
Δευτέρα 15 Ιουλίου 2019

Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine. Year 2019 Issue 05 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
ru he zai gong zuo zhong fa xian ke yan wen ti (如何在工作中发现科研问题)
...... page:721
The Clinical Features of Breast Cancer Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (乳腺癌伴2型糖尿病的临床特征分析)
FENG Yu,LEI Ting,LI Yan-ping,ZHAO Xia,ZHANG Man
...... page:722-725
Differential Expression of Transthyretin in the Serum of Colorectal Cancer Patients (转甲状腺素蛋白在结直肠肿瘤患者血清中的差异表达)
HU Hui-hui,ZHANG Man
...... page:726-728,733
The Detection of Infection-Related Indicators in Neonatal Pathological Jaundice (新生儿病理性黄疸合并感染相关指标检测研究)
...... page:729-733
The Effect of Delivery Mode on Neonatal Thyroxine in Pregnant Women with Subclinical Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy (妊娠合并亚甲减孕妇分娩方式对新生儿甲状腺素的影响)
...... page:734-736
An Analysis of Male Patient Semen Test Results of 4479 Infertile Couple (4479例不孕夫妻男性患者精液检测结果分析)
CHEN Juan-juan,LEI Ting,LI Xin,LIU Na,ZHANG Man
...... page:737-740,780
An Analysis of Blood-Related Indicators with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Activity (血液相关指标与系统性红斑狼疮活动性分析)
...... page:741-744
An Analysis of Pyrrole Admixtures and Related Indicators in Occupational Exposure to N-hexane (正己烷职业暴露人群尿液中吡咯加合物及相关指标分析)
HE Jun-qiu,DONG Hua-huang,ZHANG Zhi-sheng,MA Chao,LI Ying-tong,BAI Jie,ZHANG Ming,LIU Min-fang,ZHANG Man
...... page:745-749,754
The Changes and Significance of Coagulation Function in Patietns with Different Burn Degrees (不同程度烧伤患者凝血功能变化及意义)
ZHAO Qiao-mei,LIU Dan,LEI Ting,ZHANG Man
...... page:750-754
The Regulation and Clinical Significance of Thioredoxin Interacting Protein in Type 2 Diabetic Patients (硫氧还蛋白相互作用蛋白在2型糖尿病患者血清中的变化及临床意义)
NAN Jing-zhu,ZHANG Xu,LI Xiu-juan,DONG Jin,GUO Guang-hong,TIAN Ya-ping
...... page:755-762,802
The Significances of Serum CA19-9, CA125, CEA, CYFRA21-1, CA15-3 and Galectin-3 in the Differential Diagnosis of Pancreatic Lesion (血清CA19-9、CA125、CEA、CYFRA21-1、CA15-3和Galectin-3在胰腺病变鉴别诊断中的作用)
HUANG Yuan,YANG Zhen-xi,CUI Wei,QI Zhi-hong
...... page:763-767
The Research on Urine Iodine of Tibetan Population in Ali Area (西藏阿里地区碘营养状态调查)
LI Hong-lei,LIU Xiao-xing,LIU Zhi-juan,HOU Li-an,WANG Dan-chen,YU Song-lin,YIN Yi-cong,CHENG Qian,XIE Shao-wei,ZHANG Kai,ZOU Yu-tong,QIU Ling,YANG Hong-yan
...... page:768-771
A Preliminary Investigation of the Diagnostic Values of Three Ascites/Serum Tumor Markers for Peritoneal Pseudomyxoma (初步探讨三种腹水/血清肿瘤标志物对腹膜假粘液瘤的诊断价值)
MA Fu-cun,BAI Ming-jian,HE Mei-lin,LU Yi-yan,LIANG Guo-wei,SONG Yan
...... page:772-776
The Bacterial Pathogen Spectrum and Antibiotic Resistance of Infectious Diarrhea Outpatients in a Large Community in Beijing (北京大型社区成人感染性腹泻肠道致病菌监测与耐药性分析)
ZHU Tian-yang,YANG Jiang-hui,WANG Li-jun,DUAN Ning,XIAO Nan
...... page:777-780
A Preliminary Study on Diagnosis Evaluation of 99Tcm-MDP Bone Imaging SUV Value Based on Invasion of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (99Tcm-MDP骨显像SUV值在鼻咽癌颅底侵犯诊断价值初步研究)
LI Meng,MU Xing-yu,LU Yan-qi,FU Wei
...... page:781-785,829
A Meta-analysis of Na18F PET/CT for the Diagnosis of Bone Metastasis (Na18F PET/CT用于恶性肿瘤骨转移诊断的Meta分析)
GUO Fei-hu,CHENG Wei-hua,FEI Yue-ying,XU Xiao-min,WU Jian-shuang,KAn Ying,YANG Ji-gang
...... page:786-794,836
The Relationship Between Smad2 and TGF-β1 in Blood and Urine with IgANephropathy Urinary Protein and EndogenousCreatinine Clearance (血、尿Smad2和TGF-β1与IgA肾病尿蛋白及内生肌酐清除率之间关系的研究)
...... page:795-798
The Analysis of the Patients' Serum Interleukin-4 Concentration with the Incipient Graves' Disease (Graves病初发患者血清白细胞介素-4测定分析)
CUI Xiong-ying,ZHAO Jin-hua
...... page:799-802
The Laboratory Research on Early Detection of Multiple Myeloma (多发性骨髓瘤早期发现的实验室研究探讨)
WU Yi-di,WANG Hai-peng,WANG Jin-ying,LI Xiao-yang
...... page:803-805
An Analysis of Glycosylated Hemoglobin of Male in Different Occupations in Beijing Area (北京地区不同职业男性糖化血红蛋白结果分析)
WANG Xin-yan,WANG Hong-mei,LIU Jian-hua,YANG Cheng-cheng
...... page:806-808
The Establishment of Biological Reference Interval for Serumgastrin-17 Among Healthy Population in Xi'an Areas (西安地区健康人群血清胃泌素-17生物参考区间的建立)
CHEN Hui-yu,YANG Guang,CHEN Jian-kang,WU Yong-chang,FANG Yan,XING Rui-qing,LIU Yang,LI Jing,PENG Dao-rong
...... page:809-812
The Clinical Values of Serum Homocysteine and Urinary Micro-Albumin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy (血清同型半胱氨酸和尿液微量白蛋白水平在2型糖尿病诊治中的临床价值研究)
PAN Yue,JIN Jing,HE Yong,WANG Rong-qi
...... page:813-814
The Identification and Bioinformatic Analysis of Bladder Cancer Urinary Differential Proteins (膀胱癌尿液差异蛋白鉴定及生物信息分析)
...... page:815-821,840
The Effect of Hypoxia on the Proliferation and Invasion of Human Glioma Cells (低氧微环境对胶质瘤细胞增殖和侵袭的影响)
SHI Jin-ren,ZHANG Wen-li,HE Wen-yan,GUO Jing-jing,PAN Mei-chen,XU Xin-min,GUO Jie,QU Pei,WANG Ya-jie
...... page:822-825
The Research on Pathogens Isolated from Blood Culture and the Clinical Application of Anaerobic Culture Vials (血培养病原菌分布及厌氧瓶的临床应用价值研究)
DUAN Ning,YANG Jiang-hui,WANG Li-jun,XIAO Nan,ZHU Tian-yang
...... page:826-829
The Pathogen Distribution and Drug Susceptibility Analysis of AIDS Patients with Respiratory Infection (艾滋病合并呼吸道感染患者的病原菌分布及药敏分析)
XU Xin-min,LI Min,LI Rui-hong,ZHANG Yan,FANG Qian,ZHAO Shuai,WANG Hui-zhu,WANG Ya-jie
...... page:830-832,879
The Correlation of High-risk Human Papillomavirus and Common Vaginal Pathogen Infections (高危型人乳头瘤病毒感染与阴道常见微生物感染的相关性研究)
WANG Rong-qi,LI Yan,BIAN Chun-hong,ZHANG Wei,PAN Yue
...... page:833-836
The Influence of Different Preservation Methods for 24h Urine on the Results of Clinical Chemistry Tests (不同条件保存24小时尿液对生化检测的影响)
CAI Yu-yu,ZOU Liang-qiang,LIU Na
...... page:837-840
The Application of Digital Pathology to Histological Studies of Carotid Atherosclerosis Plaque (数字病理扫描在颈动脉粥样硬化斑块组织学研究中的应用)
CAO Jing-li,SUN Jie,Marina S.Ferguson,ZHANG Dong,SHEN Mi,SUI Bin-bin,LIU Li,LI Zi-rui,ZHAO Xi-hai,Thomas S.Hatsukami,YUAN Chun,GAO Pei-yi,WANG Ya-jie
...... page:841-844,850
The Changes of Polypeptide Mass Spectra within 24 Hours after Serum Separation at Room Temperature (血清分离后室温放置24小时内多肽质谱的变化)
GUO Fei,GAO Jing,JIA Xing-wang,DONG Jin,YANG Qiu-liang,TIAN Ya-ping,WANG Yong
...... page:845-850
The Culturing Method and Identification of Neonatal SD Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in vitro (SD乳鼠骨髓间充质干细胞体外改良筛选法培养及鉴定)
LI Nan,WENG Jun-quan,XIE Hua-de,SUN Hai-peng
...... page:851-857
The Detection of Chlamydia Trachomatis by Fluorescein Isothiocyanate Labeled MOMP Antibody and Its Performance Evaluation (荧光标记MOMP抗体检测沙眼衣原体方法及性能评价)
LIU Xiao-ping,FAN Shang-rong,CHEN Xiao-ming,HANG Rong,YAN Jin-jin
...... page:858-862
The Performance Verification and Evaluation for EB Virus Nucleic Acid Quantitative Detection (EB病毒核酸定量检测试剂性能验证及评价)
QU Pei,GUO Jie,XU Xin-min,JIAO Bing-xin,GUO Jing-jing,FANG Qian,WANG Ya-jie
...... page:863-866
The Effect of Multiple Freeze-thaw Cycles on Serum Samples Related to Laboratory Indicators of Renal Function (血清反复冻融对肾功能指标检测结果的影响)
LIU Jia-jia,SHI Lian-hua,JIN You-xun,CHEN Yan,LYU Hong,ZHANG Guo-jun,KANG Xi-xiong
...... page:867-870
An Estimation of Two Point-of-care Testing (POCT) Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Instruments (两款糖化血红蛋白床旁分析仪的正确性评价)
WANG Wei,ZHENG Hua-rong,ZHOU Rui,SONG Zhi-xin
...... page:871-873
The Cross-contamination Affect Test Results of Two Cases Reagents for AU5821 Automatic Biochemical Analyzer (AU5821全自动生化分析仪试剂间交叉污染对检测结果的影响的探讨)
DING Xiu-dong,ZHOU Yuan-yuan,SHA Li-na,MEI Xue,JIN Zhao-jia,ZHOU Nan-nan,WANG Ru-wei,LEI Hong
...... page:874-876,883
The Performance Verification of SKY Kit for MTHFR Polymorphisms (MTHFR基因多态性检测试剂盒的性能验证)
LIU Yu-lan,WU Yun-feng,GAO Chuan-chuan,SUN Yan-yan
...... page:877-879
The Application of Moving Average in the Quality Control of Leukocyte Classification (浮动均值法在白细胞分类质量控制中的应用)
WANG Yan,HONG Yan-ying
...... page:880-883
An Evaluation of Urine Microalbuminuria Assay Kit (尿微量白蛋白检测试剂盒性能评价)
HU Fang,SHANG Xiao-ling,FENG Qin,DAI Hai-ying,WANG Hong-liang
...... page:884-886,896
The Clinical Application Progress of Lung Cancer Autoantibodies in the Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Tumors (肺癌自身抗体在肿瘤早期诊断和治疗中的临床应用进展)
HUO Yun-li,GUO Zi-jian
...... page:887-891
The Associationbetween Lipoprotein Associated Phospholipase A2 and Cardiovascular Diseases (脂蛋白相关磷脂酶A2与心血管疾病的关系)
ZHANG Xiao-hong,LIU Xiang-yi
...... page:892-896
The Role of Tumor-associated Macrophages in Tumor Invasion and Metastasis (肿瘤相关巨噬细胞在肿瘤浸润转移过程中的作用)
CHEN Yong,LIAO Zi-jun,XU Rui
...... page:897-900 

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