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Δευτέρα 25 Μαρτίου 2019

MDPI Publishing

IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1504: Unique Regulation of Enterocyte Brush Border Membrane Na-Glutamine and Na-Alanine Co-Transport by Peroxynitrite during Chronic Intestinal Inflammation
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1504: Unique Regulation of Enterocyte Brush Border Membrane Na-Glutamine and Na-Alanine Co-Transport by Peroxynitrite during Chronic Intestinal Inflammation International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20061504 Authors: Subha Arthur Palanikumar Manoharan Shanmuga Sundaram M Motiur Rahman Balasubramanian Palaniappan Uma Sundaram Na-amino acid co-transporters (NaAAcT) are uniquely affected in rabbit intestinal villus cell brush border...
MDPI Publishing
Molecules, Vol. 24, Pages 1180: Oligonucleotide–Palladacycle Conjugates as Splice-Correcting Agents
Molecules, Vol. 24, Pages 1180: Oligonucleotide–Palladacycle Conjugates as Splice-Correcting Agents Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules24061180 Authors: Madhuri Hande Osama Saher Karin E. Lundin C. I. Edvard Smith Rula Zain Tuomas Lönnberg 2’-O-Methylribo phosphorothioate oligonucleotides incorporating cyclopalladated benzylamine conjugate groups at their 5’-termini have been prepared and their ability to hybridize with a designated target sequence was...
MDPI Publishing
Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 1466: How to Efficiently Determine the Range Precision of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanners
Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 1466: How to Efficiently Determine the Range Precision of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanners Sensors doi: 10.3390/s19061466 Authors: Berit Schmitz Christoph Holst Tomislav Medic Derek D. Lichti Heiner Kuhlmann As laser scanning technology has improved a lot in recent years, terrestrial laser scanners (TLS) have become popular devices for surveying tasks with high accuracy demands, such as deformation analyses. For this reason, finding a stochastic model...
MDPI Publishing
Energies, Vol. 12, Pages 1167: Impedance Estimation with an Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization for Low-Voltage Distribution Networks
Energies, Vol. 12, Pages 1167: Impedance Estimation with an Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization for Low-Voltage Distribution Networks Energies doi: 10.3390/en12061167 Authors: Daisuke Kodaira Jingyeong Park Sung Yeol Kim Soohee Han Sekyung Han Many researchers in recent years have studied voltage deviation issues in distribution networks. Characterizing the impedance between consuming nodes in a network is the key to controlling the network voltage. Existing impedance estimation...
MDPI Publishing
Remote Sensing, Vol. 11, Pages 721: UAV RTK/PPK Method—An Optimal Solution for Mapping Inaccessible Forested Areas?
Remote Sensing, Vol. 11, Pages 721: UAV RTK/PPK Method—An Optimal Solution for Mapping Inaccessible Forested Areas? Remote Sensing doi: 10.3390/rs11060721 Authors: Julián Tomaštík Martin Mokroš Peter Surový Alžbeta Grznárová Ján Merganič Mapping hard-to-access and hazardous parts of forests by terrestrial surveying methods is a challenging task. Remote sensing techniques can provide an alternative solution to such cases. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can provide on-demand...
MDPI Publishing
Econometrics, Vol. 7, Pages 16: Monte Carlo Inference on Two-Sided Matching Models
Econometrics, Vol. 7, Pages 16: Monte Carlo Inference on Two-Sided Matching Models Econometrics doi: 10.3390/econometrics7010016 Authors: Taehoon Kim Jacob Schwartz Kyungchul Song Yoon-Jae Whang This paper considers two-sided matching models with nontransferable utilities, with one side having homogeneous preferences over the other side. When one observes only one or several large matchings, despite the large number of agents involved, asymptotic inference is difficult because...
MDPI Publishing
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1502: Levan-Capped Silver Nanoparticles for Bactericidal Formulations: Release and Activity Modelling
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1502: Levan-Capped Silver Nanoparticles for Bactericidal Formulations: Release and Activity Modelling International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20061502 Authors: Álvaro González-Garcinuño Rubén Masa María Hernández Ángel Domínguez Antonio Tabernero Eva Martín del Valle An environmentally friendly technique was used to produce levan-capped silver nanoparticles of about 30 nm (with a loading of 30%) that showed bactericide effect,...
MDPI Publishing
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 300: Innovation in Newcastle Disease Virus Vectored Avian Influenza Vaccines
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 300: Innovation in Newcastle Disease Virus Vectored Avian Influenza Vaccines Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11030300 Authors: Shin-Hee Kim Siba K. Samal Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and Newcastle disease are economically important avian diseases worldwide. Effective vaccination is critical to control these diseases in poultry. Live attenuated Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vectored vaccines have been developed for bivalent vaccination against HPAI viruses...
MDPI Publishing
Sustainability, Vol. 11, Pages 1812: Using RISKPLAN for Earthquake Risk Assessment in Sichuan Province, China
Sustainability, Vol. 11, Pages 1812: Using RISKPLAN for Earthquake Risk Assessment in Sichuan Province, China Sustainability doi: 10.3390/su11061812 Authors: Yan Shi Klaus Seeland Sichuan Province of China is a prominent population and economic growth center as well as an earthquake-stricken region. A sound understanding of the seismic risk that Sichuan Province is facing is useful to raise risk awareness, achieve disaster risk reduction (DRR), and guarantee sustainable socio-economic...
MDPI Publishing
Polymers, Vol. 11, Pages 564: Oxidative Depolymerization of Cellulolytic Enzyme Lignin over Silicotungvanadium Polyoxometalates
Polymers, Vol. 11, Pages 564: Oxidative Depolymerization of Cellulolytic Enzyme Lignin over Silicotungvanadium Polyoxometalates Polymers doi: 10.3390/polym11030564 Authors: Wenbiao Xu Xiangyu Li Junyou Shi The aim of this study was to explore the catalytic performance of the oxidative depolymerization of enzymatic hydrolysis lignin from cellulosic ethanol fermentation residue by different vanadium substituted Keggin-type polyoxometalates (K5[SiVW11O40], K6[SiV2W10O40], and K6H[SiV3W9O40])....
MDPI Publishing
Energies, Vol. 12, Pages 1165: A Class-E Amplifier for a Loosely Coupled Inductive Power Transfer System with Multiple Receivers
Energies, Vol. 12, Pages 1165: A Class-E Amplifier for a Loosely Coupled Inductive Power Transfer System with Multiple Receivers Energies doi: 10.3390/en12061165 Authors: Alexander Sutor Martin Heining Rainer Buchholz We present a method for optimizing the electronic power system for a new type of photobioreactor or photoreactor in general. In the case of photobioreactors, photosynthetic active microorganisms or cells are grown. A novel concept for the illumination of photobioreactors...
MDPI Publishing
Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 1467: A Trust-Based Predictive Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Network in Internet of Things
Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 1467: A Trust-Based Predictive Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Network in Internet of Things Sensors doi: 10.3390/s19061467 Authors: Waleed Alnumay Uttam Ghosh Pushpita Chatterjee The Internet of things (IoT) is a heterogeneous network of different types of wireless networks such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs), ZigBee, Wi-Fi, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), and RFID. To make IoT a reality for smart environment, more attractive to end users, and economically...
MDPI Publishing
Polymers, Vol. 11, Pages 563: A Quinacridone-Diphenylquinoxaline-Based Copolymer for Organic Field-Effect Transistors
Polymers, Vol. 11, Pages 563: A Quinacridone-Diphenylquinoxaline-Based Copolymer for Organic Field-Effect Transistors Polymers doi: 10.3390/polym11030563 Authors: Yong Jin Jeong Jeong Hyun Oh Ho Jun Song Tae Kyu An In this work, we characterized poly(quinacridone-diphenylquinoxaline) (PQCTQx). PQCTQx was synthesized by a Suzuki coupling reaction and the synthesized PQCTQx was used as a polymeric semiconducting material in organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) to research...
MDPI Publishing
Remote Sensing, Vol. 11, Pages 722: Analyzing the Uncertainty of Estimating Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Optical Imagery and Spaceborne LiDAR
Remote Sensing, Vol. 11, Pages 722: Analyzing the Uncertainty of Estimating Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Optical Imagery and Spaceborne LiDAR Remote Sensing doi: 10.3390/rs11060722 Authors: Xiaofang Sun Guicai Li Meng Wang Zemeng Fan Accurate estimation of forest aboveground biomass (AGB) is important for carbon accounting. Forest AGB estimation has been conducted with a variety of data sources and prediction methods, but many uncertainties still exist. In this study, six...
MDPI Publishing
Energies, Vol. 12, Pages 1164: Data-Driven Decentralized Algorithm for Wind Farm Control with Population-Games Assistance
Energies, Vol. 12, Pages 1164: Data-Driven Decentralized Algorithm for Wind Farm Control with Population-Games Assistance Energies doi: 10.3390/en12061164 Authors: Julian Barreiro-Gomez Carlos Ocampo-Martinez Fernando D. Bianchi Nicanor Quijano In wind farms, the interaction between turbines that operate close by experience some problems in terms of their power generation. Wakes caused by upstream turbines are mainly responsible of these interactions, and the phenomena involved...
MDPI Publishing
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1501: Metabolic Inhibition Induces Transient Increase of L-type Ca2+ Current in Human and Rat Cardiac Myocytes
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1501: Metabolic Inhibition Induces Transient Increase of L-type Ca2+ Current in Human and Rat Cardiac Myocytes International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20061501 Authors: Rimantas Treinys Giedrius Kanaporis Rodolphe Fischmeister Jonas Jurevičius Metabolic inhibition is a common condition observed during ischemic heart disease and heart failure. It is usually accompanied by a reduction in L-type Ca2+ channel (LTCC) activity. In this study,...
MDPI Publishing
Micromachines, Vol. 10, Pages 210: Design and Analysis of a Turning Dynamometer Embedded in Thin-Film Sensor
Micromachines, Vol. 10, Pages 210: Design and Analysis of a Turning Dynamometer Embedded in Thin-Film Sensor Micromachines doi: 10.3390/mi10030210 Authors: Yuntao Zhang Wenge Wu Yanwen Han Haijun Wen Yunping Cheng Lijuan Liu This paper proposes a high-strain sensitivity turning dynamometer that combines several thin-film resistor grids into three Wheatstone full-bridge circuits that can measure triaxial cutting forces. This dynamometer can replace different cutter heads...
MDPI Publishing
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1503: Role of SIRT-3, p-mTOR and HIF-1α in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients Affected by Metabolic Dysfunctions and in Chronic Treatment with Metformin
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1503: Role of SIRT-3, p-mTOR and HIF-1α in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients Affected by Metabolic Dysfunctions and in Chronic Treatment with Metformin International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20061503 Authors: Serena De Matteis Emanuela Scarpi Anna Maria Granato Umberto Vespasiani-Gentilucci Giuliano La Barba Francesco Giuseppe Foschi Erika Bandini Martina Ghetti Giorgia Marisi Paola Cravero Laura Gramantieri Alessandro...
MDPI Publishing
IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 1074: New Health Care Reform and Impoverishment among Chronic Households in China: A Random-Intercept Approach
IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 1074: New Health Care Reform and Impoverishment among Chronic Households in China: A Random-Intercept Approach International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph16061074 Authors: Yongjian Xu Anupam Garrib Zhongliang Zhou Duolao Wang Jianmin Gao Xiaowei Yang Xiaojing Fan Gang Chen High out-of-pocket (OOP) payments for chronic disease care often contribute directly to household poverty. Although previous studies...
MDPI Publishing
Materials, Vol. 12, Pages 990: Thermal, Mechanical, Viscoelastic and Morphological Properties of Poly(lactic acid) based Biocomposites with Potato Pulp Powder Treated with Waxes
Materials, Vol. 12, Pages 990: Thermal, Mechanical, Viscoelastic and Morphological Properties of Poly(lactic acid) based Biocomposites with Potato Pulp Powder Treated with Waxes Materials doi: 10.3390/ma12060990 Authors: Maria Cristina Righetti Patrizia Cinelli Norma Mallegni Carlo Andrea Massa Laura Aliotta Andrea Lazzeri The thermal, mechanical and viscoelastic properties of biocomposites of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) with 20 wt.% of potato pulp powder were investigated....
MDPI Publishing
Electronics, Vol. 8, Pages 365: Analysis and Experimental Test of Electrical Characteristics on Bonding Wire
Electronics, Vol. 8, Pages 365: Analysis and Experimental Test of Electrical Characteristics on Bonding Wire Electronics doi: 10.3390/electronics8030365 Authors: Wenchao Tian Hao Cui Wenbo Yu In this paper, electrical characteristic analysis and corresponding experimental tests on gold bonding wire are presented. Firstly, according to EIA (Electronic Industries Association)/JEDEC97 standards, this paper establishes the electromagnetic structure model of gold bonding wire. The parameters,...
MDPI Publishing
Sustainability, Vol. 11, Pages 1808: Spatial Justice of a Chinese Metropolis: A Perspective on Housing Price-to-Income Ratios in Nanjing, China
Sustainability, Vol. 11, Pages 1808: Spatial Justice of a Chinese Metropolis: A Perspective on Housing Price-to-Income Ratios in Nanjing, China Sustainability doi: 10.3390/su11061808 Authors: Shanggang Yin Zhifei Ma Weixuan Song Chunhui Liu The housing price-to-income ratio is an important index for measuring the health of real estate, as well as detecting residents’ housing affordability and regional spatial justice. This paper considers 1833 residential districts...
MDPI Publishing
Agronomy, Vol. 9, Pages 159: Resistance of Multiple Diploid and Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) Varieties to Three Projected Drought Scenarios for the UK in 2080
Agronomy, Vol. 9, Pages 159: Resistance of Multiple Diploid and Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) Varieties to Three Projected Drought Scenarios for the UK in 2080 Agronomy doi: 10.3390/agronomy9030159 Authors: Mark A. Lee Victoria Howard-Andrews Michael Chester Forage plants underpin the livestock industry. Selective breeding, including polyploidization, where genome size is increased by whole genome duplication, changes the productivity and stress tolerance of...
MDPI Publishing
Sustainability, Vol. 11, Pages 1810: Sustainable Reuse of Military Facilities with a Carbon Inventory: Kinmen, Taiwan
Sustainability, Vol. 11, Pages 1810: Sustainable Reuse of Military Facilities with a Carbon Inventory: Kinmen, Taiwan Sustainability doi: 10.3390/su11061810 Authors: Hua-Yueh Liu Military government was lifted from Kinmen in 1992. The opening-up of cross-strait relations transformed the island into a tourist destination. This transformation led to electricity and water shortages in Kinmen. With the reduction in the number of troops, military facilities fell into disuse and are now being...
MDPI Publishing
Sustainability, Vol. 11, Pages 1809: Assessment of Aesthetic Preferences in Relation to Vegetation-Created Enclosure in Chinese Urban Parks: A Case Study of Shenzhen Litchi Park
Sustainability, Vol. 11, Pages 1809: Assessment of Aesthetic Preferences in Relation to Vegetation-Created Enclosure in Chinese Urban Parks: A Case Study of Shenzhen Litchi Park Sustainability doi: 10.3390/su11061809 Authors: Mei Liu Olaf Schroth Building on the mystery/complexity/legibility/coherence model of Kaplan and Kaplan (1989) and up-to-date landscape visualization techniques, this paper presents a case study analyzing people’s aesthetic preferences for scenes with...
MDPI Publishing
Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 1257: Influence of CeO2 Addition to Ni–Cu/HZSM-5 Catalysts on Hydrodeoxygenation of Bio-Oil
Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 1257: Influence of CeO2 Addition to Ni–Cu/HZSM-5 Catalysts on Hydrodeoxygenation of Bio-Oil Applied Sciences doi: 10.3390/app9061257 Authors: Wenhe Wang Changsen Zhang Guanghui Chen Ruiqin Zhang Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of bio-oil is a method of bio-oil upgrading. In this paper, x%CeO2–Ni–Cu/HZSM-5 (x = 5, 15, and 20) was synthesized as an HDO catalyst by the co-impregnation method. The HDO performances of x%CeO2–Ni–Cu/HZSM-5...
MDPI Publishing
Energies, Vol. 12, Pages 1163: A Novel Approach to Stabilize Foam Using Fluorinated Surfactants
Energies, Vol. 12, Pages 1163: A Novel Approach to Stabilize Foam Using Fluorinated Surfactants Energies doi: 10.3390/en12061163 Authors: Muhammad Shahzad Kamal Selection of surfactants for enhanced oil recovery and other upstream applications is a challenging task. For enhanced oil recovery applications, a surfactant should be thermally stable, compatible with reservoir brine, and have lower adsorption on reservoir rock, have high foamability and foam stability, and should be economically...
MDPI Publishing
Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 1464: A Posture Recognition Method Based on Indoor Positioning Technology
Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 1464: A Posture Recognition Method Based on Indoor Positioning Technology Sensors doi: 10.3390/s19061464 Authors: Xiaoping Huang Fei Wang Jian Zhang Zelin Hu Jian Jin Posture recognition has been widely applied in fields such as physical training, environmental awareness, human-computer-interaction, surveillance system and elderly health care. The traditional methods consist of two main variations: machine vision methods and acceleration sensor methods....
MDPI Publishing
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1500: Neuromuscular Plasticity in a Mouse Neurotoxic Model of Spinal Motoneuronal Loss
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1500: Neuromuscular Plasticity in a Mouse Neurotoxic Model of Spinal Motoneuronal Loss International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20061500 Authors: Rosario Gulino Nunzio Vicario Maria A.S. Giunta Graziana Spoto Giovanna Calabrese Michele Vecchio Massimo Gulisano Giampiero Leanza Rosalba Parenti Despite the relevant research efforts, the causes of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are still unknown and no effective cure...
MDPI Publishing
IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 1073: Comparing the Effects of Road, Railway, and Aircraft Noise on Sleep: Exposure–Response Relationships from Pooled Data of Three Laboratory Studies
IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 1073: Comparing the Effects of Road, Railway, and Aircraft Noise on Sleep: Exposure–Response Relationships from Pooled Data of Three Laboratory Studies International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph16061073 Authors: Eva-Maria Elmenhorst Barbara Griefahn Vinzent Rolny Mathias Basner Objectives: Air, road, and railway traffic, the three major sources of traffic noise, have been reported to differently impact on annoyance....
MDPI Publishing
Sustainability, Vol. 11, Pages 1811: Testing the Influence of Purity-Based Interventions on Pro-environmental Behavior
Sustainability, Vol. 11, Pages 1811: Testing the Influence of Purity-Based Interventions on Pro-environmental Behavior Sustainability doi: 10.3390/su11061811 Authors: Sonya Sachdeva Reihane Boghrati Morteza Dehghani Environmental issues are often discussed in purity-related terms. For instance, pollution, contamination, toxicity, and degradation are all concepts that can evoke notions of (im)purity in an environmental context. In this paper, we assess the efficacy of purity-based...
MDPI Publishing
Materials, Vol. 12, Pages 989: Self-Flushing in EDM Drilling of Ti6Al4V Using Rotating Shaped Electrodes
Materials, Vol. 12, Pages 989: Self-Flushing in EDM Drilling of Ti6Al4V Using Rotating Shaped Electrodes Materials doi: 10.3390/ma12060989 Authors: Manu Goiogana Ahmed Elkaseer This article reports an experimental investigation of the efficacy of self-flushing in the Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) process in terms of tool wear rate (TWR), hole taper angle and material removal rate (MRR). In addition to a plain cylindrical shape, electrodes of different cross sections (slotted...
MDPI Publishing
Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 1465: Evaluating the Potential of LJ1-01 Nighttime Light Data for Modeling Socio-Economic Parameters
Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 1465: Evaluating the Potential of LJ1-01 Nighttime Light Data for Modeling Socio-Economic Parameters Sensors doi: 10.3390/s19061465 Authors: Guo Zhang Xueyao Guo Deren Li Boyang Jiang The LJ1-01 satellite is the first dedicated nighttime light remote sensing satellite in the world and offers a higher spatial resolution than the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program’s Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) and the Visible Infrared Imaging...
MDPI Publishing
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1499: MicroRNA-29a Disrupts DNMT3b to Ameliorate Diet-Induced Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis in Mice
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1499: MicroRNA-29a Disrupts DNMT3b to Ameliorate Diet-Induced Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis in Mice International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20061499 Authors: Ya-Ling Yang Hsing-Chun Kuo Feng-Sheng Wang Ying-Hsien Huang MicroRNA-29 (miR-29) has been found to reduce liver inflammation and fibrosis following a liver injury. Meanwhile, DNA methyltransferase has been reported to participate in the development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis...
MDPI Publishing
Crystals, Vol. 9, Pages 176: Deep Etched Gallium Nitride Waveguide for Raman Spectroscopic Applications
Crystals, Vol. 9, Pages 176: Deep Etched Gallium Nitride Waveguide for Raman Spectroscopic Applications Crystals doi: 10.3390/cryst9030176 Authors: Yu-Li Hsieh Wen-Shao Chen Liann-Be Chang Lee Chow Samuel Borges Alfons Schulte Shiang-Fu Huang Ming-Jer Jeng Chih-Jen Yu Gallium nitride (GaN) materials with a high chemical stability and biocompatibility are well suited for bio-sensing applications and evanescent wave spectroscopy. However, GaN poses challenges for...
MDPI Publishing
Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 1256: Effect of Process Parameters on the Generated Surface Roughness of Down-Facing Surfaces in Selective Laser Melting
Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 1256: Effect of Process Parameters on the Generated Surface Roughness of Down-Facing Surfaces in Selective Laser Melting Applied Sciences doi: 10.3390/app9061256 Authors: Amal Charles Ahmed Elkaseer Lore Thijs Veit Hagenmeyer Steffen Scholz Additive manufacturing provides a number of benefits in terms of infinite freedom to design complex parts and reduced lead-times while globally reducing the size of supply chains as it brings all production...
MDPI Publishing
Coatings, Vol. 9, Pages 212: Sol-Gel and Electrospinning Synthesis of Lithium Niobate-Silica Nanofibers
Coatings, Vol. 9, Pages 212: Sol-Gel and Electrospinning Synthesis of Lithium Niobate-Silica Nanofibers Coatings doi: 10.3390/coatings9030212 Authors: Jesús Alberto Garibay-Alvarado Rurik Farías Simón Yobanny Reyes-López Lithium niobate-silica fibers were produced by the combination of the sol-gel method and the electrospinning technique. Two sol-gel solutions starting from niobium-lithium ethoxide and tetraethyl orthosilicate were prepared and then mixed with polyvinylpyrrolidone;...
MDPI Publishing
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1498: The Role of Tyrosine Phosphorylation of Protein Kinase C Delta in Infection and Inflammation
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 1498: The Role of Tyrosine Phosphorylation of Protein Kinase C Delta in Infection and Inflammation International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20061498 Authors: Qingliang Yang Jordan C. Langston Yuan Tang Mohammad F. Kiani Laurie E. Kilpatrick Protein Kinase C (PKC) is a family composed of phospholipid-dependent serine/threonine kinases that are master regulators of inflammatory signaling. The activity of different PKCs is context-sensitive...
MDPI Publishing

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