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Παρασκευή 26 Ιουλίου 2019

The Longitudinal Association between Social Support on HIV Medication Adherence and Healthcare Utilization in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study


Social support is associated with HIV-related health outcomes. However, few studies have explored this longitudinally. We assessed psychometric properties of the Medical Outcomes Study’s Social Support Survey among women in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study, and explored the longitudinal effects of social support on HIV medication adherence (HIV-positive women) and healthcare utilization (HIV-positive and negative women). The 15 questions loaded into two factors, with Cronbach’s Alpha > 0.95. Over 3 years, perceived emotional support was associated with optimal medication adherence (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.10–1.28) and healthcare utilization (OR 1.16, 95% CI 1.05–1.27), and tangible social support with adherence only (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.08–1.27) when controlling for covariates, including core sociodemographic characteristics and depressive symptoms. Interventions to further understand the drivers of sub-types of social support as well as enhance sustained social support may assist with optimizing care of women with and at risk for HIV.

Debrief Reports to Expedite the Impact of Qualitative Research: Do They Accurately Capture Data from In-depth Interviews?


“Debrief reports” (DRs) use structured forms to capture key concepts from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. They are completed by interviewers and rapidly disseminated to key team members to facilitate identification of potential problems with study procedures, recruitment, or participant engagement and to inform critical adjustments, which can be especially pertinent in intervention studies. Their reliability and validity have yet to be formally evaluated. To assess the accuracy of DRs in capturing key content, raters analyzed a random sub-sample of 20 pairs of de-identified transcripts and their linked DRs from the VOICE-D trial. Analyses generally supported the accuracy of DRs; however, pertinent information from transcripts was occasionally missed or recorded with discrepancies or lack of detail. Longer transcripts and DR sections describing complex topic areas were more likely to involve discrepancies. Recommendations are offered for further research and optimizing the use of DRs.

Demand and Supply Motivations for Antiretroviral Drugs in Illicit Street Markets: The Case of Atlanta, Georgia


We studied the motivations behind supply and demand of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) in the illicit street markets of the metropolitan statistical area of Atlanta, Sandy Springs, and Roswell, Georgia. We found that these two market actions were largely interdependent: 39.53% of participants said that they sold their ARVs to pay for personal needs, and 20.93% said that they bought ARVs because they had previously sold them to pay for personal needs. The pattern that emerged suggests that illicit street markets have become mechanisms through which HIV patients cooperate to achieve competing goals: cover personal needs and keep up, however imperfectly, with their medication regime. We also found that HIV patients used illicit street markets because they faced institutional deficiencies, such as exclusion from the Ryan White/ADAP program, long waiting times to see a doctor, and prescription delays.

Use of Antiretroviral Drug Testing to Assess the Accuracy of Self-reported Data from HIV-Infected People Who Inject Drugs


We used antiretroviral (ARV) drug testing to evaluate the accuracy of self-reported data for HIV status and antiretroviral treatment (ART) among people who inject drugs enrolled in an HIV prevention trial. ARV drugs were detected in enrollment samples from 72/482 = 14.9% HIV-infected participants (39/52 = 75.0% who reported being on ART; 33/430 = 7.7% who reported not being on ART). Overall, 213/482 = 44.2% participants indicated that they were not aware of their HIV-positive status prior to study entry; of those, 30 had ARV drugs detected at enrollment, including 15 who also had ARV drugs detected at the screening visit. These participants were likely aware of their HIV-positive status at study entry but did not report this to study staff. This study shows that self-reported data on HIV testing history and ART may not be accurate and that ARV drug testing can help identify persons who are aware of their HIV-positive status and are on ART.

The Role of Pharmacy Refill Measures in Assessing Adherence and Predicting HIV Disease Markers in Youth with Perinatally-Acquired HIV (PHIV)


Antiretroviral (ARV) adherence is critical in monitoring disease response in youth with perinatally-acquired HIV (PHIV). We used pharmacy refill (PR) information for PHIV youth from the PHACS Memory Sub-study to calculate medication availability over 2, 4, and 6 months. PR, a proxy of adherence, was compared with self-reported 7-day adherence in predicting suppressed viral load (SVL < 400 copies/mL) and higher CD4% (≥ 25%). Among 159 PHIV youth, 79% were adherent by 7-day recall, and 62, 55, and 48% by PR over 2, 4, and 6 months, respectively. Agreement between 7-day recall and PR adherence was weak (Kappa = 0.09–0.25). In adjusted logistic regression models, adherence showed associations with SVL for 7-day recall (OR 2.78, 95% CI 1.08, 7.15) and all PR coverage periods (6-month: OR 3.24, 95% CI 1.22, 8.65). Similar associations were observed with higher CD4%. PR measures were predictive of study retention. Findings suggest a possibly independent role of PR adherence measures.

HIV-Related Stigma and Viral Suppression Among African-American Women: Exploring the Mediating Roles of Depression and ART Nonadherence


We used baseline data from a sample of African-American women living with HIV who were recruited to participate in a stigma-reduction intervention in Chicago and Birmingham (2013–2015) to (1) evaluate the relationship between HIV-related stigma and viral suppression, and (2) assess the role of depression and nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) as mediators. Data from women were included in this secondary analysis if they were on ART, had viral load data collected within 8-weeks of study entry and had complete covariate data. We used logistic regression to estimate the total effect of HIV-related stigma (14-item Stigma Scale for Chronic Illness) on viral suppression (< 200 copies/mL), and serial mediation analysis to estimate indirect effects mediated by depressive symptoms (8-item Patient Health Questionnaire) and ART nonadherence (number of days with missed doses). Among 100 women who met study inclusion criteria, 95% reported some level of HIV-related stigma. In adjusted models, higher levels of HIV-related stigma were associated with lower odds of being virally suppressed (AOR = 0.93, 95% CI = 0.89–0.98). In mediation analysis, indirect effects through depression and ART nonadherence were not significant. Findings suggest that HIV-related stigma is common among African-American women living with HIV, and those who experience higher levels of stigma are less likely to be virally suppressed. However, the mechanisms remain unclear.

Determinants, Prevalence and Trend of Use of Medicinal Plants Among People Living with HIV: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Dschang, Cameroon


People living with HIV (PLHIV) in Cameroon often seek care from traditional health practitioners (THPs) and use medicinal plants (MP). Most MP, however, still lacks evidence for their efficacy and safety, and their use, often undisclosed to referring physicians, may interfere with standard therapies. Therefore, we conducted a survey of 247 PLHIV in Dschang to assess the determinants, prevalence and trend of MP use. Besides, we surveyed 16 THPs about the use of MP in PLHIV and HIV-related knowledge. 54.9% PLHIV declared using in total 70 plants, 91.3% users were satisfied with MP, and unwanted effects were reported in 2 cases. MP users were less educated than nonusers, had longer disease duration and were more often unemployed. Only 3 THPs used MP in PLHIV, and most of them had insufficient knowledge of HIV. Results may be useful for education on HIV and integration of traditional medicines with conventional therapeutics.

Drug Use Mediates the Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Adherence to ART Among Recently Incarcerated People Living with HIV


Depression is a known risk factor for antiretroviral therapy (ART) non-adherence, but little is known about the mechanisms explaining this relationship. Identifying these mechanisms among people living with HIV (PLHIV) after release from prison is particularly important, as individuals during this critical period are at high risk for both depression and poor ART adherence. 347 PLHIV recently released from prison in North Carolina and Texas were included in analyses to assess mediation of the relationship between depressive symptoms at 2 weeks post-release and ART adherence (assessed by unannounced telephone pill counts) at weeks 9–21 post-release by the hypothesized explanatory mechanisms of alcohol use, drug use, adherence self-efficacy, and adherence motivation (measured at weeks 6 and 14 post-release). Indirect effects were estimated using structural equation models with maximum likelihood estimation and bootstrapped confidence intervals. On average, participants achieved 79% ART adherence. The indirect effect of depression on adherence through drug use was statistically significant; greater symptoms of depression were associated with greater drug use, which was in turn associated with lower adherence. Lower adherence self-efficacy was associated with depressive symptoms, but not with adherence. Depression screening and targeted mental health and substance use services for depressed individuals at risk of substance use constitute important steps to promote adherence to ART after prison release.

Accuracy of HIV Risk Perception in East Zimbabwe 2003–2013


Risk perception for HIV infection is an important determinant for engaging in HIV prevention behaviour. We investigate the degree to which HIV risk perception is accurate, i.e. corresponds to actual HIV infection risks, in a general-population open-cohort study in Zimbabwe (2003–2013) including 7201 individuals over 31,326 person-years. Risk perception for future infection (no/yes) at the beginning of periods between two surveys was associated with increased risk of HIV infection (Cox regression hazard ratio = 1.38 [1.07–1.79], adjusting for socio-demographic characteristics, sexual behaviour, and partner behaviour). The association was stronger among older people (25+ years). This suggests that HIV risk perception can be accurate but the higher HIV incidence (1.27 per 100 person-years) illustrates that individuals may face barriers to HIV prevention behaviour even when they perceive their risks. Gaps in risk perception are underlined by the high incidence among those not perceiving a risk (0.96%), low risk perception even among those reporting potentially risky sexual behaviour, and, particularly, lack of accuracy of risk perception among young people. Innovative interventions are needed to improve accuracy of risk perception but barriers to HIV prevention behaviours need to be addressed too, which may relate to the partner, community, or structural factors.

Picture Pill Count: An Innovative, Reliable, Valid and Feasible Method to Measure Adherence to ART


We report the reliability, validity, and feasibility of self-performed picture pill count (PPC) as an adherence measure that was used in a randomized trial with HIV positive people living in rural Georgia. The first 61 (of 149) participants conducted an additional PPC 1–2 days after baseline. Reliability, measured by a PPC scoring instrument, analyzed participants’ ability to reproduce high quality pill count photographs free from artifact or blurring that could hamper accurate visualization of the pills and bottle labels. Except for label blur, baseline photographs (performed with coaching by study staff) and independently performed post-baseline photographs were rated as acceptable quality (> 93%). Label blur significantly worsened between the baseline and post-baseline scoring (93% vs 80%, p = 0.039), possibly indicating that participants required more education to ensure readability. Validity was determined by comparing the number of pills entered into the PC survey with the number of pills in the texted PPC; 77.5% of participants had perfectly matched pill counts (r = 0.690, p < 0.001). We found PCC to be a reliable and valid method of measuring adherence. The high rate of participant satisfaction underscores its feasibility. It provides an innovative alternative to other more invasive and labor intensive methods of measuring adherence using pill counts.

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