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Πέμπτη 18 Ιουλίου 2019

Prostate Cancer Salvage Surgery, Ablation Offer Similar Outcomes,
Jody A. Charnow, Editor

AUA 2017, doctors performing surgery, prostate cancer, biopsy, prostate biopsy, prostate surgery
Radical prostatectomy and ablation for salvage treatment of radiorecurrent prostate cancer do not differ significant with regard to cancer-specific and metastasis-free survival, a study found.
Salvage radical prostatectomy (SRP) and salvage ablation (SA) therapies for localized recurrence of prostate cancer following radiation treatment are associated similar cancer-specific and metastasis-free survival, investigators reported at the Canadian Urological Association 74th Annual Meeting in Quebec City.

Victor A. McPherson, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, and collaborators analyzed data from patients who received SRP at MSKCC and those who underwent SA (cryotherapy or high-frequency focused ultrasound) at the University of Western Ontario in London. They used propensity score methodology to identify a cohort of 378 patients so that the SRP and SA groups had similar pre-salvage PSA levels, Gleason grade, and radiation treatment.

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Forty-eight patients died from their cancer. The median follow-up duration for survivors was 6 years from salvage treatment. The median follow-up time from therapy was 4.6 years. Metastasis developed in 88 of the remaining 330 patients. Dr McPherson and his team found no significant difference between the SRP and SA groups in cancer-specific or metastasis-free survival.

Among 377 patients with available data, 143 received hormone treatment after salvage therapy. The SA group had a higher rates of androgen deprivation therapy than the SRP group, but the difference was not statistically significant.

The authors acknowledged that their study was limited by differences between the SRP and SA cohorts that might not be fully accounted for by propensity score analysis.


McPherson VA, Nair SM, Tin AL, et al. Comparison of salvage prostatectomy vs. salvage ablation therapy for biopsy-proven radio-recurrent localized prostate cancer. Presented at the Canadian Urological Association 74th Annual Meeting in Quebec City. Abstract POD-3.5.


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