlthough beverages comprise one third of all menu items at large chain restaurants, no prior research has examined trends in their calorie and nutrient content.MethodsBeverages (n=13,879) on the menus of 63...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Lung Cancer Screening Utilization: A Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Analysis, Publication...
Lung Cancer Screening Utilization: A Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Analysis,Publication date: August 2019Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 57, Issue 2Author(s): Whitney E. Zahnd, Jan M. EberthIntroductionLung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S. The National Lung Screening Trial found that low-dose computed tomography reduced lung cancer mortality in high-risk individuals. As a result, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force began recommending...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Preventive Medicine
Binge Drinking and Prescription Opioid Misuse in the U.S., 2012–2014Publication date: August 2019Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 57, Issue 2Author(s): Marissa B. Esser, Gery P. Guy, Kun Zhang, Robert D. BrewerIntroductionPrescription opioids were responsible for approximately 17,000 deaths in the U.S. in 2016. One in five prescription opioid deaths also involve alcohol. Drinkers who misuse prescription opioids (i.e., use without a prescription or use only for the experience...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Wolters Kluwer Health At A Glance, New Journals Website Launched with Inaugural Issue Journal of...
Wolters Kluwer Health At A Glance,New Journals Website Launched with Inaugural IssueJournal of Oral and Maxillofacial RadiologyySahel Medical JournalSaudi Journal of Sports MedicineJournal of Orthodontic ResearchMuller Journal of Medical Sciences and ResearchASL- Musculoskeletal DiseasesWest African Journal of Radiology79 Issues submitted to appropriate Indexing Agencies such as EBSCO, ProQuest, Swet, Thomson, IndMed, Portico, Infotrieve and Exlibris. 3 New Journals Accepted in NLM and PMC/PubMed:Nigerian...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
American Journal of Roentgenology
Gastrointestinal ImagingOriginal ResearchSolid Pseudopapillary Neoplasms of the Pancreas: Clinicopathologic and Radiologic Features According to SizeRiccardo De Robertis, et al. | American Journal of Roentgenology | Jul 16, 2019Ahead of PrintPediatric ImagingOriginal ResearchFrontal Occipital and Frontal Temporal Horn Ratios: Comparison and Validation of Head Ultrasound-Derived Indexes With MRI and Ventricular Volumes in Infantile VentriculomegalyRupa Radhakrishnan, et al. | American Journal of Roentgenology...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Mycoses Early View Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue  Open AccessMucormycosis...
MycosesEarly ViewOnline Version of Record before inclusion in an issue Open AccessMucormycosis in South America: A review of 143 reported casesMarcio Nucci, Marc Engelhardt, Kamal HamedVersion of Record online: 11 July 2019 Open AccessFirst application of loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for rapid identification of mating type in the heterothallic fungus Aspergillus fumigatusKevin M. King, Nichola J. Hawkins, Sarah Atkins, Paul S. Dyer, Jonathan S. West, Bart A. FraaijeVersion...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Pulmonary cryptococcosis characteristics in immunocompetent patients—A twenty‐year clinical retrospective...
Pulmonary cryptococcosis characteristics in immunocompetent patients—A twenty‐year clinical retrospective analysis in China,Xiaomeng Hou, Lei Kou, Xiaozhen Han, Rui Zhu, Lan Song, Tao LiuFirst Published: 09 July 2019
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Food Sources of Potassium, https://www.webmd.com/diet/foods-rich-in-potassium Many of the foods that...
Food Sources of Potassium,https://www.webmd.com/diet/foods-rich-in-potassiumMany of the foods that you already eat contain potassium. The foods listed below are high in potassium. If you need to boost the amount of potassium in your diet, make healthy food choices by picking items below to add to your menu.Many fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium:Bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, honeydew, apricots, grapefruit (some dried fruits, such as prunes, raisins, and dates, are also high in potassium)Cooked...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Hyperphosphataemia in 2019: have we made progress? Purpose of review This review describes recent developments...
Hyperphosphataemia in 2019: have we made progress?Purpose of review This review describes recent developments in the management of serum phosphate in dialysis patients, with a focus on the development of recent trials which randomize patients to different levels of control. Recent findings We review the uncertainties around clinical benefits of serum phosphate control and alternative approaches to current management, as well as a multinational attempt to conduct randomized controlled trials in this...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Updates on medical management of hyperkalemia, Purpose of review Hyperkalemia is a potentially fatal...
Updates on medical management of hyperkalemia,Purpose of review Hyperkalemia is a potentially fatal electrolyte disorder, more commonly present when the potassium excretion capacity is imparied. Hyperkalemia can lead to adverse outcomes, especially due to severe cardiac arrhythmias. It can also impair the cardiovascular effects of renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASis) and potassium rich diets, as hyperkalemia frequently leads to their discontinuation. Recent findings Potassium...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Recent developments in the management of acute and chronic hyponatremia, Purpose of review The aim...
Recent developments in the management of acute and chronic hyponatremia,Purpose of review The aim of the study is to review recent studies on the management of acute and chronic hyponatremia. Recent findings In acute symptomatic hyponatremia, bolus infusion of hypertonic saline improves hyponatremia and neurological status more quickly than continuous infusion. In chronic hyponatremia, newly identified predictors of nonresponse to fluid restriction include a high urine osmolality (>500 mOsm/kg)...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Hyponatremia in patients with cancer, Purpose of review Hyponatremia is seen commonly in patients...
Hyponatremia in patients with cancer,Purpose of review Hyponatremia is seen commonly in patients with cancer and is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Understanding the proper diagnosis and therapy of cancer-associated hyponatremia is critical to ensure improved outcomes. Recent findings The most common cancers associated with hyponatremia are the various forms of lung cancer with incidences approaching 25–45%. The most common causes of hyponatremia in cancer patients are the syndrome...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Nephrology and Hypertension
Cullin-Ring ubiquitin ligases in kidney health and diseasePurpose of review Members of the Cullin family act as scaffolds in E3 ubiquitin ligases and play a central role in mediating protein degradation. Interactions with many different substrate-binding adaptors permit Cullin-containing E3 ligases to participate in diverse cellular functions. In the kidney, one well established target of Cullin-mediated degradation is the transcription factor Nrf2, a key player in responses to oxidative stress....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
The right treatment for the right ventricle, Purpose of review Right ventricular (RV) function is an...
The right treatment for the right ventricle,Purpose of review Right ventricular (RV) function is an important determinant of morbidity and mortality in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Although substantial progress has been made in understanding the development of RV failure in the last decennia, this has not yet resulted in the development of RV selective therapies. In this review, we will discuss the current status on the treatment of RV failure and potential novel therapeutic...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Noninvasive volume-assured pressure support for chronic respiratory failure: a review Purpose of review...
Noninvasive volume-assured pressure support for chronic respiratory failure: a reviewPurpose of review Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is an established treatment for chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure (CRF). Volume-assured pressure support (VAPS) is a mode of NIV that automatically adjusts inspiratory pressure in order to maintain a constant respiratory volume. We aim to discuss the role and application of VAPS in CRF. Recent findings Recently published meta-analyses and reviews fail to demonstrate...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Unilateral phrenic nerve stimulation in the therapeutical algorithm of central sleep apnoea in heart...
Unilateral phrenic nerve stimulation in the therapeutical algorithm of central sleep apnoea in heart failurePurpose of review Central sleep apnoea (CSA) is highly prevalent in patients with heart failure and substantially impairs survival. If optimal cardiac treatment fails, alternative therapeutical options, including positive airway pressure (PAP) therapies, drugs or application of oxygen and carbon dioxide are considered to suppress CSA which interfere with the complex underlying pathophysiology....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Myofascial pain syndrome and trigger points: evaluation and treatment in patients with musculoskeletal...
Myofascial pain syndrome and trigger points: evaluation and treatment in patients with musculoskeletal pain,Purpose of review Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain condition characterized by the presence of myofascial trigger point, a hyperirritable painful spot involving a limited number of muscle fibers. The literature suggest that myofascial trigger points should be considered peripheral pain generators and this critical review will summarize recent findings concerning the clinical evaluation...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Supportive and Palliative Care
Myofascial pain syndrome and trigger points: evaluation and treatment in patients with musculoskeletal painPurpose of review Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain condition characterized by the presence of myofascial trigger point, a hyperirritable painful spot involving a limited number of muscle fibers. The literature suggest that myofascial trigger points should be considered peripheral pain generators and this critical review will summarize recent findings concerning the clinical evaluation...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Comparison of a simplified nasal continuous positive airways pressure device with nasal cannula in obese patients undergoing colonoscopy during deep sedation: A randomised clinical trialBACKGROUND Continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) with a CPAP machine and mask has been shown to be more effective at minimising hypoxaemia than other devices under deep sedation. However, the efficacy of a new and simple CPAP device for spontaneously breathing obese patients during colonoscopy is unknown. OBJECTIVE...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Computer-Assisted Design and Manufacturing Assists Less Experienced Surgeons in Achieving Equivalent...
Computer-Assisted Design and Manufacturing Assists Less Experienced Surgeons in Achieving Equivalent Outcomes in Cranial Vault Reconstruction,Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess whether long-term outcomes were equivalent between computer-assisted design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) -assisted cranial vault reconstruction performed by an inexperienced surgeon, with fewer years of surgical experience, and traditional reconstruction performed by senior surgeons with many decades of experience....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Evaluation of Vestibular Bone Thickness in Class I Malocclusion Treatment With Corticotomy-Assisted...
Evaluation of Vestibular Bone Thickness in Class I Malocclusion Treatment With Corticotomy-Assisted Rapid Orthodontics,Background: Corticotomy-assisted rapid orthodontics is a widely used method for speeding up conventional orthodontics. This study evaluates the effects of corticotomy alone, corticotomy combined with bone graft, and corticotomy with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) on vestibular alveolar bone thickness in patients with class I malocclusion;compares the treatment time with a conventional...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Endoscopic Endonasal Transpterygoid Approach Using Pedicled Nasoseptal Flap for Petrous Apex Cholesterol...
Endoscopic Endonasal Transpterygoid Approach Using Pedicled Nasoseptal Flap for Petrous Apex Cholesterol Granuloma With Intraoperative Video,With the development of minimally invasive endoscopic surgery and image-guided navigation systems, the endoscopic endonasal approach to petrous apex lesions has become more favorable. In this case, a petrous apex cholesterol granuloma was successfully treated with an endoscopic endonasal transpterygoid approach. A navigation system was used, and a contralateral...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Radiologic Evaluation of Exiting Points of Supraorbital Region Neurovascular Bundles in Patients With...
Radiologic Evaluation of Exiting Points of Supraorbital Region Neurovascular Bundles in Patients With Migraine,Purpose: To reveal the presence and nature of exiting points of supraorbital region neurovascular structures and determine the distances of those structures to midline with computed tomography images by taking into account gender and sides in patients with migraine. Methods: The study was conducted retrospectively on computed tomography images of 70 migraine and 70 control patients with...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Pediatric Cervicofacial Actinomycosis: Lessons From a Craniofacial Unit, Actinomycosis is a rare disease...
Pediatric Cervicofacial Actinomycosis: Lessons From a Craniofacial Unit,Actinomycosis is a rare disease that remains difficult to diagnose and manage. Prompted by 2 recent cases the authors sought evidence-based conclusions about best practice. A systematic review was conducted using standard PRISMA methodology. The study was registered prospectively (PROSPERO: CRD42018115064). Thirty-three children from 23 series are described. The mean age was 8 years (range 3–17). Fifty-five percent were female....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Craniofacial Surgery
Endoscopic Endonasal Transpterygoid Approach Using Pedicled Nasoseptal Flap for Petrous Apex Cholesterol Granuloma With Intraoperative VideoWith the development of minimally invasive endoscopic surgery and image-guided navigation systems, the endoscopic endonasal approach to petrous apex lesions has become more favorable. In this case, a petrous apex cholesterol granuloma was successfully treated with an endoscopic endonasal transpterygoid approach. A navigation system was used, and a contralateral...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tropical Medicine
Pharmacological and analytical aspects of artemisinin for malaria: Advances and challengesSravani Karri, Sanjay Sharma, Ginpreet KaurAsian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2019 12(8):339-346Malaria remains a major tropical health burden owing to the development of resistance and decreased sensitivity to the frequently used conventional antimalarial drugs. The drug like artemisinin possesses potent antimalarial activities, but has some limitations. Therefore, new strategies are to be implemented...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Olfaction and quality of life in patients with nasal septal deviation treated with septoplasty Author...
Olfaction and quality of life in patients with nasal septal deviation treated with septoplastyAuthor links open overlay ,panel.KonstantinosValsamidisaAthanasiaPrintzaaKonstantinosTitelisbJannisConstantinidisaStefanosTriaridisaa1st Otolaryngology Department, Medical Dept, School of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, GreecebOtolaryngology Department, General Hospital Georgios Gennimatas, Ethnikis Amynis 41, 54635 Thessaloniki, GreeceReceived 11 June 2019, Available...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Recent advances in musculoskeletal local drug delivery, Publication date: 15 July 2019 Source: Acta...
Recent advances in musculoskeletal local drug delivery,Publication date: 15 July 2019Source: Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 93Author(s): Shichao Zhang, Malcolm Xing, Bingyun LiAbstractMusculoskeletal disorders are a significant burden on the global economy and public health. Advanced drug delivery plays a key role in the musculoskeletal field and holds the promise of enhancing the repair of degenerated and injured musculoskeletal tissues. Ideally, drug delivery should have the ability to directly deliver...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Porous PolyHIPE microspheres for protein delivery from an injectable bone graft, Publication date:...
Porous PolyHIPE microspheres for protein delivery from an injectable bone graft,Publication date: 15 July 2019Source: Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 93Author(s): Michael Whitely, Gabriel Rodriguez-Rivera, Christina Waldron, Sahar Mohiuddin, Stacy Cereceres, Nicholas Sears, Nicholas Ray, Elizabeth Cosgriff-HernandezAbstractDelivery of osteoinductive factors such as bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) has emerged as a prominent strategy to improve regeneration in bone grafting procedures. However, it...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Biodegradable polymerized simvastatin stimulates bone formation, Publication date: 15 July 2019 Source: Acta...
Biodegradable polymerized simvastatin stimulates bone formation,Publication date: 15 July 2019Source: Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 93Author(s): Nandakumar Venkatesan, A.D. Thilanga Liyanage, Jaime Castro-Núñez, Theodora Asafo-Adjei, Larry L. Cunningham, Thomas D. Dziubla, David A. PuleoAbstractPrevious research from our labs demonstrated the synthesis of polymerized simvastatin by ring-opening polymerization and slow degradation with controlled release of simvastatin in vitro. The objective of the...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
A computational study of the dual effect of intermittent and continuous administration of parathyroid...
A computational study of the dual effect of intermittent and continuous administration of parathyroid hormone on bone remodeling,Publication date: 15 July 2019Source: Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 93Author(s): Yu Zhao, Guigen ZhangAbstractBone remodeling is a process known to be governed by constant interactions between osteoblast and osteoclast through complex pathway networks mediated by signaling factors. Experimental studies show that intermittent and continuous administration of PTH/PTHrP led to...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Acta Biomaterialia
Editorial BoardPublication date: 15 July 2019Source: Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 93Author(s):Endothelin-1 inhibits size dependent lymphatic clearance of PEG-based conjugates after intra-articular injection into the rat kneePublication date: 15 July 2019Source: Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 93Author(s): Thanh N. Doan, Fabrice C. Bernard, Jay M. McKinney, J. Brandon Dixon, Nick J. WillettAbstractClearance of particles from the knee is an essential mechanism to maintain healthy joint homeostasis and critical...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
The Prognostic Usefulness of The Lactate/Albumin Ratio For Predicting Clinical Outcomes In Out-Of-Hospital...
The Prognostic Usefulness of The Lactate/Albumin Ratio For Predicting Clinical Outcomes In Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Prospective, Multicentre Observational Study (KoCARC Study)Background and Purpose: We aimed to evaluate the lactate/albumin ratio (LAR) to identify its significance as a prognostic marker for favourable neurologic outcome and survival in patients with return of spontaneous circulation after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Based on the LAR and multiple parameters, we...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Influence of Hyperglycemia During Different Phases of Ischemic Preconditioning on Cardioprotection—A...
Influence of Hyperglycemia During Different Phases of Ischemic Preconditioning on Cardioprotection—A Focus On Apoptosis and Aggregation of Granulocytes,Background: Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) protects the myocardium against ischemia/reperfusion injury. Evidence suggests that hyperglycemia inhibits IPC-induced cardioprotection. The effects of hyperglycemia initiated during different phases of IPC on myocardial injury were characterized with emphasis on apoptosis and aggregation of polymorphonuclear...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Right ventricular function and long-term outcome in sepsis: a retrospective cohort study, Background:...
Right ventricular function and long-term outcome in sepsis: a retrospective cohort study,Background: Sepsis-related myocardial dysfunction is associated with impaired outcome. Traditionally, in this setting the main focus has been on left ventricular performance. Currently, specific knowledge on the prognostic importance of right ventricular dysfunction is scarce. The aim of this study was to determine whether right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) is predictive of long-term mortality in sepsis....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Lactic Acidosis and The Role of Sodium Bicarbonate: A Narrative OpinionLactic acidosis occurs commonly and can be a marker of significant physiologic derangements. However what an elevated lactate level and acidemia connotes and what should be done about it is subject to inconsistent interpretations. This review examines the varied etiologies of lactic acidosis, the physiologic consequences, and the known effects of its treatment with sodium bicarbonate. Lactic acidosis is often assumed to be a marker...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Investigational New Drugs
Correction to: A novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, CG200745, potentiates anticancer effect of docetaxel in prostate cancer via decreasing Mcl-1 and Bcl- XLhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.juro.2010.07.035Correction to: Phase Ib/II study of gemcitabine, nab-paclitaxel, and pembrolizumab in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinomaThe authors would like to note an error in Figures 1 and 2 of this paper. The graph in Figure 1 incorrectly reflected the overall survival (OS), when it should have displayed the...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
"Stuck on sugars – how carbohydrates regulate cell adhesion, recognition, and signaling" Abstract We...
"Stuck on sugars – how carbohydrates regulate cell adhesion, recognition, and signaling"AbstractWe have explored the fundamental biological processes by which complex carbohydrates expressed on cellular glycoproteins and glycolipids and in secretions of cells promote cell adhesion and signaling. We have also explored processes by which animal pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites adhere to glycans of animal cells and initiate disease. Glycans important in cell signaling and adhesion,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Gangliosides profiling in serum of breast cancer patient: GM3 as a potential diagnostic biomarker Abstract...
Gangliosides profiling in serum of breast cancer patient: GM3 as a potential diagnostic biomarkerAbstractGangliosides altered during the pathological conditions and particularly in cancers. Here, we aimed to profile the gangliosides in breast cancer serum and propose potential biomarkers. LC-FTMS method was first used to identify all the ganglioside species in serum, then LC-MS/MS-MRM method was employed to quantitate the levels of gangliosides in serum from healthy volunteers and patients with benign...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Fluorine-modified sialyl-Tn-CRM197 vaccine elicits a robust immune response, Abstract Even though a...
Fluorine-modified sialyl-Tn-CRM197 vaccine elicits a robust immune response,AbstractEven though a vaccine that targets tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens on epithelial carcinoma cells presents an attractive therapeutic approach, relatively poor immunogenicity limits its development. In this study, we investigated the immunological activity of a fluoro-substituted Sialyl-Tn (F-STn) analogue coupled to the non-toxic cross-reactive material of diphtheria toxin197 (CRM197). Our results indicate that...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Glycoconjugate Journal
The international Glycoconjugate organization awardsThe International Glycoconjugate Organization AwardsGlyco25, XXV International Symposium on Glycoconjugates"Stuck on sugars – how carbohydrates regulate cell adhesion, recognition, and signaling"AbstractWe have explored the fundamental biological processes by which complex carbohydrates expressed on cellular glycoproteins and glycolipids and in secretions of cells promote cell adhesion and signaling. We have also explored processes by which animal...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Mepilex Border Sacrum and Heel Dressings for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers: A NICE Medical Technology...
Mepilex Border Sacrum and Heel Dressings for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers: A NICE Medical Technology Guidance,AbstractMepilex Border Sacrum and Heel dressings are self-adherent, multilayer foam dressings designed for use on the heel and sacrum aiming to prevent pressure ulcers. The dressings are used in addition to standard care protocols for pressure ulcer prevention. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) selected Mepilex Border Sacrum and Heel dressings for evaluation....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Authors' Reply to Hussain et al.: "Cost Effectiveness of Dialysis Modalities: A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations"Comment on: "Cost Effectiveness of Dialysis Modalities: A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations"Applying an Implementation Framework to the Use of Evidence from Economic Evaluations in Making Healthcare DecisionsAbstractBackground and ObjectiveThere is a need for the application of theory in understanding the use of evidence from economic evaluations in healthcare decision...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
Investigation of thermally induced damage to surrounding nerve tissue when using curettage and cementation of long bone tumours, modelled in cadaveric porcine femursAbstractIntroductionCurettage with cement augmentation is a technique used in the treatment of bone tumours. Thermal energy released during the cement polymerisation process can damage surrounding tissues. This study aims to record temperature changes at various sites on and around bone during the cementing process. We hypothesised that...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Role of 'dusting and pop-dusting' using a high-powered (100 W) laser machine in the treatment of large stones (≥ 15 mm): prospective outcomes over 16 monthsAbstractUreteroscopy and laser stone fragmentation (URSL) has had recent advancements with the more powerful laser systems with the ability to 'dust' and 'pop-dust' the stone. We wanted to look at the outcomes of this method for large stones (≥ 15 mm) using our new 100 W holmium laser. Over a period of 16 months (January 2017–April 2018), 50 patients...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Is oxidized low-density lipoprotein the connection between atherosclerosis, cardiovascular risk and...
Is oxidized low-density lipoprotein the connection between atherosclerosis, cardiovascular risk and nephrolithiasis?AbstractNephrolithiasis is considered a systemic disease. A link has been established between nephrolithiasis, cardiovascular disease (CVD), the metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis. A significant correlation has been found between the high levels of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) and CVD and atherosclerosis, including coronary and femoral artery disease. To the best of...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Slavery, Indenture and the Development of British Industrial Capitalism,  Mark Harvey
Slavery, Indenture and the Development of British Industrial Capitalism,  Mark Harvey
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Survival outcomes of eye-sparing surgery for adenoid cystic carcinoma of lacrimal gland, AbstractPurpose...
Survival outcomes of eye-sparing surgery for adenoid cystic carcinoma of lacrimal gland,AbstractPurposeTo survey adenoid cystic carcinoma of lacrimal glands in Asian population and investigate the predictability in prognosis following the 8th edition American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging guideline.Study designRetrospective study.MethodsThe clinical entities and surgical outcomes of the patients who were histologically confirmed with a diagnosis of lacrimal adenoid cystic carcinoma in...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Robot-assisted stereotactic brainstem biopsy in children: prospective cohort study Abstract Tumours...
Robot-assisted stereotactic brainstem biopsy in children: prospective cohort studyAbstractTumours located within the brainstem comprise approximately a tenth of all paediatric brain tumours. Surgical biopsy of these tumours is technically challenging and has historically been associated with considerable risk. To this end, robot-assisted surgery theoretically allows for increased accuracy and precision. In this study we report our experience using the Neuromate robot (Renishaw, Gloucestershire, UK)...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Categories We Live by
: The Construction of Sex, Gender, Race, and Other Social Categories, by Ásta  Elizabeth Barnes; Matthew Andler
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Techniques for developing and viewing stereoscopic three-dimensional teaching videos for transoral...
Techniques for developing and viewing stereoscopic three-dimensional teaching videos for transoral robotic surgery (TORS)AbstractAdvances in three-dimensional (3D) video recording and playback have expanded the availability of stereoscopic videos for consumption with specialized televisions, computer monitors, and virtual reality (VR) headsets. The built-in stereoscopic vision of the da vinci surgical system (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA) enables the recording of both camera views. However,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Robotic harvesting of the omental flap: a case report and mini-review of the use of robots in reconstructive...
Robotic harvesting of the omental flap: a case report and mini-review of the use of robots in reconstructive surgeryAbstractThis study describes the robotic harvesting of a free omental flap. The patient was a 58-year-old man who had undergone several previous operations due to osteomyelitis caused by trauma. There was a non-healing wound and purulent discharge in the distal pretibial region. The flap was harvested based on the right gastroepiploic artery using robotic facilities only. The flap was...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Robotic Surgery
Should we use virtual simulators for surgical resident selection?New perspectives about the role of robot-assisted surgery for the treatment of endometriosisRobot assisted intra-corporeal ileocalicostomy ureteral substitution for complex uretero-pelvic junction obstruction: a novel and feasible innovationAbstractA 33-year-old female presented to the emergency department of our hospital with urosepsis and hematuria with clot retention secondary to a complicated pyelolithotomy for left-sided pelvic...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Kavita Sivaramakrishnan, As the World Ages: Rethinking a Demographic Crisis,  Hyung Wook Park  Michelle...
Kavita Sivaramakrishnan, As the World Ages: Rethinking a Demographic Crisis,  Hyung Wook Park  Michelle L. McClellan, Lady Lushes: Gender, Alcoholism, and Medicine in Modern America  Stephen E Mawdsley  Dóra Vargha, Polio Across the Iron Curtain: Hungary's Cold War with an Epidemic  Stephen E Mawdsley
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Feminisms   Anna Watz
Feminisms   Anna Watz
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Beer? Over here!
Examining attentional bias towards alcoholic and appetitive stimuli in a visual search eye-tracking taskAbstractRationaleExperimental tasks that demonstrate alcohol-related attentional bias typically expose participants to single-stimulus targets (e.g. addiction Stroop, visual probe, anti-saccade task), which may not correspond fully with real-world contexts where alcoholic and non-alcoholic cues simultaneously compete for attention. Moreover, alcoholic stimuli are rarely matched to other appetitive non-alcoholic...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Effects of the synthetic psychedelic 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (DOI) on ethanol consumption and place conditioning in male miceAbstractRationaleApproximately 20 million adults in the USA have an alcohol use disorder (AUD). There are clinical and preclinical data suggesting that psychedelics may have benefits for AUD.ObjectiveTo investigate the effects of the synthetic psychedelic 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (DOI) on the behavioral effects of ethanol.MethodsThe effects of DOI were examined...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Macromolecular Research
Effect of the Monomer Ratio on the Properties of Melt-Polymerized PolycarbonateAbstractIn this study, the effects of bisphenol A (BPA) and diphenyl carbonate (DPC) molar ratio, on the properties of melt-polymerized polycarbonate (PC) were investigated. The molecular size distribution theory proposed by Flory was applied, to melt polymerization of PC to predict physical properties, affected by the molar ratio of BPA and DPC. A terminal OH group affected the viscosity of PC at high temperatures, leading...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Effectiveness of Facebook Groups to Boost Participation in a Parenting Intervention, Abstract Although...
Effectiveness of Facebook Groups to Boost Participation in a Parenting Intervention,AbstractAlthough family-based prevention programs have been shown to be effective at reducing adolescent substance use, it is often difficult and costly to recruit and retain parents in programs administered in person. The current study tested whether program engagement and parenting practices could be improved by offering parents in a self-directed family program access to a private Facebook group. Parents of middle...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Prevention Science
Correction to: A Cost Analysis of School-Based Lifestyle InterventionsIn the article, 'A Cost Analysis of School-Based Lifestyle Interventions', we calculated the societal costs of two school-based lifestyle interventions: 'the Healthy Primary School of the Future' and 'the Physical Activity School'.Effectiveness of Facebook Groups to Boost Participation in a Parenting InterventionAbstractAlthough family-based prevention programs have been shown to be effective at reducing adolescent substance use,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Protein & Cell
Correction to: Glycosylation of dentin matrix protein 1 is a novel key element for astrocyte maturation and BBB integrityIn the original publication, the label of Fig. 2C should be read as "GFAP/lectin/DAPI" not "DMP1/GFAP/lectin/DAPI".Professor Tafu Yu: an eminent agricultural scientist and outstanding educator of our nationDeveloping potent PROTACs tools for selective degradation of HDAC6 proteinA miRNA-HERC4 pathway promotes breast tumorigenesis by inactivating tumor suppressor LATS1AbstractsThe...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Low-frequency ventilatory oscillations in hypoxia are a major contributor to the low-frequency component...
Low-frequency ventilatory oscillations in hypoxia are a major contributor to the low-frequency component of heart rate variabilityAbstractPurposeHeart rate variability (HRV) may be influenced by several factors, such as environment (hypoxia, hyperoxia, hypercapnia) or physiological demand (exercise). In this retrospective study, we tested the hypothesis that inter-beat (RR) intervals in healthy subjects exercising under various environmental stresses exhibit oscillations at the same frequency than...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Vibration as an adjunct to exercise: its impact on shoulder muscle activation, AbstractPurpose There...
Vibration as an adjunct to exercise: its impact on shoulder muscle activation,AbstractPurposeThere is an interest within elite sport in understanding the impact of a vibrating platform as an adjunct to exercise in the training and rehabilitation of throwing athletes. However, there has been no comprehensive evaluation of its impact on the rotator cuff muscles or its effect on the timing of shoulder muscle recruitment more globally.MethodsTwenty healthy participants were recruited with EMG recorded...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Leg- vs arm-cycling repeated sprints with blood flow restriction and systemic hypoxia AbstractPurpose...
Leg- vs arm-cycling repeated sprints with blood flow restriction and systemic hypoxiaAbstractPurposeThe aim was to compare changes in peripheral and cerebral oxygenation, as well as metabolic and performance responses during conditions of blood flow restriction (BFR, bilateral vascular occlusion at 0% vs. 45% of resting pulse elimination pressure) and systemic hypoxia (~ 400 m, FIO2 20.9% vs. ~ 3800 m normobaric hypoxia, FIO2 13.1 ± 0.1%) during repeated sprint tests to exhaustion (RST) between leg-...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Bone mineral density, energy availability, and dietary restraint in collegiate cross-country runners...
Bone mineral density, energy availability, and dietary restraint in collegiate cross-country runners and non-running controlsAbstractPurposeWeight-bearing activities such as running have been shown to be osteogenic. However, investigations have also shown that running may lead to site-specific deficiencies in bone mineral density (BMD) as well as overall low BMD. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate and compare the BMD of female and male collegiate cross-country runners with non-running...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Cold-water immersion blunts and delays increases in circulating testosterone and cytokines post-resistance...
Cold-water immersion blunts and delays increases in circulating testosterone and cytokines post-resistance exerciseAbstractIntroductionCold-water immersion (CWI) is often used to promote recovery by reducing exercise-induced muscle damage, soreness, and inflammation. However, recent reports have cautioned that CWI may attenuate the adaptive response to resistance training.PurposeTo determine the effect of post resistance-exercise CWI on circulating free testosterone (T) and cytokine (IL-6 and TNF-α)...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Applied Physiology
Effect of external compression on femoral retrograde shear and microvascular oxygenation in exercise trained and recreationally active young menAbstractIntroductionRetrograde shear causes endothelial damage and is pro-atherogenic. The purpose of our study was to examine the impact of vascular remodeling from habitual exercise training on acute changes in retrograde shear and microvascular oxygenation (SMO2) induced via 30 min of external compression.MethodsParticipants included 11 exercise trained...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Business and Psychology
Enacting Effective Mentoring Behaviors: Development and Initial Investigation of the Cuboid of MentoringAbstractOur understanding of how to maximize the benefits of mentoring relationships for employee development has been limited by a vague understanding of what effective mentors are actually doing and how they are doing it. To begin to remedy this, we conducted one qualitative interview study of well-respected mentors to uncover the breadth and detail of their behaviors, and one quantitative study...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Molecular Breeding
Correction to: Genetic analysis and gene mapping of the orange flower trait in Chinese cabbage ( Brassica rapa L.)The original article unfortunately contains an incorrect supplementary materials.QTL mapping in Vigna radiata × Vigna umbellata population uncovers major genomic regions associated with bruchid resistanceAbstractMungbean (Vigna radiata), genus Vigna, is an economically important legume crop that is valued for its protein-rich dry seeds. However, bruchid infestation causes severe threat...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Method for Visible Light‐Induced Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylparaben in Water Using Nanostructured...
Method for Visible Light‐Induced Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylparaben in Water Using Nanostructured Ag/AgBr@m‐WO3,Mohammed A. Suliman, Mohammed A. Gondal, Mohamed A. Dastageer, Gaik‐Khuan Chuah, Chanbasha BasheerVersion of Record online: 10 July 2019Ag nanoparticles loaded AgBr‐mesoporous‐WO3 composite was synthesized, characterized and used as a photocatalyst in conjunction with visible light radiation for the photocatalytic degradation of methylparaben in water. This nanocomposites showed...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Skin Microbiome Compositional Changes in Atopic Dermatitis Accompany Dead Sea ClimatotherapyMichael...
Skin Microbiome Compositional Changes in Atopic Dermatitis Accompany Dead Sea ClimatotherapyMichael Brandwein, Garold Fuks, Avigail Israel, Fareed Sabbah, Emmilia Hodak, Amir Szitenberg, Marco Harari, Droron Steinberg, Zvi Bentwich, Noam Shental, Shiri MeshnerVersion of Record online: 10 July 2019 Microbiome dysbiosis is a hallmark of atopic dermatitis and has been shown to be change following several different treatment modalities. Dead Sea climatotherapy is a well‐established therapeutic modality...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Medical Applications of Rose Bengal‐ and Riboflavin‐Photosensitized Protein CrosslinkingRobert W. Redmond, Irene...
Medical Applications of Rose Bengal‐ and Riboflavin‐Photosensitized Protein CrosslinkingRobert W. Redmond, Irene E. KochevarVersion of Record online: 10 July 2019 Research on the many potential surgical applications of photosensitized crosslinking of tissue proteins and on the underlying photochemical mechanisms is reviewed. Largely used to close wounds or reattach tissues, protein photocrosslinking stiffens and strengthens tissues, decreases inflammatory responses and facilitates tissue bioengineering....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Melatonin Receptor Mel1b‐ and Mel1c‐mediated Green Light Induced the Secretion of Growth Hormone in...
Melatonin Receptor Mel1b‐ and Mel1c‐mediated Green Light Induced the Secretion of Growth Hormone in Anterior Pituitary of ChicksLiang Yue, Xiaojing Qin, Xinfeng Liu, Zixu Wang, Yulan Dong, Yaoxing Chen, Jing CaoVersion of Record online: 13 July 2019 Monochromatic green light promotes the secretion of plasma melatonin. Melatonin influences the expression of Pit‐1 and the secretion of growth hormone in the adenohypophysis cells through melatonin receptor Mel1b and Mel1c.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Recurrent Xanthelasmas Treated With Intralesional Deoxycholic Acid , Patel, Jigar MD; Ranjit-Reeves, Roshni MD; Woodward, Julie MD Dermatologic Surgery: March 18, 2019 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - p doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000001936
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Intralesional Deoxycholic Acid as a Neoadjuvant Treatment for a Large Lipoma
Intralesional Deoxycholic Acid as a Neoadjuvant Treatment for a Large Lipoma
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Introducing the L-Lift—A Novel Approach to Treat Age-Related Facial Skin Ptosis Using A Collagen Stimulator Hexsel, Doris MD; Hexsel, Camile L. MD; Cotofana, Sebastian MD, PhD Dermatologic Surgery: July 09, 2019 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - p doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000002015
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Cutaneous Leiomyosarcoma: A SEER Database Analysis, BACKGROUND Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma is a rare...
Cutaneous Leiomyosarcoma: A SEER Database Analysis,BACKGROUND Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma is a rare dermal neoplasm usually arising from the pilar smooth muscle. It is considered a relatively indolent neoplasm, and there is debate whether designation as sarcoma is appropriate. Owing to some conflicting data in the literature, however, its behavior warrants further clarification. OBJECTIVE To determine the clinical behavior and demographic and pathologic characteristics of cutaneous leiomyosarcoma. MATERIALS...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Safety of Subcutaneous Infiltration of Carbon Dioxide (Carboxytherapy) for Abdominal Fat Reduction:...
Safety of Subcutaneous Infiltration of Carbon Dioxide (Carboxytherapy) for Abdominal Fat Reduction: A Pilot Study,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Internal Jugular Vein Thrombosis, Yi Lee; Waqas J. Siddiqui.Author Information AuthorsYi Lee1; Waqas...
Internal Jugular Vein Thrombosis,Yi Lee; Waqas J. Siddiqui.Author InformationAuthorsYi Lee1; Waqas J. Siddiqui2.Affiliations1 Chung Shan Medical University2 Drexel UniversityLast Update: April 29, 2019.Go to:IntroductionThe internal jugular vein (IJV) originates at the jugular foramen, tracks down to the lateral neck and ends at the brachiocephalic vein. The IJV is one of the four components of the carotid sheath, along with the common carotid artery, internal carotid artery, the vagus nerve, and...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Aesthetic Outcomes of Nasal Burow's Grafts With Interdomal Sutures After Mohs Micrographic Surgery BACKGROUND...
Aesthetic Outcomes of Nasal Burow's Grafts With Interdomal Sutures After Mohs Micrographic SurgeryBACKGROUND Post-Mohs reconstruction of distal nasal defects is challenging. Many repair options exist, each with advantages and disadvantages. Utilization of a Burow's graft in combination with manipulation of the underlying nasal cartilages with interdomal sutures is an underreported yet effective repair option. OBJECTIVE To present the authors' experience with Burow's grafts facilitated by interdomal...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Primary Cutaneous Umbilical Melanoma: The Michigan Experience BACKGROUND Primary cutaneous umbilical...
Primary Cutaneous Umbilical Melanoma: The Michigan ExperienceBACKGROUND Primary cutaneous umbilical melanoma is rare. Thorough information regarding its characteristics and treatment, including use of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) staging, is difficult to obtain. The unique anatomy of the umbilicus adds to the complexity of diagnosing and treating melanoma at this site. OBJECTIVE To improve understanding of diagnosis and treatment of primary cutaneous umbilical melanoma through presenting 7 new...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Surgical treatments for a case of superior canal dehiscence syndrome associated with patulous Eustachian...
Surgical treatments for a case of superior canal dehiscence syndrome associated with patulous Eustachian tube,Publication date: August 2019Source: Auris Nasus Larynx, Volume 46, Issue 4Author(s): Ryoukichi Ikeda, Hiromitsu Miyazaki, Masahiro Morita, Daisuke Yamauchi, Tetsuaki Kawase, Yukio Katori, Toshimitsu KobayashiAbstractObjectivesThe patulous Eustachian tube (PET) and superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS) have similarity in their symptoms and similar effects caused by positional...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
The New England Journal of Medicine
IMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINEJUL 11, 2019"Double Tongue" Appearance in Ludwig's AnginaMohamad I. and Narayanan M.S.|N Engl J Med 2019; 381:163IMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINEJUL 11, 2019Whooping Cough in a Young InfantHillier D.|N Engl J Med 2019; 381:e4IMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINEJUL 04, 2019Enterobius vermicularis (Pinworm) InfectionKang W.-H. and Jee S.-C.|N Engl J Med 2019; 381:e1IMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINEJUL 04, 2019Pneumoperitoneum from a Gastric PerforationMasson A. and Cheron G.|N Engl J Med 2019;...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
The New England Journal of Medicine
PERSPECTIVEPrimary Care First — Is It a Step Back?L.L. Sessums, S. Basu, and B.E. LandonDOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1906593 | July 17, 2019Case Studies in Social Medicine: The Right and Left Hands of the State — Two Patients at Risk of DeportationA. Berlin, V. Koski-Karell, K.R. Page, and S. PolkN Engl J Med 2019;381:197-201Sodium-Intake Reduction and the Food IndustryJ.E. Henney, J.A. O'Hara III, and C.L. TaylorN Engl J Med 2019;381:201-203 | Published Online May 29, 2019A "Never Event" That Could Kill MillionsM....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
IMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINE,  Mucosal Neuromas, Andrew R. Scott, M.D., and Rebecca A. Compton, M.D....
IMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINE,  Mucosal Neuromas, Andrew R. Scott, M.D., and Rebecca A. Compton, M.D. A 7-year-old boy presented to the pediatric otolaryngology clinic with a 3-year history of multiple firm, painless, slow-growing nodules on his tongue. He had a history of mild developmental delay, and a physical examination showed a high arched palate and marfanoid habitus. Excisional biopsies of the lesions on the tongue revealed mucosal neuromas. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B was suspected....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Teaching Topic, A Woman with Weakness, Dark Urine, and Dysphagia, CASE RECORDS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS...
Teaching Topic,A Woman with Weakness, Dark Urine, and Dysphagia,CASE RECORDS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITALCase 22-2019: A 65-Year-Old Woman with Weakness, Dark Urine, and DysphagiaM.W. Freeman and Others  Although rhabdomyolysis is relatively easy to diagnose, the underlying cause of the muscle breakdown is less straightforward to identify.Clinical Pearls  What are the major causes of rhabdomyolysis in the United States?Most cases of rhabdomyolysis in the United States are caused by trauma...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Drug-Induced Liver Injury — Types and Phenotypes, J.H. Hoofnagle and E.S. Björnsson    The diagnosis...
Drug-Induced Liver Injury — Types and Phenotypes,J.H. Hoofnagle and E.S. Björnsson  The diagnosis of drug-induced liver injury is particularly challenging, since it is based largely on exclusion of other causes. Drug-induced liver injury is the most frequent cause of acute liver failure in most Western countries, accounting for more than half of cases.Clinical Pearls  Do new drugs account for most of the top 10 causes of drug-induced liver injury?A striking finding is that 9 of the top 10 causes...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
The Back Letter
Current IssuePrevious Articles & IssuesAbout the JournalSearch JournalTrusted Websites Denying Patients and the General Public Accurate Information About Back Pain TreatmentsObesity, Pain, and the Opioid CrisisSenseless Obstacles to a Lifesaving Opioid Addiction MedicationPutting a Price Tag on Physician Burnout—A Major Hazard for Back Care ProfessionsDramatic Reduction in Postoperative Opioid Use With a Novel Pain Management ProgramFemale Spine Surgeons Need More Help at Home Lest They Risk...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Comparison of CT and MRI in Diagnosis of Laryngeal Carcinoma with Anterior Vocal Commissure Involvement ...
Comparison of CT and MRI in Diagnosis of Laryngeal Carcinoma with Anterior Vocal Commissure Involvement   ,Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 30353.Published online 2016 Aug 2. doi: 10.1038/srep30353PMCID: PMC4969597PMID: 27480073,Jian-hui Wu,1,2 Jing Zhao,1,* Zeng-hong Li,3 Wei-qiang Yang,4 Qi-hong Liu,5 Zhi-yun Yang,6 Bing Liao,7Xiao-ling Li,8 Bin Wang,1 Hao Qin,3 Jie Luo,1 Ke-xing Lv,1,* Wei-ping Wen,a,1 and Wen-bin Leib,1Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer1Otorhinolaryngology...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Dermatology Nurses Association
Friendship in Dermatology Nurses, Personal Growth, and LeadershipNo abstract availableDermatology Nurse Practitioner Practice AnalysisNo abstract availableSkin Cancer Knowledge and Prevention Practices Among Young Adult AthletesThe Skin Cancer Foundation defines skin cancer as uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells (The Skin Cancer Foundation, 2016b). Skin cancer risk factors include ultraviolet radiation and sun exposure (American Cancer Society, 2016b). Young adult outdoor athletes are frequently...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Regional or General Anesthesia in the Surgical Treatment of Distal Radial Fractures: A Randomized Clinical...
Regional or General Anesthesia in the Surgical Treatment of Distal Radial Fractures: A Randomized Clinical Trial,Background: Most patients undergoing surgery for the treatment of a distal radial fracture are treated in a day-surgery setting and are given either general anesthesia (GA) or regional anesthesia (RA). The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the anesthesia method on patients' postoperative opioid consumption during the first 3 days following surgery. Methods: This...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Geriatric Physical Therapy
Editor's Message: Journal Format Changes, Journal Status, and Reviewer Appreciation 2019No abstract availableAcademy of Geriatric Physical Therapy Inaugural Carole B. Lewis Lecture Award Address to the Membership at the Combined Sections Meeting Washington, DC January 24, 2019No abstract availableRisk Factors and Number of Falls as Determinants of Quality of Life of Community-Dwelling Older AdultsBackground and Purpose: In older adults, the psychological impact and effects related to the loss of...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Use of Povidone-Iodine Irrigation Prior to Wound Closure in Primary Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty:...
Use of Povidone-Iodine Irrigation Prior to Wound Closure in Primary Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: An Analysis of 11,738 CasesBackground: Povidone-iodine (PI) irrigation is often used prior to wound closure in total joint arthroplasty, but there are limited reports evaluating its efficacy in decreasing joint infections. The goal of this study was to compare the rate of any reoperation for infection (both superficial and deep) in primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) and primary total knee arthroplasty...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Intraluminal Pulmonary Vein Stenosis in Children: A "New" Lesion, Pulmonary vein stenosis (PVS) is...
Intraluminal Pulmonary Vein Stenosis in Children: A "New" Lesion,Pulmonary vein stenosis (PVS) is a rare disorder that leads to progressive narrowing of the extrapulmonary veins. PVS has been reported in both children and adults and in its worse iteration leads to pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular failure, and death. Multiple etiologies of PVS have been described in children and adults. This review will focus on intraluminal PVS in children. Intraluminal PVS has an estimated incidence ranging...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Anesthesia & Analgesia
In Search of Solutions for Chronic Pain: A Meta-analysis of Ketamine InfusionsNo abstract availableHow Low Can You Go: Mechanical Ventilation Over TimeNo abstract availableClear Study Aims and Hypotheses in a Research PaperNo abstract availablePigs and Paradigms: Stop Using Swine to Study Lipid ResuscitationNo abstract availableErector Spinae Block: A Magic Bullet for Postoperative Analgesia?No abstract availableOlder Adult With Cognitive Impairment Undergoing Ambulatory Surgery: New Epidemiological...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Ameloblastic fibroma mimicking dentigerous cyst: A diagnostic dilemma Kiran C Khande1, Husain J Mograwala2, Rajshekhar...
Ameloblastic fibroma mimicking dentigerous cyst: A diagnostic dilemmaKiran C Khande1, Husain J Mograwala2, Rajshekhar C Halli2, Manjula A Hebbale31 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shri Saibaba Hospital, Shirdi, Maharashtra, India2 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India3 Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India  Abstract Ameloblastic...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
A rare case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of parotid with mandibular metastasis Jitendra Kumar Diwakar1, Arjun...
A rare case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of parotid with mandibular metastasisJitendra Kumar Diwakar1, Arjun Agarwal2, Cheena Garg3, KY Giri1, Ramakant Dandriyal1, Geetika Kumar41 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of Dental Sciences, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India2 Department of Surgical Oncology, Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India3 Department of Pathology, Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India4 Department...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Preliminary report of a true nasomaxillary infantile fibrosarcoma: Single-modality management and 2-year...
Preliminary report of a true nasomaxillary infantile fibrosarcoma: Single-modality management and 2-year follow-upNaveenkumar Jayakumar1, Veerabahu Rathnaprabhu2, Singaravelu Ramesh31 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India2 Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India3 Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology, Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Squamous cell carcinoma of lower lip reconstructed with bilateral fan flap Bhatt D Supreet1, Semmia...
Squamous cell carcinoma of lower lip reconstructed with bilateral fan flapBhatt D Supreet1, Semmia Mathivanan2, Mustafa I Merchant3, Niranjan S Patil41 Department of Head and Neck Oncology, Gujarat Cancer Research Institute, Ahmedabad, India2 Department of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery, Chettinad Dental College and Research Institute, Kancheepuram, India3 Deparment of Surgical Oncology, Basil Onco Care, Surat, India4 Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, (Dental Specialty) Bombay Hospital, Mumbai,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Management of a penetrating orbital trauma from an unusual foreign body with associated eye injury...
Management of a penetrating orbital trauma from an unusual foreign body with associated eye injuryMartín Fernandez.Ferro1, Marta Fernández-Fernández2, Jacinto Fernández-Sanromán1, Alberto Costas-López1, Annahys López-Betancourt11 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Povisa Hospital, Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain2 Department of Ophthalmology, Povisa Hospital, Vigo, Pontevedra, SpainCorrespondence Address:Dr. Martín Fernandez.FerroDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rúa Salamanca 5, 36211...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Maxillofacial Surgery
Management of a penetrating orbital trauma from an unusual foreign body with associated eye injuryMartín Fernandez.Ferro, Marta Fernández-Fernández, Jacinto Fernández-Sanromán, Alberto Costas-López, Annahys López-BetancourtHoloprosencephaly with clefts: Data of 85 patients, treatment and outcome: Part 1: History, subdivisions, and data on 85 holoprosencephalic cleft patientsEngela M Honey, Kurt W Bütow, Roger Arthur ZwahlenHoloprosencephaly with clefts: Data of 85 patients, treatment, and outcome:...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Enjoying Music With Cochlear Implants: Experiences Of A Musician And Sound Engineer, René Vergè is a...
Enjoying Music With Cochlear Implants: Experiences Of A Musician And Sound Engineer, René Vergè is a musician and sound engineer from Germany – and he is also a bilateral recipient of MED-EL cochlear implants. He told us about his hearing journey and why, thanks to his cochlear implants, he could continue his work as a sound engineer.   People repeatedly ask me whether it is possible to […] Read More
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Allergy and Immunology
Sat Jun 24, 2017 21:43  MD-2 regulates LPS-induced NLRP3 inflammasome activation and IL-1beta secretion by a MyD88/NF-κB-dependent pathway in alveolar macrophages cell lineupdated on Sun Jun 25, 2017 02:14 by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via Allergy Rhinology Immunology AsthmaS01615890.gifPublication date: October 2017Source:Molecular Immunology, Volume 90Author(s): Man Luo, Lijuan Hu, Dandan Li, Yanying Wang, Yuting He, Lei Zhu, Weiying RenMyeloid differentiation protein 2 (MD-2) is required in the...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Wed Jul 17, 2019 10:07
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Thu Jun 22, 2017 04:35  Comment on JPRAS-D-17-00333"Ex-Vivo Flush Of The Vascularised Limb Allograft Reduces Inflammatory Burden Prior To Transplantation"by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via AestheticAlthough vascularised composite allotransplantation (VCA) is increasingly being performed and for a widening range of indications – some now consider transplantation to be the standard of care for mid-forearm amputations1 – more widespread application is limited by the risks associated with lifelong immunosuppression.http://ift.tt/2sCHPV6Add...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Wed Jul 17, 2019 10:02
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Correction to: Prediction of femoral strength using 3D finite element models reconstructed from DXA images: validation against experimentsIn the original publication of the article, Fig. 3 and Tables 2, 4 and 5 were published with errors. The issue was caused by an error in the code used to predict femoral strength in the finite element (FE) models.A data-driven model to study utero-ovarian blood flow physiology during pregnancyAbstractIn this paper, we describe a mathematical model of the cardiovascular...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:30
CaMKK2 Signaling in Metabolism and Skeletal Disease: a New Axis with Therapeutic PotentialAbstractPurpose of ReviewAge and metabolic disorders result in the accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), oxidative stress, and inflammation, which cumulatively cause a decline in skeletal health. Bone becomes increasingly vulnerable to fractures and its regenerative capacity diminishes under such conditions. With a rapidly aging population in the USA and the global increase in diabetes, efficacious,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:29
Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
A markerless automatic deformable registration framework for augmented reality navigation of laparoscopy partial nephrectomyAbstractPurpose Video see-through augmented reality (VST-AR) navigation for laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (LPN) can enhance intraoperative perception of surgeons by visualizing surgical targets and critical structures of the kidney tissue. Image registration is the main challenge in the procedure. Existing registration methods in laparoscopic navigation systems suffer from...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:28
In vivo evaluation of the effect of arsenite on the intestinal epithelium and associated microbiota in miceAbstractChronic exposure to inorganic arsenic (As) [As(III) + As(V)], which affects millions of people, increases the incidence of some kinds of cancer and other non-carcinogenic pathologies. Although the oral pathway is the main form of exposure, in vivo studies have not been conducted to verify the intestinal toxicity of this metalloid. The aim of this study is to perform an in vivo evaluation...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:27
Folia Microbiologica
An overview of 25 years of research on Thermococcus kodakarensis , a genetically versatile model organism for archaeal researchAbstractAlmost 25 years have passed since the discovery of a planktonic, heterotrophic, hyperthermophilic archaeon named Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1, previously known as Pyrococcus sp. KOD1, by Imanaka and coworkers. T. kodakarensis is one of the most studied archaeon in terms of metabolic pathways, available genomic resources, established genetic engineering techniques,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:26
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews
PrefaceCorrection to: mTOR co-targeting strategies for head and neck cancer therapyThe author's name was tagged incorrectly in XML. "Silvio Gutkind J" should be tagged as "J. Silvio Gutkind". Given name is "J. Silvio" and the Family name is "Gutkind".Biography—Robert J. GilliesCorrection to: Tumor pH and metastasis: a malignant process beyond hypoxiaThe authors have noticed a typographical error in the published article. The term "epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition" should have been used instead...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:25
Eltrombopag combined with cyclosporine may have an effect on very severe aplastic anemiaSuccessful management of transcatheter aortic valve implantation by platelet transfusions in a nonagenarian patient with severe autoimmune factor V deficiencyCirculating cell-free DNA for response evaluation of intravascular lymphomaClinicohematologic and cytogenetic profile in a rare case of pure erythroid leukemiaIntravenous busulfan plus melphalan versus melphalan alone as conditioning regimen for patients...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:24
Heat and Mass Transfer
Proposing a method for combining monitored multilayered perceptron (MLP) and self-organizing map (SOM) neural networks in prediction of heat transfer parameters in a double pipe heat exchanger with nanofluidAbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the efficiency of using magnesium oxide nanoparticles, twisted tapes with different and modified twist ratios, and the different rotation velocity of perforated twisted tapes in the evaluation of Nusselt number, overall heat transfer coefficient...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:24
Anesthesia & Analgesia
Factors Associated With Failure of Spinal Anesthetic: An 8-Year Retrospective Analysis of Patients Undergoing Elective Hip and Knee Joint ArthroplastyThe primary outcome of this 8-year retrospective review was the failure of spinal anesthetic (SA) in elective hip and knee joint arthroplasty surgery. Of 3542 SAs, a total of 135 failures were identified (3.8%). Factors associated with increased odds of failure were younger age (odds ratio [OR], 1.03; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.01–1.05), lower...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:19
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Mesorhizobium carboni s sp. nov., isolated from coal bed waterAbstractA Gram-stain negative, aerobic, motile, short rod-shaped bacterium, designated as B2.3T, was isolated from coal bed water collected from Jincheng, Shanxi Province, China. The strain was able to grow at 10–40 °C (optimum 28–30 °C), pH 4.0–10.0 (optimum 7.0), and in the presence of 0–5.0% NaCl (optimum 3.0%, w/v). Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA and concatenated housekeeping gene recA, atpD and glnA sequences showed strain...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:18
Correction to: Anesthetic technique and cancer outcomes: a meta-analysis of total intravenous versus volatile anesthesiaThere was an isolated error relating to the Oh et al. study (1) within our recurrence-free survival analysis. When the reported estimates for Oh et al. are corrected, the pooled hazard ratio (HR) is now 0.87; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.66 to 1.15; P=0.32.Embolization of percutaneous closure deviceThe Pediatric Procedural Sedation HandbookWhat do non-critical care residents...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:17
Cognitive Neurodynamics
U1 snRNA over-expression affects neural oscillations and short-term memory deficits in miceAbstractSmall nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) and other RNA spliceosomal components are involved in neurological and psychiatric disorders. U1 snRNA has recently been demonstrated to be altered in pathology in some neurodegenerative diseases, but whether it has a causative role is not clear. Here we have studied this by overexpressing U1 snRNA in mice and measured their hippocampal oscillatory patterns and brain functions....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:16
New Trends and Technologies in Facial Plastic Surgery, An Issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics...
New Trends and Technologies in Facial Plastic Surgery, An Issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, EbookJD Bloom - 2019Tissue Engineered Soft Tissue Reconstruction Using Non-invasive Mechanical Preconditioning and a Shelf-ready Allograft Adipose MatrixG Giatsidis, J Succar, TD Waters, W Liu, P Rhodius… - Plastic and Reconstructive …, 2019Background: Adipose tissue defects leading to severefunctional (disability) and morphological (di.[PDF] Seguridad de los injertos de grasa autólogos...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:15
[PDF] Cardiovascular imaging system, KD Taylor, K Harlan, J Nye, R Splinter, J Keeler… - US Patent...
[PDF] Cardiovascular imaging system,KD Taylor, K Harlan, J Nye, R Splinter, J Keeler… - US Patent App. 16/297,685, 2019… A61B8/12—Diagnosis using ultrasonic, sonic or infrasonic waves in bodycavities or body tracts, eg by using catheters. A—HUMAN … Drug therapy,including nitrates, beta-blockers, and peripheral vasodilatator drugs to dilate …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:10
An apparatus and system for acquiring data from bones and joints, plan surgery and manufacture instruments...
An apparatus and system for acquiring data from bones and joints, plan surgery and manufacture instruments or implants,MAELD HAFEZ - US Patent App. 16/096,921, 2019… SCIENCE; HYGIENE; A61B—DIAGNOSIS; SURGERY; IDENTIFICATION;A61B8/00—Diagnosis using ultrasonic, sonic or infrasonic waves; … or formonitoring patient compliance relating to mechanical, radiation or invasive …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:10
[PDF] Optical biopsy applicators for treatment planning, monitoring, and image-guided therapy, Z Chen,...
[PDF] Optical biopsy applicators for treatment planning, monitoring, and image-guided therapy,Z Chen, Y Miao, Y Li, BJ Tromberg, Y Tadir - US Patent App. 16/235,426, 2019… device; A61B8/4444—Constructional features of the ultrasonic, sonic orinfrasonic diagnostic device … Fractioned laser and other energy basedtherapies of atrophic vaginal mucosa leads to … Moreover, the duration of tissue …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:10
Devices and techniques for cutting and coagulating tissue, JD Messerly, ET Wiener, BT Noyes, JL Aldridge… -...
Devices and techniques for cutting and coagulating tissue,JD Messerly, ET Wiener, BT Noyes, JL Aldridge… - US Patent App. 10/335,614, 2019Various embodiments are directed to a method of driving an end effectorcoupled to an ultrasonic drive system of a surgical instrument. The methodcomprises generating at least one electrical signal. The at least one electrical …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:10
Pulmonary Vasculitis, F Martínez - Chest Imaging, 2019 … What Not to Miss ■ The aortic wall thickness...
Pulmonary Vasculitis,F Martínez - Chest Imaging, 2019… What Not to Miss ■ The aortic wall thickness and the caliber of the headand neck vessel origins must always be evaluated on contrast-enhancedchest … Imaging Findings TAK ■ Early stage: Contrast-enhanced CT shows …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:09
[HTML] Immune-Related Adverse Events: A Case-Based Approach, C Connolly, K Bambhania, J Naidoo - Frontiers...
[HTML] Immune-Related Adverse Events: A Case-Based Approach,C Connolly, K Bambhania, J Naidoo - Frontiers in Oncology, 2019… Hodgkin lymphoma Hepatocellular carcinoma Melanoma Microsatelliteinstability-high (MSI-H) or mismatch-repair deficient (dMMR) CRC Non-smallcell lung cancer Renal cell carcinoma Small cell lung cancer Squamous …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:08
A pictorial approach to abdominal radiography, A Parry, P Mahoney - In Practice, 2019 … He is the vice-president...
A pictorial approach to abdominal radiography,A Parry, P Mahoney - In Practice, 2019… He is the vice-president of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (ECVDI)and head of radiology at Willows Referral Service … Good serosal detail requires thepresence of intra-abdominal white fat to provide contrast with soft tissue structures …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:08
[HTML] Safety and Tolerability of Targeted Medical Nutrition for Cachexia in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer:...
[HTML] Safety and Tolerability of Targeted Medical Nutrition for Cachexia in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Pilot TrialA Laviano, PC Calder, AMWJ Schols, F Lonnqvist… - Nutrition and cancer, 2019… In patients with cancer, cachexia is defined as "a multifactorial syndromecharacterized by an ongoing loss of skeletal muscle mass (with or withoutloss of fat mass) that cannot be fully reversed by conventional nutritional …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:08
[ΒΙΒΛΙΟ] Cerebral Stroke, S Thaakur - 2019 - books.google.com, 1. INTROCUTION Stroke is defined as an...
[ΒΙΒΛΙΟ] Cerebral Stroke,S Thaakur - 2019 - books.google.com,1. INTROCUTION Stroke is defined as an abrupt and devastating illness. It is deliberated as aleading cause of adult disability (Adamson et al., 2004). Approximately 15 million people worldwidesuffer from stroke each year (Mackay and Mensah, 2004). It is recognized as fourth largest cause 
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:07
Lung Cancer: Lymphadenopathy and Extrapulmonary Involvement, REC Benson - Chest Imaging, 2019 … Metastases Head■...
Lung Cancer: Lymphadenopathy and Extrapulmonary Involvement,REC Benson - Chest Imaging, 2019… Metastases Head■ and neck cancers, genitourinary … Direct chest wall invasion (Fig 48.6) ■Loss of extrapleural fat ■ Rib erosion/invasion and/or pathologic fracture Intercostalmuscle involvement ■ Pancoast tumor: Apical tumor with local invasion of adjacent ribs …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:07
[PDF] Approach to Patients with Neurotrauma and Thoracic Trauma and Anesthesia Management with Current...
[PDF] Approach to Patients with Neurotrauma and Thoracic Trauma and Anesthesia Management with Current Guidelines-1T Mıngır, C Kılınç, S Türkmen, M Erdal, A Aksu, İ Avcı… - 2019… contusion, aspiration of gastric contents, pneumonia, inhalation injury anddrowning, and severe traumatic shock, head trauma, abdominal sepsis,burns, fat embolism, excessive volume … The mediastinal emphysema will …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:06
Recognition and management of dermatologic complications from interventional radiology procedures M...
Recognition and management of dermatologic complications from interventional radiology proceduresM Ramirez, S Ravichandran, L Ronald… - … and Interventional Imaging, 2019… However, if biopsied, pathology will show dermal sclerosis with fat necrosisand foreign body … pruritic erythematous dermatitis 1 day after central venousport placement, extending up the neck … months after the procedure he …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:06
Tailored posterior pharyngeal fat grafting outcomes in velopharyngeal insufficiency managed according...
Tailored posterior pharyngeal fat grafting outcomes in velopharyngeal insufficiency managed according to a simplified algorithmR Denadai, CA Raposo-Amaral, A Sabbag, PR Vieira… - Annals of plastic surgery, 2019Background This study aimed to evaluate the outcomesof posterior pharyngeal fat grafting for the.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:06
[PDF] COMPARATIVE STUDY OF HARMONIC SCALPEL VERSUS MONOPOLAR COAGULATION AND TITANIUM CLIPS IN LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMYAK Singh - International Journal of Scientific Research, 2019… The assessment were done under the following heads : Intra-operativeassessment - (a) Mean Operative time (b … supine with arms tucked to the sidewith right side up and head end up … gallbladder-cystic duct junction and CBD …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:06
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a case of cervical abscess extending to anterior mediastinum, with isolation...
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a case of cervical abscess extending to anterior mediastinum, with isolation of Prevotella corporisF Ciodaro, F Gazia, B Galletti, F Galletti - BMJ Case Reports CP, 2019Skip to main content. We use cookies to improve our service and to tailor our content andadvertising to you. More info You can manage your cookie settings via your browser atany time. To learn more about how we use cookies, please see our cookies policy …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:50
[HTML] Evidence-based prophylaxis strategies for postoperative nausea and vomiting when considering...
[HTML] Evidence-based prophylaxis strategies for postoperative nausea and vomiting when considering ethnicity factor,FY Su, WT Hung, LK Chen - Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2019… 2. Reduce Baseline Risk Factors for PONV; Guideline 3. Administer PONVProphylaxis Using 1 to 2 Interventions in Adults at Moderate Risk for PONV;and Guideline 4. Administer Prophylactic Therapy with Combination (≥2) …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:50
[PDF] Adenovirus and immunomodulator combination therapy F Tufaro, J FUEYO-MARGARETO, C Gomez-Manzano… -...
[PDF] Adenovirus and immunomodulator combination therapyF Tufaro, J FUEYO-MARGARETO, C Gomez-Manzano… - US Patent App. 16/304,359, 2019US20190201462A1 - Adenovirus and immunomodulator combination therapy - GooglePatents. Adenovirus and immunomodulator combination therapy. Download PDF Info.Publication number US20190201462A1. US20190201462A1 …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:50
Pediatric primary spinal atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor: a case series and review of the literature ...
Pediatric primary spinal atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor: a case series and review of the literature D Li, DM Heiferman, HR Syed, JG Santos, RM Bowman… - Journal of Neurosurgery …, 2019… Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors (ATRTs) are rare malignant central nervous systemtumors, commonly occurring before 3 years of age. Median overall survival (OS) of patientswith these tumors is about 1 year, despite aggressive multimodal therapy …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:50
[HTML] Head and neck cancer: searching for genomic and epigenetic biomarkers in body fluids–the state...
[HTML] Head and neck cancer: searching for genomic and epigenetic biomarkers in body fluids–the state of art  IP Ribeiro, JB de Melo, IM Carreira - Molecular Cytogenetics, 2019… Head and neck cancer: searching for genomic and epigenetic biomarkersin body fluids – the state of art … or non-invasive method also called as liquidbiopsy for diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers detection, representing …
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:49
Four-year pain relief after coblation combined with active exercise for cervical discogenic pain: Case...
Four-year pain relief after coblation combined with active exercise for cervical discogenic pain: Case reportX Li, L Yang, J Ni, Y Zhang - Medicine, 2019Rationale: Coblation of intervertebral disc is an effectiveand safe minimally invasive technology.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:49
A nomogram prediction model for recurrent laryngeal nerve lymph node metastasis in thoracic oesophageal...
A nomogram prediction model for recurrent laryngeal nerve lymph node metastasis in thoracic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma           Y Liu, ZQ Zou, J Xiao, M Zhang, L Yuan, XG Zhao - Journal of Thoracic Disease, 2019A nomogram prediction model for recurrent laryngeal nerve lymph nodemetastasis in thoracic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:49
Prognostic value of preoperative alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level in patients receiving curative hepatectomy-an...
Prognostic value of preoperative alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level in patients receiving curative hepatectomy-an analysis of 1,182 patients in Hong KongMY Chan, WH She, WC Dai, SH Yin Tsang… - Translational …, 2019Prognostic value of preoperative alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level in patients receivingcurative hepatectomy- an analysis of 1182 patients in Hong Kong.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:48
Violence against doctors in India – Safety versus serviceOm Prakash SinghIndian Journal of Psychiatry 2019 61(4):325-326Safety and efficacy of adjunctive transcranial direct current stimulation in treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder: An open-label trialSatish Kumar, Nand Kumar, Rohit VermaIndian Journal of Psychiatry 2019 61(4):327-334Introduction: The current pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches have limited benefit in symptom management of obsessive-compulsive disorder...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:45
Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Neutrocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts the presence of a replicative hepatitis C virus strand after therapy with direct-acting antiviralsAbstractResidual HCV-RNA can persist in liver tissue and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) long after antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C in patients repeatedly negative for viral RNA in serum. This occult infection associates with impaired immune response and the risk of lymphoproliferative disorders or progressive liver disease. There are currently...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Tue Jul 16, 2019 10:44

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