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Τρίτη 22 Μαρτίου 2022

Comparison of Video Head Impulse Test Findings in Individuals Aged between 20–39 and 40–60 Years

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Özge Gedik, Nilüfer Bal, Sümeyye Özdemir, Berna Özge Mutlu, Elifnur Taşdemir, Burcu Kaya, Eda Kurt, Nur Sema Kaya, Zeynep Durukan

Indian Journal of Otology 2021 27(4):225-229

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the normal gain values specific to each semicircular canals by using the goggle-less model of video head impulse test (vHIT) between ages of 20–39 and 40–60, gender and age-related gain values changes. Materials and Methods: The present study was performed in 99 participants aged 20–39 years and 100 participants aged 40–60 years. Each semicircular canal gain values were interpreted by comparing for both the age group of 20–39 and 40–60 years and gender. Results: The mean right lateral, right posterior, left lateral, and left posterior canal gain of 20–39 age group was significantly higher than the 40–60 age group. Regardless of age, while the mean left lateral canal gain in females was significantly higher than males, the mean right anterior and right posterior canal gain was significantly higher in males. The mean right lateral and the left lateral canal gains were significantly higher in females in the 20–39 year s' age group; however, the mean right anterior, right posterior, and left posterior canals gains were significantly higher in males than in females. The mean right lateral canal gain in males was significantly higher in the 40–60 age group than that of females. Conclusions: The vHIT as a standard test for vestibular assessment provides clinical benefits, in addition the comparing for different age groups for goggle-less vHIT model will provide more beneficial results in the evaluation of patients. In the literature, there are not many studies on the goggle-less vHIT device, so we believe our study will be a pioneer in this field.
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