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Πέμπτη 28 Μαρτίου 2019


Obstetric intra‐operative cell salvage: a review of an established cell salvage service with 1170 re‐infused cases
SummaryThe use of cell salvage during caesarean section has been increasing steadily, although there are concerns relating to cost, a perceived risk of amniotic fluid embolism, and fetal red cell sensitisation. We present observational data from almost a decade of use of intra‐operative cell salvage in obstetrics. By the end of this period, we set up cell salvage collection for > 98% of all caesarean sections. From 2008 to 2017, 1170 women have had a re‐infusion of cell salvaged blood...
Mon Mar 25, 2019 18:39
Cardiac output monitoring with thermodilution pulse‐contour analysis vs. non‐invasive pulse‐contour analysis
SummaryIntravenous fluid boluses guided by changes in stroke volume improve some outcomes after major surgery, but invasive measurments may limit use. From October 2016 to May 2018, we compared the agreement and trending ability of a photoplethysmographic device (Clearsight) with a PiCCO, calibrated by thermodilution, for haemodynamic variables in 20 adults undergoing major elective surgery. We analysed 4519 measurement pairs, including before and after 68 boluses of 250 ml crystalloid. The...
Tue Mar 19, 2019 13:08
'Humanware': the human in the system
Mon Mar 18, 2019 20:27
Mathematical model of the risk of drug error during anaesthesia: the influence of drug choices, injection routes, operation duration and fatigue
SummaryThe incidence of an anaesthetic drug error can be directly observed in large trials. In an alternative approach, we developed a probabilistic mathematical model in which the anaesthetist is modelled as a 'fallible entity' who makes repeated drug administration choices during an operation. This fallibility was factored in the model as an initial 'intrinsic error rate'. The choices faced included: dose; timing of administration; and the routes available for injection (e.g. venous, arterial,...
Mon Mar 18, 2019 20:11
A right to be unconscious
Thu Mar 14, 2019 13:49
Association of perioperative weight-based fluid balance with 30-day mortality and acute kidney injury among patients in the surgical intensive care unit
Abstract Purpose Perioperative positive fluid balance has negative effects on short-term outcomes, such as surgical complications, although the associations with postoperative mortality remain unclear. This study evaluated the associations of perioperative fluid balance (FB) with 30-day mortality and acute kidney injury (AKI) after postoperative intensive care unit (ICU) admission. ...
Latest Results for Journal of Anesthesia
Wed Mar 27, 2019 02:00

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