Effect of water-driven changes in rice rhizosphere on Cd lability in three soils with different pH Publication date: January 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 87 Author(s): Jinjin Wang, Dongqin Li, Qin Lu, Yulong Zhang, Huijuan Xu, Xueli Wang, Yongtao Li AbstractPot experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of water management, namely continuous flooding (CF), intermittent flooding (IF) and non-flooding (NF), on Cd phytoavailaility in three paddy soils that differed in pH and in Cd concentrations. Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique was employed to monitor soil labile Cd and Fe concentrations simultaneously at three growth stages (tillering, heading and mature stage) of rice. The Cd phytoavailability were generally in the order of NF > IF > CF, and higher rice Cd (over permitted level, 0.2 mg/kg) were only found in neutral and acidic soils under NF conditions. DGT measured soil labile Cd rather than total Cd was the most reliable predictor for Cd accumulation in rice. CF enhanced the formation of root plaques, which related to oxidation of large quantities of available Fe on root surfaces due to the O2 secretion of rice root. The Cd concentration in root plaques shared the same trend with DGT-Cd. Generally, root plaques would inhibit Cd uptake by rice under CF conditions, while under IF and NF conditions, root plaques act as a temporarily store of Cd, and soil labile Cd is the key factor that controls the transfer of Cd from soil to rice. The results of principle component analysis revealed that water management had the greatest effect on soil Cd lability and rice Cd in acidic soil. Thus, it is important to consider the availability of Cd and soil pH when assessing current agricultural practices of contaminated soil in China. Graphical abstract![]() |
A human embryonic stem cell-based in vitro model revealed that ultrafine carbon particles may cause skin inflammation and psoriasis Publication date: January 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 87 Author(s): Zhanwen Cheng, Xiaoxing Liang, Shaojun Liang, Nuoya Yin, Francesco Faiola AbstractAir pollution has been linked to many health issues, including skin conditions, especially in children. Among all the atmospheric pollutants, ultrafine particles have been deemed very dangerous since they can readily penetrate the lungs and skin, and be absorbed into the bloodstream. Here, we employed a human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-based differentiation system towards keratinocytes, to test the effects of ultrafine carbon particles, which mimic ambient ultrafine particles, at environment related concentrations. We found that 10 ng/mL to 10 μg/mL ultrafine carbon particles down-regulated the expression of the pluripotency marker SOX2 in hESCs. Moreover, 1 μg/mL to 10 μg/mL carbon particle treatments disrupted the keratinocyte differentiation, and up-regulated inflammation- and psoriasis-related genes, such as IL-1β, IL-6, CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3, CCL20, CXCL8, and S100A7 and S100A9, respectively. Overall, our results provide a new insight into the potential developmental toxicity of atmospheric ultrafine particles. Graphical abstract![]() |
Impact of biosolids, ZnO, ZnO/biosolids on bacterial community and enantioselective transformation of racemic–quizalofop–ethyl in agricultural soil Publication date: January 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 87 Author(s): Qing Zhou, Xu Zhang AbstractThe effects of biosolids, ZnO, and ZnO/biosolids on soil microorganism and the environmental fate of coexisting racemic–quizalofop–ethyl (rac-QE) were investigated. Microbial biomass carbon in native soil, soil/biosolids decreased by 62% and 52% in the presence of ZnO (2‰, weight ratio). The soil bacterial community structure differed significantly among native soil, soil/biosolids, soil/ZnO, and soil/biosolids/ZnO based on a principal co-ordinate analysis (PCoA) of OTUs and one-way ANOVA test of bacterial genera. Chemical transformation caused by ZnO only contributed 4% and 3% of the overall transformation of R-quizalofop-ethyl (R-QE) and S-quizalofop-ethyl (S-QE) in soil/ZnO. The inhibition effect of ZnO on the initial transformation rate of R-QE (rR-QE) and S-QE (rR-QE) in soil only observed when enantiomer concentration was larger than 10 mg/kg. Biosolids embedded with ZnO (biosolids/ZnO) caused a 17%–42% and 22%–38% decrease of rR-QE and rS-QE, although rR-QE and rS-QE increased by 0%–17% and 22%–58% by the addition of biosolids. The results also demonstrated that the effects of biosolids on agricultural soil microorganism and enantioselective transformation of chiral pesticide was altered by the embedded nanoparticles. Graphical abstract![]() |
In situ preparation of g-C3N4/Bi4O5I2 complex and its elevated photoactivity in Methyl Orange degradation under visible light Publication date: January 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 87 Author(s): Zhe Feng, Lin Zeng, Qingle Zhang, Shifeng Ge, Xinyue Zhao, Hongjun Lin, Yiming He A graphite carbon nitride (g-C3N4) modified Bi4O5I2 composite was successfully prepared in-situ via the thermal treatment of a g-C3N4/BiOI precursor at 400°C for 3 hr. The as-prepared g-C3N4/Bi4O5I2 showed high photocatalytic performance in Methyl Orange (MO) degradation under visible light. The best sample presented a degradation rate of 0.164 min−1, which is 3.2 and 82 times as high as that of Bi4O5I2 and g-C3N4, respectively. The g-C3N4/Bi4O5I2 was characterized by X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance spectra (DRS), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and transient photocurrent response in order to explain the enhanced photoactivity. Results indicated that the decoration with a small amount of g-C3N4 influenced the specific surface area only slightly. Nevertheless, the capability for absorbing visible light was improved measurably, which was beneficial to the MO degradation. On top of that, a strong interaction between g-C3N4 and Bi4O5I2 was detected. This interplay promoted the formation of a favorable heterojunction structure and thereby enhanced the charge separation. Thus, the g-C3N4/Bi4O5I2composite presented greater charge separation efficiency and much better photocatalytic performance than Bi4O5I2. Additionally, g-C3N4/Bi4O5I2 also presented high stability. •O2− and holes were verified to be the main reactive species. Graphical abstract![]() |
Town-scale microbial sewer community and H2S emissions response to common chemical and biological dosing treatments Publication date: January 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 87 Author(s): Elizabeth R. Mathews, Jennifer L. Wood, Dean Phillips, Nathan Billington, Dean Barnett, Ashley E. Franks AbstractControlling hydrogen sulfide (H2S) odors and emissions using a single, effective treatment across a town-scale sewer network is a challenge faced by many water utilities. Implementation of a sewer diversion provided the opportunity to compare the effectiveness of magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) and two biological dosing compounds (Bioproducts A and B), with different modes of action (MOA), in a field-test across a large sewer network. Mg(OH)2 increases sewer pH allowing suppression of H2S release into the sewer environment while Bioproduct A acts to disrupt microbial communication through quorum sensing (QS), reducing biofilm integrity. Bioproduct B reduces H2S odors by scouring the sewer of fats, oils and grease (FOGs), which provide adhesion points for the microbial biofilm. Results revealed that only Mg(OH)2 altered the microbial community structure and reduced H2S emissions in a live sewer system, whilst Bioproducts A and B did not reduce H2S emissions or have an observable effect on the composition of the microbial community at the dosed site. Study results recommend in situ testing of dosing treatments before implementation across an operational system. Graphical abstract![]() |
Adsorption and recovery of phosphate from water by amine fiber, effects of co-existing ions and column filtration Publication date: January 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 87 Author(s): Jinshan Wei, Xiaoguang Meng, Xianghua Wen, Yonghui Song AbstractA weak-base adsorption fiber, acrylic amine fiber (AAF), was prepared for removal and recovery of phosphate from water. The adsorption properties of the AAF for phosphate and effects of co-existing ions were investigated using batch and column filtration experiments, scanning electron microscope, and Fourier transform infrared techniques. Experimental results showed that AAF had a high phosphate adsorption capacity of 119 mg/g at pH 7.0. The effects of calcium, sulfate, carbonate, nitrate, and fluoride showed that sulfate and calcium inhibited phosphate adsorption. However, AAF showed higher binding affinity toward phosphate than sulfate. Column filtration results showed that AAF could filter 1420 bed volumes of tap water containing 1.0 mg-P/L of phosphate. The saturated AAF could be regenerated using 0.5 mol/L hydrochloric acid solution and reused. After desorption, phosphate was recovered through precipitation of hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3OH). The easy of regeneration, good adsorption performance, and the fiber morphology of AAF make it an attractive alternative for phosphate recovery from multiple water sources. Graphical abstract![]() |
Body fluid analog chlorination: Application to the determination of disinfection byproduct formation kinetics in swimming pool water Publication date: January 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 87 Author(s): Lucie Tsamba, Nicolas Cimetière, Dominique Wolbert, Olivier Correc, Pierre Le Cloirec AbstractDisinfection by-products (DBPs) are formed in swimming pools by the reactions of bather inputs with the disinfectant. Although a wide range of molecules has been identified within DBPs, only few kinetic rates have been reported. This study investigates the kinetics of chlorine consumption, chloroform formation and dichloroacetonitrile formation caused by human releases. Since the flux and main components of human inputs have been determined and formalized through Body Fluid Analogs (BFAs), it is possible to model the DBPs formation kinetics by studying a limited number of precursor molecules. For each parameter the individual contributions of BFA components have been quantified and kinetic rates have been determined, based on reaction mechanisms proposed in the literature. With a molar consumption of 4 mol Cl2/mol, urea is confirmed as the major chlorine consumer in the BFA because of its high concentration in human releases. The higher reactivity of ammonia is however highlighted. Citric acid is responsible for most of the chloroform produced during BFA chlorination. Chloroform formation is relatively slow with a limiting rate constant determined at 5.50 × 10−3 L/mol/sec. L-histidine is the only precursor for dichloroacetonitrile in the BFA. This DBP is rapidly formed and its degradation by hydrolysis and by reaction with hypochlorite shortens its lifetime in the basin. Reaction rates of dichloroacetonitrile formation by L-histidine chlorination have been established based on the latest chlorination mechanisms proposed. Moreover, this study shows that the reactivity toward chlorine differs whether L-histidine is isolated or mixed with BFA components. Graphical abstract![]() |
Overview of key operation factors and strategies for improving fermentative volatile fatty acid production and product regulation from sewage sludge Publication date: January 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 87 Author(s): Wei Fang, Xuedong Zhang, Panyue Zhang, Jijun Wan, Hongxiao Guo, Dara S.M. Ghasimi, Xavier Carol Morera, Tao Zhang AbstractIn recent years, volatile fatty acid (VFA) production through anaerobic fermentation of sewage sludge, instead of methane production, has been regarded as a high-value and promising roadmap for sludge stabilization and resource recovery. This review first presents the effects of some essential factors that influence VFA production and composition. In the second part, we present an extensive analysis of conventional pretreatment and co-fermentation strategies ultimately addressed to improving VFA production and composition. Also, the effectiveness of these approaches is summarized in terms of sludge degradation, hydrolysis rate, and VFA production and composition. According to published studies, it is concluded that some pretreatments such as alkaline and thermal pretreatment are the most effective ways to enhance VFA production from sewage sludge. The possible reasons for the improvement of VFA production by different methods are also discussed. Finally, this review also highlights several current technical challenges and opportunities in VFA production with spectrum control, and further related research is proposed. Graphical abstract![]() |
Bimetallic nickel molybdate supported Pt catalyst for efficient removal of formaldehyde at low temperature Publication date: January 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 87 Author(s): Gang Huang, Zhaoxiong Yan, Shuyuan Liu, Tingting Luo, Liang An, Zhihua Xu AbstractEfficient removal of formaldehyde from indoor environments is of significance for human health. In this work, a typical binary transition metal oxide that could provide various oxidation states, β-NiMoO4, was employed as a support to immobilize the active Pt component (Pt/NiMoO4) for catalytic formaldehyde elimination at low ambient temperature (15°C). The results showed that the hydrothermal preparation temperature and time had a noticeable impact on the morphology and catalytic activity of the samples. The catalyst prepared with hydrothermal temperature of 150°C for 4 hr (Pt-150-4) exhibited superior catalytic activity and stability mainly due to its distinctly porous structure, relative abundance of adsorbed surface hydroxyls/water, and high oxidation ability, which resulted from the interaction of Pt with Ni and Mo of the bimetallic NiMoO4 support. Our results might shed light on the rational design of multifunctional catalysts for removal of indoor air pollutants at low ambient temperature. Graphical abstract![]() |
Microtopographic modification conserves urban wetland water quality by increasing the dissolved oxygen in the wet season Publication date: January 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 87 Author(s): Yali Liu, Jianqing Du, Panpan Hu, Mingzhu Ma, Dan Hu AbstractMicrotopography affects hydrological processes and forms different microhabitats. Our previous study uncovered that riparian zone microtopography created various microhabitats with different soil environments and runoff-infiltration patterns. However, how riparian microtopography and microtopography within the water area (waterfall and tributary) affects downstream water quality remains unclear. Therefore, water samples were taken almost monthly in both the main stream and the tributary, before and after waterfalls, and near the bottom of three microtopographic types from June 2016 to March 2017. Compared with the dry season, the fact that water quality worsened in the wet season and that there were positive correlations for nitrate (NO3−) between water and the corresponding soil samples suggested that the riparian-soil environment affected the adjacent water quality mainly in the wet season. Nevertheless, riparian microtopography did not influence water quality downstream because of the low rainfall frequency and the weak leaching process due to plant interception. In the wet season, both the tributary and the waterfall increased the dissolved oxygen in the water body and, therefore, lowered the risk of eutrophication. The tributary has two pathways for improving the water quality, by increased disturbance and flow velocity, while the waterfall only has the former. However, such effects were not significant in the dry season. We conclude that the application of microtopographic modification is useful in maintaining urban wetland water quality in wet seasons. |
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