
Δευτέρα 15 Ιουλίου 2019

China Pharmacist. Year 2019 Issue 06 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Effect of Atropine Combined with Neostigmine on Hepatic Ischemia-reperfusion Injury and Its Mechanism (阿托品联合新斯的明减轻肝脏缺血再灌注损伤作用及其机制研究)
Shen Qirui,Sun Keyan,Fei Yibo,Ni Min
...... page:989-992,996
Effect of Xiwang Decoction on Lipofuscin Accumulation in Aging Rats (希望液对衰老模型大鼠皮肤脂褐素沉积的影响)
Feng Xuanye,Zhao Xin,Wang Xiang,Feng Lili,Cai Dayong,Wang Yueqi
...... page:993-996
Penetration Enhancement and Skin Irritation of O-Acylterpineol Derivatives in Transdermal Delivery of Glimepiride (α-萜品醇脂肪酸酯对格列美脲经皮促渗透作用考察及皮肤刺激性评价)
Li Yan,Wang Chunyan,Ren Bo,Zhao Ligang,Wang Huili
...... page:997-1002
Study on Extraction Kinetic of Volatile Oil from Notopterygium Incisum by Steam Distillation (基于水蒸气蒸馏法提取羌活挥发油的提取动力学考察)
Du Peng,Zou Junbo,Zhang Xiaofei,Shi Yajun
...... page:1003-1006
Research of Genuineness Discrimination for Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. Based on Numerical Pattern Discrimi-nation Combined with HPLC Fingerprint (基于HPLC指纹图谱和数学判别模式的丹参道地性研究)
Liu Yang,Yang Yanfang,Huang Chao,Hong Zongchao,Duan Xueyun,Chen Shuhe
...... page:1006-1010
Antinociceptive Interaction between Propofol and Remifentanil in Mice (小鼠应用瑞芬太尼和丙泊酚对抗伤害反应的相互作用)
Zha Yuanyuan,Jia Na,Wen Aidong
...... page:1011-1014
Effect of Monocarbonyl Curcumin Analogue EF 24 on the Apoptosis and Pyroptosis of Gastric Cancer Cells (单羰基姜黄素类似物EF24对胃癌细胞凋亡和焦亡的影响研究)
Zhou Xuefeng,Wang Jiabing
...... page:1014-1019
Inhibition of SGC-7901 Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition Process Induced by TGF-β1 in Human Gastric Cancer Cells by Celecoxib via Down-regulating the Expression of Sirtuin 1 (塞来昔布下调sirtuin1表达抑制转化生长因子-β1诱导人胃癌细胞SGC-7901上皮细胞-间充质转化过程的研究)
Chen Shuqing,Ge Feimin,Hua Yuhui
...... page:1020-1025
Effect of Aucubin on Myocardial Fibrosis Induced by Pressure Overload in Mice and Its Mechanisms (桃叶珊瑚苷对压力负荷诱导的小鼠心肌纤维化的影响及机制研究)
Cai Zhulan,Wu Qingqing,Tang Qizhu
...... page:1025-1029
Study on the Protective Effect of Total Flavonoids from Bauhinia Championii ( Benth. ) Benth. on Oxygen-glucose Deprivation-induced HT22 Damage in Mice Based on PGC-1α-Sirt3 Signaling Pathway (基于PGC-1α-Sirt3通路探讨九龙藤总黄酮对氧糖剥夺诱导HT22细胞损伤的保护作用)
Feng Gang,Qing Yun,Tu Xiaohua,Pan Juan
...... page:1030-1035
Construction of Breviscapine Chitosan Nanoparticles and Pharmacokinetics in Rats (灯盏花素壳聚糖纳米粒的构建及大鼠药动学研究)
Zhang Miao,Wang Meng,Wu Deng
...... page:1035-1038
Effects of the Saponins from Tribulus Terrestris L. on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Injury Induced by Homocysteine in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (蒺藜皂苷对同型半胱氨酸诱导的人脐静脉内皮细胞氧化应激及炎症损伤的影响)
Fan Mingyue,Li Jingyang,Yu Zihe,Liu Yan,Wang Chen,Li Yan
...... page:1039-1043
Extraction Optimization of Total Ginsenoside in Gynostemma Pentaphyllum. Makino by Central Composite Design-Response Surface Methodology (星点设计-响应面法优化绞股蓝总皂苷提取工艺)
Cao Hui,Qin Hui
...... page:1043-1046,1058
Study on the Mechanism of Ginkgo Biloba Extract in Alleviating Hippocampal Tissue Injure of Anesthe-tized Rats by Propofol (银杏提取物缓解丙泊酚麻醉大鼠海马组织损伤的机制研究)
Ma Min,Xian Shuyue,Cao Yue,Wang Chengyao
...... page:1047-1052
Effects of Sulforaphane on the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Laryngeal Cancer Hep-2 Cells by Regulating MiR-34 a/SIRT1 (莱菔硫烷通过调控miR-34a/SIRT1对喉癌Hep-2细胞增殖和凋亡的影响)
Han Haiping,Yao Zhaoxu,Yang Xue,Zhao Qian
...... page:1053-1058
Protective Effect of Panax Ginseng C. A. Mey on Myocardial Ischemia Induced by Isoproterenol in Rats (人参对异丙肾上腺素致心肌缺血大鼠的保护作用)
Zhao Xiaoyan,Liang Yingran,Xue Yurun,Hao Ruisen,Zhao Zhifeng,Li Mengying,Jin Weiyue,Han Xue
...... page:1059-1062,1084
Discussion on the Education Mode of General Clinical Pharmacists of Chinese Medicine (通科中药临床药师培养模式的探讨)
Chen Fei,Zhuang Wei,Feng Yingnan,Zhang Peng,Chen Xintong,Lin Xiaolan
...... page:1063-1067
Analysis of 39 Cases of Adverse Reactions/Events in Xianling Gubao Capsules (39例仙灵骨葆胶囊不良反应/事件分析)
Li Shan,Wang Xiujuan,Zhuang Wei,Liu Chen,Zhao Yeting,Wen Ruojun,Lin Xiaolan
...... page:1068-1071
Role and Experience of Clinical Pharmacist in the Combination of Warfarin and Traditional Chinese Medi-cine (中药临床药师在华法林与中药联合应用中的作用及体会)
Zhuang Wei,Sun Nan,Wang Jian,Gao Li,Chen Xintong,Li Shan,Wen Ruojun,Sun Ge,Lin Xiaolan
...... page:1072-1075,1087
Relationship between UGT1 A1 Gene Polymorphisms and Hematotoxicity of Irinotecan in Cancer Patients of Han People from a Third-grade Class A Hospital (某三甲医院汉族肿瘤患者UGT1A1基因多态性与伊立替康血液系统不良反应相关性研究)
Zhang Chunling,Li Mengkai,Wang Jingjue,Wang Shuowen,Fan Guorong
...... page:1076-1080
Analysis and Evaluation of Anticoagulation Therapy in the Perioperative Period of Radiofrequency Ablation for Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation (非瓣膜性房颤射频消融术围术期抗凝药物治疗分析与评价)
Zhou Jiachun,Zhou Yan,Su Rui,Qian Fengdan,Li Qin
...... page:1081-1084
Efficacy and Effects of Aniracetam Combined with Olanzapine on Cardiac Ultrasound, Myocardial En-zymes and Echocardiography in Patients with Schizophrenia (茴拉西坦联合奥氮平治疗精神分裂症的疗效及对患者心脏超声、心肌酶和心电图的影响)
Fang Limin,Jiang Yueqing,Shi Bo
...... page:1085-1087
Effects of Lornoxicam on Peripheral Blood Inflammation, Neuron-specific Enolase and Brain-derived Neu-rotrophic Factor in Patients with Ischemic Stroke (氯诺昔康对缺血性卒中患者外周血炎症反应、神经元特异性烯醇化酶及脑源性神经营养因子的影响)
Yang Ge,Wu Xiuwei,Wang Dandan,Liu Shuai
...... page:1088-1091
Clinical Observation of Progesterone Vaginal Gel Combined with Nifedipine Tablets in the Treatment of Threatened Premature Labor (黄体酮阴道凝胶联合硝苯地平片治疗先兆早产观察)
Chen Yingying,Zhang Xiaoxing,Ru Xiaofang
...... page:1091-1092,1122
Effect of Kang' ai Injection and Tiger'ao Capsules Combined with Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy in Pa-tients with Advanced Cervical Cancer (康艾注射液和替吉奥胶囊联合调强放疗治疗晚期宫颈癌患者的临床观察)
Lu Shaohua,Zhang Xiumei,Chen Yan,Ma Xiang,Yang Junfeng
...... page:1093-1095
Efficacy of Megestrol Acetate Combined with Chemotherapy for Advanced Ovarian Cancer (甲地孕酮联合化疗治疗晚期卵巢癌临床观察)
Jiang Qingling,Xia Minglin
...... page:1096-1099
Comparative Analysis of the Medicines for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes between the National Essential Medicines List and the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (我国和WHO基本药物目录中治疗2型糖尿病药物比较分析)
Tang Xiaowan,Tang Yan,Zuo Wei,Sun Wenjuan,Zhang Bo
...... page:1099-1102
Analysis of Off-label Use of Anticancer Drugs in Inpatients in two Hospitals (两家住院患者抗肿瘤药物超说明书使用分析)
Tian Yun,You Haisheng,Cao Fang
...... page:1102-1105
Evaluation of Drug Prophylaxis in the Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Pa-tients with Type 2 Diabetes (2型糖尿病患者心血管预防用药评价)
Xu Ting,He Le,Xu Bin
...... page:1105-1108
Effects of Clinical Pharmacist ' s Intervention on the Efficacy of Cardiac Rehabilitation in Aged Patients with Coronary Heart Disease (临床药师干预对老年冠心病患者康复治疗效果的影响)
Xiao Changqian,Xin Shangping,Lian Hong
...... page:1109-1111
Pharmaceutical Practice of Clinical Pharmacist Involved in a Case of Cervical Cancer Patients with HBsAg ( -) and HBcAb( +) (临床药师参与1例HBsAg(-)伴HBcAb(+)宫颈癌患者治疗的药学实践)
Mo Diwei,Chen Min
...... page:1111-1114
Consultation Case Analysis of Special Use level of Antibacterial Drugs at Special Use Level with the Partici-pation of Clinical Pharmacists (临床药师参加特殊级抗菌药物会诊案例分析)
Yang Qiong,Li Li
...... page:1114-1117
bing liu yang zuo zuo zhi fei chu xue wei shou fa zheng zhuang kang zhong xing li xi bao bao jiang kang ti yang xing xiang guan xing xue guan yan 1 li (丙硫氧嘧啶致肺出血为首发症状抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体阳性相关性血管炎1例)
...... page:1117-1119
an huang bi li pian zhi zuo xing xin dong guo huan 1 li (氨磺必利片致窦性心动过缓1例)
ZHUANG Hongyan,LIU Shanshan,LIU Hui,ZHAO Yan,LI Xue,ZHAO Shuang,NING Yanzhe,GUO Wei
...... page:1119-1120
jing pi guan zhuang dong mai jie ru zhi liao shu hou fu yong a si pi lin chang rong pian you fa huan zhe xiao chuan 1 li (经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术后服用阿司匹林肠溶片诱发患者哮喘1例)
WANG Zuo,WANG Peifeng,LIU Guodong,ZHANG Anna,HE Rong
...... page:1121-1122
Fish Oil Triglycerides for the Treatment of Parenteral Nutrition-associated Cholestasis in Children (治疗小儿肠外营养相关胆汁淤积的新药鱼油甘油三酯)
Wang Ning,Luo Na
...... page:1123-1126
Development of Novel Dosage Forms in Pulmonary Drug Delivery System for Pulmonary Arterial Hyper-tension (肺动脉高压肺部给药新剂型的研究进展)
Xu Hongfei,Fan Bin,Qiao Wenmei,Tang Jingling
...... page:1126-1129
Advances in Animal Models of Motion Sickness (晕动病实验动物模型研究进展)
Gai Shouchang,Huang Anli,Shen Xin,Wang Libin,Li Yuedan,Wang Xingchen,Feng Tian,Wang Wenxuan,Liu Xuey-ing
...... page:1129-1131
Development Status of Clinical Trials and Supervising System in China (我国药物临床试验的开展和监管体系现状)
Cheng Yaqian,He Wen
...... page:1132-1138
Review of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Tablet Friability Test Revision History and Prospects for Harmoniza-tion with ICH (中国药典片剂脆碎度检查法增修订回顾及与ICH协调的展望)
Xu Xinyi,Liu Zhen,Zhang Zhen,Hong Xiaoxu
...... page:1138-1140
Preparation of Triptolide Liposomes Modified by NGR Polypeptide and Its Inhibitory Effect on Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (NGR多肽修饰雷公藤甲素脂质体的制备及对人脐静脉内皮细胞抑制作用的初步研究)
Wang Jun,Cai Xinjun,Ni Jianjun
...... page:1141-1142,1153
Preparation and in-vitro Properties of Thermo-ion Sensitive In-situ Gel of Rizatriptan Benzoate for In-tranasal Administration (苯甲酸利扎曲普坦鼻用温度-离子敏感型原位凝胶的制备及体外性质考察)
Wang Jun,He Wen
...... page:1143-1145
Quality Evaluation of Chanhou Prescription Based on the Multi-component Quantitative Analysis of Stand-ard Decoction (基于标准汤剂多指标含量分析的产后方配方颗粒剂质量评价)
Luo Yan,Yang Xiaocui,Zeng Wei,Yu Xiaoqing,Deng Ruiyuan,Ke Xuehong
...... page:1146-1150
Simultaneous Determination of Fluoxetine and Norfluoxetine in Rat' s Plasma by UPLC-MS/MS (UPLC-MS/MS法同时测定大鼠血浆中氟西汀和诺氟西汀的含量)
Cui Yingying,Dong Aiqin,Wang Xi
...... page:1150-1153
Improvement of the Quality Standard for Weierkang Tablets (维耳康片质量标准的提高)
Cao Shanshan,Wang Jingwen,Yang Zhifu,Cui Jia,Wen Aidong,Cao Jinyi
...... page:1154-1156
Simultaneous Determination of Vanillic Acid, Hyperin, Quercetin-3-O-furanoarabinoside, Quercetin and Chimaphilin in the Extracts of Pyrolae Herba by HPLC (HPLC同时测定鹿衔草提取物中香草酸、金丝桃苷、槲皮素-3-O-呋喃阿拉伯糖苷、槲皮素和梅笠草素的含量)
Zhang Rui,Wang Shan,Chen Fuchao,Li Zhihao
...... page:1157-1159
Preliminary Survey on the Social Cognition Construction of Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act in China (构建我国《最佳儿童药品法》的社会认知初步调查)
Li Hao,Huang Shiying,Shi Fanghong,Gu Zhichun,Zhang Shunguo,Chen Minling
...... page:1160-1164
Simultaneous Determination of Six Effective Components in Jiuxiang Zhitong Pills by GC (GC法同时测定九香止痛丸中6种有效成分的含量)
Li Hualin,Chen Hongyan,Yang Guangsheng,Sun Xiao,Zhang Xiaolong
...... page:1165-1167
Simultaneous Determination of 1-Bromo-3-chloropropane and 3 Residual Solvents in Dilazole Hydrochloride by Head-space GC (顶空GC法测定盐酸地拉卓原料药中1-溴-3-氯丙烷和3种残留溶剂)
Chen Rong,Hu Bing,Feng Yanli
...... page:1168-1170
Simultaneous Determination of Six Constituents in Xiaoer Fuxiening Granule by HPLC with Wavelength Switching (HPLC波长切换法同时测定小儿腹泻宁糖浆中6种活性成分的含量)
Yan Guo,Tong Shuhua,Sun Yingqiu
...... page:1171-1173
Study on the Quality Standard for Gubendan Capsules (固本丹胶囊质量标准研究)
Cheng Wei,Zhao Quntao,Zhao Wanlong
...... page:1174-1176
Simultaneous Determination of Gallic Acid and 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Rhubarb Charcoal by HPLC (HPLC法同时测定大黄炭中没食子酸和5-羟甲基糠醛的含量)
Lin Shihe,Ke Changsheng,Xu Haixing,Yu Nancai
...... page:1177-1179
Determination of the Related Substances in Rifaximin Tablets by HPLC (HPLC法测定利福昔明片的有关物质)
Wang Xiaoliang,Zhang Binghua,Liang Yawei,Ma Quanli
...... page:1179-1182
Establishment of Microbial Limit Test for 4 Hospital Liquid Pharmaceutical Preparations (4种医院液体制剂微生物限度检验方法的建立)
Li Xiang,Li Chuntong,Wang Jing,Duan Siting,Zhang Xiaojuan,Ma Jianli
...... page:1183-1185 

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