
Τρίτη 2 Ιουλίου 2019

Cautery versus laser excision of oral mucocele,
Publication date: August 2019
Source: Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, Volume 47
Author(s): Parisa Foroughiasl
A mucous cyst is a benign cyst which is inside the thin capsule and it contains clear fluid. These masses appear from the disruption of minor salivary gland and it leaks to surrounding tissues. Most commonly it is localized on the lower lip. Mucoceles appear in a respond of traumatic injuries like sucking off the lip, biting lip, and trauma from orthodontic devices. The purpose of this study report is to describe two different methods of surgical excision to remove the mucoceles. In the first case, a standard electrocautery device and in the other case, l divide laser was used to excise the mucocele from the lower lip. Mucocele was removed from a 10-year-old patient with excision by scapale and the second case was 17-year-old patient with a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. In both cases, excisions were applied after local infiltration with 1.8 ml 2% Lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine. In the first case, the duration of healing was longer, and it affected the quality of life of patient post surgically. In the second case, the healing process was faster, no bleeding and the patient was comforted after a surgical procedure. In the final both cases, wounds healed well without relapse after 1 year.

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