
Πέμπτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2019

Hypolipidemic effect of Rukshana Upakrama in the management of dyslipidemia – A case study

Hypolipidemic effect of Rukshana Upakrama in the management of dyslipidemia – A case study: Bhavana Patel, Shubhangi B Kamble, Hitesh A Vyas, Mahesh K Vyas, Rajkumar Chinthala

AYU (An international quarterly journal of research in Ayurveda) 2018 39(2):72-75

An elevated total or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels or low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is defined as dyslipidemia which is an important risk factor for coronary artery diseases (CADs) and strokes. It is estimated that abnormal cholesterol levels in the blood lead to cause about 18% of cardio vascular diseases (CVDs) and 56% of the ischemic heart diseases at global level. In comparison with others, South Asians have the highest incidence rate of CADs. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Rukshana Upakrama (a type of management which induces dryness) as one amongst the Shad-Upakrama (six principles of management) and can be considered as the best for the reduction of increased Kapha Dosha, Meda Dhatu (adipose tissue) and their related morbid factors. A 42-year-old female patient visited the OPD of the department of Basic Principles, IPGT and RA, Jamnagar, Gujarat, with the complaints of weight gain, heaviness in the body and lethargy. After investigation, she was diagnosed as a case of dyslipidemia due to abnormality in cholesterol levels. She was treated with Takra-Siddha Yavagu (gruel prepared with buttermilk) and Udvartana (dry powder massage) for 30 days. After completion of treatment, hematological investigations revealed that her serum cholesterol level was decreased to 147 mg/dl from 223 mg/dl and serum LDL was reduced to 91 mg/dl from 153 mg/dl. Her weight also reduced to 82 kgs from 88 kgs. Hence, it can be concluded that Rukshana Upakrama in the form of Takra-Siddha Yavagu and Udvartana is effective in the management of dyslipidemia for normalization of lipid in the blood as it possesses Shoshana (absorption) and Kapha-Medohara (alleviation of vitiated Kapha and Meda) properties.

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