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Τρίτη 16 Ιουλίου 2019

Development Genes and Evolution

BioCell2XML : a novel tool for converting cell lineage data from SIMI BioCell to MaMuT (Fiji)


Computer-assisted 4D manual cell tracking has been a valuable method for understanding spatial-temporal dynamics of embryogenesis (e.g., Stach & Anselmi BMC Biol, 13(113), 1–11 2015; Vellutini et al. BMC Biol, 15(33), 1–28 2017; Wolff et al. eLife, 7, e34410 2018) since the method was introduced in the late 1990s. Since two decades SIMI® BioCell (Schnabel et al. Dev Biol, 184, 234–265 1997), a software which initially was developed for analyzing data coming from the, at that time new technique of 4D microscopy, is in use. Many laboratories around the world use SIMI BioCell for the manual tracing of cells in embryonic development of various species to reconstruct cell genealogies with high precision. However, the software has several disadvantages: limits in handling very large data sets, the virtually no maintenance over the last 10 years (bound to older Windows versions), the difficulty to access the created cell lineage data for analyses outside SIMI BioCell, and the high cost of the program. Recently, bioinformatics, in close collaboration with biologists, developed new lineaging tools that are freely available through the open source image processing platform Fiji. Here we introduce a software tool that allows conversion of SIMI BioCell lineage data to a format that is compatible with the Fiji plugin MaMuT (Wolff et al. eLife, 7, e34410 2018). Hereby we intend to maintain the usability of SIMI BioCell created cell lineage data for the future and, for investigators who wish to do so, facilitate the transition from this software to a more convenient program.

Embryonic expression of priapulid Wnt genes


Posterior elongation of the developing embryo is a common feature of animal development. One group of genes that is involved in posterior elongation is represented by the Wnt genes, secreted glycoprotein ligands that signal to specific receptors on neighbouring cells and thereby establish cell-to-cell communication. In segmented animals such as annelids and arthropods, Wnt signalling is also likely involved in segment border formation and regionalisation of the segments. Priapulids represent unsegmented worms that are distantly related to arthropods. Despite their interesting phylogenetic position and their importance for the understanding of ecdysozoan evolution, priapulids still represent a highly underinvestigated group of animals. Here, we study the embryonic expression patterns of the complete sets of Wnt genes in the priapulids Priapulus caudatus and Halicryptus spinulosus. We find that both priapulids possess a complete set of 12 Wnt genes. At least in Priapulus, most of these genes are expressed in and around the posterior-located blastopore and thus likely play a role in posterior elongation. Together with previous work on the expression of other genetic factors such as caudal and even-skipped, this suggests that posterior elongation in priapulids is under control of the same (or very similar) conserved gene regulatory network as in arthropods.

The cleavage pattern of calanoid copepods—a case study


Many crustacean groups show stereotyped cleavage patterns during early ontogeny. However, these patterns differ between the various major crustacean taxa, and a general mode is difficult to extract. Previous studies suggested that also copepods undergo an early cleavage with a more or less stereotyped pattern of blastomere divisions and fates. Yet, copepod embryology has been largely neglected. The last investigation of this kind dates back more than a century and the results are somewhat contradictory when compared with those of other researchers. To overcome these problems, we studied the early development of a so far undescribed calanoid copepod species, Skistodiaptomussp., applying histochemical staining, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and bifocal 4D microscopy. The blastomere arrangement of the four-cell stage of this species varies to a large degree. It can either form a typical radial pattern with the four blastomeres lying in one plane or a tilted orientation of the axes connecting the sister cells of the previous division. In both cases, a stereotyped division pattern is maintained inside each quadrant during subsequent cleavages. In addition, we found two types of blastomere arrangements with a mirror symmetry. Most divisions within the quadrants follow the perpendicularity rule until the eighth cleavage. Deviations from this rule occur only in the narrow regions where the different quadrants touch and near the site of gastrulation. Gastrulation is initiated around the descendants of one individually identifiable blastomere of the 16-cell stage. This cell divides in a specific manner forming a characteristic cell arrangement, the gastrulation triangle. This gastrulation triangle initiates the internalization process of the gastrulation and it is encircled by another characteristic cell type, the crown cells. Our observations reveal several similarities to the early development of Calanus finmarchicus, another calanoid species. These relate to blastomere arrangements and divisions and the pattern of gastrulation. As Calanoida represent a basal or near basal branch of the copepod tree, this description will provide the ground for reconstruction of the cleavage pattern of the last common ancestor of Copepoda.

Divergent Axin and GSK-3 paralogs in the beta-catenin destruction complexes of tapeworms


The Wnt/beta-catenin pathway has many key roles in the development of animals, including a conserved and central role in the specification of the primary (antero-posterior) body axis. The posterior expression of Wnt ligands and the anterior expression of secreted Wnt inhibitors are known to be conserved during the larval metamorphosis of tapeworms. However, their downstream signaling components for Wnt/beta-catenin signaling have not been characterized. In this work, we have studied the core components of the beta-catenin destruction complex of the human pathogen Echinococcus multilocularis, the causative agent of alveolar echinococcosis. We focused on two Axin paralogs that are conserved in tapeworms and other flatworm parasites. Despite their divergent sequences, both Axins could robustly interact with one E. multilocularis beta-catenin paralog and limited its accumulation in a heterologous mammalian expression system. Similarly to what has been described in planarians (free-living flatworms), other beta-catenin paralogs showed limited or no interaction with either Axin and are unlikely to function as effectors in Wnt signaling. Additionally, both Axins interacted with three divergent GSK-3 paralogs that are conserved in free-living and parasitic flatworms. Axin paralogs have highly segregated expression patterns along the antero-posterior axis in the tapeworms E. multilocularis and Hymenolepis microstoma, indicating that different beta-catenin destruction complexes may operate in different regions during their larval metamorphosis.

Primary myogenesis in the sand lizard ( Lacerta agilis ) limb bud


Our studies conducted on reptilian limb muscle development revealed, for the first time, early forelimb muscle differentiation at the morphological and molecular level. Sand lizard skeletal muscle differentiation in the early forelimb bud was investigated by light, confocal, and transmission electron microscopy as well as western blot. The early forelimb bud, filled with mesenchymal cells, is surrounded by monolayer epithelium cells. The immunocytochemical analysis revealed the presence of Pax3- and Lbx-positive cells in the vicinity of the ventro-lateral lip (VLL) of the dermomyotome, suggesting that VLL is the source of limb muscle progenitor cells. Furthermore, Pax3- and Lbx-positive cells were observed in the dorsal and ventral myogenic pools of the forelimb bud. Skeletal muscle development in the early limb bud is asynchronous, which is manifested by the presence of myogenic cells in different stages of differentiation: multinucleated myotubes with well-developed contractile apparatus, myoblasts, and mitotically active premyoblasts. The western blot analysis revealed the presence of MyoD and Myf5 proteins in all investigated developmental stages. The MyoD western blot analysis showed two bands corresponding to monomeric (mMyoD) and dimeric (dMyoD) fractions. Two separate bands were also detected in the case of Myf5. The observed bands were related to non-phosphorylated (Myf5) and phosphorylated (pMyf5) fractions of Myf5. Our investigations on sand lizard forelimb myogenesis showed that the pattern of muscle differentiation in the early forelimb bud shares many features with rodents and chicks.

Analysis of the wnt1 regulatory chromosomal landscape


One of the earliest patterning events in the vertebrate neural plate is the specification of mes/r1, the territory comprising the prospective mesencephalon and the first hindbrain rhombomere. Within mes/r1, an interface of gene expression defines the midbrain–hindbrain boundary (MHB), a lineage restriction that separates the mesencephalon and rhombencephalon. wnt1 is critical to mes/r1 development and functions within the MHB as a component of the MHB gene regulatory network (GRN). Despite its importance to these critical and early steps of vertebrate neurogenesis, little is known about the factors responsible for wnt1 transcriptional regulation. In the zebrafish, wnt1 and its neighboring paralog, wnt10b, are expressed in largely overlapping patterns, suggesting co-regulation. To understand wnt1 and wnt10b transcriptional control, we used a comparative genomics approach to identify relevant enhancers. We show that the wnt1-wnt10b locus contains multiple cis-regulatory elements that likely interact to generate the wnt1 and wnt10b expression patterns. Two of 11 conserved enhancers tested show activity restricted to the midbrain and MHB, an activity that is conserved in the distantly related spotted gar orthologous elements. Three non-conserved elements also play a likely role in wnt1 regulation. The identified enhancers display dynamic modes of chromatin accessibility, suggesting controlled deployment during embryogenesis. Our results suggest that the control of wnt1 and wnt10b expression is under complex regulation involving the interaction of multiple enhancers.

GSK3β controls the timing and pattern of the fifth spiral cleavage at the 2–4 cell stage in Lymnaea stagnalis


Establishment of the body plan of multicellular organisms by the primary body axis determination and cell-fate specification is a key issue in biology. We have examined the mRNA localization of three Wnt pathway components gsk3β,β-catenin, and disheveled and investigated the effects of four selective inhibitors of these proteins on the early developmental stages of the spiral cleavage embryo of the fresh water snail Lymnaea (L.) stagnalis. mRNAs for gsk and β-catenin were distributed uniformly throughout the embryo during development whereas disheveled mRNA showed specific localization with intra- and inter-blastomere differences in concentration along the A-V axis during spiral cleavages. Remarkably, through inhibitor studies, we identified a short sensitive period from the 2- to 4-cell stage in which GSK3β inhibition by the highly specific 1-azakenpaullone (AZ) and by LiCl induced a subsequent dramatic developmental delay and alteration of the cleavage patterns of blastomeres at the fifth cleavage (16- to 24-cell stage) resulting in exogastrulation and other abnormalities in later stages. Inhibition of β-Catenin or Disheveled had no effect. Our inhibitor experiments establish a novel role for GSK3β in the developmental timing and orientated cell division of the snail embryo. Further work will be needed to identify the downstream targets of the kinase.

From genes to environment in shaping of an embryo: understanding embryonic-extraembryonic interactions at the BSDB autumn meeting in Oxford


The British Society for Developmental Biology Autumn Meeting, held in Oxford in September 2018, was the third in a series of international workshops which have been focussed on development at the extraembryonic-embryonic interface. This workshop, entitled “Embryonic-Extraembryonic Interactions: from Genetics to Environment” built on the two previous workshops held in 2011 (Leuven, Belgium) and 2015 (Göttingen, Germany). This workshop brought together researchers utilising a diverse range of organisms (including both vertebrate and invertebrate species) and a range of experimental approaches to answer core questions in developmental biology. This meeting report highlights some of the major themes emerging from the workshop including an evolutionary perspective as well as recent advances that have been made through the adoption of emerging techniques and technologies.

Transcriptome profiling reveals male- and female-specific gene expression pattern and novel gene candidates for the control of sex determination and gonad development in Xenopus laevis


Xenopus laevis is an amphibian (frog) species widely used in developmental biology and genetics. To unravel the molecular machinery regulating sex differentiation of Xenopus gonads, we analyzed for the first time the transcriptome of developing amphibian gonads covering sex determination period. We applied microarray at four developmental stages: (i) NF50 (undifferentiated gonad during sex determination), (ii) NF53 (the onset of sexual differentiation of the gonads), (iii) NF56 (sexual differentiation of the gonads), and (iv) NF62 (developmental progression of differentiated gonads). Our analysis showed that during the NF50, the genetic female (ZW) gonads expressed more sex-specific genes than genetic male (ZZ) gonads, which suggests that a robust genetic program is realized during female sex determination in Xenopus. However, a contrasting expression pattern was observed at later stages (NF56 and NF62), when the ZW gonads expressed less sex-specific genes than ZZ gonads, i.e., more genes may be involved in further development of the male gonads (ZZ). We identified sexual dimorphism in the expression of several functional groups of genes, including signaling factors, proteases, protease inhibitors, transcription factors, extracellular matrix components, extracellular matrix enzymes, cell adhesion molecules, and epithelium-specific intermediate filaments. In addition, our analysis detected a sexually dimorphic expression of many uncharacterized genes of unknown function, which should be studied further to reveal their identity and if/how they regulate gonad development, sex determination, and sexual differentiation. Comparison between genes sex-specifically expressed in developing gonads of Xenopus and available transcriptome data from zebrafish, two reptile species, chicken, and mouse revealed significant differences in the genetic control of sex determination and gonad development. This shows that the genetic control of gonad development is evolutionarily malleable.

Experimental duplication of bilaterian body axes in spider embryos: Holm’s organizer and self-regulation of embryonic fields


Bilaterally symmetric body plans of vertebrates and arthropods are defined by a single set of two orthogonal axes, the anterior-posterior (or head-tail) and dorsal-ventral axes. In vertebrates, and especially amphibians, complete or partial doubling of the bilaterian body axes can be induced by two different types of embryological manipulations: transplantation of an organizer region or bi-sectioning of an embryo. Such axis doubling relies on the ability of embryonic fields to flexibly respond to the situation and self-regulate toward forming a whole body. This phenomenon has facilitated experimental efforts to investigate the mechanisms of vertebrate body axes formation. However, few studies have addressed the self-regulatory capabilities of embryonic fields associated with body axes formation in non-vertebrate bilaterians. The pioneer spider embryologist Åke Holm reported twinning of spider embryos induced by both types of embryological manipulations in 1952; yet, his experiments have not been replicated by other investigators, and access to spider or non-vertebrate twins has been limited. In this review, we provide a historical background on twinning experiments in spiders, and an overview of current twinning approaches in familiar spider species and related molecular studies. Moreover, we discuss the benefits of the spider model system for a deeper understanding of the ancestral mechanisms of body axes formation in arthropods, as well as in bilaterians.

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