
Τρίτη 16 Ιουλίου 2019

Cervical rotation before and after hinge-door cervical laminoplasty for cervical spondylotic myelopathy
Sachin A Borkar, Ravi Sreenivasan, Ravi Sharma, Sumit Sinha, S Leve Joseph, Ajay Garg, Shashank Sharad Kale

Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine 2019 10(2):114-118

Background: Hinge-Door Cervical laminoplasty is commonly performed procedure in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Most available studies have established restriction of flexion and extension motion post laminoplasty but the literature on post-laminoplasty axial rotation is sparse. Objective: To study the axial neck rotation on either side following hinge door cervical laminoplasty. Materials and Methods: Twenty consecutive patients of cervical spondylotic myelopathy planned for cervical laminoplasty were included in the study. Preoperative and postoperative radiological data was recorded for each patient and analysed by an experienced neuroradiologist. The clinical and radiological follow-up was recorded at 6 months post surgery. All patients underwent standard hinge door C3-C6 laminoplasty preserving the muscle attachments to C2 and C7 vertebra. Results: There were 13 men and 7 women with a mean age of 60.5 years, age range 58-70 years. The mean preop C1 C2 rotation was 46.5 degrees and mean post-operative C1-C2 rotation was 44.3 degrees. The average subaxial cervical spine rotation was 11.66 degrees preoperatively and 12.47 degrees postoperatively. The global cervical spine rotation was 80.95 degrees preoperatively and 76.82 degrees postoperatively. There is no significant change in segmental, subaxial and global cervical spine rotation following hinge door C3-C6 laminoplasty preserving the muscle attachments to C2 and C7 vertebra. Conclusion: Cervical laminoplasty preserves cervical ROM and is a motion-preserving surgery as far as axial rotation is concerned. 

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