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Δευτέρα 21 Μαρτίου 2022

Feasibility of Mobile and Sensor Technology for Remote Monitoring in Cancer Care and Prevention

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AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2022 Feb 21;2021:979-988. eCollection 2021.


Objectives. Remote monitoring (RM) of health-related outcomes may optimize cancer care and prevention outside of clinic settings. CYCORE is a software-based system for collection and analyses of sensor and mobile data. We evaluated CYCORE's feasibility in studies assessing: (1) physical functioning in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients; (2) swallowing exercise adherence in head and neck cancer (HNC) pati ents during radiation therapy; and (3) tobacco use in cancer survivors post-tobacco treatment (TTP). Methods. Participants completed RM: for CRC, blood pressure, activity, GPS; for HNC, video of swallowing exercises; for TTP, expired carbon monoxide. Patient-reported outcomes were assessed daily. Results. For CRC, HNC and TTP, respectively, 50, 37, and 50 participants achieved 96%, 84%, 96% completion rates. Also, 91-100% rated ease and self-efficacy as highly favorable, 72-100% gave equivalent ratings for overall satisfaction, 72-93% had low/no data privacy concerns. Conclusion. RM was highly feasible and acceptable for patients across diverse use cases.

PMID:35308916 | PMC:PMC8861680

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